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Dalam dokumen Bank Agris Tbk 2014 Bank Agris Tbk 2014 (Halaman 116-121)

komisaris independen

Warga Negara Indonesia, umur 61 tahun. Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada tahun 2014. Lulusan Sarjana Agribisnis Institut Pertanian Bogor tahun 1979 dan S2 jurusan Human Resources Development Universitas STM- PPM tahun 2000.

Memiliki pengalaman di bidang perbankan selama kurang lebih 34 tahun. Sebelumnya, Beliau berkarir sebagai Project Manager di PT Geodata Center pada tahun 1979-1980, Trainee PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (1980–1986), Deputy Manager (1986–1989), Branch

Manager (1989–1996), Deputy GM of Division BRI/Head of Regional Ofice BRI (1996–2000), GM/Head of Medium Loan Division BRI (2000–2001), GM/Head of Agribusiness Division (2001), Corporate Secretary BRI (2001–2003), Regional Manager (2003–2005), GM/ Head of Consumer Banking Divison (2005–2006) dan dan Vice President Director PT BTMU BRI-Finance, ventura bersama antara Bank of Tokyo- Mitshubishi UJF, Ltd. & PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. pada tahun 2006- 2011. Saat ini Beliau juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT Dempo Wisnu Kencana sejak tahun 2012.

Indonesian citizen, 60 years old. Joined the Company in 2014. Lulusan Bachelor of Agribusiness Bogor Agricultural University in 1979 and the Department of Human Resources Development S2 University STM-PPM 2000.

Having experience in banking for more than 34 years. Previously, he career as a Project Manager at PT Geodata Center in 1979-1980, Trainee PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (1980-1986), Deputy Manager (1986-1989), Branch Manager (1989-1996), Deputy GM of Division BRI / Head of Regional Ofice BRI (1996-2000), GM / head of Medium Loan Division BRI (2000-2001), GM / Head of Agribusiness Division (2001), Corporate Secretary of BRI (2001-2003), Regional Manager (2003-2005 ), GM / Head of Consumer Banking Division (2005-2006) and Vice President Director PT BTMU BRI-Finance, a joint venture between the Bank of Tokyo- Mitshubishi UJF, Ltd. & PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. in 2006-2011. He is currently serving as President Director of PT Dempo Wisnu Kencana since 2012.

Warga Negara Indonesia, umur 55 tahun, Bergabung dengan Perseroan pada tahun 2012. Lulus dari San Fransisco State University, Amerika Serikat, pada tahun 1985, Sia Leng Ho meraih gelar administrasi bisnis. Sia Leng Ho mengawali karir perbankan di PT. Bank Bali pada tahun 1985 sebagai Assistant Manager Credit Review. Karirnya terus menanjak hingga akhirnya dipercaya menjalankan tugas sebagai Vice Pressident (Corporate

Banking Segment Head) pada tahun 1989 – 1991. Dalam kurun waktu 1991 – 1997 beliau bergabung dengan PT. Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk sebagai Direktur, selanjutnya diposisi Wakil Direktur Utama sebelum beliau bergabung dengan Perseroan pada November 2012. Pengalaman perbankan yang begitu luas terutama dibidang pengkreditan mengahntar beliau di posisi puncak sebagai

Indonesia citizen, 55 years old, joined the company in 2012. Graduate from San Fransisco State University, USA in 1985, SIA LENG hO obtained a Bussines Administration Degree. Sia Leng Ho started his banking career with PT. Bank Bali in year 1985 as Credit Review Assistant Manager. His career rose progressively to the position of Vice President (Head of Corporate Banking Segment) in 1989 – 1991. During 1991 – 1997, he left to join PT. Bank Ekonomi Raharja Tbk as Director, then as the Vice President Director until May 2012, and with the last position as the President Commissioner before joining the Company in November 2012. With his vast banking experiences, especially in the credit sector landed him to the top position as the President Director of the Company up till now.

sia leng ho

direktur utama (independen)

Warga negara Indonesia, 60 tahun, bergabung dengan Perseroan pada tahun 2011. Selepas meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi di Universitas Trisakti pada tahun 1980, Bang Nathan Christian memulai karir bidang perbankan sebagai Finance Manager PT. Bank BCA dalam tahun 1985 – 1988. Kemudian belaiu dipercaya menjabat sebagai General Manager Finance, Treasury and Credit PT. BCA Finance.

Jabatan lain beliau adalah sebagai Wakil Presiden Direktur yang membawahi Operational, Treasury and Credit PT. Bank LTCB-CA. beliau juga sempat menjabat sebagai General

Manger HRD dan General Manager Technical Assistance of Afiliated Bank PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk selama lima tahun (1994 -1999). Selanjutnya bergabung bersama Bank Windu pada tahun 2000 sebagai General Manger

Operation hingga diangkat menjadi Direktur pada tahun 2003 – 2010.

Bang Nathan Christian bergabung bersama Perseroan pada Mei 2010. Dan berdasarkan pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa, 17 Juni 2010, beliau diangkat sebagai Direktur Bisnis. Selanjutnya beliau menduduki posisi Wakil Direktur Utama Perseroan pada Desember 2012.

Indonesia Citizen, 60 years old, joined the Company in 2011, joined the Company in After graduating with a Bachelor Degree in Economics with an Accounting Major from universitas Trisakti in 1980, Bang Nathan Christian started his banking career working with PT. Bank BCA as Finance Manager in 1985 – 1988. He then became the General Manger Finance, Treasury and Credit at PT BCA Finance.

He has also served as Vice President Director in charge of Operations, Treasury and Credit at PT. Bank LTCB-CA. he has also served as General Manger of HRD and as General Manger Technical Assistance of Afiliated Bank PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk. for ive years in 1994 – 1999. In 2000, he left to join Bank Windu as General Manger Operations, and subsequently was appointed to the past of Director, serving between 2003 – 2010.

In May 2010, Bang Nathan Christian joined with the Company and was appointed to the position of Director of Business by a resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 17, 2010. Since December 2012, he served as Vice President Director of the Company.

bang nathan christian

wakil direktur utama (independen)

Warga negara Indonesia, 56 tahun. Bergabung dengan Perseroan sejak 2012. menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi Universitas Airlangga. Mengawali karir di dunia perbankan dengan mengikuti Program Pendidikan Eksekutif (PPE) di PT. Bank Niaga, Tbk pada tahun 1984. Sejak Januari 1985 mengawali karir di PT. Bank Niaga, Tbk sebagai Audit and Control Division Head hingga Desember 2008, dengan jabatan terakhir sebagai Operation and IT, Risk Management Division Head. Karir Ardian Hak berikutnya adalah sebagai Quality

Assurance Division Head di PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional sejak Januari 2009 sampai Desember 2010. Selanjutnya mulai Juni 2011 hingga April 2012 belaiu menjabat Direktur Compliance and Risk Mangement di PT. Bank Fama International. Sejak Mei 2012 Ardian Hak bergabung dengan Perseroan sebagai Direktur Compliance

and Risk Mangement.

Indonesia Citizen, 56 years old, joined the Company from 2012. Held a Bachelor Degree in Economics with Accounting major from University Airlangga. His Banking career began when he joined the Executive Training Program (PPE) at PT. Bank Niaga Tbk in 1984. Since January 1985 to December 2008, he worked at PT Bank Niaga Tbk as Audit and Control Division Head, and subsequently as Operation and IT, Risk Management Division Head.

Ardian Hak then joined PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiun Nasional and served as Quality Assurance Division head from January 2009 to December 2010. Next, from June 2011 to April 2012 he served as Director of Compliance and Risk Management at PT. Bank Frama International. Ardian Hak then joined with the Company in May 2012 to serve as Director of Compliance and Risk Mangement.

ardian hak

direktur kepatuhan (independen)

Warga negara Indonesia, 48 tahun. Bergabung dengan Perseroan sejak tahun 2013. Beliau mengawali karir perbankan lewat Management Development Program di PT. BCA, Tbk. Pada tahun 1991, selepas meraih gelar S1 dari Universitas Gajah Mada, jurusan Akuntansi. Selanjutnya, berbagai posisi tugas dijalani MC. Vera Aianti di PT. BCA, Tbk dalam kurun waktu 1992 – 2009 sampai akhirnya beliau pindah untuk bekerja sebagai Direktur Operasional PT. Dyviacom Intrabumi, Tbk.

Lulusan S2 Institusi Mangement Prasetya Mulya, jurusan Manajemen Internasional – Strategi Marketing tahun 2005 ini bergabung bersama Perseroan sejak Februari

Indonesia citizen, 48 years old. She joined the Company since 2013. She began her Banking career by joining The Management Development Program of PT. BCA Tbk in 1991 after obtaining a Bachelor Degree in Accounting of Universitas Gajah Mada. Between 1992 – 2009, she served in variety of positions with PT BCA Tbk, before moving on to work with PT. Dyviacom Intrabumi Tbk as Director of Operations.

Obtaining a Master Degree in International Management Strategry from Institut Manajemen Prasetya Mulya in 2005, Maria Cortilia Vera Aianti then joined with

maria cortilia vera afianti

Dalam dokumen Bank Agris Tbk 2014 Bank Agris Tbk 2014 (Halaman 116-121)

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