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Sistem e-Mandiri EASy tidak hanya mempermudah proses penilaian kinerja tetapi juga akan mengubah perilaku (behaviour) seluruh pegawai sehingga mampu menciptakan proses komunikasi yang efektif antara pegawai dan kepala unit kerja dalam perencanaan kinerja secara periodik. Dengan proses komunikasi yang efektif ini, maka setiap pegawai dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, tingkat partisipasi (level of engagement) dan kompetensi. Pegawai juga akan memiliki pemahaman yang benar tentang bagaimana kepala unit kerja memberikan apresiasi dalam bentuk kompensasi, manfaat (benefit), dan pengembangan karir atas dasar hasil penilaian kinerja.

Sebagai sistem yang komprehensif, e-Mandiri EASy juga mampu memonitor proses pengembangan suksesor

yang akan mengisi critical position, sehingga dapat

menjamin kelangsungan bisnis Bank Mandiri di masa yang akan datang. Dengan cakupan wilayah operasional Bank Mandiri yang sangat luas dari Sabang sampai Merauke termasuk cabang-cabang di luar negeri, implementasi

e-Mandiri EASy akan lebih menghemat energi dan mempercepat proses pengelolaan, pengembangan dan pengambilan keputusan terkait pegawai yang mana prosesnya selama ini dilakukan secara manual. Saat ini, sistem penilaian kinerja pegawai Bank Mandiri sudah dapat dilakukan secara online kapan saja dan di mana saja. [G4-LA12]

Apresiasi Kinerja Mandirian

Hingga kini, kinerja menjadi landasan serta tolok

ukur pemberian reward pegawai dengan prinsip

competitiveness dan fainess. Reward diberikan kepada pegawai dalam bentuk finansial dan non finansial, yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan Bank Mandiri agar dapat mengakomodir perubahan demografi pegawai. Salah satu bentuk apresiasi materi atau financial reward

untuk pegawai Bank Mandiri adalah annual performance

bonus yang merefleksikan apreasiasi Bank Mandiri atas kontribusi mereka terhadap kinerja Bank yang telah dicapai. Jumlah performance bonus pun disesuaikan dengan penilaian kinerja masing-masing pegawai melalui sistem Mandiri EASy.

Sementara bentuk apresiasi non-materi (non-financial reward) merupakan wujud apresiasi tertinggi Bank Mandiri bagi pegawai dan unit kerja terbaik dalam berbagai kategori yang turut melibatkan Perusahaan Anak. Non financial reward biasanya Bank Mandiri berikan

dalam kegiatan Mandiri Excellent Award. Dalam acara

Mandiri Excellent Award terdapat tiga penghargaan yang diperebutkan yaitu Service Excellent Award, Culture Excellent Award, dan Mandiri Best Employee Award yang

masing-The e-Mandiri EASy does not only simplify the performance assesment process, but it will also change the behavior of all employees in order to create a more effective communication process between employees and their head of work units throughout the performance planning process conducted periodically. With an effective communication process, every employee can improve productivity, level of engagement, and competence. Meanwhile, employees will also obtain a true understanding on how the head of their work unit reward them through compensation, benefit, and career development based on performance evaluation results.

As a comprehensive system, the e-Mandiri EASy is also able to help monitor the successor development process as to decide who will later fill in any critical vacancies, so that it can also help Bank Mandiri in ensuring its business sustainability, moving forward. Having had a very extensive coverage in terms of operations, from Sabang to Merauke, including the overseas branch offices, therefore implementation of the e-Mandiri EASy will help save more energy and speed up the process of management, development and decision making process related to employees, since Bank Mandiri was previously doing the referred process manually. To date, Bank Mandiri’s employee performance appraisal system has been improved and can now be accessed online at anytime and from anywhere. [G4-LA12]

Mandirian Performance Reward

Until today, employee performance becomes a parameter used in employee reward system, which upholds the principles of competitiveness and fairness. The rewards given to employees can be either financial or non-financial, and are adjusted to Bank Mandiri’s capacity in accommodating changes in employee’s demographics. One of Bank Mandiri’s financial rewards is the annual performance bonus that represents Bank Mandiri’s appreciation for employee’s contributions that led to Bank Mandiri's accomplishments. Eventually, total performance bonus is adjusted with the performance assessment of each employee through Mandiri EASy system.

Meanwhile non financial reward is the highest appreciation from Bank Mandiri to the best employees and working units, which consists of several categories including the subsidiaries. We usually give non financial reward during Mandiri Excellent Award activity, from which three awards are contested, namely Service Excellent Award, Culture Excellent Award and Mandiri Best Employee Award, each of them has sub-categories. Because of the tight assessment process,

Pada Tanggal 29 Februari 2016 Bank Mandiri

menyelenggarakan malam penghargaan Mandiri

Excellent Award 2015. Pada acara ini diumumkan pemenang dari tiga penghargaan dengan rincian sub -kategori sebagai berikut:

1. Service Excellence Award mencakup penghargaan untuk Phone Banking Staff, Service Quality Officer, Branch, Frontliners, Area Club, dan Best Staff.

2. Culture Excellence Award mencakup penghargaan untuk Best Cash Outlet, Best Branch, Best Area, Best Region, Best Cluster Micro, Best Business Unit, Best Supporting Unit, Best Business Unit Group, dan Best Supporting Unit Group.

3. Mandiri Best Employee Award merupakan

penghargaan untuk Vice President, Assistant Vice

President, Manager, Pelaksana, dan Perusahaan Anak. Melalui pengelolaan sistem penilaian kinerja dan apresiasi kinerja secara baik dan benar, Bank Mandiri tetap harus memastikan bahwa penempatan top talent secara tepat dalam mengisi posisi-posisi penting di Bank Mandiri sangat menentukan kinerja Bank Mandiri yang positif dan tumbuh secara Keberlanjutan. Proses ini dilakukan secara efektif dan terarah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis secara tepat waktu dan tepat guna demi meminimalisir risiko operasional.

Program Retensi Pegawai

Dalam upaya memberikan apreasiasi khusus atas segala bentuk kontribusi dan kinerja pegawai Bank Mandiri, khususnya bagi mereka yang berprestasi agar terus berkarya dan berkontribusi, Bank Mandiri melaksanakan beberapa inisiatif berikut:

• Pengembangan jalur karir

• Mengadakan pelatihan yang menunjang para karyawan untuk bekerja dengan efektif, seperti Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Dasar, Pelatihan Tindakan Disiplin, dan Pelatihan Karyawan Handal.

• Pengembangan sistem kompetensi, yang memungkinkan implementasi pengelolaan sumber daya manusia berbasis kompetensi di Bank Mandiri. • Pemberian kredit lunak program pemilikan kendaraan

untuk golongan tertentu.

• Pemberian pinjaman lunak program kepemilikan rumah di luar daerah operasi perusahaan.

• Program beasiswa untuk pegawai yang memenuhi kriteria untuk melanjutkan pendidikan pasca sarjana di luar negeri yang setiap tahunnya mencapai 10 – 20 pegawai.

On February 29, 2016 Bank Mandri held Mandiri Excellent Award 2015. During the event, Bank Mandiri announced the winners of the three awards, with detail of the sub-category are as follows:

1. Service Excellence Award that includes awards for Phone Banking Staff, Service Quality Officer, Branch, Frontliners, Area Club, and Best Staff.

2. Culture Excellence Award that includes awards for Best Cash Outlet, Best Branch, Best Area, Best Region, Best Cluster Micro, Best Business Unit, Best Supporting Unit, Best Business Unit Group, and Best Supporting Unit Group.

3. Mandiri Best Employee Award is an award given to Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Manager, Executive, and subsidiaries.

Through a proper and right management of performance appraisal system, Bank Mandiri still needs to ensure that appropriate placement of top talents to fill key positions offered by Bank Mandiri, will eventually determine Bank Mandiri's positive performance and sustainable growth. This process is carried out effectively and is targeted to meet business needs in a timely and appropriate manner in order to minimize operational risks.

Employee Retention Program

In efforts to provide a special appreciation for all forms of contributions and performance of our employees, especially for those who excel in their continuous initiatives and contributiions, Bank Mandiri has carried out the following initiatives:

• Career path development.

• Conduct trainings that support employees to work effectively, such as Basic Leadership Training, Disciplinary Actions Training and Excellent Employee Training.

• Competency development system, which allows the implementation of competency-based human capital management in Bank Mandiri.

• Provision of soft loans for vehicle ownership offered for certain group of customers.

• Provision of soft loans for home ownership program outside Bank Mandiri’s operating area.

• Scholarship program for qualified employees to continue their postgraduate study overseas, which is participated by around 10 – 20 employees every year.

Program Pensiun

Sebagai wujud tanggung jawab dan penghargaan kepada para pegawai yang telah mendedikasikan diri kepada Bank Mandiri, Bank Mandiri melakukan pengelolaan kesejahteraan pegawai dengan memberikan jaminan pada masa pensiun. Hal ini mengacu kepada prinsip

Good Pension Fund Governance.

Bank mandiri mengimplementasikan program pensiun iuran pasti melalui DPBM (Dana Pensiun Bank Mandiri). Dana iuran pasti dibayarkan melalui gaji pegawai sebesar 5% dan dari Bank Mandiri sebesar 10%. Bank Mandiri secara konsisten menyelenggarakan program pensiun setiap tahunnya. Pegawai yang memasuki usia pensiun juga mendapatkan fasilitas kesehatan yang telah disiapkan sejak pegawai aktif bekerja yang dinamakan

Mandiri Health Care.

Untuk mendukung keberlanjutan kerja pegawai setelah pensiun, Bank Mandiri juga menyelenggarakan pelatihan Pra Purna Bhakti yaitu pelatihan khusus untuk program persiapan pensiun pegawai yang diberikan kepada para pegawai yang akan dan telah memasuki usia pensiun. Hal ini bertujuan untuk membentuk mental, keahlian, dan juga merupakan pembekalan kepada pegawai agar tetap produktif walaupun tak lagi menjadi pegawai. Selama tahun 2016, pelatihan ini diikuti sebanyak 610 pegawai dengan jumlah batch sebanyak 39 batch. [G4-LA10] Mengembangkan Potensi Sumber Daya

Manusia Setempat [G4-EC6]

Bank Mandiri berkomitmen untuk turut serta memberdayakan dan mengembangkan potensi daerah tempat Bank Mandiri beroperasi melalui berbagai upaya dan kebijakan-kebijakan yang melibatkan potensi daerah tersebut, tidak terkecuali potensi sumber daya manusia. Dalam proses rekrutmen karyawan, lokasi tempat rekrutmen dilakukan (Point of Hire) dan lokasi calon karyawan akan ditempatkan adalah salah satu aspek pertimbangan yang Bank Mandiri gunakan dalam menyeleksi calon karyawan. Sebagai contoh, Bank Mandiri memprioritaskan rekrutmen bagi karyawan yang tinggal di daerah sekitar unit kerja Bank Mandiri.

Pension Program

As to expres our responsibility and appreciation for employees’ dedication to Bank Mandiri, an employee welfare management has been carried out by providing pension security program, made with reference to the principles of Good Pension Fund Governance.

Bank Mandiri has been practicing a Fixed Premium Pension Plan through Bank Mandiri Pension Fund program (Dana Pensiun Bank Mandiri/DPBM). The payable fixed premium fee or called the defined contribution, 5% of which is paid by employees through salary deduction in addition the 10% contributed by Bank Mandiri as employer. Every year, Bank Mandiri is consistent in implementing the pension plans for the Mandirians. Among others is through Mandiri Health Care benefit given for employees who have reached retirement age, whereas the benefits scheme has been prepared prior to retirement.

In supporting the sustainability work of employees after retirement, Bank Mandiri also has the Pra Purna Bhakti training program designed specifically for employees when close to or have reached their retirement age. The aim is to build their mentality, maintain expertise, and motivate them to being productive post retirement. In 2016, the training was participated by 610 employees who attended a total of 39 batches. [G4-LA10]

Developing Potentials of Local People [G4-EC6]

Bank Mandiri is committed to empower and develop the inherent potentials of the local regions wherever the Company operates through various efforts and policies by involving the potentials of the region, including of the local people.

In addition to that, as for employee recruitment process, the Point of Hire and placement location of the prospective employee are being the two factors to consider during the candidate selection process. For instance, Bank Mandiri will prioritize to recruit employees who live in the area surrounding Bank Mandiri’s offices.

Membangun Keterikatan Pegawai

Bank Mandiri menyediakan ruang komunikasi yang terbuka antara pegawai dengan kepala unit kerja masing-masing guna memastikan isu-isu terkait masalah kepegawaian dapat diselesaikan dengan cepat demi kepuasan semua pihak. Bank Mandiri menyadari bahwa komunikasi dua arah dapat meningkatkan keterikatan para pegawai sehingga kinerja Bank Mandiri akan semakin baik dimasa mendatang.

Survei Kepuasan Pegawai

Survei keterikatan pegawai Bank Mandiri kembali dilakukan pada tahun 2016 dengan perolehan nilai 73,7% merupakan kategori tertinggi (platinum) untuk survei keterikatan pegawai. Atas hasil survei tersebut, Bank Mandiri memperoleh 2 (dua) penghargaan, yaitu Platinum dan Best of the best Award Winner pada Indonesia Employee Engagement Award 2016 yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (LPPI), Stabilitas, Kinerja dan Blessing White Indonesia.

Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi tingginya

nilai engagement survey Bank Mandiri pada tahun

ini, antara lain hubungan baik dengan rekan kerja, kejelasan mengenai prioritas dan tujuan pekerjaan, serta pemahaman tentang kontribusi pekerjaan yang dilakukan untuk mendukung strategi perusahaan. Fasilitas Shuttle Car Pegawai

Untuk alasan keamanan, kenyamanan, efektivitas serta efisiensi waktu dan bahan bakar, dan pengurangan emisi bahan bakar Bank Mandiri menyediakan fasilitas antar jemput pegawai. Saat ini, Bank Mandiri Kantor Pusat menyediakan 4 (empat) unit Shuttle Car dengan jenis kendaraan Daihatsu Xenia. Dengan mekanisme nomor polisi (nopol) ganjil sebanyak 2 (dua) unit dan nopol genap sebanyak 2 (dua) unit yang dioperasikan sesuai dengan pemberlakukan jam nopol ganjil/genap setiap harinya mulai hari Senin hingga Jumat.

Kendaraan shuttle Bank Mandiri melayani rute Plaza

Mandiri - Menara Bappindo Sudirman - Sentra Mandiri R.P. Soeroso - Wisma Mandiri Thamrin, dan sebaliknya. Terkait jam operasional setiap harinya mulai hari Senin sampai dengan Jumat dimulai pada pukul 07:00 WIB sampai dengan pukul 16:30 WIB. Khusus untuk

operasional pagi hari kendaraan akan mulai standby

di Stasiun kereta rel listrik (KRL) Pal Merah dan Stasiun KRL Sudirman yang kemudian akan mengarah ke Plaza Mandiri, Menara Bappindo Sudirman, Sentra Mandiri R.P. Soeroso dan Wisma Mandiri Thamrin.

Building Employee Engagement

Bank Mandiri provides an open communication atmosphere between employees with the head of each business unit to ensure quick problem solving related to employment issues, and a resolution that can satisfy all parties. Bank Mandiri realizes that a two-way communication can improve employee engagement which in future will eventually lead to a better performance of Bank Mandiri.

Employee Satisfaction Survey

The employee engagement survey of Bank Mandiri which conducted in 2016 has successfully got score of 73.7% which is the highest category (platinum) for the employee engagement survey. By the results of this survey, Bank Mandiri obtained 2 (two) awards, namely Platinum and Best of the best Award Winner in Indonesia Employee Engagement Award 2016 that organized by the Indonesian Banking Development Institute (LPPI), Stability, Performance and BlessingWhite Indonesia.

Several factors that contribute to the high score of Bank Mandiri employee engagement survey in this year, among others, good relation with colleagues, clarity about the priorities and objectives of the work, as well as an understanding of the contribution of the work performed to support the company’s strategy.

Employee Shuttle Car Facility

Considering safety, convenience, effectiveness, time and fuel efficiency, as well as to reduce carbon emissions resulted from our activities especially those resulted from our energy consumption, Bank Mandiri provides a shuttle car facility for employees. Currently, Bank Mandiri Head Office is supplying 4 (four) units of Shuttle Cars, using Daihatsu Xenia type. As to comply with the odd-even licence plate policy, Bank Mandiri makes the shuttle cars ready by providing 2 (two) units each for the odd and even licence plates. The cars operate every from Monday to Friday.

Bank Mandiri’s shuttle cars serve two-way routes from Plaza Mandiri – Menara Bappindo Sudirman – sentra Mandiri R.P.Soeroso – Wisma Mandiri Thamrin, and a return route. The shuttle cars operate daily from Monday to Friday between the hours of 07:00 western Indonesia time (WIB) to 16:30 WIB. During te morning operating hours the cars will start to standby at the Pal Merah and Sudirman train stations, then from there will stop at Plaza Mandiri, Menara Bappindo Sudirman, Sentra Mandiri R.P. Soeroso and Wisma Mandiri Thamrin.