• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


D. Review of the Related Findings

e. Were the objectives adequate or do they need to be revised?

f. Were the placement and achievement tests adequate?

g. Was the amount of time spent on each unit sufficient?

h. How appropriate were the teaching methods?

i. What problems were encountered during the course?

From the three approaches above, the researcher used the Illuminative evaluation, to analyze the syllabus development, because the researcher just wants to provide a deeper understanding of the processes of teachers in developing the English teaching syllabus.

developing it and the teachers not getting enough time for achieving the aims of the syllabus.

Next, the research was conducted by Wulandari (2009) on the title The Problems of teachers faced in developing the English syllabus at SMA N 2 Sampang. She found that the common problems that faced by teacher are teachers reported was insufficient effective teaching materials/resources.

Although textbook had been published to assist teachers in delivering the requirements of the new syllabus, many teachers were not entirely happy with their quality and there was little reference to the use and learning of the English language across the curriculum.

Finally, research was conducted by Rosmawati (2010) had done a research about analysis of the English Syllabus for the vocational High School and the School Based Curriculum. In her research she found that most of the teachers have problems in managing the content of the syllabus such as, lack of the sources, and allocation of time, materials, and media.

In conclusion, there had been many studies related to this research.

The study concerns on teachers’ policy in developing syllabus. While, in this research, the researcher did an analysis study to find out how the English teachers developed the English teaching Syllabus. then the researcher described the data into qualitative data.

E. Conceptual framework

Based on the theory above, the conceptual framework is like the following:

Syllabus Component

School Based Curriculum

Standard competency

The Syllabus Development


Indicators Materials Media Time

Allocation Classroom





A. Type of the Research

The design of this research is descriptive. A qualitative research is all about understanding issues, observing phenomena and answering questions (Sugiyono, 2010: 283). It is done to see the human phenomenon in such a way that it can give a clear description. In this research the researcher will describe the syllabus development analysis in order to give an accurate description of their syllabus development.

Besides giving the description of their development, this research also studied the problems they often have in teaching English referring to the syllabus they are fulfilling. The description of the development as well as the analysis of the problems will be given in such a way that the phenomenon being researched can be revealed in as much qualitatively clear as possible.

The qualitative analysis method applied for this research will go through cruising all the possible related phenomena that are describable happening during the development of the syllabus in an English teaching classroom context from the most observable to the least one. Thereby, covering and explaining all facts of the development of the syllabus.

B. Setting of the Research

The setting of the research was in SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Penuh at grade XI. This is located on Jalan Depati Parbo Kota Sungai Penuh, Kerinci- Jambi Province. It took place in the middle of Kerinci regency that is called


now Kota Sungai Penuh. It is about 260 km from Padang city. The researcher will be conducted at grade XI that consists of three English teachers, and seven classes and two programs, namely scientific and social programs. The scientific program consists of four classes and the total number of the students in each class is thirty-two. While, the social program consist of three classes and the total number of the students in each class was thirty-two.

C. Source of the Data

The source of the data for this research was the English teachers who taught at grade XI. The data was gathered from three English teachers, there were two English teachers taught in scientific program and one English teacher who taught in social program. All of them were participating. The data was taken from the interview.

D. Instrumentation

As this study was the qualitative study which investigates the syllabus development by English teachers in their teaching, so the appropriate instruments for this research will be an interview.

Interview is one of the instruments used in this study. According to Thomas (2003: 63) interviews usually involve a researcher orally asking questions for individuals to answer orally. Annabel (2005) “adds interviews are a systematic way of talking and listening to people and are another way to collect data from individuals through conversations”. The researcher or the interviewer often uses open questions. Data is collected from the interviewee.

Meanwhile, Kvale (1996: 14) states that “individual interview is an

interchange of views between an interviewer and the interviewee by talking about theme of mutual interest”. Moreover, Dawson (2010: 28) argues that

“interview aims to know specific information that can be compared and contrasted with the information gained from other data collecting techniques”. This study employs semi structured interviews that can support the findings of the data gained from classroom observations. Semi-structured interviews are non-standardized and are frequently used in qualitative analysis. The interviewer did not do the research to test a specific hypothesis (David, & Sutton, 2004, p. 87). The researcher has a list of key themes, issues, and questions to be covered. In this type of interview the order of the questions can be changed depending on the direction of the interview. An interview guide is also used.

The interviews was conducted to answer all research questions concerning how each English teacher personally in developing the syllabus in teaching English at SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh, the difficulty they encounter in developing it and their solution to overcome the problems they faced.

There are two kinds of interview one-to-group interview and one-to- one interview. This research uses one-to-one interview as it is to know how each English teacher personally implement the syllabus in teaching English at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh. One-to-one interview allows the interviewee personally answers the interview questions without any tendency to refer to others’ response.

Interview guidelines were used to strengthen the qualitative data.

The researcher used interview to collect some data that influenced the teacher’s planning in developing the English teaching syllabus. According to Burton and Barlet (2005:126), one of the strengths of interview as a means of data collection is the interviewer can collect detailed qualitative data expressed in the respondent’s own words. The researcher interviewed teachers in developing the English teaching syllabus orally. The questions for the interview guidelines were asked for the interviewee as follows:

Table 1: Based on BSNP (2006)

NO Indicators Sub-Indicators

1. Standard Competency a. The order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty

b. The relation of standard competency and basic competence within subject lessons.

2. Indicator a. Related to students’ characteristics b. Related to subject lessons

c. Related to local potency 3. Materials a. The level of difficulty

b. Students’ age

c. Using authentic materials d. Related to students’ potency e. Related to the local characteristics f. Students’ usefulness

g. The breadth, width, and authenticity h. Support the students’ need environment i. Related to the time allocation

4. Media a. Using media/ resources

b. Traditional media c. Modern media

d. Relate to the materials

e. Related to the Standard Competency f. Related to the Basic Competence

5. Classroom Activity a. Students and teachers for professionalism b. Activities should be designed to reach

Standard Competency and Standard


c. Relate to the materials

6. Time Allocation a. Relate to the Basic Competence

b.The depth, breadth, and the difficulty level 7. Evaluation a. Related to the indicators

b. An observation of students’ work c. Using portfolio

d. Self assessment

The details of the indicators above are presented in chapter II.

E. Technique of Data Collection Data from Interview

Kvale (1996: 35) defines interview as “an interaction between two people, with the interviewer and subject acting in relation to each other and reciprocally influencing each other”. Interviewing is an important way because it can be used to check the accuracy of, verify of what the researcher has gained through observation (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1993: 385; Maxwell, 1996: 76). This aims to obtain more comprehensive data on their perspective and to clarify the extent to which the teachers implement the English syllabus. It is intended to answer the research questions on the three areas.

A semi-structured interview is administered to enable the researcher to get all information required while at the same time permitted the participants’ freedom of responses and description to illustrate the concept (Beg, 2000: 70). Semi-structured interview can increase the comprehensiveness of the data and make data collection somewhat systematic for each respondent because logical gaps in data can be anticipated and closed (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1993: 387).

A face-to-face interview is conducted at the end of this program.

Considering the interview language, based on the agreement with the interviewees, the interview is conducted in Bahasa Indonesia. Choosing Indonesian language in interview is to make the English teachers free in expressing their ideas; it enables the researcher to analyze the data in depth (Silverman, 2005).

Individual interview with English teacher is conducted in quiet environment such as laboratory or in the library. In this case, the individual interviews are intended to get factual information, opinions, and attitudes.

The interview questions are divided into seven parts, namely: Standard Competency, Indicators, materials, media, classroom activities, time allocation, and evaluation.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Bogdan and Bikden (1992:153) data analysis needs the systematic search and organization of data obtained from interviews and notes to increase the teachers’ understanding of the problems being explored.

The data of this research was analyzed through qualitative data analysis. As stated by Alwasilah (2003) the analysis of data must be conducted as soon as they are collected. Data analysis will be done after the course and the research program. It will be done on the basis of the research questions stated in chapter 1. They were classified into three central themes, First, how the teachers implement the English syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh. Second,

what are the problems faced by the English teachers in developing the English teaching syllabus.

To find out how the teachers develop the English teaching syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh in the academic year of 2012, the analysis will be presented to the seven areas, namely, standard competency, formulating indicators, materials, media, classroom activities, time allocation, and types of evaluation.

After the whole series of the steps of the research are done then the last step is to analyze the data. In order to generalize the data on how the teachers develop the English syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh- Kerinci in the academic year 2012, the researcher followed several steps as suggested by Gay (2003:239):

1. Data Managing

In analyzing the data, the researcher used data managing that involved creating and organizing data of collected during teaching English based on the English syllabus. The purpose is to organize, to check for completeness and to star analyzing the data from preparation, process and evaluation collected by using observation checklist, interview guide, and field notes.

2. Reading/memoing

The data from preparation, process and evaluation will be collected in observation checklist, field notes, and interview will be read intensively after the research already finished. Then, the data will be put into memos that make the data easy to understand.

3. Description

The research will describe all of the data-preparation, process and evaluation that will be collected during observation checklist, interview guide, field notes and camera about the implementation the English syllabus at SMA N 2 Sungai Penuh.

4. Classification

The data gathered during the teaching and learning process, preparation, process and evaluation will be classified into smaller units. Classifying data is needed in order to put data into each type and analyze them partly based on each indicator.

5. Interpretation

The data-preparation, process and evaluation gathered will finally interpret in order to get a better result. Interpreting data is based on what happen during teaching and learning process. In addition, analyzing and interpreting data is controlled so that the description did not go beyond the focus of the research.



This chapter described in more details the research findings of the study and the data investigated and collected from the interview. The issues to be described here are the two already stated in previous chapters. These centre on how the English teachers developed the English teaching syllabus at SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh, and the problems faced by the English teachers.

There were seven components analyzed here; Standard Competency, Indicators, Materials, Media, Classroom activities, time allocation, and types of evaluation. The data gathered from the interview was presented and analyzed.

1. Syllabus Development by English Teachers at Grade XI of SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh

In this case the researcher described and analyzed the way the English teachers developed the syllabus an. There are seven components of the School-Based Curriculum or KTSP that to be analyzed here, namely; Standard Competency, Indicators, Materials, Media, Classroom Activity, Time allocation, and Evaluation. Each component would be presented in more details below.

a. Standard Competency

The first component to be covered in the syllabus is Standard Competency. Referring to the standard competency of School-Based

Curriculum, some points are needed to be considered in developing the English syllabus; the order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty, the relation of standard competency and basic competence within subject lesson.

1) The order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty

In analyzing and developing the standard competency of the syllabus, teacher A depended much on her rules of thumbs derived from her own belief and perception of what she thought to be the best for her students. She said she knew a little about Standard Competency and only did the safe things. As in the interview:

Actually I don’t really understand the nature of standard competence, but I pay much attention to my knowledge and students’ capability and resources. I just teach what I think easy for my students.”

Teacher B considered first choosing good materials for the standard competency before some other factors like the hierarchy of the concept of knowledge, the order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty, and the relation with the time to be allocated. As he said in the interview:

“The first thing I consider when developing the standard competency is choosing the good materials for my teaching by adjusting this to my students’ potency”

While, teacher C stated three things that need to be done in developing the standard competency, they are the order of the difficulty of the materials, the relevancy of Standard Competency and Basic Competency, and the relevancy of Standard Competency

and Basic Competency within subject lessons. As stated in the interview:

“In analyzing and developing the standard competency, there are some factors that I always consider: First, the order of the difficulty of the materials, second the relevancy of SKKD and the last one the relevancy of SKKD between intra subject lessons.”

2) The relation of Standard Competency and Basic Competency within subject lesson

Concerning the relationship between the standard competency and basic competency, teacher A said that she just needed to relate the genre and the subject lesson. In the interview she said:

“It depends on the genre I teach, if it is about descriptive, I can relate to biology, if it is about narrative I can relate to social science and religion.”

Similar to teacher A, teacher B also related the standard competency and basic competency to the materials. As said in the interview:

“It depends on the materials to be taught.”

Teacher C explained some steps needed for establishing the relationship between the standard competency and basic competency starting from categorizing the standard competency and basic competency of the same materials through mapping the systematical order of the lesson based on the difficulty level. As she said in the interview:

“There are some steps to relate the standard competency and basic competency that I do. First, I categorize the standard competency and basic competency which has the same materials, second, by mapping the system of teaching by considering the level of difficulty and the usefulness of materials.”

b. Indicators

The other term that teacher should develop in their syllabus called Indicators. In developing the indicators teacher should consider some points; the indicators should relate to the students’

characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency.

Indicators relate to the students’ characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency.

In formulating the indicators teacher A put more emphasis on students’ characteristics and the subject lessons over the local potency.

As she said in the interview:

“Not really because I just focus on students’

characteristics, and lessons, but not the last.”

Teacher B on the other hand related the indicators to the local potency as well as the students’ characteristics. He related them to the most noticeable local potency, as quoted from the interview:

“Yes, I always try to develop the indicators based on my students’

characteristic, and I try to relate them to the local potency. As you know Kerinci is one a tourist destination, so I try to relate them to the local potency.”

Teacher C in a somewhat different way formulated the indicators through associating the standard competency and basic

competency by means of teaching materials integration from the combination of a number of disciplines. As she clearly stated below:

“Yes, they do. I associate SK and KD between lessons by integrating teaching materials in a lesson by combining the number of disciplines through the integration of contents.”

c. Material

Teaching materials are a key component in most language programs that generally serve as the basis for much of the language input learners. Based on the guideline book from BSNP, the syllabus could be developed by the English teachers by considering some elements; the level of difficulty, students’ age, using authentic materials, related to the students’ potency, related to the local characteristics, students’ usefulness, the breadth, width, and authenticity, support the students’ need environment, and related to the time allocation.

1) The level of Difficulty

Teacher A explained that she used the materials that were slightly higher in their level of difficulty than students’ current level of English proficiency by doing English test proficiency and need analysis first. She said that by doing this a teacher would know the level of the material being given to the students. As she said in the interview:

“To do that, I do a need analysis and tests of English proficiency. After that I know that the students’ English ability and their level. And then I adjust the materials with the students’ need”.

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