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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository - IAIN Metro

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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THE USE OF ROLE-PLAY TECHNIQUES TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS BELOW THE TENTH GRADE OF THE SMA. The purpose of this research is to know whether the speaking skills of students can be increased by using role-playing technique and also to know how the implementation of the technique increases the speaking skills of students in the tenth grade of the SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. The study concluded that there was a significant increase in role-playing as a speaking technique in the tenth grade of the SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro.



This undergraduate thesis is specially dedicated to

Background of Research

Teaching English in Indonesia aims to develop students' speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. Pre-survey students' speaking score result among ten grades SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro No Grade Categories Frequency Percentages. Therefore, the researcher would like to conduct a research under the title: “The use of role play technique to improve speaking skills among the tenth graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro.

Problem Identification

From the table above, it can be seen that the speaking score of the students is classified in the low level of the common student. Based on the above description, the researcher decides to use learning strategies in speaking activities using role play activities.

Problem Formulation

The primary purpose of the research is to show whether role playing technique can increase the speaking skill in the tenth grade of the SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. For the Student: The result of the research can be used by students to increase their knowledge about English lesson, especially in speaking skill. For the readers: The research can be used as additional additional reference for those who want to do a research and English teaching process, especially to improve students' English speaking skill.

Theoretical Review

  • Teaching Speaking

Therefore, the researcher concludes that the purpose of teaching speaking is similar to the purpose of the role play technique which is communication. There are several advantages to teaching speaking using role play in the classroom, they are:27. Although role-playing gives some advantages, there are also disadvantages.

Research Setting

This research to know whether the scores of speaking learned by using role play better or not by comparing the students' scores before and after being taught through role play.

Research Subject

Research Procedure

In this activity, the researcher explained the speaking material, especially about role-playing technique, definition and procedure. In the second cycle, after analyzing the weakness and strength of the first cycle, the researcher used the role play to teach a different material. The researcher evaluates the process and the result of the implementation of role play in speaking education.

Data Collection Technique

After the teaching learning is carried out by means of role play, the researcher repeats the events in the classroom as the effect of the action.

Data Analysis Technique

Result of the Research

  • Description of Research Location
  • Description of Research Result
  • Planning
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

Based on the result, it could be analyzed that the students' speaking skill level was low. Students did not meet the minimum standard at Muhammadiyah 1 Metro High School. So, it was the reason why the researcher used role play to enhance students' speaking ability.

It opened by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and introducing the researcher as a teacher to the students. Based on the result of the pre-test score, the researcher has identified and found the problems after receiving the pre-test score of the students. The researcher started this meeting by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list of the students and asking about the condition of the students.

At the end of the meeting, the researcher gave feedback to the students, motivated them and informed the students about the activities in the next meeting. Looking at the result of pre-test and post-test, it was found that the student's score increased from the mean in pre-test before was 62.5 and the mean score on post-test 1 in cycle 1 was 67.83. The researcher was a teacher and the English teacher was a staff member who ... observed the activities of the students during the learning process.

During the learning process, there were four indicators that used to know the activities of the students in the classroom.

The percentage of students' speaking ability score in pre-test and post-test 1. From the score of pre-test and post-test 1, we understood that there was an improvement from the score of students' scores. Although there was an improvement from students' speaking ability, cycle 1 was still not successful because only 10 students (33%) passed post-test 1.

It started with praying, checking the attendance list of the students and asking about the students' condition. The teacher explained the narrative text in more detail by applying Role Play in the material, so that the material could be better understood by the students. At the end of the meeting, the teacher closed the meeting by motivating the students to study hard so that they could get a good score, especially in the English subject.

After giving the treatment in cycle 2, the researcher conducted post-test 2 on Sunday, October 28, 2019. Based on the above table, it could be seen that the average score of the students in post-test 2 was 77.67. Based on the result above, it can be seen that the average score of the students in post-test 2 was 77.67.

Based on the results of the research in the 2nd cycle, it could be concluded that the 2nd cycle was successful.

Category Post-

Category Category 1 AZA 65 Incomplete 70 Incomplete Increase

  • Interpretation
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Suggestion

Percentage of the result score of student's speaking skill in post-test 1 and post-test 2. Then, by analyzing the result of post-test 1, the researcher concluded that there were 10 students (33%) who passed the post-test 1. From the result of students' score in pre-test and post-test 1, there was an increase from the students' result score.

After analyzing the students' score in the cycle 1 post-test, the examiner had to perform the next cycle. Furthermore, the researcher analyzed the result of post-test 2 and concluded that there were 25 students (83%) who passed the test. From the result of the students' score of post-test 2, it could be concluded that there were rising scores.

Based on the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 results, it was revealed that there was a significant positive improvement in the students' scores. Comparison of the mean scores of the students' speaking skills in the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2. The percentage of the score of the students' speaking skills scores in the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2.

We could see an improvement in the percentage score and the total number of students who passed the test from pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2.


Kompetensi Dasar

Dengan menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks naratif sederhana berbentuk cerita rakyat, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Tujuan pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

A long time ago in a village in Sumatra, there was a mother with a son named Malin Kundang. Day by day, Malin grew up and became a young and strong man, brave and had a big dream to be a successful rich man. One day, Malin Kundang sought her mother's blessing to find a job outside his village.

The captain was a good man and he trained Malin Kundang well to be a good sailor. After Malin Kundang achieved success, he forgot his promise to go back to his mother. He did not want to remember that he had a poor mother who waited for him for a long time.

Unfortunately, Malin Kundang was too shy that her mother liked her, who looked ugly and poor. The mother was so sad and her heart was broken because her beautiful son did not want to know her as his mother. The mother said: “My dear son, how dare you be like this to your mother.

After the mother had said that, Malin Kundang, his wife and all his belongings became stones that remained forever at that port, still and inextricably forever, as well as stone statons.

Metode Pembelajaran 1. Role Playing Technique

The mouse was the one the king had never seen before, the mouse was so curious to see it. One day the mouse came to the cave that became the sleeping place of the king. The mouse quietly entered the cave, looked around and saw the large footprint of .

The mouse started to get scared and he wanted to get out quickly but too late, he heard the roar of the king who was already coming to the cave. The mouse tried to crawl over the wall and unfortunately it got stuck over the king's body. Then the mouse ran as fast as he could and he thanked the God for saving his life.

The mouse ran as fast as he could into the jungle where the king was trapped. The mouse quickly started biting the rope and after a while the rope broke and the king was freed from the trap. From then on, the mouse became the king's brother, and all the animals in the jungle respected him as they respected the king.

Secara berpasangan, siswa menganalisis beberapa teks legenda dengan fokus pada fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan.

Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Penutup 1. Siswa dan guru menyelesaikan pembelajaran 2. Siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang telah dilakukan.

Narrator: Cinderella didn't answer and ran back to the coach, but she lost one of her glass slippers on the way.

He was so excited to tell his mother about the old man and the magic beans.

The hen laid a golden egg every day, and Jack and his mother were no longer poor.

Narrator: The wolf jumped out of bed and went straight to Little Red Riding Hood. Wolf : Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers? Ha, ha, ha.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood ran to the closet and let her grandmother out. to the woodcutter).


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