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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

The main purpose of this research was to determine the impact of using the combination of choral reading strategy with question and answer relationship strategy (X) on students' reading comprehension (Y) in the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan. PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN COMBINATION STRATEGY CHORAL READING DENGANSTRATEGY RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA SISWA.


The Concept of Reading 1. The Concept of Reading

  • The Concept of Reading Skill a. The Definition of Reading Skill

The Bottom-up model suggests that a reader reads the word, and sentences and looks at the organization of the text (without. This means that before the readers read the text, the readers have to guess what the content of the text is. Brown defines that the readers activity to search for certain specific information of the text without going through the.

In other words, the readers only read certain part of the text to look for specific information from the text. This can help the readers to get the specific point without spending much time to finish reading the text. The readers have to guess the meaning of word when they do not know about the content of the text because they have no dictionary.

Most skill exercises ask readers to identify the main idea of ​​the text or passage. It means that asking questions is an effective way to better understand what the content of the text is being read.

The Concept of Choral Reading Strategy 1. The Concept of Choral Reading strategy

Based on the explanation above, the choral reading strategy procedure is initiated by the teacher and the students preview the passage and make predictions. According to Lapp and Fisher, the question-and-answer relationship is a language for speaking with your students to demystify activities that involve questions. Based on the above definition, the question-answer relationship is the teacher's indication of the level of comprehension of the text through the question-answer strategy.

Question and answer relationship strategy is a strategy that helps students understand the different types of questions. There are some procedures that teachers need to perform before the Question and Answer Relation strategy. Based on the explanation above, the teacher asks the students to read the text.

Based on the explanation above, there are three benefits of a question-and-answer relationship, namely that the teacher provides a strategy that can build on their understanding. Based on the above explanation, the question and answer relationship has three disadvantages: more time is needed to prepare the lesson. The teacher needs more practice and practice and therefore needs more energy.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm 1. Theoretical Framework

In this case, the researcher provided alternative by using a combination of choral reading strategy with question and answer relationship strategy. Choral reading strategy is a strategy to teach students to read aloud together by doing a group reading, students may be given the exercise. Then Question and Answer Relation is a strategy that aimed to find out how to answer questions based on a given text.

The two strategies can not only help students to be more active and understand in reading, but also to share ideas to understand the full information. Based on the Paradigm above, the researcher assumes that the use of the combination of choral reading strategy with question-and-answer relationship strategy had good, then the students' reading skill is good category, so there was positively and significantly influenced. However, if the combination of choral reading strategy with question and answer relationship strategy was not good and the students' reading skill is not good.

Figure 1: The Scheme of Paradigm Reading
Figure 1: The Scheme of Paradigm Reading


Research Design

Population and Sampling Technique 1. Population

  • Sample
  • Sampling Technique

The Operational Definition of Variables

  • Independent Variable (CR with QAR strategy)
  • Dependent Variable (Reading Skill)

The research sample is among the eighth grade students at SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan East Lampung. Students understood the text more easily when they used the CR and QAR strategy. It is an observed aspect of the behavior of an organism that was stimulated.

The dependent variable is the factor that is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variables.42 The dependent variable in this research is literacy.

Data Collection Method and Research Instrument 1. Test

  • Documentation

In this research, the researcher observed the student's behavior and student's activities when he used a combination of the reading-aloud strategy with the question-and-answer relationship strategy to know how the learning process would go. During the observation, the researcher creates an observation sheet containing a list of the student's activities.

Research Instrument

Data Analysis Technique

Description of the Research

  • The Description of Research Location
  • Description of Research Data

The purpose of administering the pretest is to know the reading skills of the students before the treatment which was teaching reading using the relationship strategy of choral reading with questions and answers. Pretest score on reading skills of eighth grade students at SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in academic. Moreover, based on the above frequency distribution table, it can be concluded that out of 20 students as research sample only 2 students who had obtained the highest score i.e. 80.

After the pre-test was administered, the students were then given the post-test with each treatment. The post-test instrument is different from the pre-test instrument, but had the same type and level of difficulty. The result of the Post-test for the reading skills of the students in the eighth grade at SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the academic year of.

Table 15 above showed that the result of post-test could meet minimum completeness criteria (MMC) at SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan, where 60% (12 students) who got more than 70 points. In summary, the post-test result was categorized in adequate category, although several students still lacked chorus Reading with questions and answers relational strategy on students' reading skills, but overall there was some impact to help students to better understand the material.


A test of normality is a test performed to determine whether or not a distribution of data is normally distributed. A test of normality that is useful for determining whether collected data is normally distributed or drawn from a normal population. A test of homogeneity is a test of equal or unequal variances of two or more distributions.

Hypothesis testing is done to know whether there was a significant influenced or not by variable X to variable Y. H0: there is no positive and significant influence of combining choral reading with question and answer strategy on students' reading ability. Ha: there is a positive and significant influence on the students' reading skills by combining choral reading with a question and answer strategy.

The difference score between pre-test and post-test in students in eighth grade in SMP Muhammadiyah. To know the critical value of the t-test (table), the researcher first calculated the df, df being the degree of freedom.


To know the critical value of the t-test (t-table), the researcher first calculated the df, df is the degree of freedom. From the above value, it can be concluded that there was a positive and significant impact of using a combination of choral reading with a question-answer relationship strategy on students' reading skills.


The researcher hypothesized that teaching and learning using the combination of choral reading with the strategy of question-answer relationships can help students in the learning process, especially in reading the text, because this strategy has many advantages. The advantage of this strategy is that choral reading with the strategy of question-answer relationships helps students to read the text of the skills more easily. Before conducting the research, the researcher did a pre-test to find out the prior knowledge about the reading ability of the students before it is given with treatment.

The result showed that the highest score was 80, while the lowest was 30, and the average score was 53. The result of the post-test showed that the highest score was 100, while the lowest score was 50, and the average score was 74. Based on discussion above, the researcher concludes that this strategy could be a solution for the teacher to encourage students to read skills and then help the students in teaching and learning processes as especially in the subject of reading. build up from 53 before treatment up to 74 after treatment.


The result of this research did not discuss all the problems faced by the students. Therefore, after conducting the research and getting the data test, observation and documentation, the researcher found some limitations among the eighth grade at SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan especially A class, such as there were some problems with the students' reading ability. The first one was, some of the students understood the teacher's explanation and some others still didn't understand.

The second was that the teacher rarely used English during the learning process, so it seemed difficult when the teacher explained the material. Finally, the result of this research stated that the theory of combining choir reading strategy with question and answer relationship strategy on the students' reading ability was a success in the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the academic year of.



Thus, combining choral reading with question-and-answer relationship strategy was influenced by the reading ability of the eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pekalongan in the academic year of . Improving students' reading comprehension through question-answer relationships.” English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty SebelasMaret University. The effect of numbered head-together and question-answer relationship techniques on student reading comprehension.” Department of English Education, University Education of Ganesha Singaraja Indonesia, English Education Vol.

Teaching Reading in the Narrative Text Genre by Combining the Choral Reading Strategy with the Question-Answer Relationship (Qar) Strategy in Junior High School.” STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat. Enhancing students' reading comprehension through choral reading strategy in the seventh grade of Jami‟ Al Kautsar Tapung Hilir Private Islamic Secondary School.


Write your name and class on your answer sheet!

You may not cheat with your friends!

Check your answer before submitting!

Write your name and class on your answer sheet!

You may not cheat with your friends!

Check your answer before submitting!

Mayong is very interested in sports and at school he plays soccer and tennis." The underlined phrase can be replaced with.

Treatment Activity

Post-test Activity

Normality Test

Homogeneity Test

Hypothesis testing


Figure 1: The Scheme of Paradigm Reading


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