• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Sejalan dengan upaya pencapaian visi Bank Mandiri untuk menjadi lembaga keuangan indonesia yang paling dikagumi

dan selalu progresif, salah satu misi Bank Mandiri untuk

mencapainya adalah dengan mengembangkan sumber

daya manusia yang professional. Untuk itu, Bank Mandiri

secara berkesinambungan melakukan pemberdayaan dan

pengembangan seluruh pegawainya agar dapat melayani

nasabah dengan baik dan tentunya memberikan nilai lebih

bagi para pemegang saham.

In line with the effort to achieve Bank Mandiri’s vision to be Indonesia’s most admire and progressive financial institution, one of Bank Mandiri’s missions that supports it is through the professional development of the human capital. Eventually, Bank Mandiri will continually empower and develop all its employees to serve customers well and by certainly delivering more values for the shareholders.

Efficient, Effective, And Competitive Organization Development[G4 –LA10]

In the effort of becoming Indonesia’s best, ASEAN’s prominent by 2020, Bank Mandiri consistently assesses the productivity and effectiveness of Bank Mandiri’s organizational structure while constantly updating the job competency, job description, and job requirement as a form of organizational development which are efficient, effective, and responsive when dealing with the competition.

Organizational development activities are always directed to support the corporate strategy and long-term business development to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of Bank Mandiri’s business. The organizational development strategy is focused on the design activities and review of the organizational structure, job evaluation, design, and assessment model of career development and needs-based planning of the human capital of Bank Mandiri in a holistic manner. The general principles of organizational development consist of the following: 1. Implement the design and review of organizational

structure that is aligned with the corporate business planning and development, and is also in line with Bank Mandiri’s vision, mission and strategy.

2. Apply the employee career development model based on the principle of fair opportunity.

Program Pembinaan Kepemimpinan yang Komprehensif Comprehensive Leadership Development Program

Eksekutif General Management Program (GDP) Middle Management Program (MDP) Executive Level Manager Manager Level Senior Manager Level Middle Officer/Staff Development Program (ODP/SDP) Manager Level Junior

Mengasah Potensi Mandirian Melalui Pelatihan dan Pengembangan

Bank Mandiri senantiasa memberikan kesempatan bagi seluruh pegawainya untuk terus bertumbuh dan memaksimalkan potensi mereka sebagai salah satu faktor terpenting di dalam pengembangan organisasi. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, profesionalisme, dan kapabilitas pegawai secara berkesinambungan dengan mengacu

pada People Development Framework yaitu metode

pengembangan pegawai berdasarkan talenta atau kelebihan yang dimiliki (strength based). Pengembangan kompetensi pegawai disesuaikan dengan kompetensi yang diperlukan tiap unit kerja dan sesuai dengan rencana strategis Bank Mandiri untuk semua level

jabatan yang merupakan bagian dari Comprehensive

Leadership Development Program sebagaimana diilustrasikan oleh bagan berikut ini. [G4 –LA10]

Sebagai wujud pemenuhan komitmen Bank Mandiri terhadap seluruh pegawainya, Bank Mandiri berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing di tengah dinamika serta pesatnya perkembangan dunia bisnis, terutama di sektor perbankan. Bank Mandiri menyadari bahwa untuk menjadi bank terbesar di Indonesia, Bank Mandiri membutuhkan dukungan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten, tangguh, profesional dan mempunyai standar etika yang tinggi dalam setiap aktivitas Bank Mandiri. Bank Mandiri memiliki program-program pelatihan dan pengembangan pegawai yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan, menyegarkan keahlian dan pengetahuan mereka. Selama tahun 2016, Bank Mandiri menyelenggarakan serangkaian program pelatihan

Improve Employees’ Potentials through Training and Development

Bank Mandiri continues to provide opportunities for all employees to continue to grow and maximize their potentials as one of the most important factors in the organizational development. The program aims to increase productivity, professionalism and employees capability in an ongoing basis by referring to the People Development Framework as skill-based or strength-based method for employees’ development. The employee competency development is adjusted to the competencies required on each unit and in accordance with Bank Mandiri’s strategic planning for all position levels as part of the Comprehensive Leadership Development Program as illustrated by the following chart. [G4 –LA10]

Program Pasca Sarjana

S2 S2

As a form of Bank Mandiri’s commitmet to all employees, Bank Mandiri is commited to continuously improve the quality of human capital to survive and better compete with the dynamics and the rapidly growing business of the banking sector in particular. We realized that in order to become the largest bank in Indonesia, we need the support from the competent, strong, professional and highly ethical employees throughout our activities.

Bank Mandiri provides employee training and development programs which aim to improve as well as to refresh their skills and knowledge. In 2016, Bank Mandiri conducted a series of training programs for employees with the total number of training days

kepada pegawai dengan jumlah total 275.405 hari pelatihan dengan rata-rata jumlah hari pelatihan mencapai 6,77 hari untuk setiap karyawan selama tahun 2016 seperti ditunjukan oleh tabel di bawah ini: [G4-LA9]

Rata-rata Hari Pelatihan per Pegawai per Tahun, Berdasarkan Tingkat Jabatan

Average Training Days per Employee per year by Grade

Total Hari Pelatihan Training Days Total Pegawai Number of Employee Jumlah Hari Pelatihan per Pegawai

Training Days per Employee SEVP/EVP/SVP 552 158 3,49 VP/AVP 17.391 2.311 7,53 Manager 170.169 13.234 12,86 Staff 74.812 24,535 3,05 Lain-lain/Others 12.481 451 27,67 TOTAL 275.405 40.689 6,77

Rata-rata Hari Pelatihan Mandirian per Tahun Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin

Average Training Days per Employee per year by Gender

Total Hari Pelatihan

Training Days Total Pegawai Number of Employee Jumlah Hari Pelatihan per Pegawai

Training Days per Employee

Laki-laki / Male 138.991 19.683 7,06

Perempuan / Female 136.414 21.006 6,49


Average 275.405 40.689 6,77

Rata-rata Hari Pelatihan Mandirian per Tahun Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin [G4-LA9]

Table of Employee Average Training Days Per Year Based on Gender [G4-LA9]

Tabel Hari Pelatihan Pegawai Berdasarkan Tingkat Jabatan [G4-LA9]

Table of Employee Average Training Days Per Year Based on Position Level [G4-LA9]

Selain itu, untuk mengakomodir pertumbuhan jumlah pegawai dengan sebaran yang semakin luas, Bank Mandiri harus memaksimalkan utilisasi sistem teknologi informasi terkini, yang Bank Mandiri terapkan melalui tiga portal online yaitu mandiri i-learn, mandiri i-share, dan mandiri i-know. [G4-DMA-LA]

• Portal Mandiri i-learn memuat informasi mengenai

e-learning, pendaftaran training dan assessment tools.

• Portal Mandiri i-share merupakan platform edukasi melalui media sosial, sehingga menjadi sarana berbagi informasi di antara seluruh pegawai. • Portal Mandiri i-know merupakan sistem knowledge

management untuk mengelola pengetahuan dan sebagai sarana kolaborasi yang mengadopsi praktik-praktik terbaik yang berlaku internasional.

Mandiri i-learn Mandiri i-share Mandiri i-know

Sistem pembelajaran

online yang mencakup

akses e-learning,

pendaftaran training dan

assesment tools.

Online learning system that covers


Media social learning

yang mendukung proses pembelajaran dan sarana berbagi informasi seluruh pegawai

A means of social learning that supports

social learning

Sistem knowladge

Management untuk

mengelola pengetahuan dan sarana kolaborasi sesuai

Best Practice International

Knowledge management system to manage

Knowladge Mgt

acoounted for 275,405 days, with the average number of training days reached 6.77 days per employee per year, as shown in the table below. [G4-LA9]

Besides, as a way to accommodate the number of employees growth under a wider distribution level, is it a must for Bank Mandiri to maximize the utilization of the latest information technology system, which we have applied through our three online portals namely Mandiri i-learn, Mandiri i-share, and Mandiri i-know. [G4-DMA-LA]

• Mandiri i-learn portal contains information about e-learning, training registration and assessment tools. • Mandiri i-share portal is an educational platform

through social media, so that it becomes a sharing information media among all employees.

• Mandiri i-know portal is a knowledge management system used as a mean to manage knowledge and share values, which adopt the international best practices.

Tabel Jumlah Peserta yang Program Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Mandirian Table of Number of Participant Joining Education, Training and Mandirian Development

NO. PROGRAM 2016 2015 2014

1. Classroom 46.023 50.501 28.822

2. eLearning 121.827 152.531 36.739

3. ODP (Officer Development Program) 666 709 844

4. SDP (Staff Development Program) 1.456 1.176 1.022

5. P3K (Pegawai Pelaksana Pemegang Kewenangan)P3K Executive Officers 144 1.010 270

6. Pasca SarjanaPostgraduate 56 45 72

TOTAL 170.172 205.972 67.769

Tabel Biaya Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Mandirian Tahun 2014 -2016 (Rp Juta) Table of Education, Training and Mandirian Development Cost as of 2014-2016 (Rp million)

PROGRAM 2016 2015 2014

Executive Development Program 5.540 29.714 13.473

Management Development Program 186.541 83.625 101.337

Retaining Competency Development Program 44.582 37.097 40.181

Change & Culture Development Program 13.379 17.000 17.000

Organization Capability Development Program 30.433 39.000 29.500

Leadership Capability Development Program 2.166 18.750 36.999

Pre Retirement Program 12.571 23.000 11.000

Employee Engagement Program 16.133 16.350 15.000

Mandatory Skill Development Program 219.486 227.647 90.395

TOTAL 530.832 492.183 454.885

Selama tahun 2016, Bank Mandiri telah menyelenggarakan 714 program pendidikan, pelatihan, dan pengembangan pegawai yang diikuti oleh 170.172 peserta. Berikut data jumlah pegawai yang mengikuti program-program tersebut dalam periode tiga tahun terakhir. [G4-LA11]

Selain program pelatihan internal, pegawai juga dianjurkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan external (public training) sesuai dengan kebutuhan pekerjaannya sehingga target pelatihan setiap pegawai minimum satu kali dalam satu tahun dapat tercapai. Total biaya pelatihan yang dianggarkan pada tahun 2016 mencapai sebesar Rp540.075,62 Juta atau meningkat sekitar 9,73% bila dibandingkan tahun 2015, dengan perimbangan sekitar 65,6% untuk pembangunan kemampuan teknis

(technical capabilities) dan sisanya untuk pembangunan keahlian profesional (professional capabilities), keahlian

manajerial (managerial capabilities), dan keahlian

memimpin (leadership capabilities).

During 2016, Bank Mandiri organized employees’ educational, training and development programs attended by a total of 170,172 participant. The following data records the number of employees who followed those programs within the last three years. [G4-LA11]

In addition to internal training program, employees were encouraged to attend public training in line with the needs of the work so that a minimum of once a year training target for each employee can be achieved. The total budget cost of training in 2016 reached Rp540,075.62 million, increased 9.73% compared to 2015, with a balancaed score of 65.6% for the development of technical capabilities, while the rest is distributed for the development of professional capabilities, managerial capabilities and leadership capabilities.