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& Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia


Academic year: 2023

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One of the characteristics of students that influence learning outcomes is learning style. The research variables are visual learning style (X1), auditory learning style (X2), kinesthetic learning style (X3) and learning outcome (Y).

Result and Discussion

Description of Learning Style

Other studies have shown that there is a difference between female and male students' preferred learning methods, their mathematical achievement and their attitudes towards mathematics. Female students prefer Convergent learning styles, while most male students prefer Assimilator learning styles.

Learning Achievement Description

When the visual and auditory learning styles are optimized, the matriculation exam can be higher. Visual learning styles and auditory learning styles spread almost all levels of assessment, but the visual learning style has the largest percentage of "E" scores, which is one of the grades that do not graduate in the static course.

Figure 2 shows that respondents who have visual learning styles are fewer passes when  compared  to  other  learning  styles,  while  students  with  kinesthetic  learning  styles  have  a  graduation rate of 92%
Figure 2 shows that respondents who have visual learning styles are fewer passes when compared to other learning styles, while students with kinesthetic learning styles have a graduation rate of 92%

Hypothesis testing

The result indicated that variable of the type of auditory study did not have a positive influence on student performance variable. These results indicate that the three learning styles namely visual, auditory and kinesthetic do not influence student performance.


The farmer's habits of excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can reduce the level of soil fertility and environmental pollution. The results showed that the level of knowledge of farmers about the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is high.


This study aims to obtain a description of the farmers' knowledge level in the use of fertilizers and pesticides and the farmer's knowledge of the local potential of organic fertilizers and pesticides in Wajo District. Therefore, the use of organic materials such as fertilizers and pesticides is a wise effort to maintain human quality of life.

Theoritical Review

A potential source of pesticides are the plant species of the Asteraceae family, Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae. The properties and mechanisms of action of plant substances in the protection of plants can be antiphytopathogenic (agricultural antibiotics), phytotoxic or plant growth regulators (phytotoxins, hormones and the like), and active ingredients for insects (insect hormones, pheromones, antifidants, insect repellents, attractants, insecticides ).


Natural resources that can be used as organic pesticide and fertilizer come from different types of plants, agricultural waste, household waste and livestock waste. More than 400,000 plant species have identified chemicals and 10,000 of them contain potential secondary metabolites as raw materials for plant pesticides.

Fertilizer and Peticides

The properties and working mechanisms of plant-based substances in plant protection can be antiphytopathogenic (agricultural antibiotics), phytotoxic or plant growth regulators (phytotoxins, hormones and the like), and active components against insects (insect hormones, pheromones, repellents, repellants, attractants, insecticides). English: Pesticide) is derived from the word pest meaning pest (pest) and cide meaning deadly or poison.

Research Method

Afrikaans: Pesticide) derived from the word plaag meaning pest organisms (pests) and cide meaning deadly or poison.


Table 2 shows that farmers' knowledge about fertilizers and pesticides falls into the lesser category. Farmers' knowledge of the local potential in the environment as an organic source of fertilizers and pesticides is shown in Table 3.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the description of academic service quality by using the importance of performance analysis (IPA). The fundamental concept of analysis, conducting analysis in the field of service quality of a profit organization.

Research Method

As with the Impotance Performance Analysis (IPA), model is a type of model developed to measure service quality (Martilla & James, 1977); (Berry & Parasuraman, 1992); (Breiter & Milman, 2006);. Some efforts to organize the service, at the Politeknik Informatika Nasional Makassar still experience several obstacles to improve the quality of service.


In this attribute in which it makes the highest contribution to the campus it provides an Academic Advisor for Students. In Quadrant A it has been revealed that the academic services at Makassar National Informatics Polytechnic as; classroom learning facilities and campus attention to the interest and talent of their students was still low.

Figure 1: Cartesian Diagram Attribute Quality of Academic Services
Figure 1: Cartesian Diagram Attribute Quality of Academic Services


Konsep ini akan menyentuh kemahiran insaniah yang dimiliki oleh semua pelajar prauniversiti dan penerapan kemahiran insaniah oleh guru kepada pelajar selepas transformasi penamaan semula pengajian prauniversiti pada tahun 2014. Tiga kemahiran utama yang digunakan dalam pendidikan prauniversiti selepas dinamakan semula meletakkan 3 kemahiran utama iaitu kemahiran kognitif, kemahiran manipulatif dan kemahiran insaniah.

Kajian Literatur

Mengikut kajian yang dijalankan di Australia, kemahiran insaniah terbahagi kepada dua bahagian utama iaitu kemahiran asas dan kemahiran interpersonal (perhubungan). Oleh itu, Modul Pembangunan Kemahiran Insaniah Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia diperkenalkan.


Implikasi pelaksanaan program yang bersesuaian dengan pelajar ialah program tersebut dapat membantu mengubah tingkah laku pelajar seterusnya dapat memajukan pelajar. Ia membawa nilai dan norma yang membimbing seseorang atau kumpulan dalam tingkah laku.

Analisis Data

Pengkaji menggunakan kaedah memilih peserta kajian secara bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang mendalam daripada peserta kajian; yang mempunyai banyak maklumat dan memahami fokus kajian terhadap kemahiran insaniah dan modal insan.



Selain faktor jantina, perbezaan pelaksanaan kepimpinan instruksional oleh pengetua sekolah rendah dan menengah juga telah dikaji. Kajian ini juga mendapati kualiti pengajaran guru boleh dipertingkatkan sekiranya pemimpin sekolah mengamalkan kepimpinan instruksional.


Gender differences in instructional management: A meta-analytic review of studies using the Master Rating Scale of Instructional Management. The relationship between instructional leadership and environmental education self-efficacy among Malaysian secondary school teachers.


In this study, preservice teachers' reactions to the critical thinking intervention module were examined. The research questions investigated in this study were: i) What are the perspectives of teachers in teaching critical thinking. ii) What are the teachers' feelings throughout the program. iii).


It is undeniable that critical thinking skills can be enhanced through explicit teaching of thinking. Teacher feedback is important evidence that implies the effectiveness of the ECTIM program and recognizes further improvements to increase practical outcomes in students' critical thinking skills.

Table 1: Descriptive Data on Teacher Feedback Form (TFF) for Close-Ended Questions
Table 1: Descriptive Data on Teacher Feedback Form (TFF) for Close-Ended Questions


In the Sadar Village Office itself, the availability of the required premises was not fully met. The impact of this expansion policy had a positive effect on the birth certificate service.

Table 1: Themes and sub-material
Table 1: Themes and sub-material

Research Methods

Research Result and Discussion

This is to test the effectiveness of the module in order to increase social interaction among ASD children. The findings showed that the use of the video modeling module by the experimental group increased social interaction among ASD children.

Table 1: Descriptive Analysis for Social Interaction Test between experimental and control  group
Table 1: Descriptive Analysis for Social Interaction Test between experimental and control group

Discussion and Conclusion

A meta-analysis of video modeling and video self-modeling interventions for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Improving pretend play skills of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders: Effects of video modeling.

Background of Study

Creative thinking is one of the higher order thinking skills that involves both cognitive skills and dispositions. Higher order thinking skills have been implemented in Malaysia since 1988 through Malaysia Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools (MICSS).


Malaysian teachers and technical and engineering graduates lack soft skills and thinking skills. Also, teachers in Malaysia do not have the time to carefully plan and create a lesson that effectively instills the thinking skills.


By using Rasch model analysis also be able to use to demonstrate the relationship between difficulty and person ability. Results provided by rasch model analysis are specific place on the continuum (Bond and Fox, 2007; Pensavalle & Solinas, 2013).


It is shown that there are increasing numbers of researches that use Rasch model analysis in the development of instrument and also validate the instrument, especially in the context of providing evidence of validity and reliability of constructs being measured (Zhang and Zhang, 2015). . For this reason, Rasch model analysis is best for testing the internal construct validity of the unidimensionality identification scale.

Discussion and Conclusion

As a conclusion, in the development of creative thinking among teachers who teach electrical technology in college vocational training, 12 sub-skills are needed to be applied in their teaching and learning session. 12 sub-skills develop constructive electrical technology idea, relate perception and concept in electrical technology, be able to take multiple viewpoints regarding electrical technology, generalize about content in electrical technology, combine electrical technology related ideas, new idea generate regarding electrical technology, give their opinion about electrical technology, develop communication about electrical technology and analyze the idea regarding electrical technology.

Rajah 0.1: Pendekatan silo dalam pendidikan STEM
Rajah 0.1: Pendekatan silo dalam pendidikan STEM

Pendidikan STEM Bersepadu

Menurut beberapa penyelidik, integrasi adalah pendekatan terbaik untuk pendidikan STEM (Sanders and Wells, 2010; Laboy-Rush, 2011; Wang et al., 2011). Bagi memastikan faedah pendidikan STEM bersepadu dapat dilaksanakan, guru memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pengetahuan pedagogi berkaitan STEM bersepadu dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik dalam Konteks Dunia Sebenar

Pembelajaran berasaskan masalah (PBM) juga merupakan kaedah pembelajaran penyelesaian masalah yang sering digunakan dalam penyelidikan. Aurah et al., (2014) dan Klegeris dan Hurren (2011) mendedahkan penyelesaian masalah melalui langkah-langkah sistematik dalam aktiviti amali PBM.

Penyelesaian Masalah Matematik dalam Konteks STEM

Bokar (2013) merumuskan bahawa pelajar harus bersedia untuk mengaplikasikan matematik dalam menyelesaikan masalah sebenar. Kajian beliau mendapati pendedahan kepada masalah dalam konteks dunia sebenar membantu pelajar membangunkan penaakulan matematik dan penaakulan logik yang sangat berguna dalam menyelesaikan masalah.


This study concerns the development of an academic information system model based on previous information system services. The purpose of the design is to establish a system that can be implemented in an academic information system model based on Android.

Figure 1: The Development  Phase
Figure 1: The Development Phase


Thus, there is a significant association between home humidity and the incidence of pneumonia in children under five years of age. While the type of floor of the house is not related to the incidence of pneumonia in children under five years of age.

Table 1 shows that the age of children with the  highest frequency is 37-48 month age  group  of  46  people  (36.5%)  and  the  least  are  age  group>  48  months  as  many  as  9  people  (7.1%)
Table 1 shows that the age of children with the highest frequency is 37-48 month age group of 46 people (36.5%) and the least are age group> 48 months as many as 9 people (7.1%)

Farmers' knowledge about soil processing methods is shown in Table 3. Farmers' knowledge about the purpose of using superior seeds and how to recognize them is shown in Table 4.

Table 1: Knowledge category
Table 1: Knowledge category

Issues of critical thinking in science classroom

Thus, there is a need to discuss higher order thinking skills and one of its element, critical thinking and its importance in science. So what is critical thinking and how does critical thinking relate to higher order thinking skills.

Table 1: Descriptions of Thinking Skills (Ministry of Education, 2016a)  Level  Thinking skills  Descriptions
Table 1: Descriptions of Thinking Skills (Ministry of Education, 2016a) Level Thinking skills Descriptions

Definition of Critical Thinking

It is also clear that for the student to answer the question based on the context of chemistry, cognitive skills of critical thinking and content are interdependent. Meanwhile, another participant stated that critical thinking helped students analyze information and solve problems (p. 201).


A qualitative study on teachers' definition of critical thinking by Choy and Cheah (2009) reported that teachers perceive critical thinking in two different ways. Another case study conducted by Sulaiman et al. 2017) on teachers' view of critical thinking in the science classroom.

Effect of critical thinking in science classroom

Findings on higher order thinking skills and critical thinking in science in the context of Malaysia are quite limited and mostly focus on various subjects such as Tasawwur Islam (Tuan Lasan, Che Noh & Hamzah, 2017), Mathematics (Tajudin & Chinnappan, 2016; Shamsuddin , Ruzlan & Siti Noor, 2016). As the government implements HOTS in the chemistry and science classroom, it will be interesting to study how students use critical thinking skills to answer the questions.


There are many studies by previous researchers who have incorporated critical thinking into teaching strategies using project-based and problem-based learning that improves students' critical thinking (Garcia, 2016; Mapeala & Siew, 2015; Sulaiman, 2011). Students must have scientific reasoning skills in order to actively participate in the learning process.

STEM Learning and Scientific Reasoning Skills

It will be difficult for students with insufficient scientific reasoning skills to solve the assessment. PISA is another international assessment for fifteen-year-old students, which measures students' scientific reasoning skills (OECD, 2013).

What is Scientific Reasoning Skill?

This is consistent with the statement released by the National Science Foundation (2010) which states that students are unable to solve real world problems due to a lack of science literacy or scientific reasoning skills. It is a proven fact that student achievement increases with the mastery of scientific reasoning skills (Adey & Shayer, 1994).

Relation Between Scientific Reasoning Skill and STEM Achievement

The role of scientific reasoning skill in STEM learning

Students' learning process can be affected if there is a lack of reasoning skills. It is therefore undeniable that the role of scientific reasoning is crucial in STEM learning.

Assessment of Scientific Reasoning Skill


Banyak kajian menunjukkan tahap amalan kepimpinan instruksional dalam kalangan pengetua adalah tidak memuaskan (Hallinger dan Lee, 2014; Talip, 2016) dan rendah (Quah, 2011; Packard, 2011; Yaser dan Amal, 2015). Masalah yang timbul ini mendorong pengkaji melihat kepada amalan pengurusan instruksional pengetua di sekolah Amanah yang memfokuskan pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Metodologi Kajian

Hasil kajian yang menggunakan Teori Laluan Matlamat sebagai kerangka kajian juga menunjukkan nilai min perspektif pentadbir terhadap amalan pentadbiran mereka di Sekolah Amanah berada pada tahap sederhana. Konsep sekolah amanah di luar negara melibatkan sektor swasta dalam pendidikan hanya dengan menggunakan nama yang berbeza.

Jangkaan Dapatan

16 pentadbir dan 143 guru yang merangkumi 7 sekolah rendah berstatus Sekolah Amanah di Sarawak mendapati tahap prestasi guru dalam amalan pengurusan Sekolah Amanah menunjukkan nilai min pada tahap sederhana. Walau bagaimanapun, dapatan daripada kajian oleh Hoxby dan Rockoff (2004) menunjukkan bahawa walaupun sekolah piagam mungkin menyediakan pendidikan berkualiti tinggi, pencapaian pelajar di sekolah ini merosot.

Metodologi Kajian

The result of the training effectiveness test shows that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of the community after the training. Fakfak, as one of the administrative areas, also experienced several obstacles in the field of education.

Figure 1: Steps of development training
Figure 1: Steps of development training

Result and Discuss

Informant research as much as six people, there are three people from the Education Office of West Papua Province and three people from District Fakfak.

Facts about educational issues

This article describes various issues of education in Fakfak district along with various programs to improve the quality of education as a solution to this issue. Addressing the educational problem in Fakfak district through the policy of special autonomy, the government prioritizes the management of special autonomy funds for the education sector to get a share of 30% of the total sum to promote the acceleration of educational development, to eliminate the backwardness of education to the sector that has so far been felt on Papua.

Educational Affirmation Program

For the ADEM program, 505 Papuan children are enrolled in senior high schools and vocational high schools in six provinces. Part of the vocational training that has been carried out is at the State College of Accountancy (STAN), Indonesian High School (STPI), College of Statistics (STIS), TNI Academy and Police Academy (AKPOL).

Government Partnership for Development Program

A total of 1,304 Papuan children have studied at high school or vocational level in Yogyakarta, East Java, West Java, Central Java, Banten and Bali. Vocational education graduates are equipped with knowledge, skills and professional expertise appropriate to their field.

Educational Undergraduate Programs in Outlying, Left, and Underdeveloped Areas (SM-3T)

The results of the research are environmental knowledge, the locus of control and the environmental attitude of farmers have a significant influence individually and collectively on the behavior of farmers to preserve the environment in the village irrigation area. Environmental knowledge is one of the factors that determine society's behavior to preserve the environment.

Research Result

This study aims to simultaneously determine the influence of environmental knowledge, locus of control and environmental attitudes on the behavior of village irrigation farmers who conserve the environment in Maros regency. Data analysis techniques using multiple regression analysis to determine the influence of environmental knowledge, locus of control and environmental attitudes together on the behavior of village irrigation farmers conserve the environment in Maros regency.

Description of Farmer’s Behavior to Preserve the Environment

The behavior of a person takes the form of action as a reflection of the individual which is shaped by the desire or need. (Chen & Chai, 2010). Specifically, Hungerford and Volk revealed that environmental behavior is evidence of one's responsibility to the environment.

Description of Environmental Knowledge of Farmers

Description of Locus of Control

Description of Farmer’s attitude

The attitude of farmers to maintain environmental quality is 66% showing poor attitude or less concern for environmental quality.

The influence of internal factors on Farmer Behavior in Preserving the Environment

Thus, one of the 21st century skills that students must master is higher order thinking skills. Therefore, this study focuses on the challenges in mastering higher order thinking skills from the students.

Research Methodology

In fact, student achievement has always been a benchmark for the success of the learning process, especially related to learning higher order thinking skills (Mohd Rustam & Nora, 2013). Therefore, this study focuses on the challenges in mastering higher order thinking skills from the students' . perspectives based on the mathematics teaching and learning process.


Therefore, Table 2 below shows the affective challenges from students' perspectives in mastering higher order thinking skills. This item has emerged as the greatest affective challenge students face in mastering higher order thinking skills.

Table 3: Affective Challenges from Students Perspectives
Table 3: Affective Challenges from Students Perspectives


Analysis of students' errors in solving higher order thinking skills (HOTS) problems on the topic of fraction. Teacher challenges in teaching and learning for higher order thinking skills (Hots) in primary school.

Problem Statement

The continuous development of teachers' professionalism should include efforts to enhance teachers' skills and knowledge in curriculum implementation. A clear understanding of the curriculum that will be taught will help teachers become more confident in carrying out teaching and learning.

Research Questions

The lack of student involvement in the teaching and learning process can lead to students being absent from school and unable to complete the assignment given by the teachers. The new version of implemented PVMA is an opportunity for teachers to showcase their true abilities in classroom management and practical classes.

Conceptual Framework

Literature Review

The Ministry emphasizes the development of teachers especially in terms of competences and expertise; aim to improve the quality of human resources in the educational framework. It is hoped that with an effective KMD approach, teachers' interest and commitment to meaningful teaching and learning will be stimulated.

Figure 2: Continuous Pofessional Development Plan  Sources: Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2014)
Figure 2: Continuous Pofessional Development Plan Sources: Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2014)


This CPD model was established to ensure that teachers are always relevant in the world of education where they can improve the quality of national education to be able to stand out with the quality of the other country. Development of competences, potential, talents and the quality of the equivalent of teachers in high-performing countries in education;.

Expected Findings

This article describes the results of a study on a strategy to use Lake Tempe as a source of clean water. Indonesia has thousands of lakes and serves as a source of clean water for the community.

Research Objective

Result and Discussion

Willingness to pay is society's willingness to pay the costs of clean water management. Environmental strategy is an effort to maintain the availability and quality of clean water for society.

Figure 2: Environmental strategy in water supply
Figure 2: Environmental strategy in water supply

Literature Review

Effectiveness is a measure of the achievement of predetermined program objectives or the description of the achievement of program objectives (Handayaningrat, 2006; Sedarmayanti, 2006). Each program must cover at least five aspects: 1) Objectives of the activities to be achieved. The measure of effectiveness refers to the achievement of teacher competence after a dual-skills program.


This research measures the effectiveness of Dual Expertise Programs, especially for the Computer and Network Technology expertise package.

Dual expertise program

Professional teacher program

Theoretical Review

Water quality testing conducted at the Laboratory of Environment Management Department in South Sulawesi Province. 82 of 2001 on Water Quality Control and Water Pollution Control and South Sulawesi Governor Regulation No.

Results of Water Sampling in the upstream area

The results of downstream water quality testing are quite worrying because the microbiological parameters (total coliform and fecal coliform) do not meet the requirements of total coliform. The policy of environmental education in Indonesia is explained by a program of the adiwiyata program.

Table 2 : Water quality of Middle Area test results
Table 2 : Water quality of Middle Area test results


Figure 1: Percentage of Student Learning Styles on Statics and Materials Mechanics
Table 1: Description of the distribution of student learning types by gender
Figure 2: Student’s Mastery Learning on Statika dan Material Mechanic Course
Figure 3: Student’s Grade Performance Achievement Vs. Learning Style of Students


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Engelbrecht helped develop inclusive education standards and support programmes for South African teachers and she took up advisory and executive roles in several professional bodies,