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the use of ice breaker to improve students' speaking


Academic year: 2023

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Judul Skripsi : Using Ice Breaker to Improve Students' Speaking Skills in High School (SMP Negeri 3 Ma‟rang) Pangkep. Judul Skripsi : Using Ice Breaker to Improve Speaking Ability of Junior High School Students (SMP Negeri 3 Ma‟rang) Pangkep. Using Ice Breaker to Improve the Speaking Ability of High School Students at SMP Negeri 3 Ma'rang Pangkep, Thesis of the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhhamdiyha University of Makassar, under the supervision of H.

The subject of the research was the nine class students of Junior High School Students at SMP Negeri 3 Ma‟rang Pangkep academic year 2017-2018. The research findings indicated that the Ice Breaker was effective in improving the students' speaking ability in terms of accuracy and fluency. This was provided by the students' score of speaking accuracy was 2.39 and pre-weaning was 3.08, so the students' average score of speaking fluency in post-test was 2.11 and post-test showed that the students' speaking ability was higher than pre-test.

It was concluded that there was a significant difference between students' speaking ability before and after using Ice Breaketr in the speaking process to improve the students' speaking ability of the Junior High School students at SMP Negeri 3 Ma'rang Pangkep. The heartfelt thanks to all lecturers of the FKIP UNISMUH, especially to the lectures of the English Department and all staff of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for their guidance during the years of the researcher's study.


  • Research Question
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the Research
  • Scope of the Research

Dixon et al (2008) explained that an icebreaker is a non-graded activity designed to allow the teacher to get to know the students and for them to get to know each other. Classroom icebreaker activities in a new class or school can help newcomers mingle with the old students and make them feel comfortable and at home. One method used to create a classroom atmosphere is not boring, sleepy, satiating and can enhance the atmosphere. student confidence is an icebreaker.

Previous research also shows the use of Ice Breaker among students outside Makassar, especially in Pangkep district. The researcher also did not yet find that the study of the ice breaker mentioned that it is limitation in the process of using speech. Based on this reason, the researcher was interested in investigating the use of Icebreaker among students in Pangkep, whether this icebreaker was effective or not in improving students' speaking ability by conducting the research under the title "Use of Ice". Switch to improve students' speaking ability in junior high school‟‟.

From the formulation of the problem described above, as for the purpose of research to be done is to find out whether the Icebreaker can improve the students' speaking ability of the Junior High School at the SMP Negeri 3 Ma‟rang, Pangkep, or not . The scope of the research is limited to the use of ice breakers and limited to speaking ability especially in accuracy (pronunciation and intonation) and fluency.


Concept Of Speaking

He further points out that the act of speaking involves not only the production of sound, but also the use of gestures, the movement of facial muscles and the death of the whole body. Summarizing the nature of speech (in Rasyid 2004) Rasyid describes that speech is more direct, social and prestigious than other language skills, most acts of communication through speech are performed in face-to-face interaction, in which interlocutors can to say their message directly. and add some information and negotiate with their listeners. The speaker's talk, in order to have an effect on their listeners, the nature of the speech act must play a central role in the process of speech production.

According to Bailey (2005:42), conversation is one of the most fundamental and pervasive forms of human interaction, unscripted. It means that the speaking skills of education must be increased in order to achieve the goal of learning a language. According to Bambang, debate is the activity used to understand the subject.

However, speaking ability is not easy, it is related to the mental factor of the students, such as their mood, motivation and readiness. The aim of the study will be optimal if the teacher motivates the students in the language learning process, especially when learning a foreign language. The purpose of teaching English is to develop students' awareness of the ways in which the language system is used to express scientific facts and concepts.

The four basic language assumptions suggest what aspects of language should be taught, how language should be presented in the language classroom, and how language competence should be assessed. Speaking based on the competency-based curriculum is one of the four basic competencies that students must acquire well. This is why teachers have a great challenge to enable their students to master English well, especially to speak English in the classroom or outside the classroom.

One of the particular obstacles in speaking perfectly is caused by the lack of vocabulary. Planning also has a beneficial effect for accuracy, but only for the personal and narrative tasks, and for complexity in the case of the personal task and the decision-making task. Furthermore, according to Robert B Kaplan, maintaining formal accuracy is only one aspect of the more general process of ensuring that the conceptualization, formulation, and articulation of the message matches the underlying intentions of the speaker. 4) Intonation.

Conceptual Framework

It means that you do not speak English word for word and reduce the forms, but you use English with contractions, deletions and vowels. Pausing is often seen as a factor of slurred speech (Rossiter, 2009. p398), but pausing is not an uncommon or wholly negative feature of fluency. Pauses are used as a space to breathe and think when participating in any form of oral discourse (Griffiths, 1991). c) Hesitation.

Hesitation phenomena such as fillers are most likely to occur at the beginning of a statement or phrase, possibly as a result of greater demand on planning processes at these points (Barr 2001: Beattie: 1979: Maclay and Osgood 1959). Hesitation disfluency showed an interesting pattern: participants were more likely to repeat words, but no more likely to use fillers than in the fast conditions. The above conceptual framework shows the process of teaching and learning presentation in improving speaking ability using ice breaker.

Thus, by using this method, the teacher could easily find out how the students improve in speaking.



Research Variable and Indicators

In this case, the author gave scores based on students' pronunciation, intonation, smoothness, pauses, and hesitation. In the scoring result of the students' test assessed based on three aspects of speech below:. The average score and the improvement of the students' speaking ability in terms of speech accuracy in terms of pronunciation and intonation through the use of ice breakers can be seen in the following table.

The table above proves that the application of the icebreaker strategy in teaching speaking was able to improve the students' speaking accuracy in terms of pronunciation and intonation. After treatment, students' mean speaking accuracy score in the vocabulary treatment increased from 2.39 to 3.08. From the above data, it is proved that the application of ice breaker in teaching speaking was able to improve students' fluency in dealing with hesitation, pauses and smoothness.

In order to clearly see the improvement of the student's fluency in hesitation, pauses and fluency, the following table is presented. It demonstrates that the use of an ice-breaking strategy is effective in increasing students' fluency. A t-test of students' fluency achievement that deals with pauses, hesitations, and fluency.

To improve the speaking accuracy of the students, the researcher used an icebreaker strategy when speaking. Based on the result of the data, it was concluded that the students were in a very good category after the treatment by applying the icebreaker strategy. It means that the use of the icebreaker strategy in teaching speaking accuracy stimulated the students to increase their speaking skills.

According to the result of the pretest, the average score of students' speaking fluency was 2.11. There is a significant difference between students' speaking ability in terms of speaking accuracy and fluency before and after using the ice-breaking strategy in the speaking process. The result of students' speaking accuracy in the pre-exam and after the test None of the respondents rate.

The difference in the meaning of the students' speaking accuracy between the pre-test and post-test scores. The significance of students' speaking fluency difference between pre-test and post-test.

Table 1 : The total number of population
Table 1 : The total number of population

Research Instrument

Data Collection

Teachnique of Data Analysis


Table 1 : The total number of population
Table 4.1: The Mean Score of the Students’ Speaking Accuracy
Table 4.2 : The Mean Score of the Students’ Speaking Fluency


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