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Fifin 1 , Apriliah 2

C. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Pembelajaran secara Daring

1. Pengertian syarofal anam

Syarofal anam pada dasarnya adalah penyajian vokal atau shalawatan atau puji-pujian kepada Allah SWT dan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang disertai dengan permainan alat musik terbangan (Rebana), dan dalam penyajiannya ketiga elemen ini vokal, alat musik, terbangan (rebana) dari setiap peralihan, satu bagian Shalawat ke shalawat berikutnya ditandai dengan permainan terbangan. Dan kajian musikogi memandang bahwa shalawatan sebagai seni musik, sementara seni-seni lain justru sebagai pengiringnya.

Kesenian syarofal anam merupakan salah satu bentuk kesenian yang dilagukan dengan irama melayu atau keislaman. Permainan syarofal anam minimal berjumlah 5(lima) orang dan maksimal juga tergantung kebutuhan penyajian.Syarofal anam dikelompakkan menjadi 3 (tiga) bagian: 1.) sebagai hadi, 2.)sebagai umak, dan 3.) sebagai ningkah. Hadi adalah orang yang memimpin (imam) dalam membawakan.Umak dalam penyajian syarofal anam merupakan orang atau kelompok yang memainkan sebuah pola secara tetap yang menjadi pola dasar dalam syarafal anam.

Ningkah pada syarofal anam bentuknya memberi sahutan dari tabuhan umak atau menyelini tabuhan umak. (Saputra, 2020) 2. Buya Hamka

Menurut Buya Hamka seni sebagai bagian yang takterpisahkan dalam kehidupan, bahwasana segala hal yang memiliki keindahan

itu merupakan seni. Soal keindahan adalah soal kesenian Buya hamka telah megalami pengalaman keindahan dalam perjalanan kehidupannya. Buya hamka telah melakukan indentifikasi spiritual sehingga mengantarkan pada getaran keindahan seni yang terdapat dalam alam. Hal tersebut diperoleh dari kumpulan horizon perjalanan kehidupannya sebgai seorang ulama dan sastrawan.

Kemudian Buya Hamka melakukan indentifikasi spiritual dengan mengintegrasi-interkoneksi agama dan seni didalam Al-Qur’an.

Di dalam tafsiran Buya hamka mengenai ayat-ayat yang berdimensi seni, Buya Hamka menggunakan seni sebagai alat untuk peningkatan keimanan seseorang. Beliau memberikan satu treatmen untuk meningkatkan kedekatan diri kita kepada tuhan yang satu, yaitu melalui proses prenungan tentang keindahan.

Keindahan bisa menjadi satu cara untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan yang satu, karena keindahan memang dicptakan oleh yang Maha Indah. Seni yang harus ada pada masa kontemporer ini adaah seni yang membawa manusia untuk berfikir dan mendekatkan diri kepada trasendesi kuasa dan kebesaran ilahi.


Melihat permasalahan di atas, al-Qur‟an sebagai pedoman hidup umat Islam selalu dijadikan sumber dalam menjawab problem-problem yang sedang berkembang dan terkhusus dalam ranah kesenian, karena di dalam al-Qur‟an terdapat nilai-nilai seni yang bisa ditangkap dan bisa dipahami melalui

120 isyarat-isyarat yang ada dalam ayat-ayat-Nya.

Misalnya dalam surat an-Nahl ayat 6:

ْ مُكَل َو اَه يِف

ْ لاَمَج

َْن ي ِح

َْن وُح ي ِرُت

َْن ي ِح َو

ْ َن وُح َر سَت


“Dan kamu memperoleh keindahan padanya, ketika kamu membawanya kembali ke kandang dan ketika kamu melepaskannya (ke tempat penggembalaan)”.


Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Buya Hamka menafsirkan kesenian itu merupakan

“pembelian kata-kata”. “Membeli” disini beliau tafsirkan sebagai kesukan orang-orang terhadap barang-barang yang sesat . Penafsiran tersebut dapat diaplikasikan kepada seni dan wilayah nyayian dan alat-alat musik yang melalaikan seseorang dalam urusan agama dan kebanyakan Sebagian masyarakat lebih suka untuk hal-hal tersebut. Hasil penafsiran beliau menunjukkan kebolehan memproduksi lagu dalam dunia tarik suara. Buya Hamka menafsirkan melalui tafsir Al-Azhar-nya. Dan ayat-ayat yang berdimensi seni dalam perspektik Buya Hamka Q.S An-Nahl ayat: 6.

Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada masyarakat Islam bahwa seni merupakan keindahan.Jadi seni itu merupakan kindahan akan tetapi, melalaikan manusia dalam urusan agama.

Daftar Pustaka

Alfian, M. (2019). Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Buya HAMKA. Islamika : Jurnal IlmuIlmu Keislaman, 19(02), 89–98.

https://doi.org/10.32939/islamika.v19i02.45 4

Mustafa, I., Nomor, V., & Durhheim, M. E.

(2021). Tradisi Syaraful Anam dalam KajianLiving Hadis Angku Imam ini merupakan bentuk Membaca Syaraful Anam juga untuk memberikan petunjuk kehidupan memfokuskan pada konsep , tata cara nusantra tradisi. Istinarah: Riset Keagamaan, Sosial Dan Budaya, 3(1).

Saputra, H. (2020). Kajian Naskah “ Syaroful Anam .” Perpustakaan IAI Agus Salim Metro Lampung Maret, 21–28.

Syarifudin, H. A., & Saputra, H. (2020). Kajian Naskah “ Syaroful Anam .” March, 21–28.

https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/KDHJ9 Zubaedi, Z., Utomo, P., Zubaidah, Z., Kholidin,

F., & Rahmawati, N. (2020). Nilai Kerja dalam Teks Mawlid Syarf Al-Anam dan Implikasinya Terhadap Bimbingan Pribadi-Sosial Melalui Kesenian Islam Syarofal Anam: Kajian Hermeneutika Gadamerian.

At-Ta’lim: Media Informasi Pendidikan

Islam, 19(2), 428–444.

https://doi.org/10.29300/atmipi.v19.i2.4002 (Syarifudin & Saputra, 2020) (Alfian, 2019)

(Zubaedi et al., 2020).



A Lecturer of Raden Fatah State Islamic University, Palembang, Indonesia binarazwaranasharfian_uin@radenfatah.ac.id

Etty Nurmala Fadillah

A Lecturer of Muhammadiyah University of Palembang, Indonesia ettynurmala43@gmail.com


The general purpose of this study is to determine the role of the Library and Information Council of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of South Sumatra in preventing Covid-19 hoaxes among Muhammadiyah members. The scope of this research is the Library and Information Council of Muhammadiyah South Sumatra and Muhammadiyah people of South Sumatra. This research is important because the Muhammadiyah association can find out the extent of Muhammadiyah citizens' knowledge of Covid-19 and the lack of work programs made by the Muhammadiyah Library and Information Council of South Sumatra in an effort to achieve Muhammadiyah's vision and mission. The research method used is through a quantitative and qualitative approach. Collecting data using a questionnaire instrument, in-depth interviews using open-ended questions, and documentation. The results showed that the Library and Information Council of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of South Sumatra had a very important role in preventing hoax news about Covid-19 among Muhammadiyah members.

Keywords: Covid-19, Hoaxes, Muhammadiyah Introduction

The decision of the 47th Muhammadiyah Congress in Makassar, South Sulawesi on 2-7 August 2015 in the Tanfidz Decision of the 47th Muhammadiyah Congress resulted in several decisions, one of which was Muhammadiyah programs for the 2015-2020 period. The development of Muhammadiyah's strategic role in the life of the nation and state is one of the development priorities for a five-year period. The existence of the 2019 Corona virus disease (Covid-19) which is currently threatening millions of lives globally is proof of Muhammadiyah's strategic role. This role is related to the dissemination of information in the media during the Covid-19 period.

Patients who have been confirmed positive for contracting Covid-19 are increasing from time to time in various countries and also in Indonesia as announced every day by the Government Spokesperson for handling Covid-19. The amount of information through various media is received by most of the world's people who are in uncertainty. This situation has caused panic and heavy psychological pressure (stress). Even the spread of fake or hoax news / information is also difficult to contain in the midst of this uncertain condition. Data from the Ministry of Communication and Information until 8 April 2020 found that there were 474 hoax issues related to Covid-19 spread across 1,125 digital platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram,

122 Twitter, and Youtube (Wibowo, 2020).

Meanwhile, during January 30-April 7 2020, the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) handled 81 cases of hoax spreading related to Covid-19 (Halim, 2020).

Hoaxes concerning health are indeed rife among Muhammadiyah members. Ari Fahrial Syam in (Juditha, 2019) conducted a survey which found that more than 90 percent of information in the health sector cannot be accounted for because it has unclear sources and spreads freely through social media and instant messages. Likewise, the results of a survey conducted by the Surveyor of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) found that most health hoaxes were circulating in the community (Juditha, 2019). Meanwhile, the results of research conducted by (Vosoughi, Soroush, & Deb Roy, 2018) also found that health organizations providing clarification of correct health information did not spread as widely as hoaxes. This shows that health hoaxes are more popular for consumption by the public and their spread is faster than valid news.

According to Vosoughi, valid information rarely touches more than a thousand people, while the most popular hoaxes, which account for only one percent of valid information, are able to spread to one thousand to one hundred thousand people (Vosoughi, Soroush, & Deb Roy, 2018).

Health hoaxes are very dangerous if incorrect information is practiced by the public, such as consuming certain types of drugs that will endanger human lives. This type of hoax can

also create anxiety and panic for people who read it (Juditha, 2019). Therefore hoaxes about health need to be countered by increasing literacy during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Health literacy according to (Prasanti, 2018) is very important to have today because of the many hoaxes circulating.

Public health literacy is one of the responsibilities of Muhammadiyah as one of the largest organizations in the world. Through the Library and Information Council, Muhammadiyah is committed to increasing people's knowledge and understanding of the information circulating in the community. In the South Sumatra region, the Library and Information Council is under the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership of South Sumatra. This assembly has the duty to provide information services to the public in general and Muhammadiyah members in particular.

Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, of course it is a form of measure in seeing the important role of the Library and Information Council in the South Sumatra region. A person will be considered to have good literacy regarding the Covid-19 hoax if he or she has adequate knowledge of hoaxes, is able to behave and be able to act positively regarding the spread of Covid-19 hoaxes.

Research on behavior associated with hoaxes has been carried out, for example “User Behavior and Hoax Information on Social Media”

(Rahadi, 2017). This research wants to see the behavior of social media users in receiving and

123 spreading hoaxes. The research method used is

descriptive qualitative with the research object of the academic community at President University. The results show that the social behavior of media users in responding to hoaxes is quite diverse because of the varied backgrounds of the users. Users understand hoaxes and the impacts that arise after spreading information. Influencing the opinions or attitudes of others goes viral, and understands that hoaxes can divide the nation.

Another study is "Implications of Media Literacy in Changing Community Behavior in Pontianak City against Fake News" by (Herawati, 2019). This study examines the values of media literacy previously obtained by individuals who can compete with stimuli in the form of news that have the potential for hoaxes before finally deciding to be disseminated. or not. This study rests on the principles of social assessment theory and uses in-depth interviews to collect data. The results show that there is restraint when the characteristics of the fake news on the message are successfully marked.

In addition, the mismatch of reference to values owned by individuals by offering wrong ideas leads to three types of behavior, namely turning off, compromising, or actively rejecting.

Another study was also conducted by Prasanti with the title "Health Information Literacy as an Effort to Prevent Hoax Information in the Use of Traditional Medicines in the Digital Age". This research wants to know health literacy as an effort to prevent hoax information

in the use of traditional medicine in the digital era. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. This study concludes that health literacy can be used to prevent hoaxes in the use of traditional medicines. This health literacy consists of selected health service information media, reference sources in cross-checking the correctness of information about prescribed traditional medicines, and the right decisions taken in disseminating information on traditional medicines (Prasanti, 2018).

The above studies also discuss issues of community behavior associated with hoaxes, some also discuss public health literacy to anticipate efforts to spread hoaxes. All of these studies use a qualitative approach. The difference between previous studies and current research lies in the research subjects, namely the Library and Information Council of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of South Sumatra and Muhammadiyah members in general. Research like this has never been done before, so this is what is new and important to research.

Talking about the dissemination of information cannot be separated from the communication itself. According to Harold Lasswell in (Purba, 2006) communication is who, says what, through what channels, to whom, and what is the effect? The elements of the questions raised by Lasswell are components of the communication process, namely the communicator, message, media, communicant/receiver, and effects. Lasswell

124 (Juditha, 2019) argues, communication

functions as observing the environment and relationships of groups in society when the environment and the transmission of social heritage from one generation to another are responded to.

Information dissemination is part of social interaction. West & Turner said that the dissemination of information is a part of symbolic interactions where meaning is built through the process of communication by each individual with the aim of sharing. The dissemination of information will be successfully determined by the channel, namely the use of media, either direct or face-to-face communication or by using technology (West, 2010). Laboratory Information System (LIS) in (Fidel, 2012) provides an understanding of information dissemination as an act of disseminating various messages whose purpose is to informally help others.

The dissemination of information in this study is the spread of hoaxes. Hoax according to (Rasywir, 2015) is dangerous and misleading information. Hoaxes are false information conveyed as truth, so human perceptions can be misled. Hoax aims to influence the public by tarnishing credibility and an image that influences the reader to take action according to the content of the information. Another definition, hoax is fake news or an attempt to trick the reader into believing something. Hoax is also news that is not based on reality or the truth which is produced for a specific purpose. Hoax aims not only as a joke, for fun, but also to shape

public opinion. Basically, hoaxes are misleading for readers who are not critical of information and share the news they read with other readers without cross-checking the truth (Juditha, 2019).

This study examines the role of Muhammadiyah through the Library and Information Council of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of South Sumatra in preventing Covid-19 news hoaxes among Muhammadiyah members.


The study used a survey method with a quantitative approach and interviews with a qualitative approach. According to (Singarimbun

& Effendi, 2008) a survey is a collection of data from a number of populations and samples.

Meanwhile (Bungin, 2010) said that a survey is a data collection that is carried out using a questionnaire method. The questionnaire is a list of a number of questions given to respondents to fill out.

The quantitative approach according to (Neuman, 2003) is a positivistic approach.

Likewise, stated by (Sugiyono, 2013) that quantitative is a research method based on the positivism philosophy. This approach is used to examine a particular sample or population whose sample is determined randomly, the data collection uses research instruments, while the data analysis is statistical.

Part or representative of the population under study is called ampel. (Sugiyono, 2013) said that the sampling was carried out by using probability sampling techniques, namely taking random

125 samples from a population. In this study, the

sample taken is Muhammadiyah citizens who use the internet aged 12-65 years who live in South Sumatra. The number of samples determined in this study was determined by the Taro Yamane formula (Hamidi, 2010) in order to represent the population, namely:

Where n is the number of samples sought, N is the number of population (internet users in Indonesia in 2020 amounted to 175.3 million (Thomas, 2020), d is the value of precision, with an error rate of 4% and a confidence level of 96%. respondents in this study were 625 people.

This research uses data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires online on 1-8 November 2020 using the google form application. According to (Setiawan, 2012) online surveys have many conveniences, including the availability of quite a lot of respondents due to the large number of internet users, cost and time saving, wide coverage, multi-lingual and very easy to access media for respondents.

Interviews were conducted with the chairmen and members of the Library and Information Council of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders of South Sumatra using an interview sheet instrument and analyzed using a qualitative approach.


This study has a total number of respondents as many as 625 respondents, all of whom are

Muhammadiyah internet users who live in South Sumatra. Their profiles are as follows: the majority of respondents were female as much as 57% and male as much as 43%. Respondents were dominated by the age range of 17-25 years as much as 32.6% following the age of 26-35 years (27,4%), ages 36-45 years (22,4%) and the age range of the least respondents was> 65 years as many 0,2%. Meanwhile, for the education level the most respondents were S1 (45%), followed by senior high school (26,6%), S2 / S3 as much as 22,2% and the lowest graduated from elementary school (0,2%). Civil servants are the profession of respondents who mostly reach 30,1%, followed by students and 28,6% students, and private employees, 17,4%.

Meanwhile, respondents who did not work had the lowest percentage, which was only 0,5%.

Covid-19 is a pandemic virus that is endemic not only in major countries in the world, but also in Indonesia. Information about the Corona virus can also be found in various media and channels. When respondents were asked whether they knew information about Covid-19, 100% of respondents answered they knew.

Respondents' knowledge is quite good about the Corona virus. The average respondent answered above sixty percent, for example this disease is caused by a virus (92,2%), a disease that attacks the respiratory tract and lungs (85%), a disease with symptoms of cough, runny nose, fever (81,1 %), non-natural disasters and including pandemic outbreaks (69%).

126 As for the media used by respondents in

obtaining information about Covid-19, online media (news sites) were the media most preferred by respondents (89,9%), followed by

social media (83,70%), television (78,20%) , instant messages (69,60%), official government websites (65%) and other media under sixty percent (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Media to Obtain Information on Covid-19 So much information about Covid-19

through various media does not escape the insertion of false or hoax information. Even the distribution is difficult in the weir. When asked whether the respondent knew the definition of hoax, 100% of them answered they knew. On average, respondents agreed that hoaxes were fake news/information (94,9%), fake news/information (90,9%), inciting news/information (54,2%), and 50,10%


When asked what information was consumed, the majority of respondents answered questions about how to protect

themselves from exposure to Covid-19 (92,8%), symptoms of 19 (92%), what is the Covid-19 virus (86,1%), news The latest Covid-Covid-19 in Indonesia (the number of positive patients, recovered, died, etc.) is 85,80%, information about Covid-19 referral hospitals (70,6%), as well as ways to protect others from exposure to Covid-19 is 69,8%.

Respondents' detection of hoaxes was quite good. Figure 2 shows that as many as 93.6% of respondents stated that hoaxes did not have a clear source, questionable content (85.1%), and had odd, persuasive and compelling sentences (55.5%).

0 20 40 60 80 100


Media Online Media Sosial Televisi

Instant Messaging Website Pemerintah Orang Lain

Surat Kabar Media Luar Ruang Radio


127 Figure 2. Respondents' Knowledge for Hoax Detection

Respondents also admitted that in this pandemic situation they received hoaxes about Covid-19. 44.3% said sometimes, 34.20%

answered often, 19.40% answered very often, only 2.1% answered never. Respondents also admitted that an average of 40.8% received one hoax about Covid-19 a day. There were also respondents who received more than 5 hoaxes in a day, which was 13.4%.

Meanwhile, the most used media when receiving hoaxes about Covid-19 were social media (Facebook, Instagran, Twitter) with 82.70%, instant messages (Whatapp, Line, Telegram) as much as 77.3%, online media (news sites). 32.60%, and certain websites 16.6% (Figure 3).

Figure 3. The number of covid-19 hoaxes received / day and the receiving media 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Tidak memiliki sumber yang jelas

Konten/isi berita/informasi meragukan

Memiliki kalimat yang janggal persuasif dan memaksa

Tidak tercantum hari tanggal kapan berita itu terjadi


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Media Sosial Instant Messaging Media Online Website tertentu Lainnya

128 The results also revealed that text (news /

written information) was the most widely accepted type of Covid-19 hoax, followed by pictures (photos), videos (moving images) and audio. Figure 4 shows that most respondents (55%) stated that they are in a position that sometimes can distinguish, sometimes they cannot distinguish whether the information they receive is a hoax or not. Although 44% of respondents also claimed to be able to detect the news received was a hoax. The Covid-19 hoax

that many respondents received, namely about the number of isolated Covid-19 patients who died (58.10%), the origin of Covid-19 (56.30%), how to protect yourself from Covid-19 (for example smoking, drinking alcohol, and others) as much as 54.20%, how to treat Covid-19 (45.0%), places exposed to Covid-19 (45.0%), how to prevent the spread of Covid-19 (32.60%) ), how to protect others from Covid-19 (19.70%) and others as much as 12.30%.

Figure 4. Respondents' ability to distinguish between hoaxes and true news about Covid-19 When asked, how do respondents know if

the information they receive is a hoax? As many as 65.60% of respondents stated that they searched for the truth of this information through the internet (search engines). While 61.60%

stated that there was correction / clarification on online media (news sites), 52.20% stated that there was correction / clarification on social media, 33.10% asked directly to reliable sources, 28.0% stated that they already knew about the truth and others answered as much as 5.10%.

The behavior of respondents when receiving hoaxes about Covid-19 illustrates more than sixty percent claiming to check the truth of the news / information via the internet (search engines), ask reliable sources, keep quiet, reprimand the sender of news / information, delete it immediately, some continued to spread it accompanied by an explanation that the news / information was a hoax and some for other reasons.

When asked why respondents chose to spread hoaxes about Covid19, only 389 0

10 20 30 40 50 60


Ya Tidak


129 (62.24%) of a total of 625 respondents answered

this question. As many as 27% of respondents spread hoaxes because they thought that the news / information was true and useful for others, 20% of respondents answered because they got the news / information from someone

who could be trusted, 8.2% were lazy to find the truth, 2,4 % wanted to be the first to send the news / information and 2% said it was just for fun, so that the hoax would get more viral (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Respondents' behavior towards Covid-19 hoaxes received and disseminated (n = 389) Figure 6 shows the actions of respondents

not to spread hoaxes about Covid19, because most of them think the news / information is not true, there are also those who want to break the

chain of spreading hoaxes to themselves, think the news / information is useless, and endangers people's health other.

Figure 6. Respondents' action not to spread the received Covid-19 hoaks 0

5 10 15 20 25 30


Informasinya bermanfaat

Informasi dapat dipercaya

Malas untuk mencari kebenaran

Ingin Menjadi yang pertama

Iseng saja


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Menganggap berita tersebut tidak benar Ingin memutus rantai penyebaran hoaks Beritanya tidak bermanfaat

Beritanya membahayakan kesehatan


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