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1. Melakukan berbagai percobaan untuk mengestimasi persamaan Belanja Modal

Pooled OLS, using 320 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units

Dependent variable: lnbm Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 2.62276 0.826016 3.1752 0.00165 *** Lndau 0.136145 0.0752585 1.8090 0.07140 * Dkaya 0.253163 0.196591 1.2878 0.19878 Dkaya*lndau -0.0238733 0.0104768 -2.2787 0.02336 ** Dhh 0.0606307 0.0211629 2.8650 0.00445 *** Lnpad 0.650339 0.0677001 9.6062 <0.00001 *** lndak_jln 0.00419464 0.0166423 0.2520 0.80117

Mean dependent var 12.23626 S.D. dependent var 2.771025 Sum squared resid 639.4074 S.E. of regression 1.429278 R-squared 0.738961 Adjusted R-squared 0.733957

F(6, 313) 147.6754 P-value(F) 3.55e-88

Log-likelihood -564.8157 Akaike criterion 1143.631 Schwarz criterion 1170.010 Hannan-Quinn 1154.165

Rho 0.039411 Durbin-Watson 1.764068

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 0 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 320 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units

Dependent variable: lnbm Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 7.02578 1.56819 4.4802 0.00001 *** Lnpad 0.629041 0.105225 5.9781 <0.00001 *** Dkaya -0.0185294 0.360006 -0.0515 0.95899 Dkaya*lnpad 0.00358561 0.00799689 0.4484 0.65423 Lndau 0.236631 0.123912 1.9097 0.05719 * Dhh -5.95181 1.72917 -3.4420 0.00067 *** Dhh*lndau -0.379298 0.130905 -2.8975 0.00406 *** lndak_jln 0.0734158 0.0216785 3.3866 0.00081 *** Mean dependent var 12.23626 S.D. dependent var 2.771025 Sum squared resid 439.0423 S.E. of regression 1.249971 R-squared 0.820760 Adjusted R-squared 0.796521

F(38, 281) 33.86134 P-value(F) 8.60e-84

Log-likelihood -504.6643 Akaike criterion 1087.329 Schwarz criterion 1234.293 Hannan-Quinn 1146.014

Rho -0.187714 Durbin-Watson 2.108830

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 320 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units

Dependent variable: lnbm

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 2.4186 0.801824 3.0164 0.00279 *** Lnpad 0.720288 0.0380116 18.9491 <0.00001 *** Dkaya 0.0162069 0.660838 0.0245 0.98045 Dkaya*lnpad 0.00466787 0.0129904 0.3593 0.71962 Lndau 0.100628 0.0290994 3.4581 0.00063 *** Dhh -0.89741 0.889343 -1.0091 0.31381 lndak_jln 0.0955932 0.0236357 4.0444 0.00007 *** Mean dependent var 12.23626 S.D. dependent var 2.771025 Sum squared resid 514.0165 S.E. of regression 1.350094 R-squared 0.790152 Adjusted R-squared 0.762618

F(37, 282) 28.69804 P-value(F) 3.37e-75

Log-likelihood -529.8898 Akaike criterion 1135.780 Schwarz criterion 1278.976 Hannan-Quinn 1192.961

Rho -0.171739 Durbin-Watson 2.144622

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 320 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units

Dependent variable: lnbm

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 2.27319 0.786754 2.8893 0.00416 *** Lnpad 0.660641 0.0408357 16.1780 <0.00001 *** Dkaya 0.00571817 0.647552 0.0088 0.99296 Dkaya*lnpad -0.00120571 0.0128354 -0.0939 0.92523 Lndau 0.0669464 0.03004 2.2286 0.02663 ** Dhh -0.708853 0.87306 -0.8119 0.41753 lndak_jln 0.0950994 0.0231607 4.1061 0.00005 *** Lndbh 0.108731 0.0305149 3.5632 0.00043 ***

Mean dependent var 12.23626 S.D. dependent var 2.771025 Sum squared resid 491.7955 S.E. of regression 1.322937 R-squared 0.799223 Adjusted R-squared 0.772072

F(38, 281) 29.43594 P-value(F) 4.49e-77

Log-likelihood -522.8190 Akaike criterion 1123.638 Schwarz criterion 1270.603 Hannan-Quinn 1182.324

Rho -0.194531 Durbin-Watson 2.200592

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl)DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 320 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units

Dependent variable: lnbm Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 6.5799 1.64408 4.0022 0.00008 *** Lnpad 0.605624 0.100054 6.0530 <0.00001 *** Dwil -0.0211426 0.344742 -0.0613 0.95114 dwil_lnpad 0.000643463 0.0086407 0.0745 0.94069 Lndau 0.208311 0.133294 1.5628 0.11923 dhh1 -5.44767 1.8232 -2.9880 0.00306 *** dhh1_lndau -0.348764 0.136153 -2.5616 0.01094 ** lndak_jln 0.0749465 0.0215614 3.4760 0.00059 *** Lndbh 0.0560778 0.0437777 1.2810 0.20127

Mean dependent var 12.23626 S.D. dependent var 2.771025 Sum squared resid 433.6175 S.E. of regression 1.244441 R-squared 0.822975 Adjusted R-squared 0.798318

F(39, 280) 33.37680 P-value(F) 9.30e-84

Log-likelihood -502.6750 Akaike criterion 1085.350 Schwarz criterion 1236.083 Hannan-Quinn 1145.541

Rho -0.196270 Durbin-Watson 2.140711

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 320 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units

Dependent variable: lnbm

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 2.53584 0.487486 5.2019 <0.00001 *** Lnpad 0.57538 0.0375586 15.3195 <0.00001 *** Dkaya -0.961808 0.84082 -1.1439 0.25364 Dkaya*lnpad 0.0791061 0.0485923 1.6280 0.10465 Lndau 0.198862 0.0275238 7.2251 <0.00001 *** Dhh 0.0868469 0.0461238 1.8829 0.06075 * lndak_jln 0.0559263 0.0258611 2.1626 0.03142 ** Lndbh 0.00789469 0.0301392 0.2619 0.79356

Mean dependent var 11.69909 S.D. dependent var 3.738887 Sum squared resid 649.2844 S.E. of regression 1.520073 R-squared 0.854401 Adjusted R-squared 0.834711

F(38, 281) 43.39351 P-value(F) 3.65e-96

Log-likelihood -567.2683 Akaike criterion 1212.537 Schwarz criterion 1359.501 Hannan-Quinn 1271.222

Rho 0.099878 Durbin-Watson 1.691222

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 0 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Dependent Variable: LNBM

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 5.204240 0.529199 9.834183 0.0000

LNPAD 0.193986 0.064752 2.995853 0.0032

DUM 0.172739 0.086072 2.006920 0.0466

DKAYA_LNPAD 2.57E-09 1.55E-09 1.662480 0.0985

LNDBH 0.507038 0.033179 15.28174 0.0000

LNDAU 2.97E-07 1.64E-07 1.813846 0.0717

R-squared 0.770654 Mean dependent var 12.77554 Adjusted R-squared 0.762905 S.D. dependent var 0.947147 S.E. of regression 0.461188 Akaike info criterion 1.328161 Sum squared resid 31.47880 Schwarz criterion 1.446484 Log likelihood -96.26840 Hannan-Quinn criter. 1.376223 F-statistic 99.46236 Durbin-Watson stat 1.779333 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

Dependent Variable: LNBM

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 16.55743 2.870635 5.767865 0.0000 LNDAU 0.098196 0.277351 0.354051 0.7238 DUMMY 0.781996 0.131455 5.948768 0.0000 DKAYA_LNDAU -2.043795 0.766900 -2.665009 0.0086 LNPAD 1.733895 0.818734 2.117776 0.0360 LNDBH -0.569531 0.511924 -1.112531 0.2678

R-squared 0.256300 Mean dependent var 12.72216

Adjusted R-squared 0.229740 S.D. dependent var 0.886678 S.E. of regression 0.778188 Akaike info criterion 2.376530 Sum squared resid 84.78069 Schwarz criterion 2.499144 Log likelihood -167.4867 Hannan-Quinn criter. 2.426351 F-statistic 9.649613 Durbin-Watson stat 1.894611 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

Dependent Variable: LNBM

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 3.222744 1.128670 2.855346 0.0050

LNDBH 0.509898 0.051863 9.831641 0.0000

DUMMY 0.179052 0.090493 1.978631 0.0498

DKAYA_LNDBH 1.02E-08 5.09E-09 2.008965 0.0465

LNPAD -0.033325 0.047885 -0.695929 0.4876

LNDAU 0.276845 0.091912 3.012069 0.0031

R-squared 0.718113 Mean dependent var 12.71585

Adjusted R-squared 0.707973 S.D. dependent var 0.886449 S.E. of regression 0.479033 Akaike info criterion 1.406405 Sum squared resid 31.89671 Schwarz criterion 1.529580 Log likelihood -95.96435 Hannan-Quinn criter. 1.456455 F-statistic 70.82100 Durbin-Watson stat 1.679228 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

Dependent Variable: LOG(BM?)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 11,50011 1,507712 7,627523 0

LOG(DAU?) 0,243444 0,094104 2,586962 0,0107

LOG(APDAU?) 0,175378 0,064358 2,725024 0,0073

LOG(TE?) 0,410779 0,163589 2,511043 0,0132

R-squared 0,156511 Mean dependent var 2,328247 Adjusted R-squared 0,13804 S.D. dependent var 0,373745 S.E. of regression 0,334126 Sum squared resid 15,29471 F-statistic 8,473536 Durbin-Watson stat 1,279232 Prob(F-statistic) 0,000033

Dependent Variable: LOG(BM?)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -13,6944 22,83483 -0,59972 0,5503

LOG(DAU?) 0,303215 0,16181 1,873898 0,0645

LOG(TE?) 0,304438 0,23547 1,292892 0,1996

LOG( P_DAU?) 0,199235 0,086384 2,306381 0,0236

LOG( JP?) 1,570862 1,462298 1,074242 0,2858

R-squared 0,889281 Mean dependent var 13,04824 Adjusted R-squared 0,846594 S.D. dependent var 0,90737 S.E. of regression 0,35539 Akaike info criterion 1,003014 Sum squared resid 10,48307 Schwarz criterion 1,786363 Log likelihood -25,1748 Hannan-Quinn criter. 1,321009 F-statistic 20,83271 Durbin-Watson stat 1,842785

Prob(F-statistic) 0

Dependent Variable: LOG(BM?)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -1,74129 2,624662 -0,66343 0,5084

LOG(PAD?) 0,373641 0,102793 3,634907 0,0004

DBH?(-1) 0,293851 0,109917 2,6734 0,0086

LOG(DAU?) 0,451781 0,207917 2,172888 0,0319

R-squared 0,778785 Mean dependent var 12,8423 Adjusted R-squared 0,717556 S.D. dependent var 0,978468 S.E. of regression 0,520011 Akaike info criterion 1,723196 Sum squared resid 30,28606 Schwarz criterion 2,383154 Log likelihood -92,0701 Hannan-Quinn criter. 1,991366 F-statistic 12,71921 Durbin-Watson stat 1,776137

Dependent Variable: LOG(BM?)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -1,51581 2,573153 -0,58909 0,557

LOG(PAD?) 0,320669 0,101915 3,146439 0,0021

DBH?(-1) 0,256662 0,106204 2,416691 0,0173

LOG(DAU?) 0,360324 0,207154 1,7394 0,0847

DENS? 0,008239 0,002231 3,693433 0,0003

R-squared 0,791595 Mean dependent var 12,8423 Adjusted R-squared 0,731514 S.D. dependent var 0,978468 S.E. of regression 0,506999 Akaike info criterion 1,677436 Sum squared resid 28,53236 Schwarz criterion 2,358018 Log likelihood -87,7754 Hannan-Quinn criter. 1,953986 F-statistic 13,1755 Durbin-Watson stat 1,843172

Prob(F-statistic) 0

Dependent Variable: LOG(BM?)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 6,351574 4,630984 1,371539 0,1744 LOG(PAD?) 0,059404 0,087484 0,679023 0,4992 LOG(DBH?(-1)) 0,830927 1,705051 0,487333 0,6275 LOG(DAU?) 0,125057 0,113685 1,10003 0,2749 LOG(DAK?) 0,040908 0,118444 0,345381 0,7308 DENS? 0,005352 0,002358 2,269435 0,0262

R-squared 0,878315 Mean dependent var 13,06372 Adjusted R-squared 0,825695 S.D. dependent var 0,879742 S.E. of regression 0,367291 Akaike info criterion 1,082734 Sum squared resid 9,982794 Schwarz criterion 1,907064 Log likelihood -24,9263 Hannan-Quinn criter. 1,416906 F-statistic 16,69156 Durbin-Watson stat 2,10543

Prob(F-statistic) 0

Dependent Variable: LOG(BM?)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 6,396442 0,970823 6,58868 0

LOG(PAD?) 0,159615 0,034159 4,672777 0

DBH?(-1) 0,165004 0,060074 2,746678 0,0071

LOG(DAU?) 0,108128 0,042107 2,567949 0,0116

DENS? 0,003651 0,000853 4,279339 0

R-squared 0,95423 Mean dependent var 22,52732 Adjusted R-squared 0,940542 S.D. dependent var 15,11137 S.E. of regression 0,376978 Sum squared resid 15,20605 F-statistic 69,71155 Durbin-Watson stat 1,946239

Dependent Variable: BM?

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -20,5892 3,976423 -5,17782 0

PAD? -0,15825 0,420496 -0,37633 0,7074

DBH? 2,722652 0,306872 8,872286 0

DAU? 1,937709 0,348028 5,567678 0

DENS? -0,04618 0,006407 -7,20796 0

R-squared 0,652499 Mean dependent var 1,376215 Adjusted R-squared 0,552319 S.D. dependent var 2,836364 S.E. of regression 1,864034 Sum squared resid 385,6829 F-statistic 6,513247 Durbin-Watson stat 1,598596

Prob(F-statistic) 0

Dependent Variable: BM?

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -44,8076 5,330212 -8,40634 0 PAD? 0,525173 0,343129 1,530543 0,1288 DBH? 4,057761 0,386247 10,50561 0 DAU? 0,547506 0,355195 1,541426 0,1261 DENS? -0,00897 0,008307 -1,07988 0,2826 D? -2,91127 0,263262 -11,0585 0

R-squared 0,748795 Mean dependent var 1,29268 Adjusted R-squared 0,673433 S.D. dependent var 2,516033 S.E. of regression 1,42652 Sum squared resid 223,8454 F-statistic 9,936031 Durbin-Watson stat 2,547687

Prob(F-statistic) 0

Dependent Variable: LOG(BM?)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 8,651177 2,300467 3,760619 0,0003 LOG(DBH?) 1,359908 0,776725 1,750824 0,0839 LOG(PAD?) -0,02413 0,052522 -0,45935 0,6472 DAU? 0,071202 0,042573 1,672476 0,0984 DENS? 0,004892 0,002778 1,760968 0,0821 D? 0,070513 0,091082 0,774172 0,4411 AR(1) 0,140799 0,113249 1,243272 0,2174

R-squared 0,981133 Mean dependent var 18,71004 Adjusted R-squared 0,973013 S.D. dependent var 13,93426 S.E. of regression 0,280515 Sum squared resid 6,21639 F-statistic 120,8274 Durbin-Watson stat 2,254663

Dependent Variable: LNBM Method: Least Squares Sample: 1 320

Included observations: 320

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 2.671420 0.518105 5.156138 0.0000 LNDAU 0.083090 0.042162 1.970713 0.0496 DDaerah -0.198204 0.574378 -0.345075 0.7303 DKaya*LNDAU -0.013044 0.047083 -0.277044 0.7819 Dholdharmless -0.659499 0.197871 -3.332976 0.0010 LNPAD 0.602668 0.035279 17.08300 0.0000 LNDBH 0.137111 0.029710 4.614915 0.0000 LNDAKT 0.026005 0.015003 1.733282 0.0840

R-squared 0.760168 Mean dependent var 12.23626

Adjusted R-squared 0.754787 S.D. dependent var 2.771025 S.E. of regression 1.372184 Akaike info criterion 3.495367 Sum squared resid 587.4616 Schwarz criterion 3.589575 Log likelihood -551.2587 Hannan-Quinn criter. 3.532986 F-statistic 141.2726 Durbin-Watson stat 1.963117 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

Dependent Variable: LNBM Method: Least Squares Date: 05/03/13 Time: 23:55 Sample: 1 320

Included observations: 320

Newey-West HAC Standard Errors & Covariance (lag truncation=5)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 2.344431 1.195527 1.961002 0.0508 LNDAU 0.088654 0.070694 1.254046 0.2108 DDaerah -0.169142 0.972477 -0.173929 0.8620 DKaya*LNDAU -0.016025 0.078793 -0.203379 0.8390 Dholdharmless 0.533613 0.190753 2.797408 0.0055 DHH_LNDAKT 0.000144 0.001459 0.098858 0.9213 LNPAD 0.611642 0.079504 7.693212 0.0000 LNDBH 0.127160 0.048028 2.647621 0.0085

R-squared 0.758379 Mean dependent var 12.23626

Adjusted R-squared 0.752958 S.D. dependent var 2.771025 S.E. of regression 1.377292 Akaike info criterion 3.502797 Sum squared resid 591.8429 Schwarz criterion 3.597005 Log likelihood -552.4476 Hannan-Quinn criter. 3.540416 F-statistic 139.8968 Durbin-Watson stat 1.960720 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

Dependent Variable: LNBM Method: Least Squares Date: 05/04/13 Time: 00:23 Sample (adjusted): 3 320

Included observations: 318 after adjustments

Newey-West HAC Standard Errors & Covariance (lag truncation=5)

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C 5.076736 1.793354 2.830861 0.0049 LNDAU 0.304984 0.170663 1.787055 0.0749 DDaerah -1.383768 2.020018 -0.685028 0.4938 DKaya*LNDAU 0.127680 0.161042 0.792841 0.4285 Dholdharmless 0.068687 0.264438 0.259748 0.7952 DHH_LNDAKT(-2) 0.000166 0.003761 0.044228 0.9648 LNPAD(-1) 0.263320 0.060139 4.378483 0.0000 LNDAKT1(-2) 0.004908 0.020542 0.238918 0.8113 LNDBH(-1) 0.027017 0.025555 1.057214 0.2912

R-squared 0.484523 Mean dependent var 12.23053

Adjusted R-squared 0.471177 S.D. dependent var 2.778728 S.E. of regression 2.020697 Akaike info criterion 4.272656 Sum squared resid 1261.714 Schwarz criterion 4.379129 Log likelihood -670.3523 Hannan-Quinn criter. 4.315182 F-statistic 36.30557 Durbin-Watson stat 1.960337 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000

2. Melakukan berbagai percobaan untuk mengestimasi persamaan PDRB Perkapita

Pooled OLS, using 224 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 13.0456 0.635075 20.5419 <0.00001 *** lnbmit-1 0.0462394 0.0156523 2.9542 0.00344 *** Dkayait -0.549221 0.175575 -3.1281 0.00197 *** Dkaya*lnbmit-1 0.102782 0.0363156 2.8302 0.00503 *** Dhhit -1.08481 0.407599 -2.6615 0.00829 *** lninvit-1 0.0470383 0.00815903 5.7652 <0.00001 *** lnjlnit 0.0416365 0.0272309 1.5290 0.12753 lnpopit 0.14862 0.0372824 3.9863 0.00009 ***

Mean dependent var 15.59783 S.D. dependent var 0.705115 Sum squared resid 113.6889 S.E. of regression 0.677070 R-squared 0.200475 Adjusted R-squared 0.077968

F(38, 248) 1.636429 P-value(F) 0.014773

Log-likelihood -274.3520 Akaike criterion 626.7041 Schwarz criterion 769.4239 Hannan-Quinn 683.9040

Rho -0.279296 Durbin-Watson 2.280926

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 0 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Pooled OLS, using 256 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units

Time-series length = 8 Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 17.4101 0.381183 45.6739 <0.00001 *** Lninv(t-1) 0.06986 0.00906437 7.7071 <0.00001 *** Dkaya -0.206438 0.0660043 -3.1276 0.00197 *** Dkaya*lninv(t-1) 0.00636755 0.00504733 1.2616 0.20829 Lnbm(t-2) -0.00816202 0.0122727 -0.6651 0.50664 Dhh 0.01942 0.0105525 1.8403 0.06692 * Dhh*lnbm(t-2) 0.00012317 0.00110167 0.1118 0.91107 Lnjln(t-1) -0.0505453 0.0350798 -1.4409 0.15089 Lnpop(t-1) -0.157476 0.0254605 -6.1851 <0.00001 *** Mean dependent var 15.58728 S.D. dependent var 0.703311 Sum squared resid 105.1537 S.E. of regression 0.652475 R-squared 0.166338 Adjusted R-squared 0.139337

F(8, 247) 6.160407 P-value(F) 2.99e-07

Log-likelihood -249.3596 Akaike criterion 516.7193 Schwarz criterion 548.6259 Hannan-Quinn 529.5520

Rho -0.247870 Durbin-Watson 2.214196

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 0 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 256 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 15.465 0.5836 26.4993 <0.00001 *** Lnbm 0.0115984 0.0283749 0.4088 0.68312 Dkaya*lnbm 0.04254 0.00771462 5.5142 <0.00001 *** Lninv(t-2) 0.0382506 0.00848258 4.5093 0.00001 *** Dhh*lninv(t-2) -0.041102 0.00998587 -4.1160 0.00005 *** Lnjln 0.0780427 0.0387112 2.0160 0.04502 ** Lnpop(t-1) -0.0626022 0.0475481 -1.3166 0.18935

Mean dependent var 15.58728 S.D. dependent var 0.703311 Sum squared resid 90.40432 S.E. of regression 0.643971 R-squared 0.283272 Adjusted R-squared 0.161625

F(37, 218) 2.328643 P-value(F) 0.000089

Log-likelihood -230.0149 Akaike criterion 536.0299 Schwarz criterion 670.7466 Hannan-Quinn 590.2125

Rho -0.342188 Durbin-Watson 2.426416

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 256 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 16.6402 0.526498 31.6053 <0.00001 *** Lninv 0.0188939 0.00933296 2.0244 0.04415 ** Dkaya*lninv 0.0253129 0.00376172 6.7291 <0.00001 *** Dhh -0.647889 0.13454 -4.8156 <0.00001 *** Lnbm(t-2) 0.00495344 0.00824168 0.6010 0.54845 Lnjln 0.0627865 0.0315597 1.9895 0.04790 ** Lnpop(t-1) -0.101953 0.0405404 -2.5148 0.01263 ** Mean dependent var 15.58728 S.D. dependent var 0.703311 Sum squared resid 94.70201 S.E. of regression 0.659100 R-squared 0.249199 Adjusted R-squared 0.121770

F(37, 218) 1.955586 P-value(F) 0.001687

Log-likelihood -235.9597 Akaike criterion 547.9193 Schwarz criterion 682.6361 Hannan-Quinn 602.1019

Rho -0.395746 Durbin-Watson 2.513272

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 256 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Robust (HAC) standard errors

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 16.0456 0.602148 26.6473 <0.00001 *** Lnbm 0.0137822 0.0289465 0.4761 0.63446 Dkaya*lnbm 0.0423865 0.00764542 5.5440 <0.00001 *** Lninv(t-2) 0.031139 0.0109833 2.8351 0.00501 *** Dhh -0.650138 0.269793 -2.4098 0.01680 ** Dhh*lninv_2 -0.0314921 0.0111549 -2.8232 0.00520 *** Lnjln 0.0671623 0.0445028 1.5092 0.13271 Lnpop(t-1) -0.0677267 0.0463863 -1.4601 0.14572

Mean dependent var 15.58728 S.D. dependent var 0.703311 Sum squared resid 89.92235 S.E. of regression 0.643730 R-squared 0.287093 Adjusted R-squared 0.162252

F(38, 217) 2.299667 P-value(F) 0.000099

Log-likelihood -229.3307 Akaike criterion 536.6614 Schwarz criterion 674.9233 Hannan-Quinn 592.2698

Rho -0.350223 Durbin-Watson 2.443289

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 320 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 13.7306 0.757464 18.1271 <0.00001 *** Lnbm -0.0212579 0.0199907 -1.0634 0.28852 Dkaya 0.241625 0.311774 0.7750 0.43899 Dkaya*lnbm 0.0416017 0.00639776 6.5025 <0.00001 *** Dhh -0.0622756 0.434385 -0.1434 0.88610 Lninv 0.0199514 0.0118886 1.6782 0.09442 * Lnjln 0.0576101 0.0258218 2.2311 0.02647 ** Lnpop 0.0735414 0.0463939 1.5852 0.11406

Mean dependent var 15.58645 S.D. dependent var 0.703015 Sum squared resid 114.1048 S.E. of regression 0.637234 R-squared 0.276258 Adjusted R-squared 0.178386

F(38, 281) 2.822631 P-value(F) 5.54e-07

Log-likelihood -289.0677 Akaike criterion 656.1354 Schwarz criterion 803.0999 Hannan-Quinn 714.8211

Rho -0.291955 Durbin-Watson 2.387584

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 288 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 16.2027 0.821049 19.7341 <0.00001 *** Lnbm -0.0200473 0.0214143 -0.9362 0.35010 Dkaya -0.17162 0.485075 -0.3538 0.72379 Dkaya*lnbm 0.0429733 0.0069615 6.1730 <0.00001 *** Dhh 0.00156778 0.496021 0.0032 0.99748 Lninv 0.0280941 0.0126683 2.2177 0.02748 ** Lnjln 0.05465 0.0271404 2.0136 0.04513 ** Lnpop(t-1) -0.0876048 0.0474072 -1.8479 0.06580 * Mean dependent var 15.59704 S.D. dependent var 0.704013 Sum squared resid 102.7185 S.E. of regression 0.642281 R-squared 0.277886 Adjusted R-squared 0.167684

F(38, 249) 2.521609 P-value(F) 0.000011

Log-likelihood -260.1949 Akaike criterion 598.3899 Schwarz criterion 741.2453 Hannan-Quinn 655.6377

Rho -0.344406 Durbin-Watson 2.443289

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 288 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 16.8885 0.885661 19.0688 <0.00001 *** Lnbm(t-1) 0.00159316 0.0198302 0.0803 0.93603 Dkaya -0.437497 0.519396 -0.8423 0.40042 Dkaya*lnbm(t-1) -0.00240408 0.0072678 -0.3308 0.74108 Dhh -0.0259639 0.521391 -0.0498 0.96032 Lninv 0.0286658 0.0114489 2.5038 0.01293 ** Lnjln 0.0940559 0.0283938 3.3125 0.00106 *** Lnpop(t-1) -0.138028 0.0526101 -2.6236 0.00924 *** Mean dependent var 15.59704 S.D. dependent var 0.704013 Sum squared resid 118.4050 S.E. of regression 0.689581 R-squared 0.167611 Adjusted R-squared 0.040579

F(38, 249) 1.319444 P-value(F) 0.110951

Log-likelihood -280.6599 Akaike criterion 639.3198 Schwarz criterion 782.1753 Hannan-Quinn 696.5677

Rho -0.330859 Durbin-Watson 2.353665

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Fixed-effects, using 288 observations Included 32 cross-sectional units Dependent variable: lnpdrbkapita

Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio p-value

Const 17.959 0.846953 21.2042 <0.00001 *** Lnbm(t-1) -0.064786 0.0215758 -3.0027 0.00295 *** Dwil -0.520766 0.48653 -1.0704 0.28549 dwil_lnbm(t-1) 0.00223793 0.00681954 0.3282 0.74306 Dhh 0.0857499 0.476676 0.1799 0.85738 Lninv(t-1) 0.0813289 0.0125302 6.4906 <0.00001 *** Lnjln 0.100286 0.0255679 3.9224 0.00011 *** Lnpop(t-1) -0.213234 0.0505691 -4.2167 0.00003 *** Mean dependent var 15.59704 S.D. dependent var 0.704013 Sum squared resid 103.8207 S.E. of regression 0.645717 R-squared 0.270138 Adjusted R-squared 0.158754

F(38, 249) 2.425278 P-value(F) 0.000026

Log-likelihood -261.7318 Akaike criterion 601.4636 Schwarz criterion 744.3190 Hannan-Quinn 658.7114

Rho -0.314343 Durbin-Watson 2.349824

Dummy Hold Harmless sebelum tahun 2009 = 1 (Software : Gretl) DHH = Dummy Hold Harmless

Dependent Variable: LNPDRBKAP

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

C -4.118395 0.595518 -6.915647 0.0000

LNINV(-1) 0.093526 0.020977 4.458522 0.0000

DUMMY 0.423365 0.062985 6.721650 0.0000

DKAYA_LNINV(-1) 1.32E-10 3.50E-11 3.780745 0.0002

LNBM 0.316744 0.042206 7.504735 0.0000

LNJL 0.100331 0.226925 0.442130 0.6592

R-squared 0.784914 Mean dependent var 1.925388 Adjusted R-squared 0.776379 S.D. dependent var 0.615379 S.E. of regression 0.291004 Akaike info criterion 0.413430

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