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Academic year: 2023

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Baitursynov is developing an onomastic suvcorpus in the field of toponymy, which is an independent part of the national corpus. The experience and features of the national corpus of the Kazakh language and some examples of large corpora in the world are described.

Әйел» концептісінің ұлттық-мәдени сипаты

The research is aimed at a deeper understanding of the meaning of phraseological phrases used in the Kazakh language. Kazak paremiologiasindagi "Kazak aieli" konceptisinin ulttik- madeni ereksheligi [National and cultural details of the concept of "Kazakh woman" in Kazakh paremiology].

Магический дискурс в социолингвистической коммуникации

This article examines the peculiarities of magical discourse in the sociolinguistic communication about the material of written, oral magical texts in the Kazakh and English languages. The rational use of prosodic components by the speaker in the Kazakh and English magical discourse in the popular film was under investigation.

Модальдік мәннің болымсыздық санаттағы көрінісі

Until now, the analysis of linguistic features of the category of subjective modality in combination with the structure of independent sentences prevails in Kazakh linguistics. Conclusions and conclusions in the scientific article contribute to the development of theoretical features of the category Ж.А.

К вопросу о заимствовании русской лексики в деловой сфере казахского языка

M. Abildayeva

On the issue of borrowing Russian vocabulary in the business sphere of Annotation in the Kazakh language. The article compares the materials of dictionaries and reference books of the official business dictionary of the Kazakh language in the 80-90s.

Движение от «хаоса к порядку» в процессе языковой эволюции

Kazakhstan National Pedagogical University Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan Movement from "chaos to order" in the process of language evolution. The article deals with the development of a language in which, as in an open system, chaos is established and its further regulation takes place. New elements that enter the language adapt to it, the rules and behavior in the language change.

The relevance of the topic lies in the analysis of new models of word formation in speech, linguistic changes resulting from the interaction of factors of external and internal order. Chaos and order of movements in the language, mastery of a complex, self-organizing, dynamic system make it possible to detect the impact on the communicative environment and prevent the occurrence of deviations in the language.

About the universal expression resources neurophysiological basis of the emotion concept in Azerbaijani, English and

Russian languages

On the universal expressive sources of the neurophysiological basis of the concept of emotions in Azerbaijani, English and. The verbalization sources of the concept of emotion can be separated in the most primitive plan, in the foreground in two groups;. Therefore, in many languages ​​​​of the world, the concept included in the concept of "emotion", frequent metaphorical passages are expressed by "chains of implication".

The reason is that the limbic system means a part of the world that reflects and reacts immediately unconsciously. Among the universal verbalization sources of the concept of «emotion», resources of a neurophysiological, psychosomatic, psycholinguistic, as well as paralinguistic nature emerge.

Бағалау концептісінің ағылшын және қазақ тілдері паре- миологиясындағы көрінісі

Авторлар құрастырған)

Representation of the concept of Evaluation in the paremiology of the Kazakh and English languages ​​Abstract: The article deals with the ethnolinguistic and cognitive aspects of the Kazakh and English proverbs and sayings. These expressions accumulated over centuries through people's experience help determine the place and role of the evaluation concept in paremiology in the Kazakh and English languages. The concept of evaluation, which is part of the value system of the world, is reflected in the representative value system of each ethnos and carries idio-ethnic features in the Kazakh and English languages, which differ fundamentally in their structure and genetics.

Keywords: cognitive linguistics; the concept; the image of the value of the world; concept structure; the concept of assessment; paremiology. Dautbayeva Kuralay - first-year doctoral student of the specialty "Foreign Philology", Eurasian National University L.N.Gumilyov, K.

Батыс Қазақстан трансшекаралық аймағындағы топонимдердің этимологиялық негіздері 1

A. Doszhan

Kuatbekov, Shymkent, Kazakhstan Etymological bases of toponyms in the transboundary zone of western Kazakhstan. The article is devoted to the etymological basis of toponyms in the cross-border region of Western Kazakhstan. Uncovering the etymological foundations of cross-border toponyms is of great importance in creating the history of our people, marking areas of residence.

For this purpose, the motives of origin and etymological bases of some toponyms used in the regions were determined. Therefore, cross-border toponyms are of great importance in creating the history of our people, in defining residential regions.

Топонимиялық зерттеулердің географиялық және картографиялық әдістері 1


Toponymy are the names of objects of natural and man-made origin used in different spheres of society. The names of land and water objects on the map can represent the most important information as historical sources, therefore they must be considered not only geographically, but also reveal the meaning as a historical document. Therefore, for toponymic data, maps are not new old, but have the ability to group the names of land and water at the time of their publication into historical eras.

Geographically, a description of the village boundary was prepared, the names on the cartographic and schematic drawing and the names of the same settlement were compared, linguistically, a transcription of the names filled in Russian was prepared, the original identity was restored. . In the course of the study, complex research methods were used using linguistic, geographical, cartographic and historical information on the map surface.

Фразеологиялық семантика когнитивтік лингвистика призмасы арқылы

The priority tasks of the modern stage of linguocultural research of phraseology include the development of methods that make it possible to identify and understand new areas of interaction between phraseology and culture. The multidimensional nature of meanings often implies solving the problem of the complex nature of their semantics, which is reflected in the interaction of the symbolic function of phraseology and the information provided by each macrocomponent of the semantic structure. Particularly relevant is the study of the process of the emergence of a new semantics of phraseology, known as phraseologisation.

The article reviews the study of the phraseologizing process, demonstrates the dynamic aspect of phraseology and systematizes the main directions of this process. Stepanov (ed.), Language and science at the end of the XX century: collection of articles Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Hybrid words in the language: hybridization process

IRSTI 16.31.51

Using corpora as authentic materials in the language learning classroom

One of the main problems in learning any foreign language is the use of artificially created materials. Corpus usage is based on the rules and patterns of actual usage of certain grammatical constructs. An important consideration in learning a foreign language is expanding the student's existing knowledge through reading.

Purpose of the survey: To determine the awareness of teachers, especially in secondary schools, about corpus linguistics and the corpus-based method in language learning and teaching. This corpus is an illustrative example of the effectiveness of material development in a corpus approach to language teaching.

Figure 1a. Work experience
Figure 1a. Work experience

Культуроориентированные стратегии и аутентичность художественного перевода (на материале перевода

Urazayeva, G. Yerik

The use of a cultural grid is shown from the point of view of the formulaic poetics of a folk tale. Zhienbayev's reliance on the techniques of Kazakh folklore, its symbolism, the figurative structure of the Kazakh language. The role of the comic modality in the transmission of the double poetics of laughter of the original is shown.

The prospects of the indicated topic are due to the study of a literary adventure in the Kazakh culture. Kazakh Pushkiniana. The last quarter of the twentieth century - the first decade of XXI].

Теоретические концепции и модели перевода: сущность, функции, виды

В своей работе «Теория языка и практика перевода» ученый определяет понятие «перевод» для обозначения общего процесса и отношения эквивалентности между двумя языками и различает понятия «перевод» и «интерпретация». Функционально грамматические конструкции организованы в иерархию компонентов, так что каждый из них представляет собой органическую конфигурацию нижестоящего") [Перевод наш - ЖК], он предложил использовать к этому процессу "Аналитическую модель перевода" Кэтфорд (J. Catford S.) остановился на лингвистическом подходе к переводу и вывел свою теорию эквивалентности, сосредоточив внимание на своей концепции «переводческих сдвигов». и текстовая эквивалентность.

The authors of the article tried to find the most optimal translation models, using those that come as close as possible to the original text. On this basis, it is possible to formulate a number of fundamentally important provisions, on the basis of which it is necessary to draw conclusions about the methodological and epistemic possibilities of translation.

The complex study of folklore: the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches

In the last decade, an integrated approach has been declared one of the fundamental requirements for a fruitful study of folklore works and expeditionary research. The multidisciplinary study of folklore can only be considered as the first stage (or as a condition) for the creation of a comprehensive study. The concept of "complex" includes multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intercontextual approaches to the study of folklore.

These sciences themselves continue to maintain interdisciplinary connections as well as their own monodisciplinary character in the study of folklore. Thirdly, it should be emphasized that the integration of different sciences in the study of folklore can be considered as one of the most important trends in the current stage of the development of folklore studies.

Жәдит» әдісі және Алаш оқымыстыларының алғашқы оқулықтары

M. Osken

At the beginning of the 20th century, the "Jadid" method marked the beginning of the Alash movement on Kazakh soil. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the movement "Jadidism" (a new teaching method) also came to Kazakhstan. Gasprinsky, built on the idea of ​​mass enlightenment of the population and awakening of the nation.

As a result, Alash scientists have written many scientific textbooks, made a great contribution to the development of the Kazakh people's culture and the development of education. And the main goal of the Alash researchers was to educate the educated generation through the textbooks they created.


Figure 1b. Work experience
Figure 1a. Work experience
Figure 2a                                                                             Figure 2b


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Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, Астана, Қазақстан E-mail: aidynasylbek@hotmail.com Түркістан әдебиеті және оның өкілдері Аннотация.. Осы уақытқа дейін «Тұтас Түркістан»