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Academic year: 2023

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Thank you very much for always accompanying me, may Allah bless you and your family. Ali Akbar Jono, M.Pd, Advisor 2: Feny Martina, M.Pd This quasi-experimental study, which will be conducted with eighth grade students at SMPN 26 Seluma during the academic year, aims to study the effect of a short story animated in students' ability to write narrative text.


  • Identification of Problem
  • Limitation of Problem
  • Formulation of Problem
  • Research Object
  • Significances of the Research
  • Definition of the Key Term

Narrative text is one of the forms of writing that high school students must create. This work is likely to be one of the relevant research sources for other researchers.


Definition of Writing Ability

Because writing necessitates the act of selecting and arranging thoughts into a coherent and logical whole, writing is definitely thought-based in this circumstance (Aditiya, 2022). Writing is a productive talent that delivers a message to others via thinking, according to the definitions above.

Teaching Writing in Junior High School

It can be seen from the table of standard competence and basic competence that there are several texts that the students have to learn.

Table 1 standard of competence and  basic
Table 1 standard of competence and basic

Narrative text

General Structure of Narrative Texts Anderson and Anderson demonstrate how to put together a narrative text. Narrative text writing indicators are:. a) understanding the social function of the narrative text, (b) understanding the generic structures of the narrative text, (c) understanding the linguistic features of the narrative text and (d) students should be able to write the narrative text.

Short Animated Stories

According to (Asyidiq et al., 2020), audiovisual media are those that are both auditory and visual, enabling users to hear and see at the same time. The indicators of short animated stories are to understand the plot of the story, know the character of the story, understand the problem of the story and know the moral value of the story.

Conceptual Frame Work

The research instrument was a test: students write a story based on the film according to the teacher's explanation and answer some questions based on the film. The findings showed that using animated films in the classroom helped students improve their narrative writing skills. The purpose of the test was to determine the effectiveness of the animated short story in teaching writing. Normality test analysis of the first posttest data (posttest_1) of experimental students obtained P-value (sig) = 0.200.

Analysis of the normality test of the posttest data for 2 (posttest_2) experimental students obtained a P-value (sig) = 0.097. Analysis of the normality test of 3. posttest data (posttest_3) of experimental students achieved P value (sig) = 0.200. Analysis of the normality test of 4. post-test data (posttest_4) of experimental students achieved P-value (sig) = 0.200.

Based on the output of the test results above, in the t-test column for Equality of Means in the Equal resource. Based on the findings of the impact of an animated short story on a student's ability to write narrative prose, it is clear that the students enjoyed the researcher's teaching. Direction: please write a story about "Legend of Prambanan Temple" in your own words.

Relevant Study

Research Hypothesis

The hypothesis that there is no significant influence of the research topic is known as the null hypothesis (Ho). It is also known as the negative hypothesis or alternative hypothesis (Ha), and it is the hypothesis that says that the research object has some significant influence. Ha: There is a significant effect of short animated stories on students' ability to write narrative texts in class VIII A in SMPN 26 Seluma in the academic year 2021/2022.

Ho: There is no significant effect of animated short stories on students' writing skills. It consists of research design, research setting, population, sample and sampling, and the technique of data collection.

Type and Design of the Research

This research is experimental research as it describes quantitative research in which variables are related to each other. It is also reasonable for the researcher to want to investigate the cause and effect between two variables, with an animated short story as the independent variable and writing education as the dependent variable of an experimental study. is one of the valuable methods to investigate the cause and effect study. The researcher prepares or sets up the short animated story to teach writing. For the students who were examined to answer the writing test, there are two types of experimental research: True Experimental and Quasi-Experimental This research was quasi-experimental because there are some factors that cannot be met in the field. It is difficult to find the field with the perfect condition based on the set criteria. The requirements for the truly experimental are 1 factor that influences the research to be done.

If the research uses people as the subject, they have the same status because there are some influencing factors and the factors are somewhat complicated, so the researcher refers to the choice of quasi-experimental research. Suharsimi Arikunto (2000) defines experimental research as "research that determines whether or not a treatment exists for the condition being studied." According to Sugiyon (2010), two quasi-experimental designs are the time-series design and the nonequivalent control group design. The author uses a time series methodology to investigate the effect of the Discovery Learning paradigm on the writing skills of the students in this study.

The experimental class is given a pretest and a posttest to measure the effectiveness of using paired checks in teaching writing.

Population and Sample

Research Setting

Research Instrument

The research took place over three months. .. see if there is a change in students' writing scores before and after the reverse dass model is applied to language acquisition using the Discovery Learning approach. The test is divided into two parts: a pre-test, which will be taken before the discussion, and a post-test, which will be taken after the survey gives the class discussion.

Data Collection

The interview focused on the implementation of action research in the classroom, as well as their thoughts and suggestions. It was administered at the conclusion of the meeting and served as a comparison between the experimental and control classes. In addition, the recordings can be used to record an interview with the students to learn about their thoughts and feelings about using English animated short stories in the teaching and learning process, especially in writing narrative texts. .

Research Procedure

Since the P-value (sig.) > 0.05 and then H_0 is accepted, it can be concluded that the post-test data of the 2nd student is normally distributed. Since the P-value (sig.) > 0.05 and then H_0 is accepted, it can be concluded that the post-test data of the 3rd student is normally distributed. Based on the output of the above test results, in the t-test for the Equality of Means column at the Equal Variances Assumed source, the probability value (sig) is 0.000 <.

Based on the output of the test results above, in the t-test for the Equality of Means column in the Assumed Equal Variance source, the probability value (sig) is <0.013. Based on the results of posttest-2 and posttest-3 scores, the statistical test of mean difference test was then performed. After that, the students were given the next posttest to see how much the effect of shooting the animated story was on the students' writing skills.

Based on the output of the test results above, in the t-test column for Equality of Means at source Equal Variances assumed, the probability value (sig) is <0.009.

Techniques of Collecting Data

Validity and Reliability

  • Techniques of Analyzing Data

To test the validity of the instrument, the data will be analyzed using IBM Statistics 16. To ensure the reliability of the scores and avoid the researcher's subjectivity, the instrument trial data obtained from the researchers, are analyzed using Cronbach's Alpha formula IBM SPSS Statistics 16for Windows evaluation version in the scale reliability formula to find out the reliability of the instruments used in this study. After the data is collected, the results and instruments (pre-test and post-test) are examined to answer the research questions.

The normality of the data will first be tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test in SPSS 16. Usually, tests were used to know the normality of the data being analyzed, whether both groups have normal data distribution or not. Shapiro-Wilk test used because the test is based on the correlation between the data and the corresponding normal scores and provides better power than the KS test even after Liliefor's correction".

All data from tests were calculated by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18.0.



The students' narrative writing improved significantly between pre- and post-test, implying that the difference between pre- and post-treatment was 37.7%. Students can use a short animated story to reflect on their work in producing narrative text and. Since this study found the effect of short animated stories, students should be more focused and enjoy the learning process of producing narrative text while using short animated stories.

Efek cerita pendek animasi, guru dapat menunjukkan contoh teks narasi dengan menonton cerita animasi. Meningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks narasi menggunakan video pendek di Sma Negeri 1 Silau Kahean. 6 Menggunakan tekanan dan intonasi kata yang benar 7 Menggunakan ejaan dan tanda baca yang benar 8 Menulis dengan tangan dan jelas dan jelas 9 Menceritakan kembali teks narasi yang telah ditulis. agar didengarkan dengan jelas dan komunikatif 10 Menyajikan teks narasi. sebelumnya telah dijelaskan dengan jelas dan komunikatif.

Pada saat menyalin, siswa diminta membaca setiap kalimat secara lisan untuk lebih memperkuat penguasaan pengucapan dan tekanan kata pada setiap kata.



Menyusun teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk narasi dan narasi serta orang dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. 11 Menyusun teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk narasi dan narasi serta orang dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.


Table 1 standard of competence and  basic
Table 4.1 the description of the pretest-postest data  NO  SISW
Diagram 4.1 Pretest-Posttest Data
Diagram Pretest-Posttest Data


Dokumen terkait

1 Pendahuluan  Guru memberi salam dan menyapa siswa dengan bahasa inggris  Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa  Guru mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mengaitkan pengetahuan