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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman membaca yang signifikan pada siswa kelas VII J SMPN 2 Kotagajah setelah menggunakan Team Word-Webbing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa dengan menggunakan Team Word Webbing.


First of all, the writer would like to express this gratitude to the sponsor, Dr. The author also thanks all my family and friends who have provided support and courage to enable the author to complete this research.


Problem Identification

The researcher posed the problem of using span-word web recruitment strategy to increase students' reading comprehension at the seventh grade of SMPN 2 KOTA GAJAH.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objectives of the Research

Benefits of the Research

  • Model of reading
  • Type Of Reading
  • Genre of Reading a.) Academic reading
  • Assess of Reading Comprehension
  • Principal Strategies For Reading Comprehension
  • Definition Of Team Word-Webbing
  • Implementation of Teaching Team Word-Webbing Strategy 1.) Learning Activities
  • Advatage and Disadvantage of Team Word-Webbing Strategy 1) Advantage

The result of this research is a contribution for the teacher to use the word linking team strategy in order to increase the number of students. The Word Webbing technique can help students to compose their writing easily.

Action Hypothesis

The overall advantage in team word networking is to motivate students and make students interact with other students because students have to work together doing activities. Topics in this discussed about research object, research definition, research topic, action plan, data collection method, data analysis technique and success indicator.

Object of The Research

Setting of the Research

Subject of The Research

Research Procedure

The researcher observed the students' learning activity in the classroom such as; class situation, students' response using observation sheet. In this step, the researcher observes the students' learning activity in the classroom such as; class situation, learning process, activity.

Data Collection Method

By reflecting, the researcher will know the strength and weakness of action, the researcher compares the score distribution of pre-test and post-test. If the result is satisfied in the second cycle, the researcher will not proceed to the third cycle.

Data Analysis Technique

Using field notes to objectively obtain data that cannot be recoded with an observation sheet, such as students' activities during the discussion, their reactions, or other guidelines that can be used for reflection. The percentage of student activity increased in each cycle and reached a high predicate or ≥ 80% according to the Minimum Knowledge Criteria (MMC) 70.


Descriptions of The Research Result

This research used classroom action research to increase students' reading comprehension and student achievement in grade seven of SMP N 2 Kotagajah. The researcher gave a pre-test to the students before they received the treatment, which was meant to know how far the students' reading comprehension reached before the treatment was given. The researcher gave a pre-test to the students to see how far the students' reading comprehension was before the treatment.

The researcher gave the students Post-test II to see how far the students were. At this meeting, the researcher gave a pre-test consisting of 20 tasks to determine the students' reading comprehension. Therefore, this was the reason why the researcher used Team Word-Webbing as a strategy to increase students' reading comprehension.

Cycle I

Based on the pre-test table, it can be deduced that all students achieved a score < 70. Based on the table above, it can be analyzed that there were 12 students (37.5%) who obtained a full score and 20 students (62.5%) who did not complete the pre-test. It means the students did not get the minimum score at SMP N 2 Kotagajah Lampung and the students.

In Cycle I, the researcher and the collaborator (Ms. Umi Sumarmi, S.Pd) planned 3 meetings and the dissemination of materials. The material was about descriptive text and then the researcher explained about the definition of descriptive text.

The First Meeting

The Second Meeting

The Third Meeting

In this meeting, it started by praying together, and then the teacher checked the students' attendance and asked the condition of students.

The Success of The Product

CPR 80

It means that in cycle I the performance of the students could increase sufficiently, but it had not yet succeeded. During the learning process, four measures were used and named to know the activity of the students. Based on the table on the previous page, it could be seen that the highest activity was that the students could understand the main word of the text and that the lowest activity was that the student had to work together when applying Team Word Webbing.

It aimed to know the ability of the students' reading comprehension before and after the treatment. From the result of pre-test and post-test I, we knew that there was an increase from the students' result score. Although there was an increase in the students' performance, cycle I was not yet successful, as only 11 students (34.37%) completed post-test I.

Cycle II

At the end of the teaching and learning process, the researcher assessed the extent to which the students could understand the material explained by the researcher. In the learning process, four indicators for knowing the students' activities were also used as in the learning process before. The table above shows that student activity was higher than before.

It showed that the used Team Word-Webbing strategy can increase the students' reading comprehension. From the table above, in post-test 1 in cycle 1 and post-test II in cycle II, the students' reading comprehension was increased. So, based on the result of post-test 1 and post-test II, it can be seen that the target of teaching based on MSC has been achieved and also means that Keyword Webbing can increase the students' reading comprehension.


  • The Result of Students Learning a. The Result of Students Pre-Test

From the table, we knew that in post-test II there were 3 students who scored below target or below minimum standard criteria (MSC), and 29 students scored above minimum standard criteria. In this study, the researcher conducted the post-test 1 to know the vocabulary mastery of the students after implementing the treatment. The researcher conducted the post-test 2 to know the vocabulary mastery of the students after implementing the treatment.

It showed that most of the students have passed the minimum standard criteria (70). Complete comparison of pre-test, post-test I and post-test II No pre-test post-test scores in post-test II category. Based on the table and graph above, in cycle 1 from the pre-test to the post-test, I have an average progress score from 57.5 to 69.

The Average Score of The Test


The researcher chose to use Team Word-Webbing Strategy to increase the reading comprehension of the students. Based on the explanation of Cycle I and Cycle II, it could be concluded that the use of Team Word-Webbing Strategy could increase learners. We could see that there was an improvement over the average score and the total of the students who passed the test of pretest, posttest I and posttest II.

To improve students' reading comprehension, the researcher used the Team Word-Webbing strategy to make students interested and understand the text more easily. The students' score increased because the researcher introduced reading using a descriptive text in the learning process. In addition, students have to understand the text and find the main and sub-words from the text.


Considering all the data collected in the Classroom Action Research, the researcher got some research conclusions and some suggestions that support the research result.


The teacher should choose an appropriate strategy in the learning process that can improve the students' ability in English. The headmaster should take more care of the teacher and the students during the learning process, especially when learning English. Firdhaus, I.Diana and Munir Ahmad, “Word Webbing Technique in EFL Writing Class”, downloaded at https://www.scribd.com/doc/272347413/WORD-WEBBING TECHNIQUE-IN-EFL-WRITING-CLASS, on June 26 2016 Frank Smith, Understanding Reading: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading.

Heinnman, Reading Process: Short Edition of Reading Process and Practice, 3rd ed., (Ohio, Winthrop Publisher, 2009). Jean Mcniff & Jean Whitehead, Action Research: Principles and Practice, (New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002), Second Edition. Karen R and Steve Graham, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning, (New York, The Guildford Press, 2008).


Kompetensi Inti (KI)

Kompetensi Dasar

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Indikator Kompetensi Inti

In the spring, Provo doesn't have many trees; when the snow melts the mountains are as bare as strong bald men. When I walked under the sky last summer, it was like walking into an oven; the sun was like a fire that burned my skin.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Langkah

Mempersiapkan fisik dan mental siswa untuk memulai kegiatan pembelajaran Pembelajaran akan dilaksanakan dengan pengalaman siswa dengan tema yang telah ditentukan, yaitu: teks deskriptif. Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa untuk mengenal tempat-tempat bersejarah, - Memberikan gambaran tentang . manfaat mempelajari pelajaran yang akan dipelajari. Ketepatan elemen bahasa: tata bahasa, kosa kata, pengucapan, tekanan, intonasi, ejaan dan tulisan tangan.

Guru memberikan kesimpulan tentang teks deskriptif dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. Guru melakukan refleksi terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran untuk mengetahui sejauh mana siswa dapat memahami materi yang disampaikan.


  • Teknik Penilaian
  • Bentuk instrumen

Berikut adalah rubrik penilaian yang dapat digunakan guru untuk menilai kinerja siswa, beserta teknik penilaiannya.

Media/alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

Materi Pembelajaran

I like when I go to sleep or went, I wake up or when I go to some places, she always gives me a kiss and when the family has a problem, she is always with us to help us and give us all her love.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pertemuan 1 (2 JP)

2 JP) Langkah

2JP) Langkah

  • Metode Pembelajaran/Strategi Team Word Webbing Strategy
  • Penilaian
  • Media/alat, Bahan, dan Sumber Belajar

Guru menjelaskan topik pembelajaran, misalnya: makna teks deskriptif, struktur teks deskriptif, dan contoh teks deskriptif. Guru membimbing siswa untuk mengatur teks dan menuliskan ide-ide yang terkandung dalam teks atau menemukan kata-kata utama dan sub-kata dalam teks. Guru membimbing siswa untuk memahami isi teks berdasarkan ide-ide yang ditemukan.

Guru membimbing siswa mengerjakan soal-soal latihan berdasarkan teks yang telah dibaca dan dipahami pada langkah sebelumnya. Pengecekan daftar hadir siswa sebagai sikap kedisiplinan - Persiapan fisik dan psikis.. siswa pada awal kegiatan mengajar.. pembelajaran yang akan diwujudkan dengan pengalaman siswa dengan topik yang telah ditentukan masing-masing.

2JP) Langkah


Purpose (Tujuan)

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text (Struktur Descriptive Text)

Language Features of Descriptive Text (Ciri Kebahasaan Descriptive Text)

Contoh Descriptive Text


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