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thesis - Repository IAIN Bengkulu


Academic year: 2023

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An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in Thesis Background (A Study on Thesis Background Written by Students of IAIN Bengkulu's English Education Study Program in September 2020 Term). The data of this study were ten thesis backgrounds which were randomly taken from the thesis background section from students of the English Education Study Program of IAIN Bengkulu in the period of September 2020.


  • Background of the Study
  • Problems of the Study
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Limitation of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Definition of the Key Terms

How is the use of the cohesion and coherence in the background section of dissertation by English Education Study Program students of IAIN Bengkulu in period September 2020. The author will try to identify the cohesion and coherence in the background of dissertation.


Concept of Cohesion

Types of Cohesion

It is a relation in terms and also a relation in text, but not a semantic relation. There is another type of substitution where the presuppositions are not elements in the clauses, i.e. clause substitution. Halliday and Hasan pointed out that a nominal ellipsis is an ellipsis in a nominal group.

Charles (2009) stated that an additive conjunction helps to provide additional information without changing the information in previous sentences or phrases. Based on the example above, the repetition in the mushroom paragraph refers back to the mushroom. Based on the example above, the synonym in the sentence climb refers back to climb.

Based on the example above, the word "animal" is the superordinate of the word "a cute cat" in the previous sentence.

Concept of Coherence

Crossing signals are like traffic signs, telling readers when to go ahead, turn, slow down and stop,” says Oshima. This could mean that transition signals are used to guide readers from one concept to another. Transition signals are words or phrases that connect sentences to increase the internal cohesion and coherence of the writing.

Writers won't jump out of the blue or sound too abrupt if they use appropriate transition cues. Transition signals are expressions such as first, finally and however, or sentences such as termination on the other hand, and as a result. Other kinds of words such as subordinates (when, although), coordinators (and, but), adjectives (another, further), and prepositions (because of, in spite of) can serve as transition signals.

Transition signals are like traffic signs; they tell your reader when to go forward, turn on, slow down, and stop.

Background of Thesis

The research background is the first and very important part of writing a scientific paper (whether it is a paper or a dissertation). The background of the research questions explains the study topic, the study question and the reason for the research in a particular topic. According to McMillan, the background section is a very important part of the research paper, because in the background section the researcher will explain their research in broad terms, it becomes the foundation of the research paper.

In the background, the reason for the researcher's research is revealed and the theory of his research is confirmed. It becomes fundamental information for researching a wider range of fields and succinctly characterizes the development of the research problem. In the end, the writer can conclude that the background of the thesis is the primary basis for the writer or researcher that gives the reader an understanding.

These phenomena will be used as a basis for identifying a problem and something that needs to be supplemented with the research.

Related Previous Studies

Thesis description history is general, but more specific than the first paragraph, since it is introduced in the topic. The background of the description of the thesis is special, because it has to do with phenomena in society. The second study is a journal conducted by Suarnajaya (2012) entitled "An Analysis of the Cohesion and Coherence of Students' English Writings" with research where the research subjects were 30 second grade students of SMAN 1 Labuapi.

The result of the study indicated that coherence and coherence should be emphasized in writing lessons and English teachers should be skilled in assessing the coherence of students' writings. The results of the study indicated that repetition appeared to be the most common of all the cohesive subcategories, and that the narrative text analyzed in this study contained solid lexical coherence that matched the meaning of language. Then, the data source for the writer's research comes from the background of the thesis written by students of the English education department.

In this study, the author analyzes and identifies cohesion and coherence tools on the background of thesis written by English Education Department students.


  • Research Design
  • Population and Sample
    • Population
    • Sample
  • Instrument of Study
  • Technique of Data Collecting
  • Technique of Data Analysis
  • Data Validity

Then, the main focus of this research is on the dominant types of cohesion and coherence in the background of the thesis written by English Education. There are 212 examples of transition signals in the background of the dissertation that were analyzed in this study. The use of logical order in the text is based on the topic and purpose of the text.

The writer assumes that the truth of the theory is proven in the background of the dissertation. The main result in this study focuses on the use of cohesion and coherence devices in the background of the thesis written by students of the English Education Study Program of IAIN Bengkulu in the period of September 2020. No ellipse was found in the background of the thesis written by English Education Study Program students of IAIN Bengkulu in September 2020.

Meanwhile, other types of coherent devices are used in the background of a thesis written by students of the English Education study program at IAIN Bengkulu in the September 2020 term.


Data Description

This study analyzes coherence and cohesion in the background of thesis studies of English department students. The data was collected from the background of the thesis written by the students of IAIN Bengkulu English Education Study Program in the period of September 2020. For the analysis, the writer took the words, phrases and sentence in the background of the chapter I study as the data source.

Then, these data were analyzed according to the objectives of a well-arranged section, specifically on the coherence and consistency between the sections. Then, the writer identified the paragraphs to meet the standards of coherence and coherence, which are marked by coherence markers and coherence devices. In short, all these become the identifying tools to analyze the context and coherence of the background of the study.

At least, in this study the author mentions that there are three coherence marker relationships that were used to identify coherence of the paragraph in the background of study.


Whereas, other markers used to identify a different purpose, coherence markers are used to analyze the data to find the level of coherence would exist in the paragraph. The graph above identifies the percentage for two types of cohesion, namely grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. From the chart above, students can construct grammatical cohesion which consists of reference up to 323 or 53%, substitution 34 or 6%, ellipsis 0%, and conjunction 212 or 35%.

The Data Analysis and Interpretation

Substitutes that appear in the text are the verbal substitution this, that and the clause substitution so. The adverbial conjunction appearing in the text is so, therefore, for this reason, because, and then. Prepositional conjunctions that appear in the text are meanwhile, then, next, finally, first, second time, etc.

From the above findings, it is known that the students mostly used the additional conjunction to connect the ideas in the expository texts. The synonym article found in the data is only word that has the same meaning as the other word. Repetition of key nouns is the easiest way for writers to make sentences in the text coherent, and it is also the easiest link for readers to understand the sentences in the text.

The pronouns used in the background of thesis in this research include personal pronoun, relative pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and possessive pronoun. There is only one case of logical order in the background of the thesis analyzed in this research, that is chronological order. Because in the 10 background of the thesis analyzed in this research are in the same topics, which explain the order of events or steps in a process, then each of the texts involves chronological order.


In this study, the cohesion and coherence of the background of 10 students' thesis written by the English Education Department of IAIN Bengkulu in September 2020 were investigated. Mawardi (2014) stated that substitution and ellipsis were not widely used in essays due to the fact that students used too much repetition of lexical items or were confused between ellipsis and substitution because there is no clear dividing line between them. Meanwhile, other types of conjunctions that appeared in the background of the thesis were adversative, causal, and temporal.

It was one of the attempts to make the sentences coherent and coherent in the text by the authors. Thesis background written by IAIN Bengkulu Department of English Education in the period September 2020 has 553 coherence links. While the logical order was not presented in the data finding, in fact the transition signals represented the logical order function.

The first question is the types of cohesion and coherence tools in students' background of thesis.



It means that the students have quite good competence in producing cohesion in their writing texts, because they have used all types of cohesion in their written texts except ellipsis. Based on the background of the thesis students as well as data findings, the types of coherence devices are repeating key noun, stable pronoun, transitive signal, and logical order. Especially for categories the logical order is not served in detail because the transition signals have represented the function of the logical order.

This means that the students have good skills in creating coherence in writing texts, because they have applied all types of coherence in writing texts.


When explaining or elaborating, students should only indicate the elaboration specific to the section's topic discussion. If students want to add another piece of information, they should create a new section with a new topic discussion so that the information is not redundant or ambiguous. Analysis of narrative writing of ninth grade students in SMP Negeri 1 Gianyar based on the context and coherence of the text.

An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence of Students' English Writings in Grade Two of SMAN 1 Labuapi West Lombok. Cohesion in the narrative text presented in the Xth grade high school e-text titled “Development of English Competence”.


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