• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Pengaruh metode STAD-inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar

Dalam dokumen Analisis Kemampuan Problem Solving Mahas (Halaman 83-99)


B. Analisis Hasil Belajar Siswa

2. Pengaruh metode STAD-inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar

kognitif siswa

Hasil analisis data memperlihatkan bahwa metode pembelajaran berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Hasil belajar kognitif rata-rata siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing lebih tinggi dibanding metode konvensional. Peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif terlihat dari peningkatan rata-rata skor hasil belajar sebelum perlakuan (pretes) dan rata-rata skor hasil belajar setelah perlakuan (pasca tes). Hal ini berarti bahwa strategi yang diimplementasikan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif secara nyata dari pretes ke pasca tes. Dengan demikian metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing lebih berpotensi meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional.

Metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri ter-bimbing lebih berpotensi dalam meningkatkan

hasil belajar kognitif siswa dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional. Terdapat perbedaan nyata hasil belajar kognitif dengan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing dengan siswa yang belajar dengan metode konvensional. Pada rata-rata nilai hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing sebesar 80,97 sedangkan rata-rata skor hasil belajar kognitif pada pembelajaran dengan metode konvensional sebesar 73, 80. Hal ini mendukung penelitian Santoso (2007); Prayitno (2011) menyatakan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri tebimbing lebih dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif dan kemampuan berpikir siswa dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional.

Uji anakova pada menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh signifikan metode pembelajaran terhadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Uji LSD menunjukkan, siswa yang belajar mengguna-kan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbim-bing secara signifikan memiliki hasil belajar kognitif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang belajar menggunakan metode konvensional. Hasil analisis lanjut memper-lihatkan terdapat perbedaan rata-rata nilai hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar terkoreksi siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri ter-bimbing mempunyai posisi tertinggi mening-katkan hasil belajar siswa dibandingkan dengan yang dibelajarkan metode STAD, inkuiri terbimbing dan konvensional.

Keunggulan metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing dalam meningkatkan hasil

belajar kognitif tidak terlepas dari karak-teristik metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing. Sintaks metode integrasi STAD-inkuiri terbimbing yaitu 1) Guru membentuk kelompok kooperatif dengan 4-5 siswa. (STAD). Guru menyajikan materi pelajaran melalui kegiatan diskusi atau ceramah. 2) Guru membimbing siswa menemukan dan merumuskan masalah (inkuiri). Guru mem-bimbing siswa merumuskan hipotesis (inkuiri). Guru memfasilitasi siswa dalam merancang eksperimen untuk mengumpulkan data. (inkuiri). Guru menfasilitasi siswa menganalisa data dan menguji hipotesis (inkuiri). Guru membimbing siswa membuat induksi atau generalisai (penyimpulan) (inkuiri). 3) Guru meminta kelompok untuk memperesntasikan hasil kelompok (kegiatan inkuiri siswa) didepan kelas (inkuiri + STAD). 4) Guru mengadakan tes individu (STAD) 5) Guru memberikan penghargaan kelompok (STAD) (Prayitno, 2011).

Integrasi metode STAD-Inkuiri ter-bimbing, merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk digunakan oleh guru dalam pem-belajarannya. Pembelajaran dengan meng-gunakan metode STAD mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa, karena materi pelajaran yang tidak/belum dipahami seorang siswa didiskusikan dan dikaji dalam kelompok kooperatifnya, melalui diskusi ini siswa akan memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik, sedangkan menggunakan metode inkuiri terbimbing siswa lebih aktif dalam menemukan dan menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam pembelajaran, meningkatkan kemam-puan berpikir dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.


1. Ada pengaruh metode STAD dipadu inkuiri terbimbing terhadap aktivitas belajar siswa. Kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode STAD dipadu inkuiri terbimbing menunjukkan pro-sentase yang sangat tinggi (80,06%) dibandingkan dengan aktivitas belajar kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode konvensional (60, 19%).

2. Ada pengaruh metode STAD dipadu inkuiri terbimbing terhadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode STAD dipadu inkuiri terbimbing menunjukkan rerata hasil belajar kognitif yang sangat tinggi yaitu =80,974 dibandingkan dengan kelompok siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode konvensional (rerata =73,804). Daftar Pustaka

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© 2015 LPPM IKIP Mataram

The Effect of Using 2d Media on Listening Achievement

Siti Syafi’atul Qomariyah

English Department, IKIP Mataram Email: viaelabbas@gmail.com

Abstrak: Penelitian eksperimen ini dilaksanakan kepada mahasiswa semester tiga jurusan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Mataram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari apakah ada pengaruh penggunaan media 2D terhadap prestasi mendengarkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan non randomized pretest postest control group design. Peneliti memberikan siswa pretes sebelum melakukan treatmen. Alat yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah tes mendengarkan. Populasi untuk penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa semester tiga jurusan Bahasa Inggris di IKIP Mataram, dan sample yang digunakan adalah 37 mahasiswa dari kelas A ( kelas eksperimen) dan 37 mahasiswa dari kelas B (kelas kontrol). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil mendengarkan siswa pada postes (setelah ditreatmen) pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari grup kontrol. Nilai rata-rata pada kelas eksperimen adalah 59,73 dan kelas kontrol adalah 58,70. Peneliti menggunakan ANCOVA dalam menganalisis data untuk mencari apakah ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Hasil dari F hitung adalah 8,44 pada taraf level signifikan 0,01: lebih tinggi dari pada F- kritis yaitu 3,98 (F-hitung > F-kritis). Hal ini berarti bahwa penggunaan media 2D sangat efektif untuk prestasi mendengarkan. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media 2D efektif untuk prestasi mendengarkan bagi mahasiswa semester tiga jurusan Bahasa Inggris di IKIP Mataram.

Abstract: This experimental research conducted to third undergraduate Department in IKIP Mataram. This research aimed to find out whether or not the use of 2D media have effect on listening achievement. This study used a non randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The researcher gave students pretest before they were given treatment. Lastly, the posttest was given to the students after treatment. The instrument was used for collecting data was listening test. The population of this research was all students of third undergraduate English Department at IKIP Mataram, and the sample was 37 students of Class A (experimental group) and 37 students of Class B (control group). The research finding showed that students’ achievement of listening in postest (after treatment) of experimental group was higher than control group. The means score for experimental group was 59,73 and control group was 58,70. The researcher conducted using ANCOVA in analysis the data to find out whether the difference was significant. The adjusted F was 8, 44 at 0.01 level of significance: higher than F-critical was 3.98 (F-test > F-critical). It means that using 2D media on listening achievement was effective. The finding of the study lead to the conclusion that 2D media is effective in listening achievement of third undergraduate students English Department in IKIP Mataram.

Key words: 2D Media, Listening Achieveme Introduction

To learn English we need to work hard. But work hard only does not guarantee that learning will be successfull. We will need some more important aspects such as motivation and strategy. The best motivation and strategy will change the way in teaching learning process. The successful of teaching learning process will be influence student’s achievement. Student’s achievement is the end of indicator that students understand

about all material that have taught in teaching learning process.

English is taught as foreign language and learned after their first language. In context of learning English such as four skills, one of skills is listening.

According to Brown (2001) Listening as a major component in language learning and teaching work on Total Physical Response. In TPR the role of comprehension was given prominence as learners were given great quantities of

language to listen to before they were encouraged to respond orally. Teachers to consider some specific questions about listening comprehension: what are listeners “doing” when they listen?, what factors affect good listening?, what are the characteristics of “real-life” listening?, what are the many things listeners listen for?, what are some principles for designing listening techniques?, how can listening techniques be interactive?, what are some common techniques for teaching listening?.

In the past, foreign language were learnt mainly by reading and translating rather than listening. In the second half of twentieth century, increased research into how people learned both first and second languages, as well as developments in linguistics, sociology and anthropology, led to an understanding that listening is probably the key initial skill. After all, we cannot talk without listening first (Wilson, 2012).

Listening is considered difficult skill especially for foreign students. According to Wilson (2012) the difficulties can grouped into four general categories: characteristics of the message, the delivery, the listener and the environment.

What makes listening difficult, according to Brown (2001) second language learners need to pay special attention to such factors because they strongly influence the processing of speech, and can even block comprehension if they are not attended to. In other words, they can make the listening process difficult. The following eight characteristics of spoken language are adapted from several sources (Dunkel 1991; Richards 1983; Ur 1984):

1. Clustering

In teaching listening comprehension, therefore, you need to help students to pick out manageable clusters of words; sometimes second language learners will try to retain overly long constituents ( a whole sentence or several sentences), or they will err in the other direction in trying to attend to every word in an utterance.

2. Redundancy

Learners can train themselves to profit from such redundancy by first becoming aware that not every new sentence or phrase will necessarily contain new information and by looking for the signals of redundancy.

3. Reduced forms

Reduction can be phonological (“Djeetyet?” for “Did you eat yet?”), morphological (contractions lik “I’ll), syntactic (elliptical forms like “when will you be back?” “ tomorrow, maybe.”), or pragmatic (phone rings in a house, child answers and yells to another room in the house, “ Mom! Phone!”). These reductions pose significant difficulties, especially for classroom learners who may have initially been exposed to the full forms of the English language. 4. Performance variable

Native listeners are conditioned from very young ages to weed out such performance variables, whereas they can easily interfere with comprehension in second language learners.

5. Colloquial language

Learners who have been exposed to standard written English and/or “text -book” language sometimes find it

Siti Syafi’atul Qomariyah, The Effect of Using 2d Media on Listening Achievement

85 surprising and difficult to deal with

colloquial language. Idioms, slang, reduced forms, and shared cultural knowledge are all manifested at some point in conversations. Colloquialisms appear in both monologues and dialogues.

6. Rate of delivery

Learners will nevertheless eventually need to be able to comprehend language delivered at varying rates of speed and, at times, delivered with few pauses. Unlike reading, where a person can stop and go back to reread, in listening the hearer may not always have the opportunity to stop the speaker. Instead, the stream of speech will continue to flow!

7. Stress, rhytm, and intonation

English is a stress-timed language, English speech can be a terror for some learners as mouthfuls of syllables come spilling out between stress point.

8. Interaction

Students need to understand that good listeners are good responders.

L2 listeners become better listeners when they are motivated. They tend to think ahead, predicting and grappling with the meaning of the whole text rather than fretting about unknown words. Good listeners become experts at a self-monitoring. While listening, they are constantly aware of whether or not they are achieving the task. They are alert to inconsistencies in thei interpretations of events, and they try to solve the issues by collaborating with their interlocutor or revising their interpretation. They listen between the words rather than taking every

utterance at face value, and recognise shifts in intonation (the way the voice pitch and falls (Wilson, 2012).

Listening is one of skills courses that taught in english department of IKIP Mataram. Listening taught in first semester (Listening I), second semester (Listening II) and third semester (Listening III). They are trained to listen information, idea, word meaning, and discourse.

In listening III is focused on student’s mastery on listening comprehend-sion. Many teachers agree that students good in speaking is not guarantee that they are master in listening. It can be seen by the low level of student’s listening comprehen -sion in English Department of IKIP Mataram. The writer found that only few students could listen some words well and understand conversation that they have heard. They felt difficult to understand about words that they have heard. For example, the speaker said “Hey Jenny, how are things going?” But the students listened “Hai Jenni, how thinks going?”. Eglish is different with Indonesia because every word has difference meaning, pronuncing and discourse, etc.

It means that fluently in speaking is not guarantee that the students achieve in listening. Because speaking skills only focus on the way communication and under-standable each other but listening skills focus on grammatical and utterance.

There are many factor that can cause the students to have low listening achievement. It could external (the method of teaching) and internal (the way of learning) factor. It can be assume that students should use new strategy to learn

listening comprehension. Buck (2001:104) identifies two kinds of strategies in listening: A.Cognitive strategies: Mental activities related to comprehending and storing input in working memory or long-term memory for later retrieval

 Comprehension processes: Associated with the processing of linguistic and nonlinguistic input  Storing and memory processes:

Associated with the storing of linguistic and nonlinguistic input in working memory or long-term memory

 Using and retrieval processes: Associated with accessing memory, to be readied for output

B.Metacognitive strategies: Those cons-cious or unconscons-cious mental activities that perform an executive function in the management of cognitive strategies

 Assessing the situation: Taking stock of conditions surrounding a language task by assessing one’s own knowledge, one’s available internal and external resources, and the constraints of the situation before engaging in a task

 Monitoring: Determining the effec-tiveness of one’s own or another’s performance while engaged in a task  Self-evaluating: Determining the effectiveness of one’s own or another’s performance after engaging in the activity

 Self-testing: Testing oneself to determine the effectiveness of one’s own language use or the lack.

Not only two strategies of learning listening achievement above but also teaching model that used by teacher should be developing listening achievement. Media is one of supporting in teaching learning process because media that is used to implement teaching strategies. Multimedia can be used to develop listening achievement.

The kinds of multimedia:  Interactive Multimedia  Non Interactive multimedia  Audio

 Video

 Movement picture (tweening)  Citra digital

 2D animation  3D animation  Photo digital

Multimedia is the modern media that can be applied in teaching english especially in listening subject because multimedia is interactive media. The teacher should apply interactive media in order the students more active and easy to understand about the material that given by the teacher.

Students have known about 2D media because there are many 2D movie that familiar with our students. So, 2D media is audio visual media that can improve student’s achivement especially in English.

2D media is the kind of media that using audio visual. The technique of 2D media is technique that is made with computer (software) and drawing slide.

Siti Syafi’atul Qomariyah, The Effect of Using 2d Media on Listening Achievement

87 The part of 2D media (Siswati 2013):

1. Tweening ( movement picture) 2. Object of application

3. Scene 4. Audio 5. Format

Listening skills are encourage through interaction with 2D object. Learners can hear pre-recorded conversations. Simple conversations allow illustrating the use of grammar pattern and more complex conversations related to cultural aspects of the lesson topic, allow the development of more advanced listening skills.

Figure 1. The example of simple conversation using 2D media

A: Morning. Can I help you?

B:Good morning. I'm looking for something for my baby.

A:OK. What's the problem? Teeth? B: Yes, I think so. She's crying a lot. And putting her hand in her mouth. A:And has she got a temperature? B: Mm, yes, she's a bit hot.

A: OK. And how old is she? B: She's six months now.

A: Right. Well, it's probably her teeth. B: I think so.

A: But if it doesn't stop in a day or two, go to a doctor.

B: Right.

A: This will help with the pain.

Put a little bit in her mouth every four hours.


A:And if that doesn't help, try this medicine too.

She is six months old, isn't she? B: That's right.

A: OK, she can take this, but please read the instructions carefully.

B: OK, I will. Thanks.

There are many listening material that using 2D media can be taught in listening subject. As we know that interesting media is one of succesful in teaching learning process because students will interest in subject that taught by teacher and also strategy of teacher’s teaching.

Field in Richard and Renandya (2002) stated that examines a commonly used format for the teaching of listening. One which involves three stages in a listening activity: pre-listening, listening, and post-listening. He points out the limitations of some activities often used at these different points in lesson: materials and teaching often tend to test listening rather than teach it and do not practice the kind of listening that takes place in real life. Field advocates the use of preset questions,

Dalam dokumen Analisis Kemampuan Problem Solving Mahas (Halaman 83-99)

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