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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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It is proved by the increase in students' scores from the data as follows: In the pretest result data, they are 11.54%. This means that the use of film media can increase students' listening skills of the eighth graders in SMP Negeri 8 Metro. So the students can understand some instructions from their teacher in the English teaching and learning process and finally they can respond well to them.

However, it is not easy for English teachers to teach the students to achieve the primary goal. This happens because the students cannot listen well to the English text in class. There are some problems found at State Junior High School (SMP) 8 Metro in the context of teaching English and learning to listen, especially at grade VIII such as: The students lack vocabulary.

To overcome these problems, it is important for the teacher to find a new strategy in listening teaching to help students be more active in the learning process. Based on the pre-survey dated January 30, 2017 to 26 students using the documentation method, from the students' listening scores the researcher obtained the data of the students' listening scores among the eighth grade students of the State High School 8 Metro .

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objective and Benefits of The Study

  • Objective of The Study
  • Benefits of The Study
  • Concept of Listening
  • Concept of Movie Media

In general, the purpose of this research is to know the improvement of the results of the use of film media to the students' listening skill under the eighth grade of State Junior High School 8 Metro. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the students must be able to pay attention, give feedback and respond actively in listening skills. Listening skills must be balanced with the other language skills so that the students will gain maximum skills.

The material that suits the students must be interesting, at the right level of students. The material that suits the students must be interesting, at the right level of students. In addition, the material must be relevant to the students' real life so that they can gain the best understanding.

In addition, the teacher should prepare some interesting activities so that the students will be interested in listening. e. Therefore, through the use of film media, the teacher gives the opportunity to the students to express themselves, to have fun while learning.

Action Hypothesis

Setting of Research

After watching it the class asked questions about the movie and assigned essay topics, to help them the teacher asked the students to brainstorm. Based on the advantages above, it can be concluded that after learning to use multimedia learning, students will easily gain knowledge and can save for long-term memory. When designing a film media learning experience, the teacher's role shifts from instructor to facilitator.

This is especially true if students work in groups to view movie media resources or share computers. Listening is the first language teaching skill to be taught, before speaking, reading and writing. To make a listening lesson effective, useful and interesting for students, the teacher should use well-developed and fascinating techniques or aids in the classroom; one of the aids is the use of film media. Teaching listening through film media can help our listening lesson in the same tie provide a relaxed atmosphere and motivate students.

The researcher adds that the introduction of film media in the classroom can solve most problems regarding motivation. By using movie media as the medium of instruction, the students will be able to increase their listening skill under the eighth grade of state junior high school 8 Metro.

Subject of Research

Object of Research

This Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted at State Junior High School 8 Metro; this school is located at Karangrejo 23A Metro Utara, Lampung. The purpose of this research is students' listening skills through film media in the second grade of students of State Junior High School 8 Metro.

Action Plan

Classroom Action Research

So they can accept it. h) The film media used to teach must also be suitable for them and easy to understand for the beginner. It will list them by analyzing the contextual language usage. i) Explain to students how to increase listening with film media. a) The researcher presents the film media to them and allows them to analyze it for a while. To determine if students are getting the meaning of the language used by the film media, progress toward learning goals, the researcher will match the content to specific learning goals and objectives on a cover sheet. a)The researcher asks the students to answer some questions related to the topic. b) The researcher summarized the learning material.

It will be conducted by analyzing the contextual use of language. i) Explaining to students how to improve listening from film media. a) The researcher will present the film media to them and give them the opportunity to analyze it for a while. In this session, the researcher obtained the post-test score of students 1 in cycle 1. Then, the teacher provided the information about the subject to be studied. The teacher also gave the example of the confession.

After that, the teacher showed the movie media with the title "The Princess and The Dragon". Recording of monologue "The princess and the pea/ and the three little pigs" and script text.

Figure 3.1 : Classroom Action Research Procedure (adapted from Anne Burn’s) 27
Figure 3.1 : Classroom Action Research Procedure (adapted from Anne Burn’s) 27

The Steps of The Research

Data Collection Technique

  • Observation
  • Test
  • Documentation
  • Field Note

Classroom observation is an observation that is used to observe the school, the students in the classroom situation in the teaching and learning process. In the recording of the activities during the realization of the listening teaching, they are observed and noted by the researcher. To collect the data the researcher using the test to know the listening ability of the students in relation to the material is given by the researcher.

After observing the subjects' activities, the researcher gives the students a pre-test to identify their listening ability before the researcher gives the treatment. It is done to determine the readiness for the curriculum and to analyze the quality of the problem in the listening skill. It is a method used to obtain information from written sources or documents such as books, journals, regulations and notes of meetings and daily reports.

The researcher used this method to obtain data on the history of the school, the total number of teachers, official employees and students at 8 Metro State Secondary School. In this research, the researcher will use field notes to focus on a specific issue or teaching behavior over a specific period of time. In addition, the field researcher will observe classroom conditions, classroom management, interaction between teacher and students or students with students, etc.

Research Instrument

The instrument that the researcher uses in the test in this research includes pre-test and post-test about the result of learning English. The researcher used field notes to record activities during teaching and learning or listening skills through film media in the classroom.

Data Analysis Technique

Descriptive Qualitative Technique

It describes the process and outcome of students' improvement of listening skills using film media.

Statistical Technique

So, if in cycle 2 all students are successful, it is not continued with the next cycle.

Indicator of Success


Description of Research Setting

In this meeting, the students were expected by the teacher and given specific information about the story. The outcome of the learning process to increase students' listening skills through the use of film media in cycle 1 was higher than before. It can be seen that most students have no difficulty with listening comprehension.

There was an increasing score of the students on pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 in cycle I and cycle II. There was an increase in the number of students scoring on the norm from pre-test to post-test 1,. The increase can be seen in the average score of the listening skills of the students before and after the treatment.

Description of Data


  • Interpretation and Learning Result in Cycle I and Cycle II 59

Based on the above explanation, the researcher concluded that the study was successful because the result score of the students had reached the success indicator of 70% with a minimum mastery criterion of 74. Most students showed good growth in learning activities when Movie Media was applied in education - and learning process from cycle I to cycle II. Therefore, this study was declared terminated and could be discontinued in Cycle II as the results of the students' activities had reached the success indicator of 80%.

Based on the result of implementing the use of film media in listening comprehension learning in two cycles of classroom action research, the researcher would like to draw the following conclusion. Using film media in listening comprehension can enhance the attention and activities of eighth graders of students at SMPN 8 Metro. Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.



2 Expressing meanings in a simple monologue in the form of narrative and narrative texts accurately, fluently and appreciative of interaction with the environment. 1 The teacher gives the students a piece of paper, and the paper contains some questions related to the audio recording. 5 The teacher gives the students a paper, and on the paper there are some questions related to the film.

10 The teacher gives the students paper and in the paper there are some questions related to the film. There are 20 questions, namely 10 determine which statements are true and false and 10 fill in the blank.

The Location of the Research

  • Lesson Plan
  • Instruments
  • The Students Answer Sheet
  • Documentation Picture


Figure 3.1 : Classroom Action Research Procedure (adapted from Anne Burn’s) 27


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