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Partnerships in Development


Academic year: 2023

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It seeks to contribute to the concerted attack required in the problems of urban development of a metropolitan area. The problems we encountered during the project cannot be denied.


A Flood Control Project for Metro - Manila


The main cause of the flood problem in Manila is the flooding of the Pasig River. Firstly, the main role of the government will be in the field of financing.

A package of fiscal and monetary incentives - such as tax breaks and priority treatment for group loans - should also be included to encourage more companies to participate in the government's low-cost housing program. Such programs will depend heavily on the response of business groups and workers to the low-cost housing program. For unpaid workers, who may not benefit from the above program, what is needed is a general shift of investment towards social housing. This could be achieved through the creation of a secondary home mortgage market that would liquidate social housing debt.

In addition, the government can also take advantage of the secondary market intermediation process to subsidize interest rates for social housing to increase affordability. For example, industrial estates throughout the country should be developed alongside programs for appropriate social services, especially housing. To summarize, the proper perspective to take in formulating a partnership program between the government and the private sector must be based on a breakdown of the housing problem to create the relevant scenario for action.

By highlighting the specific problems and potentials of the situation, the public-private sector partnership can take the forms dictated by the inherent interests and motives of different groups in the private sector.

The Pampanga Delta-Candaba Swamp Development Project

An Effort in Comprehensive Regional Planning"

The complexity of the interrelationships between the planning variables, supplemented by characteristic non-linearities; and C. This level, the level of macro analysis, is the input for the next level, the level of the sector plans, i.e. the formulation of the sector development. A further series of decisions is the result of a more detailed formulation of the subsystems in terms of a detailed balance between the resource number.

In the second phase, the analysis of the sectoral and overall systems is undertaken with results obtained from the first phase. This analysis leads to new information about the interrelationships of the subsystems. Reorganization of flood control warning system in terms of its effectiveness in warning the population of the area.

This has resulted in rough estimates, which form the basis for the current preliminary analysis.





At the same time, these centers provide an alternative for investors and entrepreneurs affected by the government's policy of dispersing industrial activities away from the crowded and polluted environment of Metro Manila. The natural growth pattern presupposes an unguided form of development dictated by the operation of the free market. The corridor development pattern is a small change from the natural growth pattern with a small degree of government participation.

A third possible alternative form of development is the cellular pattern, which is a highly modified and controlled version of the corridor. This is very much possible due to the existing urban infrastructure and community facilities within certain growth centers along with available financial and business services. Although many agree on the merits of the polar concept of development over the other three forms, several issues related to it are still misunderstood.

The third misconception is that the MBMRSP is in conflict and inconsistent with the regional plans of the country's administrative regions.

An Exercise

Emanuel I. Astillero

  • THEPLANNJNGAREA 1.0 Physical'
  • THE RESOURCESAND CONSTRAINTS To realize these potentials, an estimated

In the northwest, the highlands of Bicol National Park (Camarines Norte) drain into the Sipocot-Libmanan River, joining the Bicol River at the mouth. The basin is essentially an agricultural economy with 69';; of the workforce employed in the primary sector and 32% of the arable surface planted with rice (dominant crop), coconut (41%), abacus (3%), vegetables (3%) and grain for animals (9%). Fertile volcanic soil, abundant water, and a large agricultural community, form the Bicol River Basin's greatest potential in the production of food grains, vegetables, meat, fish, and commercial crops.

Coli organism (microorganisms from animal/human faeces).4 A BRBC medicinal herb project found that 92% of public school children tested positive for intestinal parasites such as ascaris, hookworms and trichuria.5 The Ministry of Public Health, Region V points out gastroenteritis, a common disease resulting from contaminated water supply, ranks sixth among the ten leading causes of death and second in morbidity. This is a recognition of the basin's rural and agricultural orientation, a characteristic that is expected to persist for the next fifty years. The main projects in the Bicol river basin include: (1) Water Resources and Land Development (Water Supply, Water Balance, Hydrometeorology, Topographic Mapping and Land Classification, Comprehensive Study of Water Resources, Farm Water Management, Land Management - Solidation, Libmenan-Cabusao lAD, 8arangay water filtration system); (2) Development of agricultural and human resources (agricultural mechanization, aquaculture, modernization of the Camarines Sur Agricultural College, Area Development Council, crop, livestock and fish production, studies on medicinal herbs, compact farm training); and (3) Transport (internal transport study - region wide).

Current Position of Blcal Ri\1llr Besln,' Blcal River Besln Council Program Office, Bares, Canamen, Camarines Sur.



The DPWTC Experience


Identify problem areas and bottlenecks and bring them to the attention of appropriate decision makers for immediate action; and. Support the next cycle of project planning and development efforts not only by making useful feedback items available to those involved in the previous planning phase, but also by providing the quantitative basis for advanced consideration of consequences and implications of a plan or project. Monthly Regional Project Summary Form 03 - summarizes the status of all projects in progress in the region for the information needs of the Regional Director.

Summary of quarterly consolidated projects - Form 04 - prepared at the Bureau level is an analysis of the program implementation regionally and countrywide. In fact, it has already changed the ground rules for managing infrastructure projects in government. Computer processing, establishment of a central projects database, is now on the drawing boards.

If one considers the fact that infrastructure projects are dominant instruments to influence the spatial and settlement patterns of the Philippines, then the role of PMIS in the DPWTC can be appreciated.


Netionel Conference

Juinio Proposes Transport Authority For Metro Manila

IEP celebrates Tenth Anniversary

The two-day event, intended to present the various activities and achievements of the Institute since its establishment, was officially opened by Or. An important feature of the celebration was the open house, where the results of ten years of work were presented, such as documents in several volumes, research reports, development plans and the like, which the Institute carried out alone or in cooperation with other government bodies. - cies were exhibited. Photographs, maps, charts, models and other visual aids added more color to the exhibits.

A symposium on urban housing problems was held in the afternoon of the first day. On the second day, masses of UP-IEP alumni trooped back to the institute as it was the alumni homecoming day, the first such homecoming in ten years. It was a fun affair which started with a scholarship program in the morning and ended with a formal dinner at the nearby Institute of Small Industries.

Seriousness was injected into what could have been an entire day of fun by the afternoon session, which had the graduates participate in a symposium on metropolitan transportation problems.

UP-I EP to Offer

Special Planning Course

Draft Physical Perspective Plan for tha Philippines Completed

Adopt Rafuse Management Program for MMA

ASTILLERO completed an MBA degree from the University of the Philippines in 1967 and an MEP degree from the Institute in 1975. He has been employed by the Planning and Project Development Office (PPOO) as an environmental planner since January 1975. Prior to his stint in the public service, he had been a manager of various companies involved in printing and publishing, social development, economic programs for cultural minorities, construction, trade and as a systems analyst in a textile menu manufacturing company.

Astillero writes about the Bicol River Basin Development Program, a subject he knows very well as a project coordinator since he joined the PPDO. JONA ​​​​BARGUR is currently the group leader of Tahal Consulting Engineers, an Israeli company that, together with the Philippine government, conducted preliminary studies for the Pampanga/Candaba Delta Swamp Development Project, which is the subject of his article in this issue of THE MAGAZINE. Bargur has been with Tahal Consulting since 1960 and has served in various positions as a senior systems analyst and regional planner, responsible for the development of mathematical planning models for Israel's agricultural economy, sectoral master plans and urban planning.

HORN is a project manager for the consulting firm Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall that conducts the Mangahan Flood Control Study, a comprehensive enterprise seeking solutions to flood problems in the Greater Manila region.


AGPALZA, Editor-in-Chief of the PHILIPPINE PLANNING JOURNAL, published semi-annually in English at the Institute of Environmental Planning, UP, Quezon City, having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby makes the following declaration of ownership, management, circulation, etc. , required by Act 2580, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. In the case of a publication other than a daily, the total number of copies printed and circulated of the last issued in April 1975. Please enter my/our subscription to the Philippine Planning Journal for one year beginning with the October 1976 issue (Vol.

Please write mv/our subscription to the Philippine Planning Journal for one year beginning with the October 1976 issue (Vol.




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Life spans: period when language was studied or used uncertain when language was first studied or used uncertain whether or when language was discontinued Influences: reported influence