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an undergraduate thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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THE INFLUENCE OF THE USE OF THE MNEMONIC METHOD ON STUDENTS' ACQUISITION OF VOCABULARY IN THE 10TH GRADE STUDENTS ŠM N 01 PUNGGUR. This research aims to determine the description of the impact of the use of the mnemonic method on vocabulary mastery among tenth graders of GŠM N 01 Punggur in the academic year 2018/2019. It was an experimental research conducted in the form of True Experimental Design. The population of this research was the students of SMA N 01 Punggur in the academic year was about ±945 students which consists of tenth to twelfth grade.

Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cluster random; akhirnya ditemukan siswa kelas X SMA N 01 Punggur sebagai sampel sebenarnya. Artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan metode Mnemonic terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas X SMA N 01 Punggur tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode mnemonik terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas X SMA N 01 Punggur tahun pelajaran 2018/2019.

Background Of Study

In this case, the researcher sought to study the influence of using the mnemonic method on the students of vocabulary mastery in the tenth graders of SMA Negeri 01 Punggur in the academic year 2018/2019. The students are also difficult to convey their ideas because of their limited vocabulary. On the other hand, some students have no self-confidence to use their vocabulary, and after an interview, the researcher found some examples of teaching English, especially on vocabulary mastery, the teacher found it difficult to teach his student because of many factors and one of them.

Therefore, the researcher would investigate whether there is an Impact of Using Mnemonic Method on Vocabulary Students. Teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia is not as simple as teaching English as a second language, so the teacher should motivate students to learn English in interesting and fun ways, this is because if students are interested, they would have a motivation to learn English. The researcher hypothesized that if students are strongly motivated, the English learning process would be more effective and affect their learning outcome.

Problem Identification

While every student gets the same treatment when teaching learning activities, most of them have different learning outcomes.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

The Benefit of Study a. For students

The method can be used as an alternative method to learn English to teach the students.

Prior Research

Boosting comprehension

Improving achievement

Enhancing thinking and communication

Teachers could emphasize the importance of vocabulary in early school and continue to provide opportunities for students to develop vocabulary skills.

The concept of vocabulary mastery

13Mofareh Alqahtani, "The importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught", International Journal of Teaching and Education, Saudi Arabia, 2004, p.2. 15 Aisyarani,"The vocabulary Mastery of the eleventh grade students taught by using animation video", Kudus, 2014, P.13. The classification of the students' skill in vocabulary mastery is described in the section below:16.

The student is consistently able to identify, describe and give examples of .. different parts of speech. If the new word is "exploration", the student can come up with this mental picture "A scientist is using special drills for oil exploration" by associating it with the picture of a scientist. 24 Ina Rosdiana, "The effectiveness of mnemonic devices in the vocabulary learning process (A pre-experimental study in the fifth grade of Sdn Babakan 1)", Jakarta, 2009, p.21.


The influence of the use of Mnemonic method on the students of vocabulary mastery in tenth grade students. Based on the paradigm above, the researcher assumed that the use of the mnemonic method and the rater of students are high, so there are significant mnemonic methods that are effective in influencing students'. Furthermore, if the use of the mnemonic method and the grade of students is low, so that the mnemonic method is not affective to improve vocabulary mastery, there is no significant influence of mnemonic method on the student's vocabulary mastery.

If Fo>Ft, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. If Fo

Research Design

After the treatment was performed, the researcher conducted the post-test to know the result of the treatment. If the score of post-test is lower than pre-test, it indicated that the mnemonic method could not be used to influence the vocabulary mastery, but if the score is higher than pre-test, it indicated that the mnemonic method affects the students' vocabulary mastery .

Operational Definition of Variables

  • Independent variable
  • Dependent variable
  • Sample
  • Sampling Technique

The dependent variable is a variable that depends on the independent variable, it is the result or the result of the influence of the independent variable. 31 The dependent variable of this research is vocabulary mastery. Yogesh stated that a population is any group of individuals that have one or more common characteristics that are of interest to the researcher.32 Moreover, population or universe means the entire observation mass, which is the parent group from which a sample will be drawn. . formed. Sampling consists of selecting a portion of the population to observe so that one can estimate something about the entire population.33 The researcher would take the class as the population.

It took from the tenth graders of SMA N 1 PUNGGUR Central Lampung which consists of 33 students. This means that the researcher drew 9 classes to get one class as a sample. From this method, the researcher got the tenth saint five graders, which consists of 33 students as a sample.

Data collection Method




Research instrument

Instrument Blueprint

The instrument that would be used for vocabulary mastery are two tests such as; A pre-test is given before the session to determine how far the students have mastered the vocabulary. In this research, the researcher applied logical validity, logical validity reflexes to a theoretical construct about everything that would be measured.

Instrument Calibration

Data analysis technique

Description of The Research Location

It was subjectively concerned about the state of the school, such as school mission, vision and mission, the number of students, teachers and buildings. one.


The amount of SMAN 01 Punggur students in the academic year 2018/2019 can be identified as follows;.

Description of Research Data c. Pre-test Result

From the above data, it can be concluded that the highest score was 77 and the lowest score was 25. The pretest score of students towards vocabulary mastery in the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 01 Punggur. Further, based on the above frequency distribution table, it can be concluded that out of 33 students as the research sample, only about 1 student had obtained similar or higher score than PBL, which is 77.

In summary, the researcher found out from the result of the pre-test that the students' problem was using ineffective strategy in the teaching learning process. After considering the pretest result of vocabulary mastery, the researcher conducted the treatment of mnemonic method to help the students to remember many vocabulary words. Mind you, the researcher identified the students' difficulty in mastering vocabulary several times and offered a concept problem-based learning strategy to know if there was a positive and significant impact of it.

In addition, after the students in this class were treated with the problem concept-based learning strategy and had already understood, the researcher administered a post-test to measure their memorization vocabulary mastery. Student's post-test result towards mnemonic method in vocabulary mastery in ten graders of SMA Negeri 01 Punggur. Source: Vocabulary Mastery Mnemonic Method Post-Test Results Documentation, collected on October 2, 2018.

From the above data, it could be concluded that the highest scores were 92 and the lowest scores were 67. The result of students' pre-test for the mnemonic method in vocabulary mastery in the tenth graders of SMA Negeri 01 Punggur. Furthermore, based on the frequency distribution table above, it could be deduced that of the 33 students sampled in this study, 2 students achieved a score comparable to or higher than PBL, i.e. 92.

In summary, the post-test result was categorized into the sufficient category, although several students still did not know the mnemonic method in vocabulary mastery, but in general, there was a certain influence that helped students to memorize better.

Table of frequency distribution of students’ post-test result towards  mnemonic method in vocabulary mastery at the tenth graders of SMA
Table of frequency distribution of students’ post-test result towards mnemonic method in vocabulary mastery at the tenth graders of SMA

Hypothesis Testing

Getting the data into the formula of chi-square (x 2 )

Contingency table of expected frequencies of the student's pretest and posttest results. Then, in order to know the critical value of chi square, the researcher first calculated df, which means degrees of freedom. Therefore, the degrees of freedom table values ​​are 7.815 in the 5% degree and 7.815 in the 1% degree.

Getting the data into the formula of t-test

To be known, t_observed was 11.0454 as a result of counting using the t-test formula above. Meanwhile, the critical value of t-test (t_table), the researcher first counted df, df is degree of freedom.



In other words, there was a positive and significant impact of using the mnemonic method on the vocabulary mastery of the students in the tenth graders of SMA N 01 PUNGGUR.”. In fact, using the mnemonic method as an alternative method helped students learn so much of the many vocabulary when learning English. More precisely, there is a positive and significant influence of the use of the mnemonic method on the students' vocabulary mastery after the treatment.

The fact showed that there was a change in the number of students who received lower scores. Finally, the mnemonic method could be a solution for teaching the learning process, especially in vocabulary mastery, as it made the students more active during learning. By using this method, the teaching and learning process was more interesting, fun and enjoyable as it incorporated visual skills and creativity in students so that they could better participate in the learning process.




The Effectiveness of Mnemonic Devices in the Vocabulary Learning Process A Preexperimental Study in the Fifth Grade of Sdn Babakan 1 (Dissertation). The effect of mnemonic technique on vocabulary recall of tenth grade students in SMA N 3 Palangkaraya(dissertation).


Sumber belajar a. Buku yang relevan


Table of frequency distribution of students’ post-test result towards  mnemonic method in vocabulary mastery at the tenth graders of SMA


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