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C. Action Plan

1. Classroom Action Research

Action research is process in which participants organize their own educational practice systematically and carefully by using the techninque of research.23Kemmis and Mc. Taggart add Nunans’ book explain that action research is a group of activity and piece of descriptive research carried out by the teacher in his or her own classroom.24

According to Arikunto classroom action research is precision of learning process has form action which

23 Wikipedia, Action Research,

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_research, (April, 10 2017)

24David Nunan, Research Method in Language Learing, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 18

purposely appeared and occurred together in classroom.25 It means that learning acted by the teacher in his class by way of self-reflection, that it increase performance as a teacher in order to students’ learner outcomes to be increased.

2. The Step of The Research a. Research Procedure

The research used the classroom action research, because the researcher was the teacher in the class. Therefore, the action research done exatcly.

In this research the researcher used the CAR (Classroom Action Research) principles to collect the data. Jean McNif defined that Action research is a form of enquiry that enables practitioners everywhere to investigate and evaluate their work.26The researcher has tried to use two cycles and each cycle consists of four elements.

If the first cycle not successes, so the researcher continued to the second cycle to get good

25Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksaraa, 2008), p. 104

26Jean McNif and Whitehead, All You Need To Know About Action Research, (Landon:Sage Publication Ltd, 2006), P. 7

score or to solve the students’ listening skill mastery.

Here is step of classroom action research design:

Picture 1

Figure 3.1 : Classroom Action Research Procedure (adapted from Anne Burn’s)27

b. Action Steps

Learning process is done by some steps follows:

1) Cycle 1 a) Planning

27 Anne Burns, Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1999), P. 33

Planning is the first steps in each activity, in order to make the researcher focus on what the researcher does. In this step, the researcher sets up the overall plan concerning the action that would be implemented. Here is the step that researcher can make in planning:

(1)The researcher and collaborator prepare the lesson plan.

(2)The researcher and collaborator prepare the material.

(3)The researcher and collaborator prepare source learning.

(4)The researcher and collaborator prepare observation sheet.

(5)The researcher chooses the material will be taught.

b) Action

The second step in the CAR is action. It is the implementation of planning. In this step the researcher acts as follows:

(1)Pre Teaching Activities

(a)Praying and greeting the students.

(b)Checking the attendance list.

(c) The researcher applies the lesson plan.

(d)Introducing the idea of teaching listening by using movie media.

(e)Determining topic listening will be used.

(f) The researcher states the goal using the movie mediaof teaching listening is to

easy the students in understanding contextual used language spoken and also to attract the students’ motivation.

(g)The researcher does not at once gives to students teaching listening by this media, but the researcher will do it in steps. So, they can accept it well.

(h)The movie media using to teach must also fits them and easy to understand by the beginner. In this case the researcher will use movie media, which is use simple vocabulary and daily use language. It will behave them by analyzing the contextual language use.

(i) Explaining to the students how to increase listening by movie media.

(2)While Teaching Process

(a)The researcher presents the movie media to them, and gives them opportunity to analyzing it for a while.

The researcher will also help them to adapt to this new media, by clear vocabulary used by the speaker in the movie media till they can get meaning of the topic served.

(b)In analyzing the students’ ability in listening, the researcher will be use teaching listening test form. To determine whether the students get the meaning of the language used by the movie media progress toward learning goals, the researcher will match the content to specific learning goals and objective on a cover sheet.

(c) The teacher gives evaluation.

(3)Post Teaching Activities

(a)The researcher asks the students to answer some question related to the topic.

(b)The researcher summarized the material of learning.

(c) The researcher gave motivation to the students.

(d)The researcher closed the material.

c) Observing

This stage is the process of recording and collecting data about any aspect or event which happened during the implementation of the action. The observer the teaching and learning and the assessment process focusing on the activities done by the students. The

students’ activities during the implementation of the strategy have evaluated using the instrument that developed.

In evaluating the process, a product evaluation is applied. In this case, the students’

listening test collected and score. In order to get an accurate and reliable result, in this part it will necessary for the researcher to specify kinds and source of data. Based on the kinds and the source of data, the researcher prepare the instrument and technique of data collection. The important things in teaching process are noted by observer.

d) Reflection

This step is the last process; the researcher will be analyzing and discussing the observation result during teaching process, like the weakness and strength from the action in this cycle. The researcher used the data from the evaluation to make improvement for the second cycle, and then the researcher has decided that the next cycle focused on the weakness in preview cycle.

2) Cycle II a) Planning

Planning is the first steps in each activity, in order to make the researcher focused on what the researcher has done. In this step, the researcher sets up the overall plan concerning the action that would be implemented. Here is the step that researcher can make in planning:

(1)The researcher and collaborator prepare the lesson plan.

(2)The researcher and collaborator prepare the material.

(3)The researcher and collaborator prepare source learning.

(4)The researcher and collaborator prepare observation sheet.

(5)The researcher chooses the material will be taught.

b) Action

The second step in the CAR is action. It is the implementation of planning. In this step the researcher acts as follows:

(1)Pre Teaching Activities

(a)Praying and greeting the students.

(b)Checkingthe attendance list.

(c) The researcher applies the lesson plan.

(d)Introducing the idea of teaching listening by using movie media.

(e)Determining topic listening will be used.

(f) The researcher states the goal using the movie media of teaching listening is to

ease the students in understanding contextual used language spoken and also to attract the students’ motivation.

(g)The researcher does not at once gives to students teaching listening by this media, but the researcher will do it in steps. So, they can accept it well.

(h)The movie media using to teach must also fits them and easy to understand by the beginner. In this case the researcher will use movie media, which is use simple vocabulary and daily use language. It will behave them by analyzing the contextual language use.

(i) Explaining to the students how to improve listening by movie media.

(2)While Teaching Process

(a)The researcher will presents the movie media to them, and gives them opportunity to analyzing it for a while.

The researcher will also help them to adapt to this new media, by clear vocabulary used by the speaker in the movie media till they can get meaning of the topic served.

(b)In analyzing the students’ ability in listening, the researcher will be use teaching listening test form. To determine whether the students get the meaning of the language used by the movie media progress toward learning goals, the researcher will match the content to specific learning goals and objective on a cover sheet.

(c) The researcher gives evaluation.

(3)Post Teaching Activities

(a)The researcher asks the students to answer some question related to the topic.

(b)The researcher summarized the material of learning.

(c) The researcher gave motivation to the students.

(d)The researcher closed the material.

c) Observing

This stage is the process of recording and collecting data about any aspect or event which happened during the implementation of the action. The observer the teaching and learning and the assessment process focusing on the activities done by the students. The

teacher and students’ activities during the implementation of the strategy will be evaluated using the instrument that will be developed.

In evaluating the process, a product evaluation is applied. In this case, the students’

listening test are collected and scored. In order to get an accurate and reliable result, in this part it will necessary for the researcher to specify kinds and source of data. Based on the kinds and the source of data, the researcher prepare the instrument and technique of data collection. The important things in teaching process are noted by observer.

d) Reflection

The researcher has corrected and analyzed the result of the action. By reflecting, the researcher know the strenght and the weakness of the action. In this step the researcher compared the score distribution on the students’ attitude whether it is positive or negative, enough in second cycle or need to continue for next cycle.

D. Data Collection Technique 1. Observation

Classroom observation is an observation that used to observer the school, students in class condition in teaching and learning process. The researcher has investigated and watched closely and notes the classroom events. In recording the activities during the implementation of teaching listening are noticed and noted by the researcher.

2. Test

To collect the data the researcher using the test in order to know students’ listening skill related to the material are given by the researcher.

a. Pre-Test

After observing the subjects’ activities, the researcher giving the students a pre-test to identify their skill in listening before the researcher gives the treatment. It is done do determine the readiness for instructional program and to analyze the quality of the problem in ability of listening.

b. Post-Test

After the treatment, the researcher giving them the post-test. It is done to find out the students’

result in learning listening by using movie media.

3. Documentation

It is method which is used to get information from written sources or documents like books, magazines, regulation and notes of meeting and daily report.

The researcher used this method to get the data about the history of the school, the sum of the teachers, official employed and the students at State Junior High School 8 Metro.

4. Field Note

In this research, the researcher will use field notes to focus on a particular issue or teaching behavior over a period of time. Moreover, the researcher will take field note related to the classroom situation, classroom management, classroom interaction between teacher and students or students with students and etc.

E. Research Instrument

Research instrument is helping tool of method in collecting data. The research instrument that is used by the researcher in this research is Instrument Blueprint. Here are the explanations :

1. The instrument used by the researcher in observation method is observation guidance, as follow;

a. Observation the location sketch ofState Junior High School 8 Metro.

b. Observation the establishment of State Junior High School 8 Metro.

c. Observation about building ofState Junior High School 8 Metro.

2. The instrument used by the researcher in documentation method is documentation guidance, as follow;

a. Documentation about teachers and official at State Junior High School 8 Metro.

b. Documentation about students ofState Junior High School 8 Metro.

c. Documentation about the organization structure ofState Junior High School 8 Metro.

3. The instrument using the researcher in the test in this research includes pre-test and post-test about English learning result. The researcher will ask the students to answer the question based in the topic.

4. The researcherused field notes to record activities during the teaching and learning or listening skill through movie media in the classroom. Those are including classroom atmosphere, students attitude, activity and teachers activity in presenting the material.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher will be analyze the data by the action research. The data was ottained from teaching-learning process and evaluation. The data will be analyzed in two ways;

1. Descriptive Qualitative Technique

Descriptive qualitative technique is used to know students participation and their activities in classroom.

In this case the researcher will use field note in which

record all of activities in classroom. It describes the process and the result of students’ improvement in listening skill using movie media.

2. Statistical Technique

Beside descriptive technique, the researcher uses a statistical technique. In scoring the test, the students score is counted with the following formula:28

P=∑ x N x100 Notes:

P = Persentage of Students Activity

∑ x = Total of Score N = Total of Students

The students score is counted with the following formula :

X=∑ X

∑ N



X = Average

∑ X = Total of score

∑ X = Total of students

28Donald Ary at all, Introduction to Research in Education, (USA:

Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010) Eighth edition, p.108

Furthermore, to know result the researcher will compare between pre-test and post-test. Then, the result is matched by minimum standard criteria (MSC) at school at least 74. If the cycle 1, there are some students are not succesful so we conduct cycle 2. The minumum cycle in classroom action research is two cycles. So, if in cycle 2 all of students are successful, it is not continue do next cycle.

G. Indicator of Success

The indicator of success was taken from the proccess and the result of the action reasearch. According to Minimum Standard Criteria (MSC), the class can be successful in achieving the material if 75% of the students get score 74. In addition, there was increasing in study activities and learning result in the learning process. So, this research passed and dont need to continoue to next cycle.



A. Research Result

1. Description of Research Setting

a. Brief History About the Establishment of State Junior High School 8 of Metro in East Lampung.

This classroom action research was conducted atState Junior High School 8 of Metro in East Lampung.

State Junior High School 8 Metro East Lampung stands on a land area of 15,000 M2 on the basis of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 2910199 on October 20th 1998.

Since the enactment of Law no. 20 of 2003 on the national system and PP no. 19 of 2005 on national education standards, have en couraged changes to the education management system in Metro City. The learning process at State Junior High School 8 Metro have imposed an educational unit curriculum (KTSP) for grades VII to class IX by applying contextual learning.

State Junior High School 8 Metrohave changed leader four times. These school had been led by the following principals:

1) H.Rozili.Z.Msc 1998 – 1999

2) Dra.Hj.Mulyasari 1999 – 2001

3) Drs.Bambang Irawan 2001 – 2006 4) Gono Irianto, S.Pd.M.M 2006 – 2012 5) Slamet, S.Pd 2012 up until now.

b. The Condition of Teachers in State Junior High School 8 Metro

The data of teachers inacademic year of 2017/2018 based on the employment of the status, it can be identified as follow;

Table 4

The Data of Teachers in State Junior High School 8 Metro

N o

Mata Pelajaran Permane nt

NON Permane



1 Civic Education 2 2

2 Religion a.

Islamic Study 4 4

b. Protes


c. Chatol

ik 1 1

d. Hindu 1 1

e. Budha

f. Kongh

uchu 3 Indonesian


6 6

4 English 5 5

5 History 5 5

6 Phycical Education

3 2 5

7 Mathematic 7 4 11

8 Physic 6 6

9 Biology 4 4

1 0

Sociology 2 2

1 1

Art 2 2

1 2

English Language 1 1

1 3

Lampung Language

2 2

1 4

Counseling 5 2 7

Total 52 12 64

Source: The documentation result

Table 5

The Data of Staff in State Junior High School 8 Metro

No Staf Permane


NON Permane



1. Administration Staf 5 3 8

2. Laboratory assistant 2 2

3. Librarian 1 1

4. Security 1 1

5. Cleaning Service 3 3

6. Electric Technician 1 1

Total 8 8 16

Source: The documentation result of teacher in academic year of 2017/2018State Junior High School 8 Metro.

c. The Quantity of State Junior High School 8 Metro

The quantity of State Junior High School 8 MetroStudents in academic year of 2017/2018 can be identified as follows;

Table 6

The Quantity of the Students at State Junior High School 8 Metro

No Class Sex

Total Male Female

1. VII 110 80 190

2. VIII 90 108 198

3. IX 64 60 124

Total 264 248 512

Source: The documentation result of teacher in academic year of 2017/2018State Junior High School 8 Metro

d. Facilities and Infrastructure

The facilities and infrastructure of State Junior High School 8 Metro in academic year of 2017/2018 can be identified as follows;

Table 7

The Facilities and Infrastructure in State Junior High School 8 Metro

No Facilities


Total Good Slightly

damage d

Seriousl y damage

d 1. Headmaster


1 1

2. Teacher room

1 1

3. Office house 1 1

4. Library 1 1

5. Computar lab

1 1

6. Science lab 1 1

7. Hall 1 1

8. Mosque 1 1

Total 8 8

Source: The documentation result of facilities and infrastructure in academic year of 2017/2018State Junior High School 8 Metro

e. Curriculum

Table 8

Curriculum in State Junior High School 8 Metro N


Periode Grade Curriculum

1. 2013/2014 VII, VIII, IX Cur th 2006

2. 2014/2015 VII, VIII, IX Cur 2006

3. 2015/2016 VII, VIII, IX Cur 2008

4. 2016/2017 VII, VIII, IX Cur 2008

5. 2017/2018 VII, VIII, IX Cur 2008

f. Location Sketch

The location sketch of State Junior High School 8 Metro in academic year of 2017/2018 can be identified as follows;

Picture 2

School Map Of State Junior High School 8 Metro A4

A5 A6

A5 A6 B1 B2

A7 A8 A9



A1 A2

A3 D

Note : A1 – A15 : Classroom B1 – B2 : Teacher’s Room

C : Mosque

D : Science Laboratory E : Computer Laboratory F : Ceremony Yard

G : Library

1. Description of Data a. First Conditions

The learning was conducted on Thursday, November 16th 2017 at 07.30 until 09.00. All the students had already prepared when the teaching time came. The researcher greeted the students. The researcher told the students that the researcher would conduct the research in their class in order to know their ability of listening skill before doing the action of the classroom action research. The pre-test was administrated to the students to be finished individually.

The kind of the test was written test.The kind of test is multiplechoice. The table belows shows the data and the frequency of the students pre-test score:

Table 9 A1

0 A1

1 A1

2 A13 A14 A15 E

The Result of the Students’ Score in Pre-Test No Students’ Code Score Explanati


1 A M S 40 Failed

2 B F A 80 Passed

3 D A R 80 Passed

4 D W P 50 Failed

5 D Q P 30 Failed

6 D P S 30 Failed

7 E L S 20 Failed

8 E R D 50 Failed

9 F D A 50 Failed

10 F A 40 Failed

11 F A I 50 Failed

12 F P 30 Failed

13 J A S 40 Failed

14 I H 30 Failed

15 M N A 30 Failed

16 M N A P 40 Failed

17 N S 50 Failed

18 P L 50 Failed

19 P N 30 Failed

20 R F 80 Passed

21 R H 40 Failed

22 R A 30 Failed

23 R O 40 Failed

24 S Y P 20 Failed

25 S P A 40 Failed

26 Y A 60 Failed

Total Score 1130

Average 43,46

Highest Score 80

Lowest Score 20

Table 10

The Frequency of the Students’ Score in Pre- Test

No Score Frequenc Percentag Categor

y e y

1 74 3 11,54% Passed

2 74 23 88,46% Failed

Total 26 100%

Grap 1

Frequency of Students’ Passed at Pre-test

Failed Passed

0 5 10 15 20 25




The result of the pre-test showed that there were 23 (88,46%) students failed to achive the minimum standard of mastery. Then, only 3 students (11,54%) got score up to the standard. The criterion of students who was successful in mastering the material was the students who got minimum score of 74. Learning

process is said succes when 70% students got score 74.

The fact showed that the result was unsatisfying.That is the reason, the researcherused Movie Media to increase listening skill at SMP 8 Metro .

b. Cycle 1 1) Planning

In this research, the researcher is as an English teacher with Mr. Agustinus Yuwono as collaborator.

Before the learning process began the researcher and the collaborator would like to discuss about, as follow:

(1)Preparing the material of Narrative.

(2)Preparing the lesson plan.

(3)To make the items that will be examined as the treatment and the post-test I in the cycle 1.

(4)Introducing the procedure of Movie Media as a media that used in the learning process.

(5)To make the observation sheet of the students activity 1.

The minimum mastery criteria (MMC) at State Junior High School 8 Metrofor English was 74. The lesson is Listening, Narrative especially. In this meeting, the students were expected by the teacher got specific information of the Narrative. In the first

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