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F. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Bogdan and Bikden (1992:153) data analysis needs the systematic search and organization of data obtained from interviews and notes to increase the teachers’ understanding of the problems being explored.

The data of this research was analyzed through qualitative data analysis. As stated by Alwasilah (2003) the analysis of data must be conducted as soon as they are collected. Data analysis will be done after the course and the research program. It will be done on the basis of the research questions stated in chapter 1. They were classified into three central themes, First, how the teachers implement the English syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh. Second,

what are the problems faced by the English teachers in developing the English teaching syllabus.

To find out how the teachers develop the English teaching syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh in the academic year of 2012, the analysis will be presented to the seven areas, namely, standard competency, formulating indicators, materials, media, classroom activities, time allocation, and types of evaluation.

After the whole series of the steps of the research are done then the last step is to analyze the data. In order to generalize the data on how the teachers develop the English syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh- Kerinci in the academic year 2012, the researcher followed several steps as suggested by Gay (2003:239):

1. Data Managing

In analyzing the data, the researcher used data managing that involved creating and organizing data of collected during teaching English based on the English syllabus. The purpose is to organize, to check for completeness and to star analyzing the data from preparation, process and evaluation collected by using observation checklist, interview guide, and field notes.

2. Reading/memoing

The data from preparation, process and evaluation will be collected in observation checklist, field notes, and interview will be read intensively after the research already finished. Then, the data will be put into memos that make the data easy to understand.

3. Description

The research will describe all of the data-preparation, process and evaluation that will be collected during observation checklist, interview guide, field notes and camera about the implementation the English syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh.

4. Classification

The data gathered during the teaching and learning process, preparation, process and evaluation will be classified into smaller units. Classifying data is needed in order to put data into each type and analyze them partly based on each indicator.

5. Interpretation

The data-preparation, process and evaluation gathered will finally interpret in order to get a better result. Interpreting data is based on what happen during teaching and learning process. In addition, analyzing and interpreting data is controlled so that the description did not go beyond the focus of the research.



This chapter described in more details the research findings of the study and the data investigated and collected from the interview. The issues to be described here are the two already stated in previous chapters. These centre on how the English teachers developed the English teaching syllabus at SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh, and the problems faced by the English teachers.

There were seven components analyzed here; Standard Competency, Indicators, Materials, Media, Classroom activities, time allocation, and types of evaluation. The data gathered from the interview was presented and analyzed.

1. Syllabus Development by English Teachers at Grade XI of SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh

In this case the researcher described and analyzed the way the English teachers developed the syllabus an. There are seven components of the School-Based Curriculum or KTSP that to be analyzed here, namely; Standard Competency, Indicators, Materials, Media, Classroom Activity, Time allocation, and Evaluation. Each component would be presented in more details below.

a. Standard Competency

The first component to be covered in the syllabus is Standard Competency. Referring to the standard competency of School-Based

Curriculum, some points are needed to be considered in developing the English syllabus; the order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty, the relation of standard competency and basic competence within subject lesson.

1) The order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty

In analyzing and developing the standard competency of the syllabus, teacher A depended much on her rules of thumbs derived from her own belief and perception of what she thought to be the best for her students. She said she knew a little about Standard Competency and only did the safe things. As in the interview:

Actually I don’t really understand the nature of standard competence, but I pay much attention to my knowledge and students’ capability and resources. I just teach what I think easy for my students.”

Teacher B considered first choosing good materials for the standard competency before some other factors like the hierarchy of the concept of knowledge, the order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty, and the relation with the time to be allocated. As he said in the interview:

“The first thing I consider when developing the standard competency is choosing the good materials for my teaching by adjusting this to my students’ potency”

While, teacher C stated three things that need to be done in developing the standard competency, they are the order of the difficulty of the materials, the relevancy of Standard Competency and Basic Competency, and the relevancy of Standard Competency

and Basic Competency within subject lessons. As stated in the interview:

“In analyzing and developing the standard competency, there are some factors that I always consider: First, the order of the difficulty of the materials, second the relevancy of SKKD and the last one the relevancy of SKKD between intra subject lessons.”

2) The relation of Standard Competency and Basic Competency within subject lesson

Concerning the relationship between the standard competency and basic competency, teacher A said that she just needed to relate the genre and the subject lesson. In the interview she said:

“It depends on the genre I teach, if it is about descriptive, I can relate to biology, if it is about narrative I can relate to social science and religion.”

Similar to teacher A, teacher B also related the standard competency and basic competency to the materials. As said in the interview:

“It depends on the materials to be taught.”

Teacher C explained some steps needed for establishing the relationship between the standard competency and basic competency starting from categorizing the standard competency and basic competency of the same materials through mapping the systematical order of the lesson based on the difficulty level. As she said in the interview:

“There are some steps to relate the standard competency and basic competency that I do. First, I categorize the standard competency and basic competency which has the same materials, second, by mapping the system of teaching by considering the level of difficulty and the usefulness of materials.”

b. Indicators

The other term that teacher should develop in their syllabus called Indicators. In developing the indicators teacher should consider some points; the indicators should relate to the students’

characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency.

Indicators relate to the students’ characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency.

In formulating the indicators teacher A put more emphasis on students’ characteristics and the subject lessons over the local potency.

As she said in the interview:

“Not really because I just focus on students’

characteristics, and lessons, but not the last.”

Teacher B on the other hand related the indicators to the local potency as well as the students’ characteristics. He related them to the most noticeable local potency, as quoted from the interview:

“Yes, I always try to develop the indicators based on my students’

characteristic, and I try to relate them to the local potency. As you know Kerinci is one a tourist destination, so I try to relate them to the local potency.”

Teacher C in a somewhat different way formulated the indicators through associating the standard competency and basic

competency by means of teaching materials integration from the combination of a number of disciplines. As she clearly stated below:

“Yes, they do. I associate SK and KD between lessons by integrating teaching materials in a lesson by combining the number of disciplines through the integration of contents.”

c. Material

Teaching materials are a key component in most language programs that generally serve as the basis for much of the language input learners. Based on the guideline book from BSNP, the syllabus could be developed by the English teachers by considering some elements; the level of difficulty, students’ age, using authentic materials, related to the students’ potency, related to the local characteristics, students’ usefulness, the breadth, width, and authenticity, support the students’ need environment, and related to the time allocation.

1) The level of Difficulty

Teacher A explained that she used the materials that were slightly higher in their level of difficulty than students’ current level of English proficiency by doing English test proficiency and need analysis first. She said that by doing this a teacher would know the level of the material being given to the students. As she said in the interview:

“To do that, I do a need analysis and tests of English proficiency. After that I know that the students’ English ability and their level. And then I adjust the materials with the students’ need”.

Similarly, teacher B said that he also did the same way as teacher A. He said that he considered the slightly higher material than the students’ level of English proficiency. He often used some tests and need analysis to find it. As what he stated in the interview:

“Well, I think it is very important to relate the material with the slightly higher in their level of difficulty than students’

current level of English proficiency. For me, to know those things. I usually have test in order to know my students’

English proficiency. Besides, I also do analysis to find their ability before giving the material. After that I relate the material to the students’ level, so that the material can be easily understood by the learners”.

And teacher C explained that she designed the material that was slightly higher in the level of difficulty than the students’ current level of English proficiency. She said that it is very useful to do, because every student has different background knowledge and different level of English proficiency. She used test to know them. As she said in the interview below:

“All right. The material should be designed as good as possible in order to be easily enough for the students to understand the materials. And for me, the material should be slightly higher in their level of difficulty than students’

current level of English proficiency. So that by doing this, the pupils will learn and understand the materials easily enough….”

2) Materials relate to the students’ age

Teacher A said that, she related the materials to the students’

age. And she said in relating the materials to the student’ age she just adjusted the materials to the student age by adjusting it with

her syllabus, because the materials already had the standard for every class. As what she said in the interview:

“I relate it to the students’ age, because it is very important to relate it. But I have a standard in my syllabus.”

While, teacher B said that she did not need to relate his materials to the students’ age, because she said all the materials in his syllabus have been standardized from the educational office. So that she just follow the syllabus. What he said in interview:

“I actually, did not consider about the student’ age with my materials, because as we know it is already has the standard of the age in every class”

On the other hand, teacher C said that she related her materials to the students’ age by adjusting them with the curriculum given. She said that she just referred the materials with the syllabus and seeing the appropriate materials would be taught.

Besides that she gave tests to the students to know the students level of English. As she said in interview below:

“As we know we already have curriculum. For example; the curriculum for class XI, XII it is already designed in the curriculum, so that I do not really consider about the students’ age. But the most important thing that I can do here referring the materials with the curriculum and seeing the good material being given. And then, I gave them tests and need analysis in order to know their English proficiency, after that I know what kind of material should be taught.”

3) The teachers use the authentic materials in teaching

Teacher A explained that she used the authentic materials when teaching. She said that the authentic materials are very useful for

introducing the real language use of language. As she said in interview:

“I often use the authentic materials when teaching, because authentic material is very useful for introducing the real- language use of language.”

And teacher B said that, she did the same way as teacher A. He also used the authentic materials when teaching. He said that by giving authentic materials the students can easily understand the lesson, because the students understand the real-life language used.

Whereas, teacher C stated that she did not use the authentic materials in her teaching she only used the standard text book kind of language. It could be seen when the researcher interviewed her:

“No, I do not, because I have text book, and just use it when I am teaching”

4) The materials relate to the students’ potency

In developing the materials and relating them to the students’

potency both teacher A and B tried to look at their students’ need then identified what they need to include into the materials that can be associated with their students’ potency. If it turned out to be too difficult for their students they made a simplification. As teacher A said in the interview:

“I teach based on what my students’ need. So I develop it based on what they know and they do not know. Sometimes, I simplify but I also often skip some difficult lesson.”

While teacher C attempted to view their students’ potency from a different angle; something that can easily be accessed by their

students in their real life activities such as the things around their school environment that they are surrounded by in everyday school life as stated in the interview:

“Yes, I relate it. I develop the materials that relate to students’ potency; here I choose the materials that are available in the school environment by considering the usefulness to be applied in their real-life.”

5) The materials relate to the students’ local characteristics

Related to the local characteristics, teacher A, B and C rather had a similar way. They focused more on the prominent cultural aspect that serve as their local identity which is very familiar to all the students.

“I develop materials related to regional characteristics of the students with learning how to pursue development in harmony with the area and the living conditions of students, for example, if students live in coastal areas, then I try to relate the materials to coastal areas.”

6) The students’ usefulness

The main thing all the three teachers have in common in developing the materials that have the content for students’

usefulness is relating the materials to the students’ daily life. All of them attempted to include some current daily affairs of the students into the lesson. In addition, a more comprehensive consideration was done by teacher C who also took into account the students’

experience as well as the technology utilization. In the interview she said:

“In developing the materials in order to emphasize on the students’ usefulness, there are some ways to do this. First, the materials should relate to the students’ real life.

Second, the materials relate to the update technology, and then the materials should relate to the students’

experiences, and then the materials should be interesting to the students. How teachers do this? They can develop the materials by considering the materials with the students’

need, situation, and the school condition.”

7) Depth, and breadth of the materials

In plumbing the depth and breadth of the materials teacher A took a consideration of a comparison between its levels of the difficulty with the students’ existing knowledge. She adjusted the materials in such a way till it reached the right depth. She said:

“Yes, of course, it is so important, because teaching is enabling them to do or to know something. If the materials are difficult I try to make it as simple as possible.”

Teacher B associated the depth and breadth with the quality of the materials as he said in the interview:

“Yes, I do. I consider the materials because it is very important. Because by considering the, teachers know the quality of the materials.”

Teacher C believed the depth and breadth of the materials to be the tools to achieve the standard competency and basic competency. In the interview she said:

“I consider the materials on the level of difficulty because it is very necessary to reach the standard competency and the basic competency.”

8) The materials support the students’ need and environment

For materials that support students’ need and environment teachers A, B, and C tried to relate the materials with the students’

real life and involved the school collages in cooperation to discuss for help. Teacher C said:

“To develop the materials to support the need and the environment of students, the first thing I relate the materials to the students’ life directly. Besides, I involved all the component of school to cooperate and develop the materials for the students’ need in developing their personality, skills, thinking, academic, as well as social life.”

9) The materials adjusted with the time allocation

Relating to the size of the materials with the time allocation, teacher A stated that she used much time to fit the lesson with the syllabus. She said in the interview:

“I use much time for complicated lessons even it doesn’t fit in the syllabus”

Similar to teacher B, he adjusted the size of the materials with the time allocation by skipping some unnecessary materials, and he had extra time to fit the size of materials to the time allocation. He said in the interview:

“I need extra time to fit my materials with the time allocation, even if I miss some important materials, sometimes I need extra time to reveal it.”

Different from teacher C, she said that she adjusted the size of the materials with the time allocation by considering the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process per week. Besides,

she studied the standard competency, depth, breadth, level of difficulty, and the basic competency. She said in the interview:

“I do it by adjusting the materials to the time allocation and based on the effectiveness per week by studying the standard competency, depth, breadth, level of difficulty, and the basic competency”.

d. Media

The other component to be developed in the syllabus of school-based curriculum is media. The teachers could develop their media having considered some elements; namely; using sources/media, traditional media, modern media, related to the materials, related to the standard competency, and related to the basic competence.

1) Teachers use media for teaching

Teacher A and teacher B said that they considered media deployment for teaching. They believed it can help the students understand the materials, because the media in teaching are very helpful. As she said below:

“Yes, of course. I consider including the media in developing the syllabus to help the students easier in understanding the materials”

While, teacher C explained that she deigned the media in teaching if needed, because the media is very useful to give a better understanding of the lesson. For example; when talking about America teacher C usually designed the students a map and picture of it. As she said in the interview below:

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