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Academic year: 2023

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IN PROCEDURE TEXT THROUGH MEDIUM SENTENCES APPROACH TO THE TENTH GRADER OF SMK IT BAITUNNUR PUNGGUR. Writing skill in procedure text by jumbled sentences approach at the tenth grade of SMK IT Baitun Nur Punggur''.

Background of the Study

Seeing that problem, the researcher is interested in working to improve students' writing skills in procedural text by using the mixed sentences approach. By rearranging the jumbled sentences into the logical order of a paragraph, students are expected to understand the intended information.

Table of Frequency Students` Score
Table of Frequency Students` Score

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

The Objective

Prior Research

The Measurement of Writing

20-18 Excellent to very good: flowing expression; ideas clearly stated/supported; short; well organized; logical order; coherent. 17-14 Good to average: sufficient range; occasional errors in word/idiom form, choice, usage; but meaning not obscured. 13-10 Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors in word/idiom form, choice, usage; means confused or obscured.

25-22 Excellent to very good: effective complex constructions; some errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions. 21-18 Good to average: effective but simple constructions; minor problems in complex constructions; several errors regarding agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions, but the meaning is rarely obscured 17-11 Fair to Poor: Big problems in the simple. 10-5 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules; dominated b errors; does not communicate; or not enough to evaluate.

5 Excellent to very good: demonstrate mastery of conventions, few spelling errors, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphs. 3 Fair to poor: frequent errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphs, poor handwriting, meaning confused or obscured 2 Very poor: no grasp of conventions,.

The Definition of the Jumbled Sentence Approach

Rearranging jumbled sentences or jumbled words or connecting jumbled sentence halves seems to be quite popular with younger learners. It is up to you to match this no and rearrange the sentences so that they make sense logically.25. Rearranging Jumbled Sentences deals with paragraph and jumbled sentence questions and the order of the given phrases or sentences.

For this they should read all the sentences and try to get the theme indicated. This type of test assesses students' ability to understand the logical pattern, thematic unity, and evaluation of ideas in a paragraph. 28. The use of blended sentence approaches for the effectiveness of writing learning has been one of the most popular ways to teach English.

Mixed sentences must be delivered carefully, and it is hoped that this study will shed some light on how teachers make these choices. From the definition above, the author concludes that mixed sentences approach is visual aid as their function is.

The Procedure of the Jumbled Sentences Approach as Follows

As students read the sentence, they are constantly thinking, "where does this fit?" what does it say exactly?" then what is going to happen?" they must follow the author's logic in arranging material in general, details, transitions.

The Key for Putting the Jumbled Sentences in Order

Implementation of the Jumbled Sentences Approach in Students' Writing Skills in Procedural Text Writing Skill in Procedural Text.

The Implementation of the Jumbled Sentences Approach in Students Writing Skill in Procedural Text Writing Skill in Procedural Text

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Jumbled Sentence Approach in Teaching Procedure Text Approach in Teaching Procedure Text.

Advantages and Disadvantage of Using the Jumbled Sentence Approach in Teaching Procedure text Approach in Teaching Procedure text

By using jumbled sentences approach, students can improve their writing procedure text at grade ten of SMK IT Baitunnur.

Variable and Operational Definition of Variables

Setting of the Reasearch

The Subject of the Research

Procedure of the Research

Action PLan a. Cycle I

After the completion of the planning, the teaching process was done in the tenth class of SMK IT Baitunnur. Based on the observation, the researcher can determine if there was something that the researcher needs to improve soon so that the action can achieve the goal required by the researcher. In this step, the researcher observed the teaching learning process using the form of observation.

Through reflection, the researcher analyzes and discusses the outcome while teaching learning, such as the weakness and strength of the researcher and the students while teaching the learning process. In this step, the researcher observes the learning process by using the observation method to collect the data in Action Plan II. It is important for the researcher to develop the writing skills of the tenth graders at the SMK IT Baitunnur by applying the jumbled sentence rearrangement approach.

By applying this approach, it was expected to solve students' problems in teaching learning process of writing skill. In carrying out the research, the researcher will collaborate with the real English teacher of SMK IT Baitunnur as observer and collaborator.

Data Collecting Methode

  • Test
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • The Field Note

The purpose of the observation was to explain the situation being investigated: activities, people or individuals were involved in an activity and the relationships between them. The researcher used this method to get data about the history of the school, total teachers, employed officials and students in SMK IT Baitunnur. To collect the data more accurately, the researcher used field notes to make it easier to analyze the data.

In many professions it was good practice to take field notes while you were actually working on a profession. After setting the data from the pre-test and post-test result, the researcher will analyze the database for the limitation of the problem and the purpose of the research. In this study, the researcher uses a very simple statistical formula to compare the result of the pre-test and the post-test.

In order to know the result, the researcher will also compare between pretest and posttest. Then the researcher uses observation to know students activities and involvement of students writing procedure text through jumbled sentences approach during teaching learning process.

The Indicator of Success

Description of the Research Location

The History of SMK IT Baitunnur Punggur

The Condition of Teacher

The Quantity of SMK ITBaitunnurPunggur

Description of the Research

Cycle I a. Planning

Furthermore, the researcher made an observation sheet consisting of a list of students' . name and list the students' activities that will be observed during the teaching-learning process. The meeting was started by praying: At the beginning of the teaching-learning process, the researcher greeted the students and then the researcher checked the students' attendance list and gave motivation in the material to be taught. The motivation gave the students spirit, cheered them up and made the students more interested in the material.

In exploration, the researcher asked and answered the question about the material to be learned. The students had sufficient knowledge, they were marked by each other's answers to the researcher's questions. After the researcher has given the example of jumbled sentences, the teacher gives an example of jumbled sentences about daily activities and then the students to sort the sentence is about daily activities.

In this session, students were more active in following the teaching learning process because they enjoyed following the learning process. The students had to answer the questions that are consists of quation that was given in 40 minutes.

Table of the result Score of Students’ Writing Post Test 1  No  Students’
Table of the result Score of Students’ Writing Post Test 1 No Students’


Cycle II

In planning the 2nd cycle, the researcher and the collaborator discussed some of the problems that arose in the 1st cycle. Therefore, in this step, the researcher would prepare the curriculum, the material that would be used in teaching the learning process. This means that the time is up and the researcher has finished the lesson and reminded the students to study the procedure text again.

Based on the problem faced in the first cycle, the researcher made a lesson plan focusing on it, she also prepared observation sheets of the student. Then the researcher gave post-test cycle 2 with the similar task on post-test cycle 1 before. Source: Result of writing post test 2 in X class of SMK IT Baitunnur Punggur 1 on 31 July 2018.

There were some observations that had been made such as; observation of the activities of the students, and observation of the result of the evaluation. The observation is done by the researcher who is presented in meeting II in cycle 2.



  • Action and Learning Result in Cycle I and Cycle II

There was an improvement in pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 scores of students in Cycle I and Cycle II.


  • Discussion

From the improvement in each cycle, it can be concluded that using the jumbled sentence approach can improve students. It means that the students can achieve the target, the target is 75% that the students can get the score ≥70. There was an improvement in students scoring up to standard from pre-test to post-test 1 and from post-test 1 to post-test 2.

Based on the pre-test and post-test results, it could be seen that the jumbled-sentence approach could significantly improve the writing skills of the students compared to the average of the students before and after the treatment. Based on the above explanation, the researcher concluded that the research was successful because the result score of the students had achieved the success indicator of 75% with the MMC was 70. Based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it could be concluded that the use of jumbled sentences could improve the students' writing skills in procedural texts.

In this case, 10th grade students of SMK IT Baitunnur Punggur have low skill in text writing process. The reason the researcher chose the jumbled sentence approach was the jumbled sentence approach was an effective approach for students who need to be taught how to plan and organize ideas or supporting information before making a composition, and students understand the logical pattern, thematic unity, and evaluation of ideas in a paragraph so that they could improve their writing skill.


Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Tujuan Pembelajara

Materi Pembelajaran

  • Fungsi Sosial
  • Struktur Teks
  • Unsur Kebahasaan

Generalized person is "you", but with implicit (add salt and grind all spices (This means that the subject is "you", so it is not really important to be written).

Metode Pembelajaran

Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

  • Media : Gambar, LCD, Laptop, students` work sheet, Buku
  • Alat : board marker,

Langkah-langkah pembelajaran 1. Pendahuluan

Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis frasa, kalimat yang diperlukan untuk menulis teks prosedur. Guru meminta setiap kelompok secara berpasangan untuk menyusun kembali teks prosedur yang urutannya tidak tepat. Siswa menyusun kembali teks prosedur secara berpasangan dengan kelompok dan menjadi satu kesatuan susunan.

Bersama dengan guru, siswa meninjau retorika, kosa kata dan tata bahasa yang berkaitan dengan teks prosedur. Di daftar kontak, cari nama orang yang ingin Anda panggil atau 5.


Table of Frequency Students` Score
Table of the result Score of Students’ Writing Post Test 1  No  Students’


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