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Academic year: 2017



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A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty











Jigsaw is a technique in which the teacher is involved in putting students into situations where they must rely on one another disregarding of their ability, level of comprehension, sex, race, and religion that can be used in improving the

students’ oral production ability. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono, East Lampung. Based on the fact of pre-observation, it was found that the students still got low scores in oral production test. This quantitative research is intended to find out whether there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students’ oral production in recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique, to see which topic get the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount, and to see which aspect of oral production is the most improved in the students’ oral production ability.

The sample of this research was chosen by purposive random sampling through lottery drawing, in which the chosen class was X1 class consisting of 31 students. The data were collected through pretests, treatment, and posttests. This research used one group time series design by conducting three times of pretests, three times of treatments, and three times of posttests. The data were analyzed by

transcribing the students’ speech performance, scoring the pretest and posttest scores, and comparing the mean scores of pretest and posttest.

Repeated measure t-test was used to analyze the data and the hypothesis testing was computed using SPSS version 17.00 at the level significant of <0.05. Based on the calculation of the t-test, the result shows that there is a difference of the



through jigsaw technique. The first topic A Study Tour to Bali gets the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount with the gain of 14.78, and vocabulary aspect is the most improved aspect in the students’ oral production ability with the final gain of 3.58. Therefore, it can be concluded that jigsaw technique can be applied and recommended as a reference to teach and to



19.Students’ Transcription in Pretest 2 ... 120

20.Students’ Transcription in Pretest 3 ... 122

21.Lesson Plan of Posttest 1 ... 124

22.Lesson Plan of Posttest 2 ... 133

23.Lesson Plan of Posttest 3 ... 142

24.Speaking Test of Posttest ... 152

25.Result of Students’ Score in Posttest 1 ... 154

26.Result of Students’ Score in Posttest 2 ... 155



35.Inter – Rater Reliability of Posttest 2 ... 165

36.Inter – Rater Reliability of Posttest 3 ... 167

37.Students’ Transcription in Posttest 1 ... 169

38.Students’ Transcription in Posttest 2 ... 173

39.Students’ Transcription in Posttest 3 ... 176

40.Average Score of the Students’ in Pretest – Posttest 1 ... 179

41.Average Score of the Students’ in Pretest – Posttest 2 ... 180

42.Average Score of the Students’ in Pretest – Posttest 3 ... 181

43.Paired Samples Statistics of Five Aspects of Speaking in Pretest – Posttest 1 ... 182

44.Paired Samples Statistics of Five Aspects of Speaking in Pretest – Posttest 2 ... 184




Graph Page

1. Example of Students’ Mean Score ... 48 2. Improvement Score from

Three Pretests and Three Posttests ... 63 3. Mean Score of Three




Table Page

1. Table of Specification ... 42

2. Rater Reliability ... 44

3. Example of Data Analysis ... 48

4. Distribution of the Students Score in Pretest 1 ... 53

5. Statistics Computation of Pretest 1 ... 53

6. Distribution of the Students’ Score in Pretest 2 ... 54

7. Statistics Computation of Pretest 2 ... 55

8. Distribution of the Students’ Score in Pretest 3 ... 55

9. Statistics Computation of Pretest 3 ... 56

10.Average Score of Five Aspects of Oral Production ... 57

11.Distribution of the Students’ Score in Posttest 1 ... 57

12.Statistics Computation of Posttest 1 ... 58

13.Distribution of the Students’ Score in Posttest 2 ... 58

14.Statistics Computation of Posttest 2 ... 59

15.Distribution of the Students’ Score in Posttest 3 ... 60

16.Statistics Computation of Posttest 3 ... 60

17.Average Score of Five Aspects of Oral Production ... 61

18.Mean Score of Three Pretests and Three Posttests ... 62



This chapter presents background of the problem, identification of the problems, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of terms. All of them are clarified as following:

1.1 Background of the Problem

Language is a means of communication by which the people are able to obtain a lot of knowledge and experiences. Therefore, language is really important for human being. English is a foreign language for Indonesian which should be taught to the students from elementary school up to university. It has now become a required subject that needs to be taught to the student. The primary goal of teaching English is to make the students able to use the language to communicate and interact with others. It means that speaking (Oral Production) is a crucial part and it becomes one of the language skills which is essential to master.



expected to be able to master and use the language skills for any relevant needs and situations they would encounter in real life. These language skills that have to be taught by teachers and mastered by senior high school students are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

a. Listening skill refers to the ability to catch the message or meaning through audio or hearing.

b. Reading skill refers to the ability to understand or get the meaning of written or printed words.

c. Speaking skill demands the ability to use the language in oral form.

d. Writing skill refers to the ability of putting information or message in a piece of paper or in appropriate on a form.

Among the four language skills, speaking is the real challenge for most students as it needs paintstaking effort to use appropriate vocabularies orally in order that the message is able to be understood by other person correctly. Referring to the objectives of the 2006 School-Based Curriculum (KTSP) for SMA especially for speaking skill, the students are expected to be able to express the contextual meaning in relation to oral interpersonal and transactional dialogues. It means that the students should be able to understand and do oral communication accurately and fluently.


global transformation. Therefore, it is a communicative activity that can encourage people to speak and to interact with each other (Tarigan, 1985).

Based on the researcher’s pre observation at SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono, it was

found that almost all students still had low ability in speaking. They still got difficulty to speak in English. They could not do oral production like using and making simple expression in English. They tended to keep silent when they were asked to speak in front of the class. Besides, they were also not actively involved in the learning process. It was because they were afraid of making mistakes and failed to find a suitable words and correct grammar to express themselves well. On the other hand, based on the researcher’s interview with the English teacher,

the students’ average score in speaking was only 55. Therefore, the teacher should be able to choose the appropriate technique of teaching which could make the students easy to receive the materials and develop their ability in speaking skill which becomes a means of communication.



Nation (1991: 29) argues that jigsaw technique ensures the participants in need of getting other information. By applying the technique, each learner has essential information. No one has the same information. In this case, the students share the information to bridge the gap. So, if each student's part is essential, then each student is essential; and that is precisely what makes this strategy so effective.

Slavin (2009: 237) states that in jigsaw, the students study cooperative in heterogeneity team. According to Arronson (1997), jigsaw is an efficient way for students to become enganged in their learning, learn a lot of material quickly, share information with other groups, minimize listening time, and be individually accountable for their learning. Jigsaw maximizes interaction and establishes an atmosphere of cooperation and respects other students. Teacher who listens in the sharing of the jigsaw groups can quickly hear what each of the origin groups has been doing.


1.2 Identification of the Problems

a. Students had low ability in oral production. b. Students lacked practice in speaking.

c. The frequency in learning speaking were not enough. d. Students had low self-confidence.

e. Teacher technique in teaching speaking was not appropriate.

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems which limited on point b and e, this research is focused on improving students’ oral production ability of recount text before and after being taught through a certain technique, that is jigsaw technique.

1.4 Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background of research above, the writer has formulated the problems as follows:

1. Is there any significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students’ oral production ability in recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique?

2. Which topic get the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount?



1.5 Objectives of the Research

Based on the research questions above, the objectives of the research are stated as follows:

1. To find out whether there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students’ oral production ability in recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique.

2. To see which topic get the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount.

3. To see which aspect of oral production is the most improved in the students’ oral production ability.

1.6 Uses of the Research

The uses of the research are stated as follows: 1. Theoretically

The results of this research are expected to confirm and clarify the previous theories about teaching speaking through jigsaw technique.

2. Practically

This research can be useful for the students, English teacher, and also school.

a. The students


reader able to share their ideas and communicate each other to improve their speaking ability.

b. The teacher

The results of this research are expected to give useful information and experience to English teacher whether or not jigsaw technique is an effective technique to improve the students’ speaking ability to create a communication each other in English.

c. The school

The results of this research are expected to give consideration whether the school will implement jigsaw technique for students to improve their speaking ability and make the students interested in English and not shy to speak and to communicate with each other.

1.7 Scope of the Research



comprehension. Therefore the scores of the test isbased on them. Based on the

curiculum, the types of genres for first grade students are recount, narrative, and procedure text, and the researcher focuses only on the recount text. The materials are adapted from the English book for senior high school, covering the topics: A Study Tour to Bali, My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja, and My Holiday... Unpredictable but Fun. Students’ improvement is found out by comparing the results of students’ recorded answer of pretest and posttest.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Some terms are used in this research and to make it clearer, some definitions of term are presented as follows:

Speaking (Oral Production)

Speaking is oral communication. It is a two way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skills of understanding (Byrne: 1984).

Recount Text



Improving means a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important. In this research, the researcher intended to make the students’ oral production ability better.

Cooperative Learning (CL)

Cooperative learning is a teaching activity involving children’s participation in small group learning activities that promote positive interaction (Lawrence: 1988).


Technique is a particular trick, stratagem or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective.

Jigsaw Technique

Jigsaw is a technique in which the teacher is involved in putting students into situations where they must rely on one another disregarding of their ability level, sex, race and religion. In this method, each group member is assigned to become an “expert” on some aspects of a unit of study. After reading about their area of



This chapter discusses several points, i.e., literature review that deals with review of previous research, concept of speaking, aspects of speaking, concept of teaching speaking, concept of cooperative learning, reason for using cooperative learning, principles of cooperative learning, concept of jigsaw technique, text types, procedure of jigsaw technique, advantages & disadvantages of jigsaw technique, teaching procedures, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis.

2.1Review of Previous Related Research

Speaking is a productive skill in which the speaker produces and uses the language by expressing a sequence of information and at the time he/ she tries to get ideas or the message across. In this case, there is a process of giving message which is called encoding process. And at the same time, there is a process of understanding the message of the first speaker, which is called decoding process.

Lamsiah (2011) investigates whether or not debate can increase students’


fluency 9.3 up to 13.7 and comprehension 10 up to 14.9. Therefore, it is proved that the treatment given through debate technique has increased the students’ ability of speaking.

Yana (2012) has tried to investigate whether the implementation of the seven components of CTL in speaking class can improve students’ speaking

achievement at the first grade of SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. The researcher concludes that the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning has improved students’ speaking achievement in terms of pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility from pretest, treatment, and posttest.

Haridah (2012) finds out that jigsaw tehnique can increase the students’ speaking ability at the third grade students of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. The result shows that the total score of the pretest is 2250 with the highest score is 86 and the lowest score is 56, in which the mean score is 70.31. Meanwhile, the total score of the posttest is 2696 with the highest score is 92 and the lowest score is 77, in which the mean score is 84.25. It means that the range increase of pretest to posttest is 13.94. All the aspects of speaking in this research increase, in which pronunciation 14.00 up to 16.94, grammar 13.28 up to 16.00, vocabulary 14.25 up to 16.13, fluency 15.39 up to 17.75, and comprehension 15.19 up to 17.44.



2.2Concept of Speaking

Speaking is oral communication which also a productive skills of understanding that involes a two way process between speaker and listener to create a communication among others. Before going to the next discussions, it is better for us to understand and know about what is speaking itself, in which through speaking we can shares our ideas, information and knowledge.

According to Byrne (1984) speaking is oral communication. It is a two way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skills of understanding. Therefore, in the process of speaking there must be at least two persons: one is a speaker who gives information and the other is listener who receives information. The opinion above is supported by Welty and Weltywho says that speaking is the main skill in communication (Welty and Welty, 1976: 47). Speaking requires that learners not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary (linguistics competence), but also that they understand when, why, and in what ways to

produce language (sociolinguistics competence).


communication, a speaker has a choice not only about what to say but also how to say it.

Speaker and listener try to communicate with each other and use their language to make other people understand. Bryne (1984) says that speaking or oral communication is a two-way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skills of understanding. It means that speaker and listener try to communicate with each other and use our language to send our message to others (listeners).

From the definition above, it can be concluded that speaking is two way process between speaker and listener in which it involves both encoding and decoding process. The former leads to the process of giving ideas or making the listener understand, while the later leads to the process of getting the idea of the speaker. Through these processes, people interact with other.

2.3Aspects of Speaking

Referring to the concept above, in order to know the students’ speaking ability,

the teacher must involves some aspects that are really essential in speaking skill. According to Harris (1974) speaking must fulfill these following aspects, they are:

1. Pronunciation



2. Grammar

Grammar is the set of logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language. Heaton (1978: 5) defines grammar as the students’s ability to manipulate structure and to

distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriate ones.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary refers to the selection of words that suitable with content (Harris, 1974: 68-69). Nobody can communicate effectively if they do not have sufficient vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary means the appropriate diction which used in communication.

4. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency is the smoothness or flow with which sounds, syllables, words and phrases are joined to other when speaking. Besides that, it refers to the one who express a language quickly and easily without any difficulty.

5. Comprehension

Comprehensibility denotes the ability of understanding the speakers’ intention and


2.4Concept of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, for transferring ideas, thought or even feeling to other people. Rivers (1978: 6) states that speaking is developed from the first context with the language. So, we have to introduce speaking with the language that we learn, because by speaking we can transfer our idea or thought to other people.

The goal of teaching speaking is to train the students so that they are able to communicate efficiently. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. However today’s world

requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students’s

communicative skills, because only in that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance.

It is clear that speaking is the ability to express one’s thought and it is one of the



2.5 Concept of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative Learning is a teaching involving children’s participation in small

group learning activities that promote positive interaction (Lawrence: 1988). Students work together on academic tasks in small groups to help themselves and their teammates learn together. In general, cooperative learning methods share the following five (5) characteristics:

1. Students work together on common tasks or learning activities that are best handled through group work.

2. Students work together in small groups containing two to four members. 3. Students use cooperative, pro-social behavior to accomplish their common

tasks or learning activities.

4. Students are positively interdependent. Activities are structured so that students need each other to accomplish their common tasks or learning activities.

5. Students are individually accountable or responsible for their work or learning.

Moreover Brown (2001: 47) states that as students work together in pairs or groups, they share information and come to each other said. They are “a team”


Relating to speaking skills, Yager, Johnson and Johnson (1985) in Panitz, 1998 stated that cooperative learning develops students’ oral communication skill.

Cooperative learning involves students in interaction in which they try to negotiate, give and take information; it unconsciously compels them to communicate. Students’ hesitation and shyness to speak may lessen since they try

to share it privately to their friends. It is may be the strengh that can force the students to improve their speaking ability. It is in line with Brown’s (2001: 48) statement that as learners interacts with each other through oral or written discourse, their communicative abilities are enchanced.

In line with the description of the theories above, it can be concluded that cooperative learning (CL) is any kind of teaching methods in which the students work together in small groups for helping each other in learning. During the teaching learning process by using CL, the students will interact with other students to share their knowledge and understanding about the material and they also help others who are slow in the process. The interactions will help the students to strengthen their knowledge and understanding about the material and it will make the students active in using or practicing the language in both oral and written form.

2.6 Reason for Using Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning enchances students’ learning by:

a. Providing a shared cognitive set of information between students. b. Motivating students to learn the material.



d. Providing formative feedback.

e. Developing social and group skills necessary for success outside the classroom, and

f. Promoting positive interaction between members of different cultural and socio economic groups.

2.7 Principles of Cooperative Learning

It is not cooperative learning if students sit together in groups and work on problems individually. It is not cooperative learning if students sit together in groups and let one person do all the work (Haryanti, 2010: 15). In addition, Kessler (1992: 8) denotes that not all group work or informal collaboration between students is neccessarily cooperative. CL is distrinctive because it may include attention to: positive interdependence, team formation, accountability, attention to social skills, structures and structuring of learning.

2.8 Concept of Jigsaw Technique

Jigsaw is a technique in which teacher is involved in putting students into situations where they must rely on one another. The teams are hetegoneous with regard to ability, level of comprehension, sex, race and religion.

Jigsaw method is a group work method for learning and participating in the following learning activities:


2. Speaking – Students will be responsible for taking the knowledge gained from one group and repeating it to new listeners in their original group. 3. Cooperation – All members of a group are responsible for the success of

others in the group.

4. Reflective thinking – To successfully complete the activity in the original group, there must be reflective thinking at several levels about what was learned in the expert group.

5. Creative thinking – Groups must devise new ways of approaching, teaching and presenting material.

Aronson et al (1997) states that this jigsaw technique structure is meant to provide students with the chance to learn a material from their groups. He also develops jigsaw technique as Cooperative Learning Strategies. Jigsaw is excellent for task that has several distinct aspects or components. Home groups are formed, which each team member is taking responsibility for one aspect of the problem question. Then, expert group is formed of all students who responsible for and plan how to teach it to their home groups. After adequate time has been given, the students return to the home groups and bring their expertise to bear on the assigned task. Positive interdependence is fostered because each student has different information needed to complete the task.



information to bridge the gap. So, if each student’s part is essential, then each student is essential; and that is precisely what makes this strategy so effective.

Based on the statement above, it is understood that jigsaw is a technique of the learning method which demands the students to learn on groups of students who have heterogeneous ability. Each home group members meet in expert group to study the material assigned to each group member. After discussion, they go back into their group members and explain their discussion to his or her group members. In fact the students like to interact with the others, so jigsaw is the right technique to increase their language ability. Through jigsaw technique the students can improve their oral capability.

2.9 Text Types

Based on generic structure and language feature dominantly used, texts are divided into several types. They are recount, narrative, descriptive, report, explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, procedure, discussion, review, anecdote, spoof, and news item. These variations are known as GENRE (Yufrizal, 2011).


1. Recount Text

Recount is a text which retells what happened in the past through a sequence of events or experiences to the readers. There is no complication among the participants and that differenciate from narrative text. The purpose of recount text is to tell what happened in the past, to amuse/ entertain the reader and to tell a story. To achieve the purpose, the text will move through a different set of stage:

a. An orientation letting the reader know who is involved, where, when, etc. b. Retelling of a series of events in chronological sequences.

Recount text has three major of generic structures, they are as follow:

1. Orientation

This part tells the readers the main idea of the story being discussed in the text. This part gives a setting of the story, (telling about people or thing which have done or have participated inside, with time, place, situation, etc) so that the readers are aware of the story is about.

2. List of Events

This part describes series of event that happened in the past. The story starts from the very early stages. That is to say, the story develops based on the sequence of the events.

3. Re-Orientation



The types of recount text are as follow:

a. Personal Recounts, such as a family holiday or your opinion on a subject with its generic structures; orientation, events and re-orientation.

b. Factual Recounts, such as a news story with its generic structures; orientation and events.

c. Procedural Recounts, such as telling someone how you built something with its generic structures; orientation, events, and re-orientation.

The language features of recount text are as follow: 1. The use of nouns and pronouns

(e.g.: David, we, his)

2. The use of action verbs (e.g.: went, spent, played)

3. The use of past tenses

(e.g.: we went for a trip to the zoo)

4. The use of time conjuctions (e.g.: and, but, after, finally)

5. The use of adverbs and adverb of phrases

(e.g.: in my house, two days ago, slowly, cheerfully)

6. Adjectives

(e.g.: beautiful, sunny)

7. The use First Person for autobiography and personal journal (e.g.: I, we)


The following is the example of recount text:

Going to Sanur Beach

Generic Structures Recount Text


Last holiday, our family went to Bali to have a picnic. We went there by plane. We were in Bali for six days,

so we had to stay in a hotel because we didn’t have took a walk, because the beach is in front of the hotel. We walked along the seashore, played water and sand. Actually we also wanted to swim in the beach but the

lifeguard didn’t allows us.

Event 3 Besides doing many activities we also watched some

foreign tourist’s activities. They were lying on the

beach, while others were having message or surfing.


When we felt tired, we took a rest to have some meals and drinks. And at 2 p.m. we went to the hotel. It was tiring but we were happy.



narrative and recount different is the structure in which they are constructed. Narrative uses conflicts among the participants whether natural conflicts, social conflict, or psychological conflict. In some ways, narrative text combines all these conflicts. In the contrary, we do not find these conflicts inside recount text. Recount applies series of event as the basic structure. The following is the table of differences between narrative and recount text (http://differences-of-recount-and-narrative-text).

Differences between Recount & Narrative Text

Components Recount Text Narrative Text

Definition Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.

Narrative is a text which retelling a story focusing specific participants. Social Function To tell the readers what happened in

the past through a sequence of events.

To amuse or entertain the readers with actual of imaginative experiences in difference ways. Narratives always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

Generic Structures 1. Orientation

(who were involved in the

Types of Text 1. Personal Recount

2. Factual Recount


2. Narative Text

Narrative is a type of spoken or written text that tells a story of one character or more who face certain situation. The purpose is to entertain/ amuse the readers and to tell a story.

3. Descriptive Text

Descriptive is a text that used to describe a particular thing, person, or place. The purpose is to give the readers about a particular person, place, animal, or things.

4. Report Text

Report is a text which gives information by stating facts, and the subject includes natural things, environment, social matters, or human matters. The purpose is to presents information about something, as it is.

5. Explanation Text

Explanation is a text which purpose is to explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or socio cultural phenomena.

6. Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical Exposition is a text which purpose is to reveal the readers that something is the important case.

7. Hortatory Exposition Text

Hortatory Exposition is a text which purpose is to persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done.

8. Procedure Text



9. Discussion Text

Discussion is a text which purpose is to present information and opinions about issues in more one side of an issue.

10. Review Text

Review is a text which purpose is to critique or evaluate an art work ro event for a public audience dominant.

11. Anecdote Text

Anecdote is a text which purpose is to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident.

12. Spoof Text

Spoof is a text which purpose is to tell an event with a humorous twist and entertain the readers.

13. News Item Text

News Item is a text which purpose is to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.

2.10 Procedure of Jigsaw Technique

According to Arronson (1997) there are ten steps considered important in the implementation of the jigsaw classroom:

1. Divide students into 5-6 person jigsaw groups. The groups should be diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, race, and ability.


3. Divide the day’s lesson into 5-6 segments. For example, if you want history students to learn about Elanor Roosevelt, you might divide a short biography of her into stand-alone segments on: (1) Her childhood, (2) Her family life with Franklin and their children, (3) Her life after Franklin contracted polio, (4) Her work in the White House as First Lady, and (5) Her life and work after Franklin’s death.

4. Assign each student to learn one segment, making sure students have direct access only on their own segment.

5. Give students time to read over their segment at least twice and become familiar with it. There is no need for them to memorize it.

6. Form temporary “expert groups” by having one student from each jigsaw group join other students assigned to the same segment. Give students in these expert groups time to discuss the main points of their segment and to rehearse the presentations they will make their jigsaw group.

7. Bring the students back into their jigsaw groups.

8. Ask each students to present his/ her segment to the group. Encourage others in the group to ask questions for clarification.

9. Float from group to group, observing the process. If any group is having trouble (e.g., a member is dominating or disruptive), make an appropriate intervention. Eventually, it’s best for the group leader to handle this task.



10.At the end of the session, give a quiz on the material so that students quickly come to realize that these sessions are not just fun and games but really count.

2.11 Advantages and Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique

In improving students’ oral production ability by applying jigsaw technique not only give advantages, but this technique also has its disadvantages. Below are the more description about them:

a. Advantages of Jigsaw Technique

According to Arronson (1997) the advantages of jigsaw technique are as follows: 1. It is an efficient way to learn the material.

2. Builds a depth of knowledge.

3. Discloses a students’ own understanding and resolves misunderstanding. 4. Builds on conceptual understanding.

5. Develops teamwork and cooperative.

b. Disadvantages of Jigsaw Technique

There are some disadvantages of using jigsaw technique (Arronson: 1997). They are as follows:

1. Uneven time in expert group.

2. Students must be trained in this method of learning. 3. Requires an equal number of groups.


2.12 Teaching Procedures

Based on the procedures of teaching speaking through jigsaw technique (Arronson, 1997), the researcher has modified the activities of teaching learning process by using recount text as follow:

Pre Activities:

1. The teacher opens the class with greeting, and then checks the students’ attendance list in order to make sure that all students are

present in the class.

2. The teacher tells the students what they are going to learn and explains them how to practice the spoken recount text through jigsaw technique.

3. The teacher shows the students an example of recount text.

4. The teacher explains the definition, generic structures, and the language features of recount text to the students.

5. The teacher introduces jigsaw as a technique to help the students in improving their oral production in recount text.

6. The teacher explains several procedures in applying jigsaw for their learning process.

7. The teacher warms up the students by giving several questions related to the topic. It is aimed to brainstorming the students’ background knowledge. The questions are as follows:



2. What kind of text which tell the readers about the past event or someone’s experience?

3. What kind of experience do you ever have? 4. What happen in your experience?

5. What is your impression of your experience?

While Activities:

8. The students are asked to form into five (5) groups which consists of six (6) students. The group should be in terms of ethnicity, gender, ability, and race.

9. One student is appointed by the teacher to be the group leader, in which this chosen person should initially be the most mature student in the group.

10.As one group consists of six (6) students, the materials consist of six (6) parts. One student will get one part based on the generic structures of recount text.

a. Orientation

- Student 1 gets the orientation of the text. b. List of Events

- Student 2 gets the event 1 of the text;

- Student 3 gets the event 2 of the text;

- Student 4 gets the event 3 of the text;

- Student 5 gets the event 4 of the text. c. Re-Orientation


11.In EXPERT GROUP, one student is assigned to become an expert on a part of a unit of study based on the generic structure of recount. In this group, the students are asked to read about their expertise area of the text given.

- Group 1 : Students who get the part of orientation.

- Group 2 : Students who get the part of event 1.

- Group 3 : Students who get the part of event 2.

- Group 4 : Students who get the part of event 3.

- Group 5 : Students who get the part of event 4.

- Group 6 : Students who get the part of re-orientation.

Post Activities:

12.After reading about their expertise area, the experts from different groups meet together to discuss their part. Then, they are asked to return to their HOME GROUP and take turns teaching and transferring their part to their group mates.

13.Each group are asked to present their summary of recount in front of the class.

14.The students are asked to answer several questions given by the teacher based on their expertise area/ their own part based on the generic structures of recount text.

a. Orientation

- What kind of experience happens in the text? - When did the experience happen?



- Where did the experience happen? - Why did the experience happen? - How did the experience happen?

b. List of Events

- First, what happens in event 1? - After that, what happens in event 2? - Then, what happens in event 3? - Finally, what happens in event 4?

c. Re-Orientation

- How did the writer’s feeling in the end of the experience? - What is your impression if the experience is yours?


2.13 Theoretical Assumption

Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English in which it is an essential tool for communicating. In teaching speaking, there are some technique that a teacher can apply which can help the teacher toreach the aim of teaching and learning process. In this case, jigsaw technique was chosen by the researcher as a technique in teaching speaking.

Jigsaw method is a technique that may be used to teach speaking. It is an activity that encourages them to use the target language and allows them to say what they want to say, and an activity that is cognitively challenging. In addition, jigsaw activities will build self-confidence in the students. Therefore, jigsaw may be an effective technique in teaching speaking.

2.14 Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical assumption above, the researcher has formulated the hypotheses as follow:

1. There is asignificant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students’ oral production ability in recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique.

2. The first topic gets the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount.



This chapter discusses about research design, population and sample, data collecting technique, research procedures, criteria for evaluating students’

speaking, validity of the test, reliability of the test, oral production test, data analysis, and hypothesis testing. All of them are discussed as follow:

3.1Research Design

This research was quantitative research. The researcher used one group time series design, in which X1 class was chosen as the sample of the research.This research was carried out in order to see whether there isa significant difference between the pretest and posttest score of the students’ oral production ability in recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique, which topic get the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount, and which aspect of oral production is the most improved in the students’ oral production ability.In conducted the research, the researcher used Time Series Design by giving different topics in every treatment and every test. The researcher


T1 T2 T3 X T4 T5 T6


T1 T2 T3 : Pretests

X : Treatment (Using jigsaw technique) T4 T5 T6 : Posttests

(Adopted from Setiyadi, 2006: 137)

In one group time series design, the researcher compares the mean scores among the three pretests and three posttests by comparing T1 to T4, T2 to T5, and T3 to T6. It aimed to get the gain from each pretest and posttest. In administering pretest, the researcher used three different topics of recount. Telling about Personal Experience in pretest 1, Telling about Unforgettable Experience in

pretest 2, and Telling about Someone’s Biography in pretest 3. In pretest, each pair’s speech performance in form of dialogue is recorded and assessed by the

first and the second researcher. In administering posttest, the researcher also used three different topics of recount. A Study Tour to Bali in posttestt 1, My

Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja in posttest 2, and My Holiday ... Unpredictable but



3.2Population and Sample

The population of the research was the first grade students of SMAN Bandar Sribhawono, in which consisted of five (5) classes that were chosen by Purposive Random Sampling. The class chosen was X1, consisted of 31 students. The researcher choosed X1 as the sample because the students still had low ability in their oral production and afraid of making mistakes in expressing themselves.

3.3Data Collecting Technique

In order to collect the data, the researcher had conducted the following steps: 1. Pretest

The researcher conducted a pretest in which was taken for 90 minutes. The purpose of this test was to know how far the students’ ability in mastering speaking skill. In administering the pretest, the students were asked to tell a story, even their past experience in form of recount text based on their own ideas and knowledge suitable with the topic that given by the teacher. The test was administered in each pair and it took 6 minutes for them to tell their ideas. The students’ record result of the pretest were scored by 2 raters, the researcher herself

and the English teacher of SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono in order to had reliable test result.

2. Treatment


researcher applied jigsaw as a technique for the students in order they can discuss the story based on the topic that given by the teacher in an original group, in which then they have to go to the expert group to tell their new group of what they have known and discussed in their original group.

3. Posttest

The researcher administered the posttest with time allocation was 90 minutes. The purpose of this test was to know the students’ improvement in speaking after the researcher gave the treatment by jigsaw technique by using recount text. Theprocedures of giving posttest was the same topic that administered in the pretest because the researcher wantedto know how far the students could develop their ideas and background knowledge and their improvement after being given the pretest.

3.4 Research Procedures

In order to collect the data and make this research ran well, it was suggested to make the research procedures. They were as follow:

1. Determining the Research Problems



2. Determining the Research Design

The researcher applied one group time series design in conducting the research.

3. Determining and Selecting Speaking Materials

In selecting the speaking materials, the researcher saw the newest syllabus of the first year of Senior High School based on School-Based Curriculum/ KTSP (an English Operational Curriculum which was arranged and applied by each education unit). The topics of the speaking materials were taken from the students’ handbook which based on the curriculum held in that school.

4. Determining the Instruments of the Research

The instrument in this research was oral production test. The writer conducted the oral production test for the pretest and postest, these tests aimed at gaining the data that was the students’ speaking ability score before the treatment and after the treatment in performing recount text. Both of the result of pretest and posttest were recorded by the two raters and were transcribed into written form by the researcher. In achieving the reliability test, Inter-rater Realiability has been used in this study. The first rater was the researcher and the second rater was the English teacher. Both of them had a responsibility to discussed and shared ideas of the speaking criteria in order to obtain the reliable of the test.

5. Determining the Population and Sample


6. Conducting Pretest

Pretest was given before the writer applied the treatment to measure the improvement of the students’ speaking ability of recount text before being taught through jigsaw technique. The test was an oral production test in the form of telling the past story/ experiences based on the form of recount text. The material that was attached in appendices was about performance about recount text. For example, the researcher showed the picture of Raden Kartini and then asks the students to presented the result of their ideas and background knowledge about what they have known about Raden Kartini. Those materials were tested related to the School-Based Curriculum/ KTSP which were suitable for their level. Pretest was given to know how far the competence of the students in speaking skill before the treatment. The test was hold for 90 minutes. The researcher conducted three times of tests by giving the different topic in every test.

7. Conducting Treatment

After giving pretest to the students, the researcher gave treatment using jigsaw technique by using recount text given as a media. The treatment was conducted for three (3) times in which took 90 minutes in each meetings by using three different topics concerning: A Study Tour to Bali, My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja, and My Holiday ... Unpredictable but Fun. The researcher taught speaking



a. Pre Activities b. While Activities c. Post Activities

8. Conducting Posttest

The researcher administered posttest after giving the treatment, in which was hold for 90 minutes.It was aimed to see the development of the students’ speaking ability after they applied and use jigsaw technique with recount text given as a media in speaking class. Based on the time series design that was used by the researcher in this research, the posttest was conducted in three times after each meeting or after each treatments. The form of the test was subjective test. Furthermore, the researche gave different topics in every test, in which was done orally and directly. The procedures in posttest was similar to the pretest, in which the teacher asked the students to perfomed their story of the recount text in front of the class with their group with the similar topic to the pretest. The researcher asked the students to express their ideas and tell what they have got from the recount text given by the teacher related to each topic of recount in their home group, in which after that the students shared their story by using jigsaw through

recount text in front of the class with their expert group.

9. Analyzing the Data (Pretest and Posttest)


through SPSS version 17 and Ms. Excel. The hypothesis was analyzed at the significance level of 0.05 in which the hypothesis is accepted if sig < α.

3.5 Criteria for Evaluating Students’ Speaking

The form of the test was subjective test since there was no exact answer. In this test, the researcher used inter-rater reliability to assessed the students’ performance, in which the performance then were given score and were recorded together by the researcher as the first rater and the English teacher of SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono as the second rater. The rater gave the score by recording the students’ speech performance. The researcher recorded the students’ utterances

because it will helps the raters to evaluate the data more objectively.

In fulfilling the criteria of a good test, validity and reliability of the test should be considered. They were as follows:

3.5.1 Validity of the Test

The test can be said valid if the test measures the objective to be measured and suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 250). To measure whether the test in this research had a good quality, the types of validity used in this research were content validity and construct validity.

a. Content Validity



In content validity, the test is a good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge which the teacher wants his students to know. It can best be examined by the table of specification (Shohamy, 1957: 74). Below are the table of specification:

No Aspects of Speaking Theories

1. Pronunciation Pronunciation refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation (Syakur, 1987).

It refers to the intonation patterns (harris, 1984).

2. Grammar Grammar is needed for the students to arrange a correct

sentence in creating a conversation.

It is one of the ability of the students to manipulate and to distinguish appropriate grammatical form in appropriate ones (Heaton, 1978: 5).

3. Vocabulary Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used

in communication (Syakur, 1987).

5. Comprehension It defines that comprehension for oral communication which requires a subject to respond to speech as well as to initiate it (Syakur, 1987).

b. Construct Validity


3.5.2 Reliability of the Test

Reliability refers to extend to which the test is consistent in its score and gives us an indication of how accurate the test score are (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 244). The concept of reliability stems from the ideas that no measurements is perfect even we go to the same scale there will always be differences.

Inter - rater reliability was applied in this research in order to ensure the reliability of the score and to avoid the subjectively of the researcher. To achieve the reliability in judging the students’ speaking performance, the researcher used a speaking criteria based on Harris (1974), in which the focus of speaking skills that have been asses are; pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The second rater was the English teacher who has been experienced in rating students’ speaking, in means of getting a consistent and fair

judgement. The statistical formula for counting the reliability was as follow:

R= 1 –


R : Reliability

N : Number of Students

D : The Different of Rank Correlation 1-6 : Constant Number



After finding the cooeficient between raters, the researcher then analyzed the cooeficient of reliability with the standard of reliability according to Slameto (1998: 147) in Hayanti (2010: 38) as follow:

A very low reliability (range from 0.00 – 0.19) A low reliability (range from 0.20 – 0.39) An average reliability (range from 0.40 – 0.59) A high reliability (range from 0.60 – 0.79) A very high reliability (range from 0.80 – 0.100)

After calculating the data, the result of the reliability can be seen as the following tables:

Rater’s Reliability

Reliability Pretest Posttest Criteria

0.86 0.99 Very high reliability

From the calculating and the criteria of a reability above, it can be concluded that the reliability of the rater is high, in which it means that the way of the first’s rater of scoring was similar to the researcher’s. They have almost the same scoring


3.6 Oral Production Test


related to the picture given by the teacher. The test was done orally and directly, in which the teacher then divided 31 students, so there were 6 students in each group. The teacher divided the groups based on their pretest score. In addition, the students were organized into a heterogeneity level of speaking ability based on the score in pretest. The teacher called each of the group one by one to come in front of the class to perfomed their past story/ their past experience based on the topic given by the teacher. The researcher asked the students to speak clearly since the students’ performance was being recorded during the test. The material for the test

was taken from the topic related to recount text of their handbook.

The form of the test was subjective since there was no exact answer. The teacher gave the score of the students’ speaking ability based on the oral rating sheet provide. The teacher assessed the students concern on five aspects that should be fulfilled by the students in speaking skill; pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. In scoring the test, the researcher used inter - rater.

The one was the researcher itself, and then the other one was the English teacher of SMAN Bandar Sribhawono. During the process of evaluating the students’

speaking ability scores, the researcher and the another rater who was the class teacher, listened to the students’ record carefully and used the oral English. The researcher recorded the students’ utterance because it helped the raters easy to evaluate them and made them more objectively.



pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Below are the

Sample Oral - English Rating Sheet of Harris (1974):


___5. Has few traces of foreign accent.

___4. Always intelligible, though one is conscious of a definite accent.

___3. Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.

___2. Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problems. Must frequently be asked to repeat.

___1. Pronunciation problems so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible.


___5. Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order. ___4. Occasionally makes grammatical and word-order errors which do not, however, obscure meaning.

___3. Makes frequent errors of grammar and word order which occasionally obscure meaning.

___2. Grammar and word-order errors make comprehension difficult. Must often rephrase sentences and/ or restrict himself to basic patterns.

___1. Errors in grammar and word order so severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible.


___5. Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of a native speaker.

___4. Sometimes uses innapropriate terms and/ or must rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.

___3. Frequently uses the wrong words; conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary.

___2. Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult.

___1. Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible.


___5. Speech as fluent and effortless as that of a native speaker.


___1. Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible.


___5. Appears to understand everything without difficulty.

___4. Understands nearly everythig at normal speed, although occasional repetition may be necessary.

___3. Understands most of what s said at slower-than-normal speed with repetitions.

___2. Has great difficulty following what is said. Can comprehend only “social conversation” spoken slowly and frequent repetitions.

___1. Cannot be said to understand even simple conversational English.

Note: The interpretation of grading system was as follows: Identification of the scores.

If the student got 5, so 5 x 4 = 20 4, so 4 x 4 = 16 3, so 3 x 4 = 12 2, so 2 x 4 = 8 1, so 1 x 4 = 4 For example:

A students got 5 in pronunciation, 2 in grammar, 3 in vocabulary, 4 in fluency, and 3 in comprehension. Therefore, the student’s total score would be:

Pronunciation 5 x 4 = 20

Grammar 2 x 4 = 8

Vocabulary 2 x 4 = 8

Fluency 4 x 4 = 16

Comprehension 3 x 4 = 12



The oral production score was based on the five (5) components and can be compared in the percentage.

3.7 Data Analysis

In order to find out the improvement of the students’ oral production before and after being taught through jigsaw technique by using recount text, the researcher examined the students’ score by using the following steps. The first step was transcribing the students’ speech performance, in which the researcher recorded the students’ spoken work and transcribed into written form. The second step was

scoring the pretest and posttest of the student’s scores from the two raters using rating scale of Harris (1974)

The data of pretest (T1) and posttest (T2) scores can be seen on the table below:



Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Total

R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2 R1 R2



∑N =

The data of inter – rater reliability scores of pretest and posttest can be seen on the table below:

No Student’s Code Rater 1 Total Rater 2 Total

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest





The third step was calculating the mean scores of the data such as minimum score and maximum score to know the mean of the test, in which to know the improvement by comparing both pretest and posttest and makes a graphic on the data. Hatch and Farhady (1982) stated that there were three posibilities of analysis result, shown by graphic below.

3.8 Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis testing of this research would be:

H0 : There is no significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students’ oral production ability in recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique.

H1 : There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students’ oral production in recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Pretest 1 Pretest 2 Pretest 3 Posttest 1 Posttest 2 Posttest 3



The criteria are:



This chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions based on the discussion and finding of the data analysis.

5.1 Conclusions

Having conducted the research at the first grade of SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono and analyzed the data, the researcher would like to state some conclusions as follows:

1. There is an improvement of the students’ ability in oral production of recount text before and after being taught through jigsaw technique at the first grade of SMAN 1 Bandar Sribhawono. This can be seen from the difference of the students’ mean scores in pretest 1 has improved from



2. Regarding the three different topics of recount text given, the first topic “A Study Tour to Bali” in the first posttest gets the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount. It can be proved from the findings of the research. The mean score of the 1st topic is 84.39 with gain of 14.78, the 2nd topic is 82.65 with gain of 14.49, and the 3th topic is 84.58 with gain of 11.87. The level of significant in the three different topics also show that p< 0.05, p= 0.000. Based on the gain of the three different topics, it is shown that the first topic gets the highest gain from the learning among the three different topics of recount.

3. This research has been focused on the five aspects of speaking based on Harris David (1974). Then, from the calculation of the five aspects of oral production explained in the previous chapter, it can be seen that the most improved is on vocabulary aspect with the final gain is 3.53.

4. Jigsaw technique can be used to improve the students’ ability in their oral production because the students could discuss and work together to carry out their learning task, and enables the students to learn a lot of material quickly and easier through group work, where the lower achievers could learn from the faster ones. Further, teaching speaking through jigsaw technique can be used to improve the students’ participation in

contributing to the group work obviously and results in positive activities in the class. Students’ relationship becomes stronger, and apart from that,


work assignment, improves responsibilities and makes the students more active in the learning process.

5.2 Suggestions

Considering the findings of the research, the researcher would like to recommend some suggestions as follows:

1. Since there is an improvement on the students’ ability in their oral production before and after being taught through recount text by using jigsaw technique, English teachers are suggested to use jigsaw in teaching recount text. The teacher should present clear explanation about the strategies in telling a story in form of recount. The teacher also should enforce the students to speak English when they talk with each other, for example: when they ask some questions, they should speak it up in English. It also can be done when the teacher explains the materials, it will be better if the teacher speaks in whole English (more English than Indonesian).



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