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Soal mid kelas 6 sd bahasa inggris


Academic year: 2017

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Put a cross (X) in one of the letters a, b, c, or d which is the most correct answer!

1. What is …. Name ?

A. You C. They

B. Your D. Then 2. Jono : How old are you?

Jeni : I …. Seventeen years old.

A. Is C. Am

B. Was D. Does

3. Deni : Where is the school ani?

Ani : You should …. (lurus dan kemudian belok kanan)

A. Go straight then turn right B. Go straight then turn left C. Go down

D. Go up

4. “Belok” in English.

A. Right C. Left B. Turn D. Stop

5. That symbol direction is ? A. Go straight

B. Go down C. Turn right D. Turn left 6. A : How are you?

B : ……

A. I’am sorry C. Thank You B. I’am fine D. Don’t worry 7. “Apa kabarmu” in English.

A. How do you feelC. How do you go B. How are you D. How do you say 8. Dentist means …..

A. Dokter B. Perawat C. Dokter gigi D. Tukang gigi

9. “Papan tulis hitam” in English. A. White board

B. Chair

C. Black board D. Table

10.Which thight at the classroom ….. A. Table and chair

B. Banana C. Coffe D. Clothes

11.What is the meaning “Lemari” in English …. A. Table

B. Cupboard C. Blackboard D. Chair

12.There is a … on the wall (Peta) A. Book

B. Vase C. Basket D. Map

13.09:00 WIB , What time is it? A. It is eight o’clock

B. It is nine o’clock C. It is ten o’clock D. It is eleven o’clock 14.What time is it now? 08:20 15.“Kurang 15 menit” in English ….

A. A quarter to B. A quarter pass C. To

D. Pass

16.Everyday I go to school at …. (07.12) A. Twelve to eight

B. Twelve pass seven C. Twelve to seven D. Twelve pass eight

17.Please translate into English (Jam 10 kurang 3 menit)

A. It is three to ten B. It is there pass ten C. It is ten pass ten D. It is ten to ten 18.Tomorrow is “ KAMIS”

A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday

Read the text carefully (to question number 19-21)

This is chandra’s house, it is small but nice. It has one living room, two bedrooms, one dining room, two bathrooms and one kitchen. In front of the house there are some flower. Behind the house there are two Mango trees. Chandra and his friends like to play hide and seek under the tree.

19.How many bathroom are there in Chandra’s house?

A. One bathroom B. Two bathrooms C. Three bathrooms D. Four bathrooms

20.Whose like to play hide and seek under the tree?

A. Chandra B. His friends

C. Chandra’s family

D. Chandra and his friends 21.“Dapur” in English ….

A. Kitchen B. Diningroom C. Bedroom D. bathroom

22.There is not …. Rice on the plate. A. Some


23.“Roti” in English …. A. Rice

B. Noddle C. Bread D. Cake

24.I always drink …. Every morning (susu) A. Tea

B. Milk C. Cat D. Water

25.Boby usually sleep in the ….. A. Bedroom

B. Kitchen C. Bathroom D. Garage

26.The teacher’s bag is …. The table (diatas) A. On

B. In C. Under D. Beside

27.“Utara” in English …. A. South

B. West C. North D. East

28.My sister want’s to send a letter he goes to ……. (kantor pos)

A. Bank B. Station

C. Swimming pool D. Post office

29.Arrange these words to be a good sentences!

“The table – on – is – book – the “ A. On the table is the book B. The book is on the table C. The book on the table is D. Is on table is the book

30.She …. Not studying English now. A. Is

B. Are C. Do D. Does

31.I like playing …. (laying-layang) A. Dane

B. Football C. Kite D. Ball

32.The ball is …. The table (dibawah) A. In

B. Behind C. On D. Under

33.I go to school by … (sepeda) A. Bicycle

B. Bus C. Train D. Plane

34.We can see with our …. A. Nose

B. Leg C. Eye D. Hair

35.My uncle is a …. (petani) A. Dancer

B. Singer C. Doctor

D. Farmer


Fill in the blanks on the following questions with the right answers.

1. Nama saya adalah siska in English …. 2. Please translate into English ….

a. Belok kiri = ……. b. Belok kanan = …… 3. Translate into English.

a. Paman = …… b. Bibi = …..

4. Jam 07 pagi in English …

5. Please translate into Indonesia. a. Cupboard = ….

b. Table = …… 6. I like … (Jus Jeruk) 7. Soup is in the? 8. Merry like …. (mie)

9. The pen is …. The bag (didalam) 10. Lawyer means …..


Please answer the following questions with short and precise!

1. Tuliskan 5 nama-nama benda didalam kelas dalam bahasa Inggris!

2. Write down 5 names of vegetables in English! 3. Arrange these sentences “ door – open –

please – the “

4. “Half past six” Artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia!


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