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the effectiveness of educational debating


Academic year: 2023

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This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents, my brother and sister, and my family, who always give me motivation, prayer, and love. The writer realizes that many hands have given their help and helpful suggestions for the completion of this dissertation. My greatest appreciation and deepest gratitude goes to my dear parents, who are always my motivators, and also to my brother and my young sister and my family for the attention, support and their love.

My sincere thanks to all the lectures of the FKIP UNISMUH, especially to the lectures of the English Department and all the staff of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for their guidance during the years of writer's study. The writer's deep appreciation to the director, English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo and all the students of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo, especially to the XI IPA 1 class in academic year 2015/2016, who spared their time and activities to be here subject of research. Special thanks go to my friends in LKIM PENA, who always gave me the motivation to complete this thesis.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ……..............…………………………… 15
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ……..............…………………………… 15


  • Background of the Study
  • Research Questions
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Significance of Study
  • Scope of Study
  • Some Previous Research Findings
    • The Element of Speaking
    • Procedure of Debate
    • Advantages of debate
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Hypothesis

Finally, by using debate, we gave more chance to the students to practice speaking English. Andini (2014) titled "The effectiveness of using presentation, practice, production (PPP) technique to improve the students' speaking skills". As said by River, the teacher will have to give the students opportunities to practice their speaking skills.

A week before the debate, students will provide the topic by preparing an argument in debate activities. As a result of the teaching and learning process, students can improve their speaking skills through the educational debate method. Alternative hypothesis (H1): There are some significant speaking skills of students after using the educational debate method as a consideration in the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo.

Figure 2.1: Conceptual framework
Figure 2.1: Conceptual framework


Research Method

It was in the form of teaching and learning process using educational debate methods. From the groups, the teacher made a debate group consisting of two students for each side, namely: affirmative and opposite team. The timer gave both sides about three minutes to deliberate and prepared for their rebuttal.

The supervisor started the refusals with the affirmative side, and the teacher gave them three minutes to speak. After the treatment was done, the researcher gave a post-test to the students to obtain data whether or not there was any progress or improvement in the students' speaking fluency and accuracy through the educational debate method.

Research Variables and Indicators 1. Variable

The sample was selected using the cluster random sampling technique of nine classes, and in this study the researcher took only one class as a sample.

Instrument of the Research

Prosedur of Data Collection

Pronunciation is seriously affected by the native language, but only with those errors that cause a breakdown in communication. Although he has to struggle and search for words, there are not too many unnatural pauses. Although he has to struggle and search for words, there are not too many unnatural pauses.

Table 3.1 Criteria Score of Pronunciation
Table 3.1 Criteria Score of Pronunciation

Technique of Data Analysis

After obtaining the student's significance scores (value of t), they were compared with the value of t-table. When it was found that the value of t-test was equal or greater than the value of t-table, it means that null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) is accepted because there was difference of significance between pre-test. and post-test and post-teaching talk using educational debate method. When it was found that the value of t-test was equal or greater than the value of t-table, it means that null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) is accepted because there was difference of significance between pre-test. and post-test and post-teaching talk using educational debate method.

Gay in Rinamandasari (2014:34) To find out the effectiveness of pedagogical debate method in improving students' speaking skills in terms of accuracy and fluency in eleventh grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo.

Table 3.7 criteria for the hypothesis testing
Table 3.7 criteria for the hypothesis testing


  • The Improvement of the Students’ Accuracy
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Fluency
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability
  • Hypothesis Testing

When applying Educational Debating Method in the class, the data is collected through the test and shows that the student's speaking ability in terms of accuracy is significantly improved. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of Educational Debate Method is effective in improving the students' speaking ability in terms of accuracy (6.31%). After calculating the score, the author finds that the students' speaking ability improves in terms of accuracy (6.31%) from the average score 3.52 on pre-test to 6.07 on post-test.

Using the Educatiorewqnal Debating Method in improving students' speaking skills involves accuracy and fluency. The improvement in student speaking skills among the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo can be clearly seen in the following table. By applying the educational debate method in the classroom, the data is collected through the test and it is found that the students' speaking skills in terms of speaking skills improve significantly.

Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of the educational debate method is effective in improving students' speaking ability in terms of fluency (37.03%). After calculating the result, the writer finds that the students' speaking ability in terms of fluency improved (37.03%) from an average score of 126.96 on the pretest to 151.21 on the posttest. When using the educational debate method in the classroom, data is collected through the best and shows that students' speaking ability in terms of fluency improves significantly.

Based on these results, it can be concluded that the use of the educational debate method is effective for improving students' speaking ability (29.42%). After calculating the score, the writer finds that the students' speaking ability improved (29.42%) from an average score of 98.84 on the pretest to 139.06 on the posttest. Seeing the above result, we can conclude that the use of educational debate method is effective for the improvement of students.

In other words, the use of Educational Debate Method was effective in improving the students' speaking ability.

Table  I  above  shows  that  score  of  pronunciatin is  a  improved (67.41%)  from  the  mean  score  4.02  in  pre-test  to  be  6.73
Table I above shows that score of pronunciatin is a improved (67.41%) from the mean score 4.02 in pre-test to be 6.73


  • The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking in term of Pronunciation One of the important elements in speaking is pronunciation. The teacher
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking in term of Grammar
  • The Improvement of the Students Speaking in term of Vocabulary
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking in term of Smoothness

Improving students' speech in terms of pronunciation One of the important elements in speaking is pronunciation. The use of the Educational Debate Method has made the speaking of students in terms of pronunciation to increase. As a result, the mean score of students' speaking pronunciation in the pre-test was still low.

As a result, the mean score of students' spoken grammar in the pre-test was still low. The above explanation shows that using the educational debate method can improve students' grammar. The use of the educational debate method increased the students' vocabulary.

As a result, the students' average vocabulary score in the pretest was still low. The above explanation shows that the use of educational debate method can improve students' vocabulary. After the researcher used the method, the students' speaking increased in terms of confidence.

As a result, the average self-confidence score of the students in the pre-test was still low. The above explanation shows that the use of the Educational Debate Method can improve students' speaking calmness. Therefore, the Educational Debate Method is effective in improving students' speaking ability in terms of accuracy.

Therefore, the Educational Debating Method is effective in improving students' speaking ability in terms of fluency.


Using the educational debate method can improve students' speaking skills, which is related to accuracy and fluency in the eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo. In other words, using the educational debate method is important to improve students' performance.


It is suggested that the students continuously practice their speaking skills in role-plays in order to have good command and a greater ability to speak accurately and fluently. Moreover, the use of experimental research as a research design can be the first research implication to ensure the problems or problems of improving students' speaking ability. The effectiveness of using the presentation, practice, production (PPP) technique to improve students' speaking skills.

The application of the linguistic conversation method to improve the listening skill of first year students at SMK Muhammadiyah I Bontoala. The effectiveness of speaking factor in students' functional ability and accuracy (a real experimental in the third grade of SMU 6 Muhammadiyah Makassar). The implementation of a pedagogical debate method to promote students' speaking ability in the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Sumber.

The students spoke and delivered their argument on the topic from the teacher, the topic is "The Effect of Internet Toward the Young Generation". The students spoke and gave an argument on the topics given by the teacher, the theme is "The Effect of Mobile Phone Toward the Young Generation".

Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar


Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

Metode/ Model Pembelajaran

Kompetensi Dasar


Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

Metode/ Model Pembelajaran


Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berkelanjutan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (menyelesaikan sesuatu) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) formal dan berkelanjutan yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari serta melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan pendapat, menanyakan pendapat, menyatakan kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan.

Karakter yang Dikembangkan a. Cinta ilmu

Setelah membaca materi, guru menunjuk salah satu anggotanya menjadi kelompok yang berbicara, sedangkan kelompok penipu menjawab atau menjawab, dan seterusnya, hingga sebagian besar siswa mampu mengemukakan pendapatnya. Secara umum, peserta debat terdiri dari tiga kelompok: tim yang mendukung topik debat (“Tim Afirmatif”), tim yang menentang topik debat (“Tim Negatif”), dan sekelompok penonton.

Argument Agreement and Disagreement

  • Score Classification A. Pre test

Menyampaikan posisi tim (posisi tim, setuju atau tidak setuju dengan topik, tim positif akan selalu setuju dengan alur tema, sedangkan tim negatif tidak setuju). Menekankan kembali keberatan yang disampaikan oleh pembicara pertama dan kedua dari tim positif, sambil terus menentang argumen tim, menekankan kembali keberatan yang sebelumnya disampaikan oleh pembicara 1 dan 2, sambil terus menolak argumen tim lain.

And if we can speak English, we will succeed more easily in this globalization era. As the member of the UN, countries joining it must of course use English language, it must follow. Chinese is the country that has a lot of success in trade, they trade from their country to other country.

The Students’ Speaking Ability in Accuracy Object Pre-test

The Students’ Speaking Ability in Fluency Object Pre-test




Mean Score of total score

The percentage of the students’ improvement of speaking accuracy and fluency

The mean score of the mean score of Gain (D)

  • t-Test
  • t-Table


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ……..............…………………………… 15
Figure 2.1: Conceptual framework
Table 3.1 Criteria Score of Pronunciation
Table 3.2 Criteria Score of Vocabulary


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