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the effectiveness of mind mapping technique in


Academic year: 2024

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Nor Hikmatur Rezmah


, Iwan Perdana, M.Pd


, Dr. Hengki, S.S., M.Pd. B.I


Islamic University Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari


Islamic University Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari


Islamic University Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari


Email: nhrezmah@gmail.com


The purpose of this study is intended to know how effective the use of mind mapping technique in teaching writing descriptive text. The method of this research is a quantitative with pre-experimental design that concist of pretest, treatment and posttest. After collecting the data, by using t-test and score of the one only were compared from the pre-test and post-test. The t-test analysis performed on the data students’ score in teaching writing descriptive text by using mind mapping comes to finding that t-value is 2.056 while the mean score is 13.734. In other words, mind mapping technique is effective in teaching writing descriptive text for 7th grade of SMP Negeri 5 Alalak school year 2019/2020. The teachers can apply this technique to teach writing, to make the students become more creative.

Keywords: Writing, Descriptive Text, Mind Mapping.



Writing is a basic language skill, as important as speaking, listening and reading.

According to Nunan (2003: 88) writing is an intellectual activity of finding the ideas and thinking about the way to express and arrange them into a statement and paragraph that is clear to be understood by the people.

It indicates that the students are expected to explore the ideas and arranging into good paraghraph.

Based on the state syllabus for SMP/MTs, for the first year students of junior high school in semester 2, the students are demanded to write various text types, one of which is descriptive text (Depdiknas, 2006). The aims of this material are the students can know the meaning of descriptive text, function, generic structure, characteristic, and kinds of the text. So they are able to differentiate with other texts and be able to make descriptive text.

Over the conduct of the teaching practicum (PLP II) in a Junior High School in Banjarmasin, the researcher found out that some students had difficulties to write a descriptive text such as the students are unable to generate their idea of writing descriptive about people, thing, place and animal, the students have difficulties to develop their idea, the students are unable to organize their idea in writing.

To solve the students’ problem in writing descriptive texts, in the literature, One of the techniques that can be used to help student in writing is mind mapping.

According to Buzan (2005: 12-13) mind mapping is alternative thinking of brains toward linear thinking. Mind mapping is powerful graphic technique and become universal key to unlock the potential of the entire brain. In the usage of mind mapping, students do not use their left side of the brain to identify words but in the same time they also use the right side of the brain in learning language. In other words, it helps students to associate ideas, think creatively, and make connections in sentences.

Based on researcher observation in SMP Negeri 5 Alalak, the researcher found that the students gets difficulties in understanding the material especially in writing descriptive text. First, the researcher

found that the teacher just explains about the generic structure and asks students to write descriptive text without use any method or technique when instruct students to describe.

The researcher also looked the respond of the students; the students confused and bored learning descriptive text. They can’t do the task from teacher correctly. Second, the difficulty of students in writing descriptive text is about getting the idea and arranging the sentence.

Seeing the above problem, it needs to create teaching and learning process that can facilitate students to learn English easily. The teachers can use the technique to enhance the students ability in writing. One of the techniques is Mind Mapping technique.

So, the researcher is interested to apply this technique to know how effective the use of mind mapping in teaching writing particular attention in descriptive text. For the reason above, the researcher will conduct a research entitled "The Effectiveness of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text at 7th Grade of SMP Negeri 5 Alalak in school year 2019/2020”.


Research Design and Setting

The method of this research is a quantitative with pre-experimental research design (one group pretest and posttest) that concist of pretest, treatment and posttest. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 5 Alalak which is located at Jl. Handil Bakti, Semangat Karya, Kec. Alalak, Kab. Barito Kuala, Prov. Kalimantan Selatan. This school has been established for 4 years. The total number of students is 158, namely 127 male students and 131 female students. This research was carried out for 2 weeks in 13rd January – 25th January.

Populaton and Sample

The population of this research was the 7th grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Alalak school year 2019/2020. It was concist of 3 classes and 86 students. And the sample of this research the researcher chose the class 7c of SMP Negeri 5 Alalak in the academic year 2019/2020. The total number of students is 27 students.



To collect the data, the researcher used test an instrument. Test was done twice, pre-test and post-test. Both test are in the form of writing descriptive text. on the pre-test students writed descriptive about animal without mind mapping and on the post-test students writed descriptive text about animal too with using mind mapping.

Length of time provided to do the test was 45 minutes.

After all the data had been collected, the researcher will compared the result of students which the system scoring based on the criteria of Rubric Writing Skill basic competence (KD) in Curriculum 2013 (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia, 2013 : 18-20).

Data Analysis

In this research, after the data have been collected through test, the researcher then analyzed by using dependent T-test formula with the help of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) to find out mean score, standard deviation and t-value. After t-value has been obtained the researcher compared with critical value on t-table for testing hypothesis.


Post-test was conducted on 14st January. The researcher asked to students make sentences to describe about their favorite animal. While in the post-test, the researcher asked to students make a sentences about cat. In the both of test, the students should write a describe text about the characteristic of animal. The instruction was researcher wrote in the writing prompt of students task.

There are 27 students as a subject or participant. The highest score from participant is 80 while the lowest score is 55.

It means that students’ achievement in writing around the criteria of fair and good.

There were many students get the score under the criteria of pass in the exam was good, it means that the minimum of students score is 71. There were 15 students get the

score under the criteria of good. It means that generally the students’ writing ability in descriptive text was less. From these result it can be seen given to students is not easy for students. This is because the teacher just using lecture technique in teaching process writing descriptive text, the teacher just explains about the generic structure and ask students to write descriptive text without use any method or technique when instruct students to describe.

To know the student’s achievement was good or not, the researcher gave the criteria as follow:

Table 4.2 Criteria of Students’ Score No. Grade Interval




A 86 –




B 71 -85



C 56 –



4. D ≤ 55 Poor

b. Post-Test

Post-test was conducted on 21st January, 2020 after giving treatment. The researcher asked to students make sentences about cat with mind mapping.

A lot of students have increased the scores.

There were 24 students get the excellent score. Although the test is given the same shape as the pre-test but in the process of teachers using mind mapping technique that some examples taken from other books and the internet. So, that some students have increased the value of the test in writing descriptive text.


Based on the result of data analysis, it proven that the students’ score of writing descriptive text taught by using mind


mapping technique is increase. It means that the use of mind mapping is effective.

Another reason the interesting of student when write descriptive text also will be improved. Students are demanded to be more creative when describe using mind mapping as a technique. The combination of picture and illustrate enthusiast to make mapping picture before describing animal, it could be seen in the posttest that was given.

Mind mapping technique surely showed the real effectiveness in teaching writing descriptive text because it can help students to improve their writing achievement, especially of the 7th grade of SMP Negeri 5 Alalak School Year 2019/2020.

CLOSING Conclusion

Based on the finding from discussion, it can be seen that significant of two tails was 0, 01 and the level of significant was 0, 05. So, the significant level is < the standard level of significant (0, 01 < 0, 05). Because of the significant level is < the standard level of significant (0, 05), it means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

Therefore, after calculated using statistical test indicating that mind mapping was effective, the researcher concluded that mind mapping technique can be used to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive text and can be applied an important role in teaching writing to the 7th grade of SMP Negeri 5 Alalak School year 2019/2020.


Based on the result of the research above, the researcher would like to suggest as follow:

1. For the teacher :

a. The teacher are suggested to use mind mapping technique for teaching writing particular attention in descriptive text.

b. Mind Mapping can be applied in English teaching and learning process as one of the innovations to increase and develop students writing ability.

2. For the researcher

a. Other researcher are suggested to conduct a similar research in order to verify or strength then the findings of the present research.


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