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Speaking Ability. Thesis, English Education Department


Academic year: 2023

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The teacher explained that the competence of students in the twelfth grade is very low in learning to speak. So the teacher hopes that the researcher will be able to offer a good technique for the twelfth grade students.8 There are some problems that caused the student's competence to decrease. From the background of the above study, problems can be identified such as: Is there any significant difference in students' speaking ability before and after the use of chain narration technique in the twelfth grade students of MA Al-Ishlah Bungkal in the academic year 2015/2016.

Advantages of Storytelling

Educational stories are usually told by the teachers to convey certain values ​​or information to the students. The use of stories in education appears to be most useful in language learning, with emotional aspects, and in encouraging students to share personal experiences.


In this way, the teacher will not only appeal to the students' speaking skills, but also attract the attention of the class. In addition, students can interview each other and 'introduce' his or her partner to the class. Students are asked to tell the story that unfolds in the successive images by paying attention to the criteria given by the teacher as a rubric.

Teaching Speaking

Principles for Teaching Speaking

This section will examine three principles that are most important for teaching speaking to secondary students. This section will review important principles for teaching speaking to beginners, pseudo-beginners, and intermediate students.

Previous Study

For the control group, the highest and lowest scores were 78 and 45 with a mean score of 51.59. Sri Sofiati's research concludes that the use of chain story can improve students' ability in writing recount text. This previous study, the researcher knows that the chain story was used in writing the narrative text.

In this case, the researcher is trying to use the chain story telling technique on speaking ability in the same experimental research. In addition, there was also a previous research conducted by Rima Novia Ulva entitled “Improving speaking ability through storytelling for tenth grade students of MA AL-Mawaddah Ponorogo during academic years. This research takes place in three cycles, the researcher got the data that the students were challenged to carry out the activities and the result is the students. the average score rose by 9 points from 66 to 75.

The highest score remained at 90 until the last cycle, and the lowest score increased from 50 to 70.

Theoretical Framework


Research Design

These variables can in turn be measured, usually on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures. Based on the above design, the sample of the study was first pre-tested to determine the students' performance. They then receive a treatment (taught using the chain storytelling technique) and are tested afterwards.

Population and Sample 1. Population

The selected sample was twelfth A which consists of 18 students who are 6 male and 12 female in MA AL-ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/2016.

Data Collection Instrument

Teaching speaking ability to the Students Twelfth grade Students of MA Al-ishlah in Academic year 2015/2016. The students can understand the story and are able to communicate their understanding to their friends in terms of fluency in their speaking, accuracy in their speaking, provide good pronunciation and cover the content in depth. From the above explained, the researcher uses test to get the data and the test is based on syllabus for this grade.

Oleh karena itu, standar kompetensi dan keterampilan berbicara berdasarkan objek penelitian diuraikan secara jelas untuk membantu peneliti dalam merancang instrumen pengumpulan data. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narasi, penjelasan, dan diskusi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan karangan narasi, penjelasan, dan pembahasan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek formal dan informal, akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari (teks pengumuman). Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retoris dalam karangan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam ragam bahasa tulis dalam teks berbentuk: cerita, penjelasan, dan pembahasan.

Table 3.1 Indicator Variable
Table 3.1 Indicator Variable

Technique of Data Collection

Documentation is a kind of important technique to get data about everything or variables which are in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, journals, meetings and results, ledger.38 In this researcher, documentation is used to get some data about students Students' English performance of the twelfth grade of MA Al-ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo in the academic year 2015/1016. The data covers the aspects of fluency, accuracy, content, pronunciation assistance in this study, the test takes place in several steps. The researcher prepares a group member to make a narrative text of the story and practice the chain storytelling technique.

Reliability is the degree of consistency with which it measures whatever it is measuring.39 It is a measure of the accuracy, consistency, reliability, or fairness of scores that result from the administration of a particular survey. In this research, the author will count the reliability of fluency, accuracy and content and pronunciation tests. The validity of a test as the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure and nothing else.

According to H Douglas Brown, validity is the degree to which the test actually measures what it is intended to measure.41 Validity is the most important consideration in the development and evaluation of measurement instruments.42 In this research, the writer counts the validity of fluency, ie. accuracy and content and pronunciation tests. To test the validity of the instrument in this research, the researcher used a type of construct validity for the variable in this research relates to phenomena and abstract objects, but the symptoms can be observed and measured. The result test of validity presents the value of the reliability coefficient of the speaking test is 0.458 and it categorized in.

Table 3.3 The indicator of reliability
Table 3.3 The indicator of reliability

Technique of Data Analysis

Hypothesis Testing


General Finding

Implement learning, actively supervise it, so that every student can learn optimally in accordance with his potential. Promote the appreciation of education and the religion of Islam, Al-Qur'an Hadits and Ahlussunah walJama'ah as a source of wisdom in every action and provide religious insight Ahlussunah WalJama'ah. Implementation of management by involving the participant of the whole society and the management of the school.

Encourage and guide the students to practice their religion in an orderly manner, akhlaqulkarimah and implement syati'at Islamic Ahlussunah WalJama'ah. It consists of 29 students for X class, 25 students for XI class, 18 students for XIIA class and 19 students for XIIB. Facilities and infrastructure are a part that partly determines the success of the learning process.

In issue; The facilities and infrastructure of MA AL-ishlah Bungkal Ponorogo consist of classrooms, library, office, mosque, UKS, multimedia laboratory, etc. In an educational institution, it is necessary to facilitate the structuring of the school organization for the division of duties in the organization.

Table 4.1 Data Infrastructure
Table 4.1 Data Infrastructure

Specific Finding

  • Time of Research
  • Procedure of the Research
  • The Result of Score Validitas and Reliabilitas
  • The Result of Pre Test
  • The Result of Post Test

In the post-test it is explained in a lot of detail, because in the post-test the researcher gives explained before practicing in the Chain Story. The steps in the first post-test, the researcher explained well to all the students about Chain Story. Then the researcher asks the students to form a small group and discuss about the topic from the researcher.

The last students practice in class the same as in the pre-test, but in the post-test the students understand more and have better results. Research data presented in table 3.1 data tabulation consisting of four columns. The researcher used the chain story technique to recall the word and share the story with other groups using chain story.

From this categorization, it can be seen that the result of the students' speech showed that 22.3% in the good category, 61.0%. The researcher used the chain story technique to recall the word and share the story with other groups with the chain story technique used. Based on the data obtained from an oral test for 18 students, it turns out that the highest score was 92 and the lowest was 80.

From this categorization, it can be seen that the result of the students' speaking has shown that 27.7% in the good category, 50% in the middle category and 22.3% in the low category.

Table 4.2  The Result of the Students’ Pre -Test and Post  Test of Chain Storytelling Technique
Table 4.2 The Result of the Students’ Pre -Test and Post Test of Chain Storytelling Technique

Data Analysis

  • Assumption Test Analysis

If the value of rxy is greater than the value of rtable, it indicates that the entry is valid. The table above shows that 4 items of the speaking test were valid because the value in Xtotal coulom is greater than the value of rtable (0.482). The table above shows that 4 items of the speaking test were valid because the value in Xtotal column is greater than the value of rtable 0.482.

The test criteria used to measure the reliability of the population of this research is H0 is not rejected if asyimp-sig (2-tailed)> than alpha is established (5%). Table 3.3 shows the value of the reliability coefficient for the pronunciation test is 0.548 and is categorized as sufficient. Based on calculation using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and calculation using SPSS 16.0 program, the test result is explained in Table 4.9.

Referring to table 4.9 above, it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed. In the Kolmogorov-Smirnov column, we can see that the significant value for the chain narrative technique is 0.200. Moreover, the result of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov column of the students' speaking ability in the following table showed 0.180, it means that the data of the students'.

From both the pre-test and post-test tables, the researcher compares the mean score of the students' speaking ability before teaching using the chain story telling technique (X) and the student's.

Table 4.11 the result of validity by SPSS calculation
Table 4.11 the result of validity by SPSS calculation




Therefore, researchers should give a good model or technique and always motivate students to improve and develop in their speaking. The teacher should develop the use of chain storytelling technique more effectively in order to increase the students' speaking ability.


Table 3.1 Indicator Variable
Table 3.2 Oral Test Criteria 37
Table 3.3 The indicator of reliability
Table 4.1 Data Infrastructure


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