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The subjects of this study were students of the tenth graders of high school

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between vocabulary mastery and writing skills of tenth graders at Muhammadiyah 1 Metro High School. The results of this study indicate that the ability to write is one of the internal factors that students need to understand, because the results of the data in this study indicate that students' vocabulary mastery and writing skills have a significant relationship in the learning process. Declares that this thesis is originally the result of the research of the research, with the exception of certain parts that are excluded from the mentioned bibliographies.

My beloved friends (Bagus Azul, Adi Tempe, Reza Roger and all members of Gunslinger, Futsal Employee) and my beloved partner (Fajaria) thank you for your suggestions and support in completing this thesis. I am aware that this thesis would not have been possible without the help and support of many helpful individuals. First of all, my deepest gratitude would go to my beloved parents, for understanding and supporting me to complete my undergraduate thesis soon, and they always pray that I will be a successful man one day (Amen).

Next, all the staff of the English Education Department who helped the researcher in the processing of administration.


Background of the Study

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Formulation of the Problem

Furthermore, the second previous research is carried out by Yashori Revola with the research title “The Use Of Rewriting Story Ability on Short Movie of Writing Ability”. Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to continue the second previous research by conducting qualitative research method in the title of “The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Writing Ability at Tenth Graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in Academic Years. 12Adhiyatma Banu, "The relationship between students' mastery of grammar and writing ability of the tenth grade," E-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) 3, no.

13Banu, "The Correlation Between Students' Mastery of Grammar and Tenth Grade Writing Ability." Suharsimi Arikunto, defines population as "The whole subject research".27 The population of this research is the students of the tenth grade of Senior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the Academic Year of. Adhiyatma Banu, "The Correlation Between Students' Mastery of Grammar and Tenth Grade Writing," E-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Association) 3, No.

Banu, "The Correlation Between Students' Mastery of Grammar and Tenth Grade Writing Ability."

Objectives and Benefits of the Study

  • The Nature of Vocabulary Mastery
  • The Kind of Vocabulary Mastery
  • The Assesment of Vocabulary Mastery

The Concept of Writing Ability

  • The Nature of Writing Ability
  • The Elements Writing Ability
  • The Assesments of Writing Ability

Writing is a means of communication to express ideas and transfer them to a blank sheet of paper or other media. Writing is different from speaking as writing is less spontaneous and more permanent, and the resources available for communication are fewer9. In addition, Sabarun said writing is one of the four language skills that must be developed in teaching English.

Writing is a series of interrelated activities for creating text: generating, arranging and developing ideas in sentences: drafting, shaping, reading text, editing and revising10. It involves an active process to organize, formulate and develop ideas in letters, so that readers can follow the writings as in oral form11, according to Pincas it is stated that "writing enables man to communicate and. Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that through writing, one can explore his mind (idea) media such as letters, activities, which have a certain purpose to convey messages to the reader.

Grammar is the rule that says how words changed to show different meanings and they are combined into sentences. This means that grammar is the regulation of forming a different meaning of words, which is used to construct a sentence in writing13. Content is naturally understood as abstracted from the relevance of the words to the parts of speech and concrete lexical meaning14.

Mechanism as a part of grammar, this perceptual acquisition is informed by the child's actual grammar, together with the linguistic and extra-linguistic information-processing mechanisms through which the representation of that grammar can be constructed16. The organization of the message in such a way as to enable coherent representation and interaction represents a third (the 'textual' metafunction), and this is given place in a functional grammar. 17. The writing score should be assessed using a writing rubric to assess the quality of each writing component.

One of the rubrics of writing is expressed by J.B. Heaton which is illustrated in the table below:18. 16 Jeffrey Lidz and Annie Gagliardi, "How Nature Meets Nurture: Universal Grammar and Statistical Learning", Annual Review of Linguistics 1, No.

Table 4  Writing Assessment
Table 4 Writing Assessment

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

  • Theoretical Framework
  • Paradigm
  • Hypothesis Formulation

According to Kartini Kartono, paradigm is a concept used by someone or a group of people to research an event according to the paradigm so that someone or a group of people can research that indication.19. Hypothesis is a temporary answer to research problems that must be investigated empirically.20 Hypothesis, on the other hand, are predictions the researcher has about the relationship between variables.21. Alternative hypothesis, the investigator makes a prediction about the expected outcome for the study population.

Based on the above theoretical framework and paradigm, the writer formulates the hypothesis as follows: alternative hypothesis (Ha); There is a positive and significant relationship between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among tenth grade students of Muhammadiyah 1 Metro Senior High School.


  • Research Design
  • The Operational Definition of Variable
    • Independent Variable
    • Dependent Variable
  • Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique
    • Population
    • Sample
    • Sampling Technique
  • Research Instrument
    • Instrument Blueprint
    • Instrument Calibration
  • Technique of Data Analysis

The dependent variable is the factor that is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variables. The dependent variable in this research is writing ability26. Moreover, the writer compiled the instrument in the form of blueprint to show the relationship between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. The statistical technique can be used to count among two or more variables.32 Based on the above statement, the writer used the statistical method to count the correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among her students at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Metro.

The data obtained from the respondent was analyzed using a means formula to know the correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing skills at Muhammadiyah 1 Metro Senior High School in the academic years. So that in the 1983/1984 school year, the teaching and learning activities of the Senior High School Muhammadiyah I Metro were moved to the site. Senior high school Muhammadiyah 1 Metro is one of the high school education units located in Ganjarasri, Kec.

Therefore, it can be inferred that vocabulary mastery among the tenth class students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro is categorized in average category. Therefore, it can be inferred that vocabulary mastery among the tenth class students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro is categorized in average category. There is any positive and significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among the tenth graders at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Metro.

This means that there is a positive and significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among the tenth graders at Senior High School Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. Therefore, based on the criteria of the r table, it can be known that 0.558 is in series level, it means that the correlation level between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among the eighth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro is categorized in the middle level. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is any positive and significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among the tenth grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro.

Saniago Dakhi and Ema Maritha, "The Effectiveness of Picture: An Empirical Evidence in Vocabulary Mastery," JET (Journal of English Teaching) 3, no. Yashori Revola, “Using Story Rewrite Capability in Writing Capability Short Film,” 16, no.


Research Result

  • The Description of Research
  • The Description of Research Data

SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro was established in 1964 with headquarters in Sma Negeri I Metro named SMA Pembangunan. Sirajudin Juhidin as head of Senior Secondary School 1 Metro, the ownership of Sma Pembangunan was transferred to Muhammadiyah Education, Teaching and Culture Assembly of Metro branch. For the next development, the secondary school under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah Assembly for Education, Teaching and Culture was renamed as Senior Secondary School.

The location of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 was moved to Muhammadiyah Metro Complex at Jalan Budi Utomo which is now Jalan KH, Ahmad Dahlan No.I Metro. During this tenure, the Muhammadiyah Metro Branch Leadership built the Muhammadiyah Metro High School I building at Jalan Khairbras 14/IV Ganjar Agung Metro. Thus, Muhamadiyah I Metro High School since the school year 1983/1984 has the right to hold its own EBTA / EBTANAS.

2 of 1989 on the National Education System, as well as changing the curriculum 1984 in Curriculum 1994 the name of sma was changed to SMU (Public High School) which was thus changed to SMU Muhammadiyah I Metro, but in 2003 it changed its name to SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. Muhammadiyah 1 Metro High School Facilities Muhammadiyah 1 Metro High School has facilities to support teachers and students in carrying out the learning process, namely: teachers' unit, Computer Laboratory, Library, classrooms, mosque, football field, basketball field. , Student Committee Office. In line with the above statement, Muhammadiyah 1 Metro High School always strives to develop quality in the teaching and learning process.

Furthermore, the preparation of the table to prove whether there is any positive and significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among the tenth class students of SMA Muhammadiya 1 Metro. The verification of the correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing ability among the tenth grade students at the Senior High School. Based on the analysis above, it can be deduced that the level of correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing ability is 31.14%.

There are some problems in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro, namely the students' motivation in learning English, speaking, writing, listening, reading and less discipline. In addition, knowing the relationship between vocabulary mastery and writing ability is of critical value in this research. English teachers are suggested to help students improve their vocabulary and writing skills.

The school is recommended to carry out research into the connection between vocabulary mastery and writing ability.

Table of Interpretation to The Grade of r observed.
Table of Interpretation to The Grade of r observed.


Table 3  The Criteria Score
Table 4  Writing Assessment
Table of Interpretation to The Grade of r observed.


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