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Jungle Festival Bogor

Dalam dokumen PT Bakrieland Development Tbk AR2016 (Halaman 75-78)

Jungle Festival merupakan sebuah kawasan hiburan terpadu yang berdiri di atas lahan seluas 5,5 ha dan mengangkat konsep taman wisata tematik. Kawasan ini terbagi menjadi beberapa zona yaitu Magical Forest; Adventure Park; Carnival; Garden of Lights; Forest Festival; Little Town; Area Serbaguna, area restoran dan D’wajan Food Court untuk pengunjung, serta panggung utama di tengah area JungleFest untuk perayaan acara festival harian. Selain itu, JungleFest juga dilengkapi dengan tata lampu yang spektakuler.

Kinerja 2016

Kondisi industri properti yang belum sepenuhnya pulih secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi GAP. Sebagai pengelola pusat rekreasi, GAP harus menghadapi tantangan berupa kompetisi pasar yang semakin ketat dan daya beli pelanggan yang menjadi selektif. Dengan tingkat daya beli yang tidak stabil maka alokasi dana konsumsi rumah tangga untuk kebutuhan rekreasi akan terpengaruh. Oleh karena itu, GAP selalu berupaya untuk meningkatkan daya tarik produk seperti menambah wahana taman rekreasi, menawarkan paket harga yang menarik, serta tetap memprioritaskan keamanan, keselamatan dan kenyamanan pengunjung. Pada 2016, jumlah pengunjung taman rekreasi yang dimiliki GAP mencapai 1,6 juta orang. Komitmen dan dedikasi GAP dalam menyediakan produk dan jasa yang terbaik meningkatkan kepercayaan pelanggan dari waktu ke waktu. Melalui kepercayaan pelanggan, GAP berhasil meraih penghargaan “Top Brand Teens”, “Top Brand Kids” dan “Top Brand Award” untuk taman rekreasi dari Frontier Consulting Group.

aquarium, fountain futsal, lazy river and the bird park. Besides the water rides, visitors can enjoy a few other entertainment spots, such as the 4D Cinema and the Jungle Mall shopping center, which stands on an area of 24,000 sqm, in the front of The Jungle entrance. Jungle Mall emphasizes its unique design and open concept by utilizing optimum air ventilation and natural lighting system. Some of the recreation area in the Jungle Mall include the Bogor Bowling Center, Orchard Futsal (two fields), Orchard Family Karaoke, retaurants as well as other amenities.

JungleLand Adventure Theme Park, Sentul

Located in Sentul Nirwana, Sentul City, Bogor, JungleLand Adventure Theme Park operates on an area of over 35 ha and is knowns as the biggest thematic recreationl park in Indonesia, with more than 34 rides and attractions. The area consists of 5 (five) thematic zones: Carnivalia, Tropicalia, Mysteria, Eksplora, and Downtown. JungleLand targets the general market segments and groups (corporate, educational and travel agencies).

Jungle Festival Bogor

Jungle Festival is an integrated entertainment district, built on an area of 5.5 ha and promotes the concept of thematic tourist park. The area is divided into several zones: Magical Forest; Adventure Park; Carnival; Garden of Lights; Forest Festival; Little Town; Multipurpose Area, restaurant areas and D’wajan Food Court, with the main stage at the center area for daily festival celebrations. In addition, JungleFest is also equipped with spectacular lighting, as well as a musical water fountain to entertain the whole family.

2016 Performance

The on-going unfavorable conditions of the property industry, which has not fully recovered to date, has indirectly affected GAP. As an operator of recreation and theme parks, GAP must face the challenges of the increasingly tight market competition and the more selective purchasing power of the customers. With the unstable purchasing power, the allocation of household consumption for recreational needs will surely be affected. For this reason GAP has always sought to improve the products’ attractiveness, such as adding new exciting rides, offering different pricing packages, as well as prioritizing security, safety and comfort for all the visitors. In 2016, total visitors of GAP’s recreational parks reached 1.6 million people. GAP’s commitment and dedication in providing the best products and services will boost customers’ confidence and experience over time. Through the trust of the customers, in 2016 GAP was awarded the “Top Brand for Teens”, “Top Brand for Kids” and “Top Brand Award” for category for the recreational parks from Frontier Consulting Group.

Pada 2016, GAP berfokus untuk menyelesaikan proyek unit perumahan dan apartemen, menambah wahana baru di taman rekreasi serta mengoptimalisasi struktur permodalan dengan menawarkan saham ke publik/Initial Public Offering (IPO). Dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya, GAP mengimplementasikan kebijakan-kebijakan strategis seperti berikut:

1. Rekreasi

a. Melakukan optimalisasi pendapatan dengan cara menaikkan harga tiket di saat high season dan menyesuaikan harga tiket di saat low season. b. Selain aktif melakukan promosi di berbagai

media, kunjungan penjualan juga dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari rombongan edukasi dan korporasi.

c. Menggelar pertunjukan yang berbeda dan berkualitas secara berkala untuk meningkatkan

awareness dan jumlah kunjungan.

d. Menawarkan tiket masuk dalam bentuk paket di taman-taman rekreasi yang dimiliki.

e. Meluncurkan wahana baru secara berkala untuk mengatasi potensi kejenuhan dari taman rekreasi yang dioperasikan.

f. Menguatkan strategi pemasaran e-commerce

dengan membuka akses pembelian tiket secara

online. Beberapa mitra e-commerce yang bekerja sama dengan GAP adalah E-Voucher, Lakupon, Sindonews, Tripadvisor, Kaskus, Asta Navigo, Line, Keliling Bogor, Info Bogor, Metranet, Elevenia, dan Q0010. Total penjualan tiket online pada 2016 mencapai 10.116 transaksi.

2. Properti

a. Menawarkan hunian yang memiliki berbagai fasilitas seperti tempat perbelanjaan, sekolah dan taman hiburan.

b. Memberikan alternatif skema pembayaran kepada pembeli seperti KPR, cicilan bertahap dan cash


c. Melakukan kegiatan promosi secara proaktif dengan mengadakan pameran di tempat-tempat yang sesuai dengan target pasar produk.

d. Meluncurkan produk-produk baru yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar.

e. Meningkatkan brand awareness dengan mengadakan berbagai acara di proyek yang dimiliki. Tahun 2016, GAP resmi menjadi perusahaan publik. Dengan transformasi status GAP tersebut, maka sistem tata kelola yang diimplementasikan akan ditingkatkan. GAP akan memastikan bahwa setiap tindakan manajemen dan tata laksana kegiatan operasional mengikuti tata cara, pedoman, dan SOP yang sudah diterbitkan perusahaan, serta mematuhi peraturan perundangan yang berlaku.

In 2016 GAP focused on completing its housing and apartment unit projects, adding new rides in the theme parks as well as optimizing the capital structure through an Initial Public Offering (IPO). To improve its performance, GAP implemented strategic policies including the following:

1. Recreation

a. Optimized revenue by raising prices during the high season and adjusting ticket prices during low seasons.

b. Besides actively promoting in various media, sales visits were also conducted to grow revenue from educational and corporate groups.

c. Regularly organize various and good-quality performing events to increase the public’s awareness and number of visits to all parks.

d. Offer bundled admission tickets at all recreational parks.

e. Regularly launch new rides to overcome potential weary visitors.

f. Strengthen e-commerce marketing strategies by setting up access to purchase tickets online. Some e-commerce partners who collaborate with GAP include the E-Voucher, Lakupon, Sindonews, Tripadvisor, Kaskus, Asta Navigo, Line, Circumference Bogor, Bogor Info, Metranet, Elevenia, and Q0010. Total online ticket sales in 2016 reached 10,116 transactions.

2. Property

a. Offer residential units equipped with various facilities such as shopping centers, schools and amusement parks.

b. Provide alternative payment schemes for buyers such as housing mortgages (KPR), installment scheme as well as hard cash incentives.

c. Arrange proactive promotional activities through organizing exhibitions at places that are appropriate for the products’ target markets.

d. Launch new products that match the markets’ needs.

e. Increase brand awareness by organizing various events at all projects.

In 2016 GAP officially became a public company. GAP has focused on improving its corporate governance system with this transformation of status. GAP has ensured that every decision of the management and the governance of operational activities follow the procedures, guidelines and SOPs that have been issued by the company, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. Consequently, GAP

Oleh karena itu, GAP senantiasa melengkapi dan menyempurnakan perangkat GCG di setiap departemen dan mengimplementasikan sistem pelaporan pelanggaran untuk meningkatkan transparansi.

Penghasilan dan Profitabilitas

Pada 2016, GAP mencatatkan penghasilan usaha sebesar Rp374,9 miliar dengan kontribusi properti residensial sebesar 29,6% atau Rp110,9 miliar. Sedangkan penghasilan berkelanjutan (recurring income) sebesar 70,4% atau Rp263,9 miliar dikontribusikan oleh Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort, The Jungle Waterpark, JungleFest dan JungleLand Adventure Theme Park.

Secara keseluruhan, GAP berkontribusi sebesar 22,21% terhadap total penghasilan usaha Bakrieland.

Strategi 2017

Di tahun mendatang, GAP berfokus untuk melanjutkan pengembangan proyek-proyek recurring di lokasi-lokasi strategis, khususnya di kota-kota besar di Indonesia dengan tetap mengoptimalisasi pengembangan proyek


will always complete and enhance corporate governance instruments at each department and implement a violation reporting system to improve transparency throughout all its units.

Earnings and Profitability

During 2016 GAP posted income from operations of Rp374.9 billion, with the contribution of residential property by 29.6% or Rp110.9 billion. While recurring income of 70.4% or Rp263.9 billion contributed by Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort, The Jungle Waterpark, JungleFest and JungleLand Adventure Theme Park.

Overall, GAP contributed 22.21% to Bakrieland’s income from operation.

Strategies in 2017

In the coming year, GAP will focus on the continued development of recurring income projects at strategic locations, especially in large and some secondary cities of Indonesia, by optimizing the development of non-recurring projects.

Didirikan pada 2007, PT Bakrie Nirwana Semesta (BNS) merupakan salah satu Anak Perusahaan Perusahaan yang berfokus pada pembangunan hotel dan resort.

Kegiatan Usaha

Sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar, kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan BNS adalah membangun dan/atau mengoperasikan hotel dan resort, vila serta manajemen hotel, baik yang dimiliki sendiri maupun melalui kerja sama dengan pihak lain. Proyek hotel dan resort yang dikelola BNS dikenal dengan brand Elty Hotels & Resorts, antara lain Grand Elty Singgasana di Kalimantan dan Grand Elty Krakatoa di Kalianda, Lampung Selatan.

Established in 2007, PT Bakrie Nirwana Semesta (BNS) is one of the Company’s Subsidiary that focuses on hotel and resort related products.

Business Activities

Based on its Articles of Association, BNS builds and/or operates hotels and resorts, villas as well as manages hotels both solely and under cooperation with other third parties. Hotels and resorts managed by BNS are branded as Elty Hotels & Resorts, including Grand Elty Singgasana in Kalimantan and Grand Elty Krakatoa, in Kalianda, South Lampung.

Kegiatan usaha yang

Dalam dokumen PT Bakrieland Development Tbk AR2016 (Halaman 75-78)