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4.1.4 Strategi Pemindahan Pola Metris

Pantun 1

Dari mana punai melayang? From whence do the pigeons fly? Da-ri-ma-na-pu-nai-me-la-yang? From-whence-do-the-pi-geons-fly?

Dari paya turun ke padi From the swamp to the padi Da-ri-pa-ya-tu-run-ke-pa-di from-the-swamp-to-the-pa-di

Dari mana datang sayang? From whence comes this love Da-ri-ma-na-da-tang-sa-yang From-whence-comes-this-love

Dari mata turun ke hati From the eyes down to the heart

Da-ri-ma-ta-tu-run-ke-ha-ti From-the-eyes-down-to-the-heart

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 9 7 Baris 2 9 7 Baris 3 8 5 Baris 4 9 7 Pantun 2

Bagaimana menangkap landak? How does one catch a porcupine Ba-gai-ma-na-me-nang-kap-lan-dak How-does-one-catch-a-por-cu-pine Diasap pintunya dengan api Smoke his door with fire

Di-a-sap-pin-tu-nya-de-ngan-a-pi smoke-his-door-with-fi-re

Bagaimana mula berkehendak? How does desire begin

Ba-gai-ma-na-mu-la-ber-ke-hen-dak How-does-de-si-er-be-gin

Dari mata turun ke hati From the eyes into the heart

Da-ri-ma-ta-tu-run-ke-ha-ti From-the-eyes-in-to-the-heart

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 9 8 Baris 2 10 6 Baris 3 10 7

Pantun 3

Sirih kuning dalam lalang Golden fair in the long grass Si-rih-ku-ning-da-lam-la-lang Gol-den-fair-in-the-long-grass

Jatuh sehelai ditepuk hujan One blade falls, struck down by rain

Ja-tuh-se-he-lai-di-te-puk-hu-jan One-blade-falls-struck-down-by-rain

Putih kuning lalu-lalang Golden girl going to and fro Pu-tih-ku-ning-la-lu-la-lang Gol-den-girl-go-ing-to-and-fro

Bagai kilat hari nak hujan You’re summer lightning before the storm

Ba-gai-ki-lat-ha-ri-nak-hu-jan You-‘re-sum-mer-light-ning-be-fore-the-storm

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 8 7 Baris 2 10 7 Baris 3 8 8 Baris 4 9 10 Pantun 4

Sirih kuning pinangnya kelat The young vine’s nuts are sharp to taste Si-rih-ku-ning-pi-nang-nya-ke-lat The-young-vine’s-nuts-are-sharp-to-taste

Buluh perindu tidak berdahan A bamboo flute has no leaves Bu-luh-pe-rin-du-ti-dak-ber-da-han A-bam-boo-flute-has-no-leaves

Putih kuning marilah dekat Golden girl, come close to me Pu-tih-ku-ning-ma-ri-lah-de-kat Gol-den-girl-come-close-to-me

Hati rindu tidak tertahan I cannot bear this longing

Ha-ti-rin-du-ti-dak-ter-ta-han I-can-not-bear-this-lo-nging

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 9 8 Baris 2 10 7

Baris 3 9 7

Pantun 5

Teritip, tiram tergantung Barnacles and oysters grow in clusters Te-ri-tip-ti-ram-ter-gan-tung Bar-na-cles-and-oys-ters-grow-in-clus-ters

Limau manis banyak bijinya The orange has so many seeds Li-mau-ma-nis-ba-nyak-bi-ji-nya The-o-range-has-so-ma-ny-seeds

Pilih-pilih muda sekampung Choosing, choosing the kampong girls

Pi-lih-pi-lih-mu-da-se-kam-pung Choo-sing-choo-sing-the-kam-pong-girls

Hitam-manis baik budinya The dark-skinned ones are kindest

Hi-tam-ma-nis-ba-ik-bu-di-nya The-dark-skinned-ones-are-kin

Pantun 6

Limau manis condong ke Keling The orange inclines to india Li-mau-ma-nis-con-dong-ke-ke-ling The-o-range-in-clines-to-in-di-a

Sudah ke Keling, ke Jawa pula And after India towards Java too Su-dah-ke-ke-ling-ke-ja-wa-pu-la And-af-ter-in-di-a-to-wards-ja-va-too

Hitam manis duduk menjeling The nut brown girl give a sidelong glance Hi-tam-ma-nis-du-duk-men-je-ling The-nut-brown-girl-give-a-side-long-glance

Sudah menjeling, tertawa pula And follows her look with laughter

Su-dah-men-je-ling-ter-ta-wa-pu-la And-fol-lows-her-look-with-laugh-ter

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 9 9 Baris 2 10 11

Baris 3 9 9

Baris 4 10 8 Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata

BS BT Baris 1 8 10 Baris 2 9 8

Baris 3 9 8

Pantun 7

Nyiur manis tepi pengkalan There’s a sweet coconut at the jetty’s edge Nyi-ur-ma-nis-te-pi-peng-ka-lan There’s-a-sweet-co-co-nut-at-the-jet-ty’s-edge

Tempat merak bersarang tujuh Where the seven peacocks nest Tem-pat-me-rak-ber-sa-rang-tu-juh Where-the-se-ven-pea-cocks-nest

Hitam manis turun berjalan My dark girl comes out to walk Hi-tam-ma-nis-tu-run-ber-ja-lan My-dark-girl-comes-out-to-walk

Bagai kilat bintang sepuluh As bright as ten stars shining

Ba-gai-ki-lat-bin-tang-se-pu-luh As-bright-as-ten-stars-shi-nin

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 9 11 Baris 2 9 7 Baris 3 9 7 Baris 4 9 7 Pantun 8

Orang menjahit diatas bangku She sits sewing on her stool O-rang-men-ja-hit-di-a-tas-bang-ku She-sits-se-wing-on-her-stool

Jarum perak benang mastuli A silver needle, a thread of gold Ja-rum-pe-rak-be-nang-mas-tu-li A-sil-ver-nee-dle-a-thread-of-gold

Hairan ajaib di hati aku I am astonished and amazed Ha-i-ran-a-ja-ib-di-ha-ti-a-ku I-am-as-to-nished-and-a-mazed

Burung merak meminang nuri The peacock seeks to wed the lory

Bu-rung-me-rak-me-mi-nang-nu-ri The-pea-cock-seeks-to-wed-the-lo-ry

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 10 7

Baris 2 9 9

Baris 3 11 8

Pantun 9

Kapal perang angkat teringkit The warship hoists its sails Ka-pal-pe-rang-ang-kat-te-ring-kit The-war-ship-ho-ists-its-sails

Singgah berlabuh Kuala Berma Calls to anchor in Kuala Berma Sing-gah-ber-la-buh-ku-a-la-ber-ma Calls-to-an-chor-in-ku-a-la-ber-ma

Tuan lang, saya pipit You are a hawk and I a sparrow Tu-an-lang-sa-ya-pi-pit You-are-a-hawk-and-I-a-spar-row

Adakah boleh terbang bersama? How can we fly together?

A-da-kah-bo-leh-ter-bang-ber-sa-ma How-can-we-fly-to-get-her

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 9 7 Baris 2 10 10 Baris 3 7 9 Baris 4 10 7 Pantun 10

Terung digulai padi ditumis Curry the brinjal, and fry the rice Te-rung-di-gu-lai-pa-di-di-tu-mis Cur-ry-the-brin-jal-and-fry-the-rice

Tanam peria di tepi pantai Plant gourds at the sea’s edge Ta-nam-pe-ri-a-di-te-pi-pan-tai Plant-gourds-at-the-sea’s-edge

Tiung menggilai, nuri menangis The mynah bird’s mad and the lory weeps Ti-ung-meng-gi-la-i-nu-ri-me-na-ngis The-my-nah-bird’s-mad-and-the-lo-ry-weeps

Bayan sudah kena rantai For the parakeet has been enchained

Ba-yan-su-dah-ke-na-ran-tai For-the-pa-ra-keet-has-been-en-chained

Baris Pantun Jumlah Suku Kata BS BT Baris 1 10 9 Baris 2 10 6 Baris 3 11 10

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