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the use of textless comic media to improve - IAIN Repository

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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USING TEXTLESS COMIC MEDIA TO IMPROVE RE-TEXT WRITING SKILLS AMONG THE. The purpose of this research was to show that the use of textless comic media can improve the skills of the eight grade students of SMP N 2 Metro to write retelling text. The researcher realized that the use of textless comic media can improve the narrative text writing skills of the students.

Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media komik tanpa teks dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks recount pada siswa VIIIF SMP N 2 Metro tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media komik tanpa teks dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa kelas VIII SMP N 2 Metro dalam menulis teks recount.



  • GLD 58
  • Focus of the Study
    • Problem Identification
    • Problem Limitation
    • Problem Formulation
  • Objective and Benefits of the Study 1. Objective of the Study
  • Prior Research

In addition, the researcher asked a number of students to make a statement about their writing skills. Based on the problem identified above, the researcher restricts this research to the use of textless comic on retelling text to improve the writing skills of the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Metro. After the researcher carried out the research in cycle II, she found that the writing skills of the students in writing narrative texts had increased.

Textless Comic at SMP N 20 Bandar Lampung”.4 The aim of this study was to improve the students' skill in writing narrative texts by. In the implementation phase, the researcher started to teach writing to the students as a practitioner.


Review of Literature

  • The Concept of Recount Text Writing Skill a. Definition of Recount Text Writing Skill
  • The Concept of Textless Comic Media a. The Definition of Textless Comic Media

Therefore, textless comics can be used as a writing medium to help English learners think through their ideas. From the above points, it can be concluded that textless comics are very useful in learning English. Using Textless Comics Media to Teach Text Writing Skills According to Edelstein and Pival, there are three steps to writing.

After the discussion, students rank the main idea of ​​retelling text in papers according to the textless strip they received. Then the examiner gives textless comic and is followed by modeling on how to write a recount text based on the story in the textless comic.

Action Hypothesis

Research Setting

Research Subject

Research Procedure

  • Planning
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting

In addition, the author will also prepare materials to be taught in class, make lesson plans, the form of harvest so that the class can harvest well, teaching aids, testing instrument, etc. It will describe how using textless comics in the classroom can improve students' writing skills. The teacher was not only the participant in the class but also the minister.

After carrying out the teaching and learning activities that taught writing using textless comics, the author recited the events in the classroom as the effect of the action. She evaluated the process and the result of implementing textless comics in the class.

Data Collection Technique

  • Test
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • Field Note

It was conducted to find out the effect of using textless comics in writing lessons. By analyzing the pros and cons of using a textless comic, the writer can decide what the next course of action will be for further improvements. This step was carried out after the treatment to determine the impact of using textless comics as a medium in teaching writing, especially text narration.

The purpose of the observation is to explain the situation under investigation; activities, people or individuals are involved in a data collection strategy in which the activities of subjects are visually examined. The researcher guides the employee to serve the students in VIIIF of SMP N 2 Metro in the academic year 2018/2019. The researcher would use the documentation technique to collect data on the history of the school, the total number of teachers and official employers, the organizational structure, the facilities of the school, photographs of classroom learning activities of VIIIF SMP N 2 Metro in the academic year 2018/2019.

To collect data more accurately, the researcher will use field notes; it will make the data analyzer simpler. In many professions, it is good practice to make "field notes" while actually engaging.

Research Instrument

Essay addresses the issues eut misses some points; ideas could be more fully developed; some irrelevant materials are present. Appropriate title, effective introduction, topic is stated, leads to eody; transitional expressions used; supporting evidence exists; conclusion logical and complete. Enough title; introduction, eody and conclusion are acceptable; eut lack of evidence and the idea not developed well; sequence is logical eut transition term is missing.

Less introduction and conclusion; protests against the ideas of the eody; no substantiated evidence.

Data Analysis Technique

The mean of the first cycle score is compared to the mean of the second cycle score.

Indicator of Success

This chapter describes the results of the research based on the actions implemented by the researcher in the classroom.

Research Findings

  • Description of Research Setting
  • Description of Research Data
  • Action
  • Reflection
  • Planning
  • Observation

The condition was fixed after the researcher gave the pre-test to the students which was administered on Tuesday 15 January. This meeting was started by praying, greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students' condition. The researcher said that the students' writing still had inappropriate word choice and grammatical errors.

Then the researcher planned to conduct the second cycle and observation to improve the students' writing skill by using textless comics. The teacher asked the students what they were going to write based on the pictures on the textless comic strip. The teacher suggested the students imagine the chronological events that happened on the textless comic.

After the students could generate ideas to write about, the teacher asked the students to write a 3-paragraph recount text entirely based on the textless comics. The students paid their attention when the researcher explained about the general structure and language language in a recount text attached to the board. The teacher gave an opportunity to the students to ask the question about the explanation beforehand.

2 x 45 minutes after the students received the campaign, the researcher gave the students a post-test. It is clear from the students' writing that the textless comic helped them in their writing. Another aspect is the students' ability to write coherently and cohesively in paragraph construction.


  • Interpretation Every Cycle a. Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
  • Analysis of the result
  • Observation result of students’ activity

In order to know the students' writing ability before implementing the treatment, the researcher conducted the pre-test. The researcher has received the pre-test result, in this test most students want to write. This indicates that most of the students' options have not yet passed to achieve the minimum mastery score (70).

To see the writing skills of the students applying the treatment, the researcher conducted the post-test 1. To see the writing skills of the students applying the second treatment, the researcher conducted the post-test 2. Based on Table 7, the mean score of students was 70.33, it showed that most students passed the minimum mastery score (70).

According to the indicator of success set in this research, it is considered as success that the 70% of the students get a minimum score of 70. While prom the result data of cycle 1 it is known that there is increasing on the students' score in the pre-test and post-test 1. In the pre-test result data, the students who got a minimum score ≥70 were 6 students or 20% prom 30 students.

The increase in student results in cycle 1 cannot reach the success indicator. Then, after cycle 2 was done, the researcher took the results data and it became known that there was an increase in the students' results. Therefore, it can be concluded that textless comic media can enhance students' writing ability, especially in writing recount text.



  • For English teachers
  • For other researchers

This research discusses the implementation of textless comic to improve students' writing skills in SMP Negeri 2 Metro. It is expected that the result of the study can be used as an additional reference for other researchers, especially researchers dealing with the teaching of writing.



Selesaikan beberapa latihan yang telah disiapkan guru tentang menceritakan kembali teks dengan menggunakan kata-kata dalam simple past tense 2. Buat teks recount tentang pengalaman terbaik siswa. dengan menggunakan kalimat simple past tense di dalamnya 3. Presentasikan teks recount yang telah dibuat di depan kelas. Materi pengayaan berupa materi reguler dengan membuat teks recount berdasarkan strip tanpa teks yang telah disiapkan oleh guru. Siswa menyelidiki dan mendiskusikan isi teks recount yang diberikan oleh guru secara berkelompok - Siswa meneliti dan mengidentifikasi.

Siswa melakukan proses pengumpulan data dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, internet atau sumber belajar lainnya untuk mengembangkan pemahaman siswa terhadap materi recount - Siswa dibimbing melalui proses tersebut. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk menarik kesimpulan dari materi yang disajikan, yaitu penomoran ulang teks - Guru memberikan penguatan kepada siswa. Persepsi: “Apa yang telah kamu pelajari tentang teks recount? Apa bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan dalam teks recount?”.

Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial unsur kebahasaan dan struktur teks. digunakan dalam kalimat simple past tense. Siswa memperhatikan bentuk simple past tense dalam berbagai kalimat yang diberikan oleh guru. Guru menginstruksikan siswa untuk menarik kesimpulan dari materi yang disampaikan yaitu simple infinitive - Guru memberikan penguatan kepada siswa. terhadap materi yang tidak dipahami dan mengevaluasi dengan penilaian atau penghargaan bagi siswa atau. kelompok yang berkinerja baik selama proses pembelajaran.

Apa yang sudah kamu ketahui tentang simple past tense dan retelling text yang telah kita bahas. belajar membuat dialog dari retelling text menggunakan kalimat simple past tense. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan dari guru, siswa diminta untuk menyelesaikan beberapa latihan mengenai menceritakan kembali teks dengan menggunakan kata simple past tense. Siswa termotivasi untuk memperhatikan dengan seksama agar siswa dapat. mengerjakan latihan yang diberikan guru dengan cepat dan lebih baik - Siswa membuat teks retelling. tentang pengalaman terbaik siswa dengan menggunakan kalimat simple past tense di dalamnya.

Guru membimbing siswa untuk menarik kesimpulan dari materi yang dipelajari. yang disampaikan yaitu simple past tense dan recount text. terhadap materi yang belum dipahami dan memberikan apresiasi dengan pujian atau penghargaan kepada siswa atau. kelompok yang berkinerja baik selama proses pembelajaran. Content) Relevan dengan topik, dengan informasi rinci dan konsisten dengan tujuan penulisan teks recount.



Figure 1: Classroom Action Research Concept by Kemmis in Hopkins


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