• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

as a Cultural Reservation Area

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Research locations and population growth Penyengat Island is located in the administrative area of Tanjungpinang City, Republic of Indonesia.

The area of Penyengat Island is 91.15 hectares.

The population of Penyengat Island is 2502 people with a population density of 2197 per km2 (Table 1).

4.2. Analysis of the importance of cultural sites An object, building, or location if it has important values contained in it, can be submitted as an object, building, or location that is legally protected or reserved. Substantively, these important values become the criteria for objects, buildings, or locations which in this case are referred to as cultural heritage. Some objects that have been designated as cultural heritage include:

1) Three forts and one fortification 2) Ten tombs 3) Six buildings and eight building footprints 4) Three wharf sites 5) One ancient ditch 6) Twelve wells and 6) One pool/bath.

There are 2 main factors that cause the cultural heritage to not be intact anymore: 1) Historical factors, in 1911 Sultan Abdul Rahman Muazam Syah and the royal family left Penyengat Island and fled to Singapore because they were not willing to sign a contract with the Dutch which eliminated the rights and powers of the

king. 2) Development pressure and the increasing number of residents on Penyengat Island so that many residents build houses in the cultural heritage area. Fig. 1 shows the several cultural reserves on Penyengat Island.

4.3. The cultural identity of the people of Penyengat Island

Penyengat Island has dozens of surviving sites and its surrounded by people who are believed to be descendants of the cultural supporters who produced the material cultural heritage. The problem is whether the local community is willing to preserve and understand that the material cultural heritage can provide great benefits.

Several studies have been conducted on Penyengat Island regarding the attitude of the community towards these historical relics. Sanyi [8] in his conclusion explains that it is still necessary to socialize the importance of managing these attractions to people who are seen as apathetic. Slightly different from Sanyi [8], Haryanto [9] in his thesis shows that the existence of indigenous people who have distinctive characteristics and have an attachment to their past culture is a potential that can be used as a means to promote and preserve the culture found on Penyengat Island.

According to Muhammad Maulana, easy

transportation to various places has caused the people of Penyengat Island in general to experience a social change. These changes do not always bring progress, but there are negative changes such as the loss of ambition and solidarity in the people of Penyengat Island. This is the government's homework so that identity as a member of the culture of Penyengat Island is maintained [10].

From the results of the literature survey and discussion, it can be concluded that the attitude of the community wants clear steps regarding the management of material cultural heritage on Penyengat Island. This shows that there are still values that are considered important which will later become the basic capital in developing the cultural potential of the Penyengat Island Region.

4.4. The importance of local wisdom on Penyengat Island

Local wisdom (local wisdom, local genius) is the result of the thoughts and ideas of local people or people. The results of these thoughts and ideas are used as value guidelines by the community in most people in everyday life.

One of the strengths of local wisdom is its ability to last a long time. Its values will not be lost so that it continues to be guided by a society or nation from generation to generation. Local wisdom also can reduce the incoming foreign cultural values so that only the best things from the foreign culture are adopted. Penyengat Island has a heritage that is worth local wisdom, especially Malay local wisdom. Penyengat Island has proven itself to be able to maintain and develop the Malay characteristic, namely intellectual creativity that is truly stunning. The commitment of the present Penyengat Island community is to care for, foster, develop, and implement Malay-Islamic traditions, customs, and manners.

The entire culture on Penyengat Island cannot be separated from the history and ancestral heritage that is still preserved by the local community, including: 1) Malay customs at the wedding ceremony on Penyengat Island which begins with Merisik, Minang, Menika, Tepuk Tepung Tawar, Tithe, Banquets, Youth Party

Events until the closing of the wedding party. 2) The uniqueness of Penyengat Island is the location of its language, which is Malay. Despite a lot of urbanization, Malay culture cannot just disappear. This has become one of the identities of the people of Penyengat Island which is still preserved, but also introduced and promoted abroad. 3) The art of Malay culture on Penyengat Island begins with a dance accompanied by musical instruments wrapped in regional and modern customs that add new flavors. 4) The religious system has penetrated the customary system starting from worship, death ceremonies, prayer readings, and marriages.

4.5. Penyengat Island’s sustainable healthy settlements

The health of the housing and residential environment is the physical, chemical, and biological conditions in the house, in the home and residential environment, thus enabling residents to obtain an optimal degree of health.

The concept of sustainable settlement arrangement / eco-settlement is a concept of harmonization between socio-cultural, economic, and ecological aspects towards ecosystem sustainability supported by a capable institutional system [11].

According to Sarbidi [12], several criteria for environmentally friendly settlements are the location of the settlements being on the right land allocation, optimizing land use, implementing zero water and zero waste, controlling air pollution, and green building code or environmentally friendly buildings.

The concept of sustainable settlements is based on the understanding of settlements which are defined as a place for human life that involves various aspects of physical, social, economic, and cultural aspects. One of the dimensions that become a benchmark for the sustainability of healthy settlements on Penyengat Island is the socio-cultural dimension. This is related to Penyengat Island as a cultural heritage that has strategic value in history in Indonesia and is at the center of Malay civilization which is rich in culture related to history that connects three countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.

Table 2. Attributes in ecological dimensions for the sustainability of healthy settlements in Penyengat Island

No Attributes Evaluation

1 Location Eligible

2 Air quality Eligible

3 Facilities and infrastructure Not eligible

4 Disease vectors Exist

5 Clean water supply Not eligible

6 Household waste Not eligible

7 Occupancy density Not eligible

8 Lighting in the house Eligible

9 Noise Eligible

10 Building density Tight

Table 3. Attributes of the socio-cultural dimension for the sustainability of healthy settlements in Penyengat Island

No Attributes Evaluation

1 Community involvement in social activities Yes, less than optimal

2 Community group management Yes, less than optimal

3 Level of education Senior high school

4 Local wisdom preserves local culture Exist

5 Population growth Moderate

6 Social conflict Yes, less than optimal

7 Public awareness of the importance of the existence of cultural heritage sites

Aware 8 A government program to reallocate existing population

settlements on cultural heritage sites

Yes, not optimal

Land use on the island of Penyengat is dominated by the use of residential land in the area around the coast. Along with the increase in population, residential land is also increasing, this results in the distance between the cultural heritage site and residential areas being very close, even some residents have built housing on the former site of the existing cultural heritage site.

Traditional building styles include the shape and style of the residents' houses, which are divided into two, namely buildings on the beach generally on stilts and with platforms and buildings on land generally using pedestal and stilt foundations. The shape and style of the historic building are a blend of Middle Eastern and Malay styles.

There has been no research linking traditional residential building styles with cases of disease based on residential environments on Penyengat

Island. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection is the most common disease case on Penyengat Island as seen in the report of the Bugis Village Health Center in 2021 [13].

The concept of sustainable healthy settlements in terms of socio-cultural dimensions on Penyengat Island is the harmonization between aspects of healthy settlements in terms of ecological dimensions and cultural values that are still preserved on Penyengat Island (Table 2 and 3).

Sala et al. [14] in his study, stated that researchers need to complement the role of history in identifying sustainability problems with a greater willingness to be directly involved in community development as an effort to provide practical solutions to existing problems.

Sustainability is a solution-oriented discipline that studies the complex relationship between nature and humans, the reconciliation of interrelated scientific and social reference

paradigms, and covers multi-temporal and spatial scales.