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Percentage of Errors in Stative Verb at the Tenth Graders of MAN 1

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Research Questions

As one of the considerations to improve students' fixed verb mastery in their writing skills. For convenience, in this chapter we refer to 'the action' expressed by verbs rather than 'the action or state'. Student errors in the target language become one of the topics to be discussed among researchers.

Errors of omission where an element is omitted which should be present” The student omits the article which should appear in the correct pronunciation. This is because the learner still has limited vocabulary that is used in sentences. The vision of MAN 1 Metro is "The realization of MAN 1 Metro, which is well-established in imtaq, excels in science and technology, and has an environmental perspective."

The writer noticed the disadvantage of the student's mistakes that add certain parts of the sentence. This sentence demonstrates that the student made an addition error by adding a word that has a moderate meaning.

Objective and Benefit of Study

Prior Research

The first previous research was done by Yosuhiro Shirai, the researcher's title of "On the overgeneralization of progressive marking on stative verse : bioprogram or input?". In addition, both the study analyzes the same topic which is stative verb mastery with the progressive aspect in students. The second previous research was done by Nina Freund in the researcher title of "Recent Change in the Use of Statative Verbs in the Progressive Form in British English: I'm loving it".

Furthermore, the second previous research uses qualitative method and samples taken from University LL Wizard.4. Both the studies use qualitative research method and have a topic about stative verb and progressive aspect. The third previous research used sample from Department of English, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan, while the study used sample of eight degree students from MAN 1 Metro and both have different topics.

On the third prior research focus on staff verb and progressive in linguistic while the study focuses on staff verb in student writing. Acceptability of Stative verb in progressive form within language context” International Journal of English Linguistics.


  • The Nature of Verb
  • The Concept of Error
  • Definition of Error Analysis
  • Differences Between Error And Mistake
  • Cause of Error
  • Type of Error

Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that a staff verb is a verb that describes a state of mind or a state of being. They typically relate to thoughts, emotion, relationship, feeling, state, and measurements.14 Most stative verbs cannot be used in the progressive aspect because the function of stative verbs is to describe a state of affairs without performing a action; .. when a condition is described, there is no mention of physical activities. Accroding to Corder error is part of the systematic study of the language of the teachers, which in itself is necessary for a good understanding of the.

In this case, the student has learned the right of the language, sometimes the students get it right, but sometimes he makes a mistake and uses the wrong form.23 It means that mistakes caused by lack of knowledge about the major language (English ) or by incorrect hypotheses about it; and errors caused by temporary amnesia, confusion, slips of the tongue and so on. One of the strategies to prevent the student from making the same mistake again is to look at the causes of the mistake itself. From the above explanation, it can be seen that error analysis is a way of looking at errors made by the target language learners, as a source of information for the teacher, which in turn helps them correct the errors made by the students, and improves the effectiveness of their teaching.

Classification of errors The grouping of errors that were found and the declaration of the number of errors. Remove grammatical morphemes are more complex, for example in the use of tenses, the student must be aware of the correct addition of the verb ending (-ed,-ing,-s).


  • Data Resources
  • Data Collecting Technique
    • Observation
    • Documentation
    • Field Note
  • Data Analysis Technique
  • Research Approach

Qualitative research typically follows an inductive process.29 This means that the data collection taken from process analysis data becomes theory or interpretations. The data is required in a research work to serve the raw material used in the production of data. Qualitative researchers also have a toolbox of data collection techniques, including in-depth interviewing, participant observation and document analysis.32 The researcher in this research uses document to collect the data.

During data collection, the writer collects the results of student writing to analyze and identify the use of ellipsis in recount text. In this research, the author uses three techniques to collect the data: observation, documentation, and field notes. Qualitative researchers can use written documents or other artifacts to gain insight into the phenomenon being studied.34 In this study, the author uses the document technique to collect the data.

In field notes, qualitative researchers record in-depth descriptive details of people (including themselves), places, things, and events, as well as reflections on the data, patterns, and research process.36 In this study, the writer will use field notes. to record the phenomena that occur in the tenth grade in MAN 1 Metro regarding the stative verb. The writer must organize and categorize or code the large amount of data so that it can be described and interpreted. The writer would apply the Miles and Huberman model to analyze the data.37 The components of this analysis model are presented in this figure.

In this research, the writer uses six steps in the research process, as follows:39. The writer can learn how to locate journal articles and books in an academic library, access computerized databases, select and evaluate the quality of research on your topic, and summarize it in a summary. To get these answers, the writer engages in the step of gathering or gathering data.

During or immediately after data collection, the writer must understand the information provided by individuals in the study. Analysis consists of "breaking the data apart" to determine individual responses and then "putting it together" to summarize them. After conducting the research, the writer will prepare a written report and distribute it to selected target groups (such as fellow teachers, administrators, parents, students) who can use the information.

Figure II.  Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model
Figure II. Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model

Description of MAN 1 Metro



  • Data Collection
  • Data Reduction
  • Total Error of Using Stative Verbs in Descriptive Text

The following table illustrates the mistakes students made in their student writing. The most common errors found when using the static verb to be were 7 errors, verbs of senses 2 errors, verbs of feeling and emotions 1 error, relative verbs 0 errors because the writer did not find the verbs in the descriptive text result. Therefore, the writer classified these mistakes into eight types, namely verbs of senses, verbs of feelings and emotions, verbs of attitude, verbs of thought, verbs of attitudes, possessive verb, linking verb and to be.

The writer found no errors in the verbs in relation to the students' descriptive text because the students do not use the verb it as a complement to their descriptive text. The writer found no verb errors in the students' descriptive text is the result because the students do not use the verb it as a complement to their descriptive text. This sentence proves that the student made a mistake in the sentence because there are two subjects in the sentence.

In teaching writing in high school, especially the tenth grade students of MAN 1 Metro Lampung, based on the back survey there have been some problems as the students still have some mistakes. Whereas, students should know how to use the correct forms of using the verb in sentences, because it was one of the important things to support their writing ability. It has been revealed that there were some errors which were found in the descriptive text of the students.

These errors were divided into eight kinds, namely: verbs of the senses, verbs of feeling and emotions, verbs of attitude, mental verbs, relational verbs, possessive verbs, linking verbs, and to be. The students have a low desire to learn English, especially in written material, on the other hand, they have difficulty in mastering grammar, vocabulary, writing mechanism, developing ideas from writing topics, and they also do not understand the types of verb according to their users in a sentence. Based on the result of the data analysis, it proves that students' writing needs to be improved, not only in students' ability to find the appropriate verb in sentence, but also their understanding of the type of verb corresponding to the subject used. .

Based on the result of the data analysis, the author would like to draw the conclusion as follows: Most of the students in grade ten of MAN 1 Metro committed the single stative verb errors. The English teacher must motivate so that the students can be more active in the English learning process by helping them b. The English teacher gives suggestions in order to increase the students' ability in writing descriptive text performance 3.

The students should increase knowledge about grammar more to have good writing descriptive text performance. The students are suggested to improve their mastery in grammar (verb) and their writing descriptive text performance.


Figure II.  Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model


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In other words, the male students tend to use the hedges to express the certainty because the male mostly produced the hedges of modal auxiliary verb. The male participants probably