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Просмотр «Том 3 № 61 (2017): серия " Филологические науки”» | Вестник Серия «Филологические науки»


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Therefore, a synthesis of text in Kazakh language by means of the computer program is in demand. The article demonstrates that research on the field's ―value‖ of linguists has led to the idea of ​​―continuity‖ of the ―psychological‖ value. One of the phenomena that is rarely used in everyday language, the use of homonyms in a poem is given in the article.

The theory of the language personality is formed in the works of scientists such as V.V. Vinogradov and Y.N. Karaulov. In the article, the problem of manifestation of the author's language personality is widely analyzed on the basis of the material of F.S. Fitzgerald's "The. Therefore it is necessary to explain the functional function of the language in order to determine the status of punctuation.

Such research is closely related to the concept of "linguistic personality", moreover the mentioned concept is related to the theory "linguistic picture of the world".

Саяси мәтін деп қоғамдағы ӛзекті саяси мәселелер жӛнінде айтылатын және кӛпшілікке, бұқараға арналған мәтіндерді түсінеміз. Саяси мәтіндерде әдетте саяси билікке ондағы ӛкілеттілікті

Түйін сөздер: тілдік тұлға, мәтін, дүниенің тілдік көрінісі, дискурс Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан. ҚАЗАҚ ҰЛТТЫҚ КОРПУСЫН ҚҰРУ – ҚАЗАҚ ТІЛІ МЕГІЗГЕРЛЕРІНІҢ ЕРЕКШЕ МАҢЫЗДЫ МІНДЕТІ. Мақалада қолданбалы тіл білімінің жаңа саласы, статистикалық, есептеу және корпус лингвистикасы қазақ тіл білімінің тарихы қысқаша сипатталған.

The beginning of this fact is considered to be the All-Union Conference "Statistical and Informational Studies of Turkic Languages" in 1969 at the Institute of Linguistics of the Kazakh SSR. Proverbs and sayings of the population in the context of public life, customs reflected in centuries of experience, wisdom of life. The historical era of the Kazakh literary language, i.e. the historical development and emergence of the Turkic peoples, was discussed with Turkish languages.

Keywords: Kazakh language, Kazakh literary language, historical periodization, Historical grammar, the history of the Kazakh language, the grammatical concept, the istocratic element, the etymology of some words.

INTRODUCTION. Kazakh language has like all scolds world, tears to pieces millennium driving away history eats generation consciousness sucks and it world civilization place eats pastures arrives at

The focus is on identifying the cognitive symptoms, the system of which constitutes the concept of "mother" in the language image of modern world Azerbaijani. This is a universal image, apparently characterized by a sublimity in the image of the world of all peoples, which becomes the reason for the equivalence of proverbs. The article considers one of the types of precedent phenomena that provide precedent names in the story "Zhylymyk" by Oralkhan Bokei.

The poetic literary language at the level of creativity, unmatched, adds a lot of linguistic expression to the whole world and linguistic model of the world. The article discusses the socio-linguistic etiquette of the festival of the Kazakh and Bashkir peoples. The communicative approach therefore represents discourse as the functioning of the language in speech from the position of the speaker.

The idea of ​​the interaction between speech and text also lies in the concept of the outstanding scholar V.I. Signs of the institutional discourse type characterize the type of public institution according to its key concepts;. The analysis of the approaches of specialists in political science and philosophy, according to the Internet sources and dictionaries, shows that this term is treated differently.

It aims to involve all citizens in decision-making, to convince others (through valid information and logic) and to clarify which course of action would be most effective in solving the social problem" [7]. The views of scientists are analyzed and teachers for the knowledge of the Kazakh language.The characteristics of sounds are determined as a result of the identification of integral and differential signs of phonemes.

Because the script is a high-level cultural phenomenon, the role of the script in the human world, the relationship between language and culture, a new orthography based on the Arabic script, created on the basis of the Kazakh language - the importance and meaning of Baitursynuly's alphabet are discussed in the article. Akhmet Baitursynuly wrote: "The alphabet is a paradise of signs dedicated to the basic sounds of the language". Currently, most of the loanwords introduced into the Kazakh language are incorporated into the spoken language.

If, alif comes with the character mäd at the beginning of the word, it is read as «а».

Тілдік байланыс – тіл тазалығына ықпал етуші фактор

Тілді жат сӛзбен шҧбарламау

Білімді ана тілінде беру

Терминдерді (пән сӛздерін) қазақ тілінде қалыптастыру

In the article, the definition of the new direction of linguistics of linguoecology is given, the processes of its formation and development are examined. The author determines the periods of development of linguoecology in the works of foreign and Russian scientists was reviewed. The importance and role of the works of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the development of linguoecological ideas at the beginning of the 20th century is interpreted.

Қазақ тілін сақтау идеясын жаңғыртудың өзектілігі дәлелденіп, тіл болашағы үшін тіл жанашырларының жауапкершілігі атап өтілді. Көне түрік мұрасы, жазба ескерткіштері қазақ аксиологиялық тіл біліміндегі құндылықтар иерархиясының «жоғары» деңгейінде тұрғанын халық танымында қалыптасқан «Көкбөрі» сөзіне аксиологиялық талдау жасау арқылы дәлелдейміз. 34 «Көк бөрі» - «Қасқырға әлсіздігіңді көрсетпе, иттің жүнін жаппа» демекші, еліміздің қасқырды қастерлейтінін анық аңғарамыз.

More information analyzed emotionality, expressiveness, connotative linguistic units and language considered in the system of logic and concepts. The values ​​related to the study of concept theory are considered in the cognitive aspect of linguistics. Based on people's knowledge, the hierarchical structure of subjective evaluation demonstrates linguistic data (on the concept of "blue wolf").

It analyzes rules and regulations, the formation of evaluative concepts and positive and negative attitudes based on the semantics of approval or disparagement. The article deals with important lexicographical works from the point of view of ethnocultural content, enriched with information that is distinguished by structural-content character, taking into account the mutual relationship of the lexicographical tradition in Kazakh linguistics. The author focuses on lexicographic innovations and the system of new knowledge, new Kazakh dictionaries that formed the linguistic basis of the state language.

The features of the works, which are supplemented with new words, new concepts, as a means of developing the culture of public speaking and improving linguistic knowledge, are intended for the public, researchers in science, education, educational activities and specialists in the Study of the Kazakh language.




The literary development of Kazakh literature led to the formation of the drama genre in the history of Kazakh literature. Relationship between myth and fairy tale which is one of the oldest genres of folklore, their common and distinctive features were also reflected in the article. It is also indicated that myth of twins is the space-time model of poetic structure of the same story.

Thus, myth is the system of images that arise from the spontaneous beliefs of people who are powerless before nature. The article emphasizes that "Gojçak Fatma" is one of the fairy tales with a complex mythological text structure and rich in various mythological points. The theme of the tale is devoted to the struggle of good and evil forces.

Various forms of the myth of the twins can be found in the text of the fairy tale. Throughout the plot of the fairy tale, the stepmother who envies the children does not give them peace. Quarrel between the stepmother and that of "Yenga" is equivalent to the fight between chaos and cosmic forces.

POPULAR IDEAS OF THE POEM "KUTADGUBILIG": A GENERAL DESCRIPTION, OUTLINE AND COMPOSITION. The article analyzes the plot and composition of the poem "Kutadgubilig" ("Blessed Wisdom"), which is an important work in medieval Turkish literature. The article is about the participation of the author who creates the verbal masterpiece with the help of verbal tools.

The image of the author is the rod of all works of art that cover events, fates, human characteristics, feelings and emotions. Abis - is the wisdom of the nation, its 'age-old experience in the struggle for the unity of the tribe and its'. It is a figure that includes the idea of ​​drama and through it we can see the image of the author.

Key words: image of the author, addressee, monologue, inner monologue, image of the character, language of the character.


The importance of checking the level of Kazakh language learning of the learner has a special meaning. The methods for developing language skills in the university students both in the auditory and outside of it are improved. With the help of text, the development of ties between linguistic persons, all types of speaking activities are used, and the individual work of the students develops the creative image of the learner.

Keeping in mind that our youth is the future of the country, the teachers should understand that they are encouraging the students to acquire knowledge and that the impartial evaluation is the basis of quality knowledge. 8 Recommendations for the application of the Tuning degree profiles and competences for international credential evaluation, 2006, from www.enic-naric.net.20.08.2017. Economic changes, not only in the country, but also in the global labor market explain the increasing demands on young specialists.

There are new requirements for the model and quality of graduates, new approaches to competition and their efficiency. The article discusses the content and conceptual structure of competences and competences in different countries, the problem of professional competence is analyzed on the example of the United States, European countries, Russia and Kazakhstan. Language is a key cultural phenomenon, perhaps the main mechanism of national unity, an instrument for the emergence and reproduction of the nation as a social structure of Kazakhstan.

The policy of trilingualism does not require you to forget your mother tongue; on the contrary, it elevates the Kazakh language to first place. An important role is played by the opinions of scientists on the implementation of the policy of trinity. In the history of our scientists, poets, there are articles about the language problem of that time.

The president clearly explained in his message that trilingualism is necessary for Kazakhstan in the future for globalization. An important role is played by the views of scientists on the implementation of the triuneism policy.


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Ширинбаева 3 1,2,3 Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан ЖОҒАРЫ СЫНЫП ОҚУШЫЛАРЫНЫҢ ЭМОЦИОНАЛДЫ ТҰРАҚТЫЛЫҒЫН ДАМЫТУ ЕРЕКШЕЛІКТЕРІ Аңдатпа Бұл