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Laporan Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance Report

Darya-Varia menyadari manfaat dari tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, oleh karenanya Perseroan menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian untuk memastikan semua sistem mematuhi prinsip-prinsip akuntabilitas, tanggung jawab, keadilan, keterbukaan dan transparansi. Prinsip-prinsip utama dari tata kelola perusahaan yang baik mendukung pendekatan Perseroan kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan, termasuk di dalamnya kepatuhan pada hukum, peraturan dan kebijakan-kebijakan tentang lingkungan baik lokal maupun nasional. Untuk menegaskan standar praktek bisnisnya, Darya-Varia menerbitkan Kebijakan Perilaku Bisnis (Policy on Business Conduct). Melengkapi nilai-nilai BERSATU, peraturan-peraturan yang lebih spesifik ini ditandatangani oleh Direksi Perseroan dan para Manajer di setiap awal tahun.

Kode etik Darya-Varia berisi aturan-aturan seperti: 1. Menghindari konflik kepentingan;

2. Menghindari keterlibatan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan yang bersaing, baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung dengan Perseroan; 3. Menolak dengan sopan pemberian hadiah dan bantuan yang

bersifat pribadi dari para pemasok, pelanggan atau pesaing Perseroan; dan

4. Menjaga kerahasiaan informasi Perseroan.

Sebagai pelaku bisnis yang bertanggung jawab di bidang industri farmasi, Perseroan menjunjung tinggi Kode Etik Bisnis Industri Farmasi Indonesia, yang mengatur hubungan profesional antara pelaku industri dan dokter, dan kewajiban dari kedua belah pihak untuk melindungi kepentingan konsumen.

Darya-Varia recognizes the benefits of strong Corporate Governance, as such it is pursuing a prudent course to ensure that all systems abide by the best principles of accountability, responsibility, fairness, openness and transparency. These main Good Corporate Governance principles underpin the Company’s approach to all stakeholders, including compliance with all laws, regulations, and local and national environmental policies.

To affirm its standards of business practice, Darya-Varia has issued Policy on Business Conduct. Complementing the BERSATU Values, these more specific code provisions are signed by the Company Directors and Managers at the beginning of every year.

Darya-Varia’s Code of Ethics contains provisions on the following: 1. Avoiding conflicts of interest;

2. Avoiding engaging in activities, either directly or indirectly, that may compete with the Company;

3. Politely refusing unsolicited gifts or personal favors from suppliers, customers or competitors of the Company; and

4. Protecting confidential Company information.

As a responsible business within the pharmaceutical industry, the Company upholds the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Business Code of Ethics, which regulates professional relationships between industry participants and medical doctors, and both parties’ obligations in protecting consumers’ interests.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan

Pada 16 Mei 2012, Perseroan menyelenggarakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST), yang dihadiri oleh para pemegang saham, atau wakilnya, mewakili 92,92% saham Perseroan. Keputusan yang dibuat adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menyetujui dan mengesahkan Laporan Tahunan Perseroan, Neraca dan Perhitungan Laba Rugi Perseroan untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2011. Rapat juga melepaskan dan membebaskan sepenuhnya (acquit et de charge) anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dari tugas-tugas pengawasan dan manajemen untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2011, sepanjang tercermin dalam laporan keuangan tahunan Perseroan dan entitas anak;

2. Menyetujui penggunaan laba bersih Perseroan di tahun buku 2011 sebagai berikut:

a. Sejumlah Rp35.280.000.000 dibagikan sebagai dividen tunai untuk saham, atau Rp31,5 per saham;

b. Sejumlah Rp2.000.000.000 disisihkan sebagai tambahan dana cadangan;

c. Sisanya sejumlah Rp83.635.340.000 dicatat sebagai saldo laba ditahan; dan

d. Memberi wewenang kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk melakukan pembayaran dividen tunai dengan cara sebagai berikut:

Mengumumkan keputusan RUPST di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange): Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

– Cum dividen bagi pasar reguler dan negosiasi: Jumat, 8 Juni 2012

– Ex dividen bagi pasar reguler dan negosiasi: Senin , 11 Juni 2012

– Cum dividen untuk pasar tunai: Rabu, 13 Juni 2012 – Tanggal pencatatan dividen: Rabu, 13 Juni 2012 – Ex dividen untuk pasar tunai: Kamis, 14 Juni 2012 – Pembayaran dividen tunai: Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

3. Menyetujui perubahan susunan Direksi sebagai berikut:

a. Menyetujui pengunduran diri Bapak Leon Gonzales Pantaleon dari posisinya sebagai Direktur Perseroan, berlaku efektif sejak tanggal RUPST, memberikan pembebasan dan pelunasan secara penuh dari tugas-tugas manajemen sepanjang tercermin dalam Laporan Tahunan dan Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian Perseroan dan entitas anak;

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

On 16 May 2012, the Company held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), which was attended by shareholders, or their proxies, representing 92.92% of the Company’s shares. Decisions made are as follows:

1. Approved and ratified the Company’s Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Income Statement for the financial year ended December 31, 2011. The meeting also granted full release and discharge (acquit et de charge) to the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors for their respective supervisory and management actions in the financial year ended December 31, 2011, in so far as they are covered in the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and its subsidiaries.

2. Approved the use of the Company’s profit for financial year 2011 as follows:

a. The amount of Rp35,280,000,000 to be distributed as cash dividends for 1,120,000,000 shares, Rp31.5 per share; b. The amount of Rp2,000,000,000 to be set aside as an addition

to the reserve fund;

c. The balance of Rp83,635,340,000 to be recorded as retained earnings; and

d. Authorized the Board of Directors to execute the cash dividend payment in the following manner:

Announcement of AGMS results at Indonesia Stock Exchange: Tuesday, 22 May 2012

– Cum Dividends for regular & negotiated markets: Friday, 8 June 2012

– Ex Dividends for regular & negotiated markets: Monday, 11 June 2012

– Cum Dividends for cash market: Wednesday, 13 June 2012

– Dividends Record Date: Wednesday, 13 June 2012 – Ex Dividends for cash market: Thursday, 14 June 2012 – Payment of Cash Dividends: Wednesday, 27 June 2012 3. Approved the following changes to the composition of the Board

of Directors:

a. Approved the resignation of Mr. Leon Gonzalez Pantaleon from his position as Director of the Company effective from the date of the AGMS, granting full release and discharge for his management services during his appointment, in so far as they are covered in the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and its subsidiaries;

b. Menyetujui penunjukkan kembali Bapak Eric Albert Gotuaco sebagai Presiden Direktur Perseroan, berlaku efektif untuk periode lima tahun sejak tanggal penunjukkan kembali oleh RUPST hingga berakhirnya RUPST yang kelima sejak tanggal penunjukkannya;

c. Menyetujui penunjukkan Ibu Yustina Endang Setyowati dan Ibu Frida Oktaria Chalid sebagai Direktur Perseroan, berlaku efektif untuk periode lima tahun sejak tanggal penunjukkannya oleh RUPST hingga berakhirnya RUPST yang kelima sejak tanggal penunjukkannya.

RUPST juga memberi kuasa kepada Direksi untuk melaporkan perubahan komposisi Direksi Perseroan kepada Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia untuk memasukkan nama-nama Direksi yang baru di dalam Daftar Perseroan dan melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang diperlukan sebagaimana disyaratkan oleh peraturan dan hukum yang berlaku.

4. Menyetujui pemberian wewenang kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk menetapkan remunerasi Direksi untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2012 hingga diubah dengan Keputusan Dewan Komisaris.

5. Menyetujui pemberian wewenang kepada para Direksi Perseroan untuk; (i) Menunjuk Akuntan Publik Independen yang terdaftar pada Badan Pengawas Penanaman Modal (Bapepam) untuk mengaudit Laporan Keuangan Perseroan untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012; (ii) Menentukan jumlah honorarium akuntan publik independen tersebut dan ketentuan-ketentuan lainnya.

Semua keputusan-keputusan RUPST telah dilaksanakan.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB)

Perseroan menyelenggarakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) pada 16 Mei 2012, dihadiri para pemegang saham, atau wakilnya, mewakili 92,92% saham Perseroan. Keputusan-keputusan yang dibuat adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menyetujui penambahan aktivitas bisnis Perseroan yang tercantum dalam pasal 3 dari Anggaran Dasar Perseroan. Penambahan ini termasuk: (i) penambahan kata “jasa” dalam pasal 3, paragraf 1 dan mencantumkan “jasa laboratorium,

b. Approved the re-appointment of Mr. Eric Albert Gotuaco as President Director of the Company, effective for a period of five years from the date of the AGMS; that is, re-appointing him until the close of the fifth AGMS following his re-appointment;

c. Approved the appointment of Ms. Yustina Endang Setyowati and Ms. Frida Oktaria Chalid as Directors of the Company, effective for a period of five years from the date of the AGMS; that is, appointing them until the close of the fifth AGMS following their appointment.

The AGMS also authorized the Board of Directors to report the changes in the composition of the Board of Directors of the Company to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights to include the names of the new Directors in the Company Register and perform the necessary actions as required by the prevailing laws and regulations.

4. Approved delegation to the Board of Commissioners to determine the remuneration of the Board of Directors for the financial year ended December 31, 2012 until such time as may be amended by a resolution of the Board of Commissioners.

5. Approved authorization of the Board of Directors of the Company to: (i) Appoint an independent public accountant registered with the Financial Service Authority (Bapepam), to audit the financial statements of the Company for the financial year ended December 31, 2012; (ii) Set the honorarium for the independent public accountant and other related conditions.

All AGMS decisions have been actualized.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

The Company held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on 16 May 2012, which was attended by shareholders, or their proxies, representing 92.92% of the Company’s shares. Decisions made are as follows:

1. Approved the addition of the Company’s business activities listed in Article 3 of the Company’s Articles of Association. These additions include the following: (i) add “services” in Article 3, paragraph 1 and specify “laboratory services, validation facilities,

The EGMS also authorized the Board of Directors with the right of substitution to apply for approval from the Indonesian Coordination Board (BKPM) regarding the additional Company business activities and to appear before the Notary to state the said amendments to the Articles of Association in a notarial deed and to adjust with the approval from BKPM if necessary, and then to obtain approval from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, and to announce this in the State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia, and to perform all acts in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Thus far, the Company is awaiting final execution of the EGMS decisions, as licenses from the relevant institutions are still in process.

Governance Structure

Under the governance structure at Darya-Varia, the General Meeting of Shareholders retains final authority on corporate actions including appointment and dismissal of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, declaration of final dividends and changes to the Articles of Association, among others.

RUPSLB juga memberi wewenang pada Direksi dengan hak pengganti untuk mengajukan permohonan persetujuan dari Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) berkenaan dengan kegiatan-kegiatan bisnis tambahan Perseroan dan menghadap notaris untuk menyatakan perubahan Anggaran Dasar tersebut di dalam akta notaris dan menyesuaikan dengan persetujuan dari BKPM jika dibutuhkan, kemudian untuk mendapatkan persetujuan dari Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dan mengumumkannya di dalam Lembar Negara Republik Indonesia, dan untuk melakukan setiap dan semua tindakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Sejauh ini, Perseroan masih menunggu pelaksanaan dari keputusan RUPSLB, karena ijin-ijin dari institusi terkait masih dalam proses.

Struktur Tata Kelola

Berdasarkan struktur tata kelola Darya-Varia, Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham adalah otoritas tertinggi atas tindakan-tindakan korporasi termasuk penunjukkan dan pembubaran Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, penetapan dividen dan perubahan Anggaran Dasar dan lain-lain.

Board of Commissioners

In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the current members of the BOC were appointed respectively for five years effective from the date of the AGMS appointing them, that is, until the close of the fifth AGMS following their appointments.

The roles and responsibilities of the members of the BOC are established by the Articles of Association and BAPEPAM regulations. The BOC has an oversight and supervisory role in reviewing strategic plans, operational budgets and management performance. Throughout 2012, the BOC was active in reviewing the policies made by the Board of Directors and in the Directors’ implementation of such policies. The BOC also regularly receives updates from the Audit Committee and provides advice to the Board of Directors in the strategic management of the Company.

Composition of the BOC

The current composition of the BOC is as follows: President Commissioner : Jocelyn Campos Hess Vice President Commissioner and

Independent Commissioner : Sunarto Prawirosujanto Commissioner : Clinton Andrew Campos Hess

Commissioner : Manuel Paras Engwa

Commissioner : Mariano John L. Tan, Jr. Independent Commissioner : Vice Admiral (Retired)

Soedibyo Rahardjo

Independent Commissioner : Sonny Kalona

Independent Commissioners

Out of the seven members of the Company’s BOC, three are Independent Commissioners, in compliance with BAPEPAM regulation. Independence is defined as having no financial, family, business relations (including stock holdings) with other members of the BOC, the BOD or the majority shareholder.

Board of Directors

Current members of the BOD were appointed for five years effective from the AGMS held in 2012, until the close of the fifth AGMS following their appointment.

Members of the BOD have roles and responsibilities established by the

Dewan Komisaris

Sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, anggota-anggota Dewan Komisaris yang ada sekarang ditunjuk untuk waktu lima tahun efektif sejak tanggal RUPST yang mengangkatnya hingga berakhirnya RUPST yang kelima setelah tanggal pengangkatannya.

Peran dan tanggung jawab para anggota Dewan Komisaris tercantum di dalam Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan BAPEPAM.

Dewan Komisaris berperan melakukan pengawasan terhadap rencana-rencana strategis, anggaran operasional dan kinerja manajemen. Sepanjang 2012, Dewan Komisaris aktif meninjau kebijakan-kebijakan yang dibuat Direksi dan pelaksanaan kebijakan itu oleh para Direktur. Dewan Komisaris menerima informasi terkini secara berkala dari Komite Audit dan memberi masukan kepada Direksi dalam manajemen strategis Perseroan.

Susunan Dewan Komisaris

Susunan Dewan Komisaris saat ini adalah sebagai berikut: Presiden Komisaris : Jocelyn Campos Hess Wakil Presiden Komisaris dan

Komisaris Independen : Sunarto Prawirosujanto

Komisaris : Clinton Andrew Campos Hess

Komisaris : Manuel Paras Engwa

Komisaris : Mariano John L. Tan, Jr.

Komisaris Independen : Laksamana Madya (Purn) Soedibyo Rahardjo Komisaris Independen : Sonny Kalona

Komisaris Independen

Dari tujuh anggota Dewan Komisaris, tiga adalah Komisaris Independen, sesuai dengan peraturan BAPEPAM. Independen diartikan sebagai tidak ada hubungan finansial, keluarga, bisnis (termasuk kepemilikan saham) dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris yang lain, Direksi atau dengan pemegang saham mayoritas.


Anggota Direksi diangkat untuk periode lima tahun terhitung sejak RUPST yang diselenggarakan tahun 2012, sampai berakhirnya RUPST yang kelima setelah pengangkatannya.

The BOD in professionally managing the Company is also responsible for establishing and monitoring internal controls within the Company.

The BOD works closely with the Management Committee members and the key executives of the Company to facilitate operational objectives.

Composition of the BOD

The current composition of the BOD is as follows: President Director : Eric Albert Gotuaco Vice President Director : Charles Robert B. Davis

Director : Benjamin Wang Yap

Director : Carlos Olivares Nava Director : Marlia Hayati Goestam

Director : Romeo Laranjo Bato

Director : Reynaldo Lansang Davadilla Director : Angelito Celso Corsame Racho, Jr. Director : Joseph Raymond Acuna Hilay Director : Yustina Endang Setyowati Director : Frida Oktaria Chalid

Meetings of the BOC and BOD

In discharging their duties and responsibilities of overseeing and managing the Company, the Company holds BOC meetings. Under the Articles of Association of the Company, BOC meetings may be held at any time whenever deemed necessary by any member of the BOC or upon written request from the BOD meeting. There was one BOC meeting in 2012 held on May 16, 2012. All Commissioners were present or represented in the meeting.

According to the Company’s Articles of Association, BOD meetings may be held at any time whenever deemed necessary by any member of the BOD. BOD meetings are held in conjunction with members of Management Committee in a larger Management Committee (Mancom) meeting. The Mancom meetings were held to discuss performance issues, analyze results to date, deal with existing problems and draw up new strategies, to be then propagated to key employees in regular Key Personnel Meetings. There were 10 Mancom meetings held in 2012 with an average attendance of 63%.

Direksi dalam mengelola Perseroan secara profesional juga bertanggung jawab dalam menyusun dan melakukan kontrol internal dalam Perseroan.

Direksi bekerja sama dengan Management Committee dan para eksekutif Perseroan untuk memfasilitasi tujuan-tujuan operasional.

Susunan Direksi

Susunan Direksi saat ini adalah sebagai berikut: Presiden Direktur : Eric Albert Gotuaco Wakil Presiden Direktur : Charles Robert B. Davis

Direktur : Benjamin Wang Yap

Direktur : Carlos Olivares Nava

Direktur : Marlia Hayati Goestam

Direktur : Romeo Laranjo Bato

Direktur : Reynaldo Lansang Davadilla Direktur : Angelito Celso Corsame Racho, Jr.

Direktur : Joseph Raymond Acuna Hilay

Direktur : Yustina Endang Setyowati

Direktur : Frida Oktaria Chalid

Rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Rapat Direksi

Dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya mengawasi dan mengelola Perseroan, dilakukan rapat-rapat Dewan Komisaris. Sesuai Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Rapat Dewan Komisaris dapat dilaksanakan setiap saat bila dianggap perlu oleh salah satu anggota Dewan Komisaris atau atas permintaan tertulis dari Rapat Direksi. Sepanjang 2012 telah dilaksanakan satu kali Rapat Dewan Komisaris pada 16 Mei 2012. Seluruh Komisaris hadir atau diwakili kehadirannya dalam rapat.

Sesuai dengan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan, Rapat Direksi dapat diselenggarakan setiap waktu bilamana dipandang perlu oleh salah seorang dari anggota Direksi. Rapat Direksi dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan para anggota Management Committee (Mancom) di dalam suatu Rapat Mancom. Rapat Mancom diselenggarakan untuk mendiskusikan masalah-masalah terkait kinerja, menganalisa hasil-hasil yang dicapai, memecahkan masalah yang timbul dan membuat strategi baru, yang hasilnya kemudian disebarluaskan ke karyawan kunci di dalam rapat regular Key Personnel Meeting. Selama 2012 telah dilaksanakan 10 Rapat Mancom dengan rata-rata kehadiran 63%.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee’s main task is to assist the BOC in carrying out its duties in overseeing the management and operation of the Company.

The term of office of the members of the Committee is 5 (five) years, the same as the term of office of the members of the BOC in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.

In line with the Audit Committee Charter, the Audit Committee is comprised of 1 (one) independent Commissioner and 2 (two) independent individuals from outside the Company, each of whom are free from any relationship which would interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment as a member of the Audit Committee.

In 2012, the membership of the Company’s Audit Committee was as follows:

1. Sunarto Prawirosujanto (Chairman) 2. Oscar E. Carag (Member)

3. Alex E. Jimenez (Member)

Profiles of Audit Committee members are detailed in the Corporate Information section.

The Audit Committee Charter lays down the procedures and expectations for the actions of the Audit Committee. In 2012, the Audit Committee held one meeting on February 15, 2012, while flows of communication, including through electronic means, occurred on a regular basis with ad hoc reports and communication with personnel occurring as needed. The Audit Committee is in regular contact with the Company’s Internal Audit.

Corporate Secretary

The Corporate Secretary has specific responsibilities as determined by BAPEPAM and Company policy. Foremost, the Corporate Secretary is responsible for communications and reports to the Capital Market authority and other regulators. In addition, the Corporate Secretary handles all information releases to shareholders, the general public and business analysts related to the Company’s performance. Shareholders lists, and other documents, are maintained by the Corporate Secretary. The Corporate Secretary also coordinates for the

Komite Audit

Tugas utama Komite Audit adalah membantu Dewan Komisaris menjalankan tugasnya mengawasi pengelolaan dan operasional Perseroan.

Masa jabatan anggota Komite Audit adalah 5 (lima) tahun, sama dengan masa jabatan anggota Dewan Komisaris sebagaimana diatur dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan.

Sesuai dengan Audit Committee Charter (Piagam Komite Audit),