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Academic year: 2023



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Judul Skripsi: USING ALICE IN WONDERLAND ILLUSTRATED VERSION AS NARRATIVE MATERIAL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS. This study aimed to explain that students' reading skills can be improved by using the story Alice in wonderland illustrated version. The research focused on students' reading comprehension using the illustrated version of Alice in Wonderland in class VII MTs Muhammadiyah Tallo.

Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pemahaman membaca siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran menggunakan versi ilustrasi Alice in Wonderland. Artinya penggunaan versi ilustrasi dalam Alice in Wonderland dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bahwa keterampilan membaca siswa dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan cerita Alice in Wonderland Illustrated Version.

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework ................................................................25
Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework ................................................................25


  • The Research Problem
  • Research Objectives
  • Significance of the Research
  • The Scope of the Research

Therefore, the researcher wants to help students of MTs Muhammadiyah Tallo improve their reading comprehension by using the illustrated version of the reading text. In this case, the researcher will focus on what will be studied, which is "the use of the illustrated version of the Alice in Wonderland story as narrative material to improve students' reading comprehension." This study is primarily intended to determine whether there are significant differences before and after teaching the use of the illustrated version of Alice in Wonderland as a narrative material to improve students' reading comprehension.

This research is expected to provide a good understanding about using the illustrated version of Alice in Wonderland as narrative material to improve students' reading comprehension. For teachers, this research will provide information about using the Illustrated Version of Alice in Wonderland as narrative material to improve students' reading comprehension. The researcher focuses on the use of the illustrated version of Alice in Wonderland as narrative material.


The Concept of Reading

The reading product is the result of the reading process, which is an understanding of the reading content. Regarding the explanation of reading above, it can be concluded that an author's ideas are a cognitive process through interpretation, which is influenced by the reading process, which is the background of language, cultural framework and previous experiences. The main purpose of reading is as a tool to find information in the reading text, but sometimes the readers also do not understand what the reading is because they are not aware of the meaning of the reading, as we know that one source of information is in the book.

In relation to this, Clark (2015) argues that the purpose of reading in class should be the same as real life. Indriati (2019) said that reading aloud, reading silently and reading correctly are among the different classes of reading. The speed of reading stories aims to improve students' skills, it will be very important for students because the type of reading with the reading speed also depends on the type of story or narrative that is chosen, there will be a significant difference between speed reading and read be scientific material.

The Concept of Reading Comprehension

According to the above explanation, it is concluded that reading comprehension is the ability to read to understand the meaning of the text. The essence of reading comprehension is understanding all the information provided by the author, so by reading we gain greater insight into our knowledge in understanding the content of the reading. Main idea: With the help of the children, determine the central theme of the selection.

In this strategy, readers activate their background knowledge and apply it to help them understand what they are reading. Instead, they provide information that readers can use to read by making inferences that integrate information from the text with their prior knowledge. In this strategy, the reader is able to draw significant benefits from the textual content with the help of extended guesses.

The Concept of Comprehension

Sometimes an information or concept is not explicitly stated in a text, so the reader has to go through the process of inferring beyond the literal meaning. The reader must be an active reader who questions, searches for facts, and suspends judgment until he or she has considered all the material. Comprehension is the ability to understand and make sense of spoken and written language (National Institute for Literacy [NIFL], 2001).

Broadly, as cited in Pourhusein (2016) according to RAND Reading Study Group (2002), comprehension is the process of eliciting and making meaning through interactions and engagement with written language. Regarding the explanation above, it can be concluded that understanding is a process of connecting new information in the text with information known to the reader. It is the procedure to derive thoughts that can be implied rather than without delay stated.

The Concept of Narrative Text

Anderson and Anderson stated that narrative text is a generic structure consisting of orientation, complication, sequence of events, resolution and coda. Orientation: The reader is introduced to the main character and possibly some minor characters, where the people, the setting and the time of the story are set in the introduction. Solution: This section is the end of the story, which is a solution to the problem that occurred.

In this section there are some solutions in the form of other problems to solve. Reorientation : Reorientation, which is an optional closure, Anderson uses the graphic organizer method to teach high school narrative text by Dwi Noviansari. In terms of explaining the generic structure, it shows that there are several structures in the narrative that need to be considered because to build the characteristics of a narrative there must be an opening paragraph to introduce the narrative subject.

The Concept of Illustrated Version

It was intentionally created by the author to increase and maintain interest and excitement for the reader. -orientation: Reorientation, which is an optional closing, Anderson uses the graphic organizer method to teach narrative text in middle school by Dwi Noviansari. The illustration feature has a lot of explanations that we dig into and dig out all the information to help us understand the implied meaning of an article.

One of the most common examples that make readers curious about the content of the story or the information in a text is a magazine or book. For example, cells or cross-sections of leaves that we cannot see with the naked eye will be clearly presented in the form of images.

Conceptual Framework


Research Design

Population and Sample

Research Variables

Instrument of the Research

Tingkat pencapaian fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang (a) kemampuan dan (b) kesiapan melakukan suatu tindakan dan tanggapan. Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi sosial menyebutkan dan menanyakan letak orang, benda, dan hewan dalam jumlah banyak. Bersama-sama, siswa mencoba menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan menanyakan keberadaan orang, benda, dan hewan.

Siswa hendaknya meniru kebiasaan ini dengan menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang tindakan/kejadian yang sedang terjadi. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa menentukan ciri-ciri (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan) interaksi, menyebutkan dan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang terjadi. Bersama-sama, siswa mencoba menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang terjadi.

Siswa mendiskusikan masalah yang mereka alami ketika menggunakan bahasa Inggris ketika menyebutkan nama dan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang terjadi. Teks lisan dan tulis yang menanyakan dan menanyakan tentang (a) hubungan sebab-akibat dan (b) hubungan terbalik. Tingkat kelengkapan dan konsistensi dalam menyatakan dan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang (a) hubungan sebab akibat dan (b) hubungan terbalik.

Siswa mendiskusikan permasalahan yang ditemui dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang (a) hubungan sebab akibat dan (b) hubungan terbalik dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal pembelajaran sederhana berbahasa Indonesia. Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi sosial menyebutkan dan meminta perbandingan jumlah dan ciri-ciri manusia, hewan, dan benda. Tingkat pencapaian fungsi sosial menyebutkan dan menanyakan tindakan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi pada masa lalu.

Siswa mendiskusikan kesulitan yang mereka alami dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi di masa lalu dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal pembelajaran sederhana.

Procedure of Research

Data Analysis

In the analysis of the data, the researcher applied a few steps as follows: In the analysis of the data, the researcher applied a few steps as follows: Scoring of the students' answer: 1. In order to make the raw scores more meaningful to be, they must be converted to numerical data, which has been processed into the scale of 0 to 100. If all the students' scores are ranked from high to low, it will be easier to determine the position of a student in his/her know her group.

To find the percentage increase in students' reading comprehension of the illustrated version of Alice in Wonderland as narrative material using SPSS.



Siswa mendengarkan dan melihat banyak contoh interaksi dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tindakan/peristiwa yang terjadi/terjadi. Tingkat pencapaian fungsi sosial menyebutkan dan menanyakan tindakan/peristiwa yang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat itu. Siswa diharapkan meniru kebiasaan tersebut dengan menyatakan dan bertanya tentang (a) hubungan sebab akibat dan (b) hubungan terbalik, dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya.

Siswa membandingkan ungkapan penyebutan dan pertanyaan untuk (a) hubungan sebab-akibat dan (b) hubungan berlawanan yang telah dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber yang disebutkan di atas. Mengamati tindakan siswa dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang (a) hubungan sebab-akibat dan (b) hubungan yang berlawanan, bila ada kesempatan, di dalam dan di luar kelas. Siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris setiap kali ada kesempatan untuk menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang (a) hubungan sebab akibat dan (b) hubungan terbalik, di dalam dan di luar kelas, dengan unsur bahasa yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya.

Siswa diminta meniru kebiasaan tersebut dengan menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang membandingkan jumlah dan ciri-ciri orang. Siswa mendiskusikan permasalahan yang ditemuinya dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang perbandingan bilangan dan ciri-ciri orang, hewan, benda dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal pembelajaran sederhana. Siswa diminta meniru kebiasaan tersebut dengan menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang pernah dilakukan/terjadi di masa lalu, dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan.

Dengan bimbingan dan bimbingan guru, siswa menentukan ciri-ciri (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan) interaksi, menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang terjadi/terjadi di masa lalu. Siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris setiap kali ada kesempatan untuk menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang pernah dilakukan/terjadi di masa lalu, di dalam dan di luar kelas, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya. Mengamati tindakan siswa dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan bertanya tentang kegiatan, peristiwa dan fenomena ketika ada kesempatan, di dalam dan di luar kelas.




Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework ................................................................25
Figure 1.1 : Table of  Conceptual


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