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E. Objective and Benefits of The Study

2. Concept of Movie Media

In today's highly developed technology, including the number of instructional media. The teachers prefer to use the media or application in teaching, because easy to use. Movie media is one of the media that has been used in teaching.

According to Robert B. Kozma, media can be defined by technology, symbol system and processing 13I.S.P nation and Jonathan Newton, Teaching ESL/ EFL Listening and Speaking, (New York: Routledge 270 Madison Ave, 2009), P. 170

capabilities.14 Moreover, based on Oxford, medium (plural media) is something which is used for a particular person.15 The meaning of media aimed at something that delivers information (massage) between massege sender and receiver.

On the other hand, education assosiation defines that media is thing that can be manipulated, can be seen, can be heard, can be read, and and can be talked with intstrument.16 The importance of using media for teaching is a media that can be used to help the students in their study, in order to make the teaching learning process more efective and efficient.

Meanwhile, Lynch stated that there are five reasons why movie used as teching media they are varieties of accent can be demonstrated, slices of culture can be demonstrated, using audio-visual element aids learning, and movies are great to watch and listen.17 Movie is a

14 Kozma, R.B, Learning With Media, (University of Michigan: Review of Educational Research, Vol.2, 1991), p.2

15 Oxford University, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, (Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2003, 3nd Ed, p.259

16 Asnawir and M. Basyirudin Usman, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta:

Ciputat Pers, 2002) p.11

kind of media that will make students interest, because most of teenagers like to watch and listen movie.

According to Asnawir the good movie has some characteristic they are: increase the students’ proclivity, show right and authentic view, and environe with the audience understanding, show the stucture of the language, regulate the essential and the sequence of the movie, and satisfy the audience on the technique of making movie.18

Movie media are covers media which nature audio- visual. One definition of movie is “a recording of moving images that tells a story and that people watch on a screen or television”.19 Movie media is one of kinds multimedia. The term multimedia often describes highly sophisticated technology, such as CD-ROM and Internet web sites, which incorporate text, sound, vision and animation. In general, the people understand technology 17 Lynch, M. Larry, 5 Ways to Use Popular Movies for English Language Teaching. Ezine Articels, http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry-

_M_Lynch, (June, 10th 2017)

18 Munadi Yuhdi, Media Pembelajaran: Sebuah Pendekatan Baru, (Jakarta:

Gunung Persada Press, 2012),, P. 117

19 Merriam Webster, ”Definition of

Movie”,http://www.learnersdictionary.com/definition/movie, (June, 9th 2017)

to embrace things like, computer, TV, video, telephone, fax machines and radio. In this modern era, the word movie media have already been familiar for us in the relation with teaching and learning process.

Nowadays, movie media often used teacher for teaching, because its function is more than one such as listening and seeing. In the other hand, Lynch stated that, “there are five reasons why movie used as teaching media they are varieties of accent can be demonstrated, slices of culture can be demonstrated, historical change can be demonstrated, using audio-visual elements aids learning, and movies are great to watch”.20 Movie media can be used as one out of many learning environments that are suited to be used in diferent situations.

Teaching by using movie as media in the classroom giving is good way to teach the students how to listening well by hear the native speaker speak in the movie, also the students can learn many thing that is consist in the movie such as culture, history and others. The class become fun and the students join the class activity enjoyable.

20 Lynch, M. Larry, Ways To Use Popular Movies for English Language Teaching, http://EnzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry_M_Lynch, (June, 9th 2017)

From the definition above the researcher can conclude that movie media is a media that have the characteristics of actor or artist by using good language.

Movie media is very useful to use as media in teaching activity. Using movie media can improve students' listening skill with words and pictures can improve visual materials them, then sound can improve audio materials them. The teacher will more easy to teach listening, because there is vocabularies in movie media.

b. The Elements of Movie Media

To analyze the movie, the first thing is to understand the elements of it. There are five elements of story, they are:

1) Setting

The setting is the time and place in whice it happens. Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, building, seasons, and weathers to provide a strong sense of setting.

2) Character

A character is a person or something events an anima. Who takes part in action of a story or other literary work. There are two characters of story:

a) Protagonist, the protagonist character is the central character or the hero, also called as good guy.

b) Antagonist, the antagonist character is the enemy of the protagonist, also called as bad guy.

3) Plot

A plot is series of events and character actions that relate of the central conflict, it is the sequence of events in a story of play. The plot is planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle and end.

4) Conflict

The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a story.

5) Theme

The theme is the central idea or belief in a story.21

Through recognizing the important elements of a movie, students a expected to be able to master the material related to the topic. Besides that, by recognizing the elements of movie, students will be easy to get meaning in the sound.

c. Steps of Using Movie Media

Movie can be used to provide a visual material. The students can read a print text and watch the movie later, the movie can clarify comprehension, consolidate concepts and reinforce learning. It is expected to the students to fully understand both visual and verbal comprehension. By watching the complete movie the 21 Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, “Theme”,

http;//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/theme, (June, 7th 2017)

students expected to understand various areas of academic discourse such as psychology, environmental science and others to broaden the verbal and written perspective. After viewing it, the class asked questions about the movie and assigned essay topics, to help them the teacher asked the students to brainstorm.

d. Advantages of Movie Media

There are so many advantages if the teacher use movie media. Mayer argues that meaningful learning from words and pictures, the students will get five cognitive peocesses, namely:

1) Selecting relevant words for processing in verbal working memory

2) Selecting relevant images for processing in visual working memory

3) Organizing selected words into a verbal model 4) Organizing selected images into a pictorial model 5) Integrating the verbal and pictorial representations

with each other and with prior knowledge.22

Based on advantages above it can conclude that, after the students learn to use multimedia learning the students will easy to get knowledge and can save for long term memory.

e. Disadvanteges of Movie Media

When designing a movie media learning experience, the role of the teacher shifts from instructor to facilitator.

22Stephen D. Sorden, The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, Mohave Community College/ Norhern Arizon University

If a lesson allows students to complete learning at their own pace as they move through stages of learning, classroom management is increasingly difficult. This is especially true if students work in groups to view movie media sources or share computers. Additionally, teachers also have to prepare LCD projectors and speakers if at school has not provided it.

f. Teaching Listening Skill Through Movie Media

Teaching a language is essentially taught to communicate. Therefore, language teaching is to increase students’ ability to communicate both oral and written forms. But, to be able to communicate well, students must have language skills. Listening is the first skills in language teaching that should be taught, before speaking, reading, and writing.In order to make a listening lesson efective, beneficial and interesting for students, a teacher should use well developed and fascinating technique or aids in classroom; one of the aids is using movie media.

Movie media is learning from words and pictures.

Basides that, according to Mayer “people learn better from words and pictures than from words alone”. It is because using both words and pictures is more efective

than words alone should not be surprising in light of what we know about how the brain processes information.

The teacher know the importance of teaching how to listen. This is true to both a firts language, second or foreign language classroom. It is useful to consider listening skill that is tought to the children learning English as a foreign language. Teching listening skill must suitable with levels of students. Teaching listening throught movie media can help our teaching of listening at the same tie provides a relaxed atmosphereand motivate students. Movie is as media to support and facilitate the material given to students so it can be easy to master the listening skill. Teaching listening skill through movie media are students centered. Therefore by using movie media the teacher give a opportunity to the students to express themselves, enjoy themselves during learning. The researcher adds that introducing movie media in the classroom can solves most problems concerning motivation.

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