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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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Based on the findings, the three English teachers had followed the steps of the syllabus development as proposed in BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan or The Council of National Education Standard 2006) regarding adapting each part of the syllabus to the educational and learning context. It can also be concluded from the findings that the three English teachers still had to become familiar with some types of evaluation needed to assess a learning process. I am indebted to them for taking the time (even their weekends) to read the drafts, help with the analysis of the data, and discuss the results with me.

I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to all the teachers at PPS-UNP who have taught me many subjects in the fields of education and linguistics since the beginning of my studies at UNP's English Graduate Program.


  • Identification of the Problem
  • Limitation of the Problem
  • Formulation of the Problem
  • Research Questions
  • Purpose of the Research
  • Significance of the Research
  • Definition of the Key Terms

It is designed to align with the teaching and learning activities to achieve a desired goal at the end of the teaching and learning process. Based on the researcher's interview with some English teachers who taught at SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh in the 2012 academic year, most of them have problems in achieving the target of a syllabus within one semester. Students are also expected to reflect the importance of the English learning syllabus designed by their teachers for their achievement.

The school can also oversee and assist in the design and development of the English learning syllabus after knowing the realities of teacher policies in their learning.


Types of Syllabus

Historically, the grammar syllabus is probably the most widely used syllabus in which the selection and grading of content is based on complexity. One problem facing the curriculum designer is that the linkage of structural elements can be quite weak. An advantage of the situational approach is that motivation will be emphasized as it is "learner-centred rather than subject-centred".

To set the objective, the needs of the learners must be analyzed from the different types of communication that the learner has to face.

Process Oriented Syllabus

In this approach, the focus is on the learner, who is hoped to be involved in the implementation of the syllabus design, as far as practicable. Being fully aware of the course they are studying is believed to increase their interest and motivation, coupled with the positive effect of teaching them the skills needed to learn. Some critics have suggested that a student-led syllabus seems radical and will be difficult to follow as the direction of the syllabus will be the responsibility of the students.

Initially, it is expected that form will be the central value, but later the focus will be on interactional components; the curriculum is designed to be dynamic, not static, with ample opportunity for feedback and flexibility.

Principles of Syllabus Development

The coverage, depth and difficulty, as well as the sequence of materials in the syllabus, should be relevant to the students. The components in the syllabus must be functionally linked to each other to achieve the stated standard of competence. There should be a consistent relationship between the basic competence, indicators, main materials, learning activities, learning resources and assessment system.

The coverage of indicators, main materials, learning activities, learning resources and assessment system should be sufficient to achieve basic competence.

English Syllabus for Senior High School

This means that the materials that the English teachers use must match the students' knowledge. She said that by doing this, a teacher would know the level of the material being given to students. During the development and design of the materials, teacher A had problems relating the materials to the students' strengths.

It is also supported by Brown (2001) that good material must relate to the students' needs and the students' English level.

Components of Syllabus

  • Standard Competency
  • Indicators
  • Materials
  • Media
  • Classroom Activity
  • Time Allocation
  • Evaluation

Syllabus Evaluation

Evaluation can be done as part of the program development process to determine what is working well and what is not. This refers to evaluation that seeks to determine how different aspects of a program are working or being implemented. It seeks to provide a deeper understanding of the teaching and learning process taking place in the program without necessarily trying to change it.

A third approach to evaluation is the type of evaluation with which most teachers and program administrators are familiar and which seek to make decisions about the worth or value of various aspects of the curriculum.

Review of the Related Findings

Regarding the size of the material and time allocation, Teacher A stated that she spent a lot of time aligning the lesson with the curriculum. When creating the competency indicators, teacher A stated that he had difficulties connecting the indicators with the students. Regarding the applicability of the materials to the students, the three English teachers tried to relate them to the needs of the students in terms of their daily lives, experiences and interests.

In addition, teachers must manage and handle it well to adjust the size of the materials according to the time commitment.

Conceptual Framework


Setting of the Research

The research will be conducted in class XI which consists of three English teachers, and seven classes and two programs namely science and social programs. The science program consists of four parallels and the total number of students in each class is thirty-two. Whereas, the social program consists of three parallels and the total number of students in each class was thirty-two.

Source of the Data


This study uses semi-structured interviews that can support the findings of data obtained from classroom observations. In this type of interview, the order of questions can be changed depending on the direction of the interview. This research uses one-to-one interview as it is to know how each English teacher personally implements the syllabus in teaching English in SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh.

According to Burton and Barlet, one of the strengths of interviewing as a means of data collection is that the interviewer can collect detailed qualitative data expressed in the respondent's own words.

Table 1: Based on BSNP (2006)
Table 1: Based on BSNP (2006)

Technique of Data Collection

Considering the language of the interview, based on the agreement with the interviewees, the interview is conducted in Bahasa Indonesia. The choice of Indonesian in the interview is to make English teachers free in expressing their ideas; it enables the researcher to analyze the data in depth (Silverman, 2005). The individual interview with the English teacher is conducted in a quiet environment such as a laboratory or library.

The interview questions are divided into seven parts, namely: Standard Competency, Indicators, Materials, Media, Classroom Activities, Time Deployment and Evaluation.

Technique of Data Analysis

Teacher B, on the other hand, connected the indicators with local power as well as with the characteristics of the students. He said he considered the material to be slightly above the students' level of English language proficiency. On the other hand, teacher C said that she related her materials to the age of the students by adapting them to the given curriculum.

In developing the material to emphasize the students' usefulness, there are a few ways to do this. They can develop the material by using the material together with the students' . need, situation and the school condition.". I am considering including the media in the development of the syllabus to help the students understand the material more easily."

Similarly, teacher B designed indicators only based on local strengths and student characteristics. Researcher: Do the indicators in your curriculum address student characteristics, subject instruction, and local strengths. Teacher: I relate this to the age of the students, because it is very important to relate it.

Teacher: Yes, as I said before, I try to develop the material according to the students' need and their level. I always relate any kind of activities to the material; it helps the students' understanding of the lesson.


The Syllabus Development by English

All teachers must have a good understanding of a curriculum in order to perform better in their implementation class. The reason is that there will never be a teacher without knowledge of curriculum and syllabus. According to Mulyassa (2009), there are some preparations before the teaching and learning process: preparing the subject, local material, self-development, timetable, criteria for mastery learning, criteria for assessment and grading policy, and the most important ones are preparing the syllabus and the lesson plan.

In addition, there are five components that must also be considered before implementing the English curriculum, such as material, media, teaching activities, classroom and time allocation, evaluation, and textbooks. Richards (2001) mentions that syllabus and lesson plan preparation should be provided for each course offered in the program with information about the course, aims and objectives, recommended materials and methods, suggested learning activities and procedural assessment.

Sungai Penuh

  • Discussions
    • The Problems faced by English Teachers in
  • The Limitation of the Research

This is contrary to what Nunan (2001) suggests, that teachers should not neglect the sociological, personal variability of students. Griffiths (2008) argues that age in relation to language learning is influenced by the students' stage of maturation. It can be concluded that the teachers had fulfilled one of the most necessary materials.

Kunandar (2007) states that the depth and breadth of information contained in the materials become the aspect of the materials that are appropriate to the level, intellectual and condition of the students. Consequently, students will be introduced to what they are assigned to, coupled with a basic understanding of the activity. The findings of this research were sensitive to the improvement of teachers' knowledge and skills in the development of the English teaching curriculum, changing the environment of the students as well as the school's treatment of the teaching performance of the teachers.

In other words, the size of the material often takes more time than they predicted. How do you arrange the order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty. Because as we know it already has the standard of the age in every class.

Because the media is one of the factors that can make it easier for students to understand the given material. Examine the library to find the expression of satisfaction and the answer.



The school and the education department should have all teachers attend training related to the development of the English language curriculum based on the school-based curriculum. The English teachers of SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh should learn more about how the English teaching syllabus was developed based on the school-based curriculum. It is necessary to cooperate between school education and Sungai Penuh department to get the facilities and follow the MGMP program.

The teachers' weakness was always performed together with other teachers who had a lot of experience in developing the syllabus. In addition, the teachers should follow the criteria as suggested in BSNP, especially when developing the English learning syllabus.


Indicators of School Based Curriculum Development

Interview Guide

The Interview Scripts (A)

The Interview Scripts (B)

The Interview Scripts (C)

Syllabus of SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh


Table 1: Based on BSNP (2006)


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