• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


C. Suggestions

In accordance with the findings and discussion there are some suggestions that can be derived in the field of English teaching syllabus development in teaching English in the school as follows:

1. It is better for English teachers to base their syllabus development on School Based Curriculum; develop and implement their syllabus with the criteria suggested by accepted theories.

For a better in developing their syllabus, a syllabus should cover all the element of a syllabus for each of them is interdependent elements.

2. The autonomy for developing subject matter syllabus is a part of the curriculum reforms. Therefore, it is suggested the school facilitate and

motivate the teachers to always analyze and develop the English syllabus and the instructional materials.

3. The problem with syllabus development should better be solved by conducting the study of the students, their background knowledge, culture, ages, and environments. Thus avoiding difficulty in carrying out the entire element of the syllabus when they suit the students, the teaching and the learning immediate need.

4. For further study, the scope should be expanded to other aspects such as the implementation of syllabus and the English program conducted in SMAN 2 Sungai Penuh, the materials development and the evaluation.


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Indicators of School Based Curriculum Development (SBC)

NO Indicators Sub-Indicators

1. Standard Competency a. The order of the lesson based on the level of difficulty

b. The relation of standard competency and basic competence within subject lessons.

2. Indicator a. Related to students’ characteristics b. Related to subject lessons

c. Related to local potency 3. Materials a. The level of difficulty

b. Students’ age

c. Using authentic materials d. Related to students’ potency e. Related to the local characteristics f. Students’ usefulness

g. The breadth, width, and authenticity h. Support the students’ need environment i. Related to the time allocation

4. Media a. Using media/ resources

b. Traditional media

c. Modern media

d. Relate to the materials

e. Related to the Standard Competency f. Related to the Basic Competence

5. Classroom Activity a. Students and teachers for professionalism b. Activities should be designed to reach

Standard Competency and Standard Competence.

c. Relate to the materials

6. Time Allocation a. Relate to the Basic Competence

b.The depth, breadth, and the difficulty level 7. Evaluation a. Related to the indicators

b. An observation of students’ work c. Using portfolio

d. Self assessment



Researcher : What are the factors that you consider in analyzing and developing the standard competency? How do you sequence the order of the lesson based on the level of the difficulty?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you cohere the standard competency and basic competence within the subject lessons?.

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : Do the indicators in your syllabus relate to the students’

characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How do you develop the materials that relate to your students’ potencies?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you develop your materials that relate to your students’ local characteristics ?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : In developing the materials, what are the things you consider to emphasize on the students’ usefulness? How do you do that?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you consider the depth, width and authenticity of the materials you develop? How important do you think they are?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you develop the materials that support the students’ need and environment?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you adjust the size of the materials and the time allocation?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : What kind of media that you choose to help to reach the standard competency, basic competence, and indicators?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : What kind of media that you choose to relate to the materials?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How is your classroom activity? Do you design it to help students and teachers for professionalism? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you deign your activities for students to do to reach SK and KD?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you relate your activities to the materials? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How do you manage your time allocation? Do you relate it to the basic competence? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How about depth? Breadth? And the difficulty level?

Researcher : Do you have problem?


Researcher : How do you develop your evaluation? Do you relate it to the indicators?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : What kind of evaluation do you choose?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you include in your evaluation an observation of students’ work?

Researcher : Do you use portfolio in your evaluation? How?

Researcher : Do you include self assessment? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : What are the factors that you consider in analyzing and developing the standard competency? How do you sequence the order of the lesson based on the level of the difficulty?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you cohere the standard competency and basic competence within the subject lessons?.

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : Do the indicators in your syllabus relate to the students’ characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How do you develop the materials that relate to your students’ potencies?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you develop your materials that relate to your students’ local characteristics?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : In developing the materials, what are the things you consider to emphasize on the students’ usefulness?

How do you do that?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you consider the depth, width and authenticity of the materials you develop? How important do you think they are?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you develop the materials that support the students’ need and environment?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you adjust the size of the materials and the time allocation?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : What kind of media that you choose to help to reach the standard competency, basic competence, and indicators?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher: What kind of media that you choose to relate to the materials?

Researcher: Do you have problems?


Researcher : How is your classroom activity? Do you design it to help students and teachers for professionalism? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you deign your activities for students to do to reach SKKD?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you relate your activities to the materials? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How do you manage your time allocation? Do you relate it to the basic competence? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How about depth? Width? And the difficulty level?


Researcher : How do you develop your evaluation? Do you relate it to the indicators?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : What kind of evaluation do you choose?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you include in your evaluation an observation of students’ work?

Researcher : Do you use portfolio in your evaluation? How?

Researcher : Do you include self assessment? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : What are the factors that you consider in analyzing and developing the standard competency? How do you sequence the order of the lesson based on the level of the difficulty?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you cohere the standard competency and basic competence within the subject lessons?.

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : Do the indicators in your syllabus relate to the students’

characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How do you develop the materials that relate to your students’ potencies?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you develop your materials that relate to your students’ local characteristics ?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : In developing the materials, what are the things you consider to emphasize on the students’ usefulness? How do you do that?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you consider the depth, width and authenticity of the materials you develop? How important do you think they are?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you develop the materials that support the students’ need and environment?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you adjust the size of the materials and the time allocation?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : What kind of media that you choose to help to reach the standard competency, basic competence, and indicators?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : What kind of media that you choose to relate to the materials?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How is your classroom activity? Do you design it to help students and teachers for professionalism? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How do you deign your activities for students to do to reach SKKD?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you relate your activities to the materials? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?


Researcher : How do you manage your time allocation? Do you relate it to the basic competence? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : How about depth? Width? And the difficulty level?

Researcher : Do you have problem?


Researcher : How do you develop your evaluation? Do you relate it to the indicators?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : What kind of evaluation do you choose?

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : Do you include in your evaluation an observation of students’ work?

Researcher : Do you use portfolio in your evaluation? How?

Researcher : Do you include self assessment? How?

Researcher : Do you have problems?




Researcher : What are the factors that you consider in analyzing and developing the standard competency? How do you sequence the order of the lesson based on the level of the difficulty?

Teacher : Actually I don’t really understand the nature of standard competence..but I pay much attention to my knowledge and student’s capability, and resources. I just teach what I think easy for my students

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Teacher : Sure....as I said I don’t really know the nature of it.

Researcher : How do you cohere the standard competency and basic competence within the subject lessons?

Teacher : It depends on the genre I teach..if it is about descriptive I can relate to biology, if it is about narrative I can relate to social science and religion.

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Researcher : As far as I did such thing no problem...


Researcher : Do the indicators in your syllabus relate to the students’

characteristics, subject lesson, and local potency?

Teacher : Not really...because I just focus on student’s characteristic, and lesson, but not the last.

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Teacher : A little bit yes...it’s difficult to decide what the operational words are appropriately used.


Researcher : Are the materials that you design appropriate with the slightly higher in their level of difficulty than students’

current level of English proficiency?

Teacher : Yes.

Researcher : Is there any standard that you use to measure the students’

level of proficiency in order to adjust the learning material as slightly higher in difficulty?

Teacher : To do that, I do a need analysis and tests of English proficiency. After that I know that the students’ English ability and their level. And then I adjust the materials with the students’ need.

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Teacher : No

Researcher : Do you relate your material to the students’ age?

Teacher : Yes, I do.

Researcher : How do you know that material relates with the students’


Teacher : I relate it to the students’ age, because it is very important to relate it. But I have a standard in my syllabus.

Researcher : Do you have problem on it? Problem solving?

Teacher : I have no problems about it so far, as we know all the students in the class are relatively at the same range of age so that I do not really consider it too much. I just follow my curriculum application.

Researcher : Do you include the authentic materials in your syllabus development?

Teacher : Yes, I do. I included the authentic material in teaching, because authentic material is very useful for introducing the real language use of language.

Researcher : Where do you get that authentic material?

Teacher : I get them form newspaper, film, video and magazine Researcher : How do you develop the materials that relate to your

students’ potencies?

Teacher : I teach based on what my student’s need. So I develop it based on what they know and they do not know. Sometime I simplified but I also often skip some difficult lesson.

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Teacher : Yes, my students are not in the level of the competences stated in the curriculum, so I get trouble in adapting the lesson with my student’s condition.

Researcher : How do you develop your materials that relate to your students’ local characteristics ?

Teacher : I make use of the things they already know and familiar with, Such as teaching descriptive by exploring some tourism places there, but not always.

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Teacher : Yes, I got trouble because not all text in English can be taught to them by exploring their environment potential.

Researcher : In developing the materials, what are the things you consider to emphasize on the students’ usefulness? How do you do that?

Teacher : 1. The usage of the material 2. The relation of the material with their daily life...but it’s hard....

Researcher : Do you have problems?

Teacher : I get difficulties..but it’s fun if I can show them that the materials are worthwile for their life.

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