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tourism management - Undip PAK Repository


Academic year: 2023

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Thanks to everyone who helped so that this book could be completed according to the planned time. This book not only discusses the introduction of Tourism Management but also contributes to the conditions arising from the pandemic for the tourism sector. In conclusion, the author would like to say once again to all those who participated so that this book cannot be mentioned one by one.

The author welcomes constructive criticism and suggestions to improve this book to make it more useful.

Brief Description

Students are able to develop ideas for the development of rural tourism in the area where they live. Activities that create a mutually beneficial two-way communication, including exchange relationships in the marketing of tourism products. Satisfaction expressed by tourists for the attractions, activities and events at the tourist attraction.

Located in the Dieng Plateau area, precisely in Wonosobo Regency, Telaga Warna has become one of the tourism icons in Wonosobo. UNESCO declared that Penglipuran Village was one of the 3 cleanest traditional villages in the world in 2018. Students can name some famous tourist villages in Indonesia and those in the area where they live.

Community support, in the development of tourist towns, it is necessary to have the participation of many parties. So full support from the town apparatus is needed so that all activities in the tourist town go well. The existence of activities of the government in the tourist village such as meetings, discussions, traditional ceremonies, traditions, exhibitions etc.

Nglangeran Village is one of the villages in the special region of Yogyakarta, which is quite famous for its ancient volcano area. The majority of the community are farmers, planters, breeders with the main commodity in the form of maize as their staple food. It can be concluded that e-tourism is digitization in the tourism industry to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of tourism activities.

Facilitating customer service in the tourism sector because it can be directly linked to electronic media. The application of e-tourism to the tourism industry is reflected in the application of digital media to expand. Digitization in the tourism industry to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of tourism activities.

Figure 2.1 Interview with Karimunjawa Port Authority          The port is one of the central positions because to get to a  tourist location, for example, it requires the participation of the  port
Figure 2.1 Interview with Karimunjawa Port Authority The port is one of the central positions because to get to a tourist location, for example, it requires the participation of the port


Learning outcomes

Students can explain the development of tourist villages by duplicating well-known tourist villages or by creating their own tourist village ideas that can be developed in their respective areas. Students can explain the role of e-tourism and the development of e-tourism in Indonesia.


Introducing To Tourism…


This type of tourism is like nature tourism that offers amazing natural beauty with extraordinary beauty. In this section, students are expected to understand the definition of tourism and be able to understand and explain the types of tourism and their differences from each other. Students are expected to be able to develop their ideas to contribute to the promotion of tourism in Indonesia.

Students are also able to give examples of these types of tourism in Indonesia, so it becomes easy to understand with examples of the types of tourism.

Definition of Tourism

The students do the types of tours found in their area and explain in detail. Students will be given questions to answer and will be checked for answers when they are done. Students are also required to pass the limit on the number of correct answers to the multiple-choice questions asked.

If the student does not pass the threshold, the student must re-solve the questions and examine their incorrect answers.


According to Luturlean et al., (2019), tourism is a series of human activities whether carried out by individuals or groups in the territory of other countries by providing facilities, services and other. Sports lovers travel to many areas according to their hobbies, such as climbing mountains in Indonesia or abroad. Tourism that is carried out in the same area, such as the city of Semarang, Solo, Purwokerto, which comes from Central Java.

The attractiveness of tourism that is still good can provide benefits such as providing income for the surrounding community, companies and the government.


Not only for fun, but tourist trips can be influenced by other factors such as business, studies or sports. A type of tourism that aims to seek pleasure such as: enjoying trips climbing mountains, hiking, doing recreational activities at the beach or lake, and visiting cultural tours in historical places. Tourism related to work duties, such as visiting tourist attractions while conducting meetings or seminars.

In the sustainable development of tourism, companies and the government must continue to maintain the attractiveness of tourism.


Formative Test

Tourist activities are one of the activities preferred by many people, especially those who are busy with work. Tourist activities are one of the activities that many people do to avoid boredom or boredom in daily activities. The types of tourism consist of cultural tourism, maritime tourism, sports tourism, nature reserve tourism, culinary tourism, religious tourism, local tourism, regional tourism, national tourism and international tourism.

The following types of tourism are divided into three, namely field trips, field trips and field trips.


Follow Up

The village community of Penglipuran who deposits non-organic waste at the waste bank will be rewarded in the form of money. Other features can be in the form of cultural arts, natural beauty and other interesting things that become an attraction for visitors. Kaligono Tourism Village has superior agricultural products in the form of durian, mangosteen and cross-bred Etawa goats.

In the digital age, it is important to increase the variety of information presented online.

Answers of Formative Test

  • Introduction
  • Tourism Management Karimun Jawa
  • Tourism Management
  • Tourism Marketing


  • Glossary

Students are able to provide ideas and innovations that can increase the value of tourism in their respective regions by implementing tourism management. If the process of tourism marketing activities goes well, then tourism companies will be able to survive, develop and innovate sustainably. There are basically three groups of tourism service products according to Yoeti (1996) as follows except.

Public Relations: Activities that create mutually beneficial two-way communication, including exchange relationships in the marketing of tourist products.


Definition of Ecotourism


  • Definition of Tourism Village


Understanding E-Tourism

The Ministry of Tourism has identified digital tourism as the Top 1 Ministry Program that makes digital an unforgettable need to promote tourism quickly (Yanti, 2019). The principle of the existence of e-tourism is the coordination of tourism development on three elements, namely information. Digitalization in e-tourism helps the distribution of tourism products from producers to potential tourists in making travel decisions.

According to Soava & Bădică (2008), the benefits of implementing e-tourism can be felt for the tourism industry and for tourists involving aspects of information, reservations, payments and advertising media. The implementation of e-tourism for the tourism industry is reflected in the use of digital media to expand the dissemination of information through digital marketing as a promotional medium. The introduction of e-tourism is supported by technological advances, active participation of industry players and government support.

In March 2021, the Ministry of Tourism officially launched the Go Mandalika e-tourism program as a medium to promote Central Lombok tourism. The Ministry of Tourism also has a role in promoting tourist destinations through Instagram, namely the existence of GenPI (Generasi Pesona Indonesia), which has managed to create seven digital tourist destinations and 100 photogenic digital tourist packages (Heliany, 2019). The Ministry of Tourism has stepped up the promotion of "Wonderful Indonesia" as an effort to introduce an e-tourism-based destination management organization.

In an effort to maximize digital to promote Indonesian tourism, the Ministry of Tourism is partnering with TripAdvisor. The Ministry of Tourism encourages the promotion of tourist destinations by promoting "Wonderful Indonesia" on a number of news portals, including TripAdvisor.

Figure 1 Tourism Development System Design
Figure 1 Tourism Development System Design



DENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,. bahwa keadaan alam, tumbuhan dan satwa sebagai anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, serta peninggalan purbakala, peninggalan sejarah, seni dan budaya yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia merupakan sumber daya dan modal bagi pengembangan pariwisata untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. -kemanusiaan sebagaimana termaktub dalam Pancasila dan Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945; bahwa kebebasan melakukan perjalanan dan memanfaatkan waktu luang dalam bentuk pariwisata merupakan bagian dari hak asasi manusia; bahwa pariwisata merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional, yang dilaksanakan secara sistematis, terencana, terpadu, berkelanjutan, dan bertanggung jawab, dengan tetap menjamin perlindungan nilai-nilai agama, budaya yang hidup dalam masyarakat, kelestarian dan mutu lingkungan hidup, serta kesejahteraan nasional. minat; bahwa pengembangan pariwisata diperlukan untuk mendorong pemerataan kesempatan berusaha dan memperoleh manfaat serta mampu menghadapi tantangan perubahan kehidupan lokal, nasional, dan global; bahwa undang-undang no. Undang-undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1990 tentang Kepariwisataan sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan kepariwisataan sehingga perlu diganti; bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a, b, c, d, dan e, perlu membentuk Undang-Undang tentang Kepariwisataan; Pemerintah Pusat yang selanjutnya disebut Pemerintah adalah Presiden Republik Indonesia yang memegang kekuasaan pemerintahan Negara Republik Indonesia sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Pembangunan pariwisata dilaksanakan dilaksanakan berdasarkan asas sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2, yang diwujudkan melalui penyelenggaraan rencana pengembangan pariwisata dengan memperhatikan keanekaragaman, keunikan dan kekhususan budaya dan alam, serta kebutuhan manusia untuk melakukan perjalanan.

Pemerintah atau otoritas daerah dapat menunda atau mengubah pendaftaran perusahaan pariwisata apabila tidak memenuhi ketentuan prosedur sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 15. Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah berkewajiban mengembangkan dan melindungi usaha mikro, kecil, menengah, dan koperasi. sektor pariwisata dengan: menetapkan kebijakan reservasi usaha pariwisata bagi usaha mikro, kecil, menengah, dan koperasi; Memfasilitasi kemitraan antara usaha mikro, kecil, menengah, dan koperasi dengan usaha skala besar. Koordinasi strategis lintas sektoral sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 33 ayat 1 dipimpin oleh Presiden atau Wakil Presiden. Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai tata kerja, mekanisme, dan hubungan koordinasi strategis lintas sektoral sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 33 dan Pasal 34 diatur dengan Peraturan Presiden.

Unsur penentu kebijakan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 38 merupakan unsur pelaksana untuk melaksanakan tugas operasional Badan Promosi Pariwisata Indonesia. Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai bentuk, keanggotaan, susunan kepengurusan, dan kegiatan Asosiasi Industri Pariwisata Indonesia sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 50, diatur dalam anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga. Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai sertifikasi kompetensi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 53 dan sertifikasi usaha sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 54 diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah.


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