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Academic year: 2017



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Arthadina Julianda

Speaking is the productive skill of a language to express the idea or to send message to hearer. When the students speak in English they do not explore their ability to speak up because they lack of practicing more, the researcher applied Role Play Technique to improve the students’ speaking ability.

There is one main objective of this research namely to find out whether there is any improvement or not in students’ speak ing ability after being taught through Role Play Technique. This research was conducted at SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research was students of ten grade, class X MIA 3. The study employed T-test design by giving pre-test, three treatments, and posttest. There were two raters to score students’ speaking performance.







A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty






Arthadina Julianda was born on July 9th, 1993 in Bandar Lampung. She is the oldest daughter of the two children from a couple, Eddy Suherli (the Late) and Irna Suryani.

She started her education at kindegarten of Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung in 1997 and she continued her elementary school of Al-Kautsar in 1999 and graduated in 2005. In the same year, she entered junior high school Al-Kautsar Bandar Lampung and graduate in 2008. She continued her study at SMA 9 Bandar Lampung and finished in 2011. In 2011, she was accepted at the S-1 of English Education Study Program, Language and Art Education Department, FKIP, University of Lampung.




This script is fully dedicated to:

My beloved parents: Eddy Suherli (the Late) and Irna Suryani

My beloved brother: Artisna Yuskandi



“You can if you think you can”




Praise merely for Allah SWT, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, who always gives me all the best in this life. This script entitled: The Implementation of Role Play Technique to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree at the Department of ideas, scientific knowledge, encouragement, kindness and patience to the writer during the research report writing process. My gratitude is also extended to Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd. M.A., as the second advisor for his guidance, critism and revision in the writing process during the completion of this script.

2. Prof. Dr. Patuan Raja, M.Pd., as my examiner who has given suggestions and critic to make this script more valuable.

3. All of the lectures of English Department Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Lampung University who have given great knowledge.

4. Headmaster and English teacher of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung, Drs. Hendro Suyono, who has given me a chance to conduct the research in the school, managed time for the research, great contribution and help, and also for clas X MIA 3 who made time to participate in this research.



6. My best partner in English Department 2011 Dewi Firdanti, Elisabeth Gracia S., Revi Marsita. Thanks for sharing, growing together and for having good time we have experienced together.

7. My another partner, M.Dhian Pratama. Thanks for sharing, helping, Anggun, Yuni, Anggi, Nurul, Fiya, Dara, Rima, Irine, Erlin, Lia, Eva, Ire, Lala, Siwik, Komang, Sofi, Ratih, Nita) especially for Lia Annisa Mahdalena, Khairun Nisa, and Luh Ayu, thanks for your help, support and motivation.

10.Anyone that can not be mentioned directly and indirectly who has helped the writer in completing this script. The writer appreciates opinion, suggestions for improvement of this script.



2.4 Role Play Technique... 15

2.5 Role Play in Teaching Speaking... 16

2.6 Procedure of Using Role Play in Teaching Speaking... 17

2.7 Adventages and Disadvantages from Role Play... 17

2.8 Theoretical Assumption... 19

2.9 Hypothesis... 19


3.1 Research Design... 20


3.3 Data Collecting Technique... 21

3.4 Validity of the Test... 22

3.5 Reliability of the Test... 23

3.6 Scores... 25

3.7 Data Treatment... 29

3.8 Hypothesis Testing... 30


4.1 Report of the Experiment... 31

4.2 Result of the Pretest and Posttest... 32

4.3 The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Ability... 37

4.4 Hypothesis Testing... 42

4.5 Limitation of the Problem... 42

4.6 Discussion ... 43


5.1 Conclussion... 48

5.2 Suggestion... 49




Table Page

4.1 Distribution of Pre-test... 34

4.2 Distribution of Post-test... 37

4.3 The Improvement from Pre-test to Posttest in Each Aspect... 40



Appendix Page

1. Pre-Experiment Test ... 54

2. Post Experiment Test ... 55

3. Lesson Plan ... 56

4. Table the Result of Students’ Pre-test Score ... 62

5. Table the Result of Students’ Posttest Score ... 64

6. Table the Mean Score of Students’ Pre-test ... 66

7. Table the Mean Score of Students’ Posttest ... 68

8. Table of Paired Sample Test ... 70

9. Inter-rater Reliability of Pre-test Score ... 71

10. Reliability of Pre-test ... 72

11. Inter-rater Reliability of Posttest Score ... 73

12. Reliability of Posttest ... 74

13. Frequency Table of Pre-test and Posttest ... 75

14. Transcription of Pre-test ... 77



Graph Page

4.1 The Average of Students’ Speaking Score in Pre-test... 33 4.2 The Average of Students’ Speaking Score in Posttest... 35 4.3 The Improvement of Average Score from Pre-test to Posttest... 38 4.4 The Improvement of Students’ Speaking in Five Aspects From



This research contains a brief explanation of the introduction. It consists of the

background, the formulation of problem, the objectives of the research, the uses of

the research, the scope of the research, and the definition of terms.

1.1 Background

Speaking is the important factor that can support the process of mastering and

increasing the quality of English for communication. In English learning, a

student has to master the four basic language skills, namely listening, speaking,

reading and writing. Speaking might be the skill that must be emphasized. This is

like what Weltys (1976: 47) states that speaking is the main skill in

communication. The teacher should promote the students to be able to

communicate well.

In addition, speaking is one of the productive skills of language that can be used

to express ideas or send message to the hearer or listener. It means that when one

speaks, he/she produces expression that should be meaningful. Then, the receiver

or the hearer can receive the message from the speaker directly without any



In teaching, the teacher usually uses a technique which can improve the students’

speaking skill. Teacher will choose what technique that is appropriate for his/her

students’ condition or situation. The goal of teaching speaking should improve

students' communicative skills because students can express themselves and learn

how to follow the social and cultural rules appropriately in each communicative


In fact one of the four English skills which was not taught well was speaking. As

the result, the students find it difficult to express their ideas, some of them felt shy

to speak in English. Based on researcher’s experience in Field Practice Program

(PPL) at SMAN 1 Liwa, most of the students were not actively involved in the

learning process and they had low self-confidence in producing their sentences so

they could not speak well. The student also felt embarrassed when they made

mistakes in the class. The situation might have been caused by internal and

external factors. The internal factors were motivation and interest while the

external factors were teachers’ teaching techniques and teaching media as well.

The teacher taught speaking by explaining the form of sentences, drilling it to

students and asking students to do some written exercise at students’ worksheet.

This made the student seldom to speak English. The teacher just focused on the

grammar. When the teacher asked the students to show their ability in speaking

task in front of class, only the active students who produced good communication

in English.

In addition, most of the students’ pronunciation was not clear. It could be seen



students’ self-confidence or to make the students’ enjoy in learning speaking, the

teacher had to create a scenario to teach the target language in an active and

interesting manner to give the students good chance for practicing. It was

necessary to take an action by using appropriate technique which gave

opportunities and triggers the students to practice their English in classroom. A

suitable technique could give students interest and then it would increase their

speaking ability.

Considering to the statement above, the researcher chose to use a technique that

could motivate and give students opportunities to speak or express their ideas in a

situation they were likely to encounter outside the classroom, that is using Role

Play. Role Play is a type of drama activities which the student’s can play

dramatization of real life situation. Role-play is one of the activities to promote

speaking. Through role-play activities, the students learn how to express ideas,

opinions, or feeling to others by using words or sounds of articulation. Larsen

Freeman (2000: 68) explained that role-plays are important in the communicative

approach because they give learners an opportunity to practice communicating in

different social contexts and different social roles. A role-play is a highly flexible

learning activity, which has a wide scope for variation and imagination.

The researcher used Role Play technique because there were some advantages in

Role Play, such as, it can build students’ self confidence and also it will give a

chance to get some experience in handling difficult situation and in developing



is very enjoyable for student because students can be more active and interacted

with their friends into drama situation based on their knowledge.

1.2 Previous Research Finding

There have been several correlated studies dealing with role play technique and

speaking skill. The first finding entitled, using Role Play in improving students’

speaking ability in the second year students of SMP PGRI II Ciputat, was conducted

by Irianti Sari (2011). This research was conducted to find out whether there was an

improvement by using Role Play technique in improving students’ speaking ability.

The target population of this study was the second year students of SMP PGRI II

Ciputat, which consisted of 40 students. The researcher used pre test, post test, and

questioner as the instrument. The finding of this research was there was an

improvement by using Role Play technique in improving the students’ speaking


The second previous study was dealing with improving students’ speaking ability

in class at the second semester of the first grade of SMP Negeri 3 Meliau, which

was conducted by Erasma (2012). In this research the researcher used Role play as

technique in teaching speaking. The method of this research was called “A

Classroom Action Research”. The subject of this research was the first grade of

SMP Negeri 3 Meliau consist of 38 students. The data of this research were

collected by using measurement technique that is a performance test to measure

the students’ achievements. The findings of this classroom action research showed



differences between the previous research and this research, the previous research

was conducted in junior high school while this research was conducted in senior

high school. Another differences was about the instrument, Irianti Sari used pre

test, posttest, and questioner while this research used pre test, posttest, and


To sum up, based on the previous studies, it can be stated that all above

mentioned studies reconfirmed the improvement of using Role Play technique to

improve students’ speaking ability. Therefore, this research was carried out to

investigate the implementation of using Role Play technique to improve

students’ speaking ability at the first year of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung.

1.3 Formulation of Problem

Based on the background above, the writer would like to take the main problem as


Is there any improvement of students’ speaking ability after being taught

through Role Play technique?

1.4 Objectives of the Research

The objective of this research is:

To find out whether there is any improvement of students’ speaking ability



1.5 Uses of the Research

The findings of the study are expected to be beneficial for both theoretically and


1. Theoretically, this research will be useful for supporting the theory about

Role Play Technique in Speaking skill.

2. Practically, as additional information for English teacher to increase the

teachers’ knowledge of English and share experience in improving the

students’ speaking ability in using Role Play technique.

1.6 Scope of the Research

This quantitative research was conducted in the first grade of SMAN 9 Bandar

Lampung. The researcher found out whether there was a significant improvement

of students’ speaking ability after being taught through Role Play technique. The

type of Role Play that would be used is transactional dialogue dealing with

descriptive text. This study only focused on improving students’ speaking ability

in Transactional Dialogue. Students’ improvement was found out by comparing

the result of students’ recorded answers of pretest and posttest.

1.7 Definition of Terms


The process to make students’ speaking ability getting better. This was indicated



Role Play

Role Playing is defined as pretending to be someone else or pretending to be in a

specific situation that you are not actually in at the time.


Speaking is process of communication between at least two or more speakers. It is

also two processes between speaker and listener that are produced by speaker,



There are some concepts related to the research. In the theoretical framework, the

section discusses several concepts such as review of concept of speaking, types of

speaking, concept of teaching speaking, technique of speaking, concept of Role

Play, advantages and disadvantages of Role Play, theoretical assumption and


2.1 Speaking

Language is a tool for communication. People communicate with others to

express their ideas, and to know others’ ideas as well. Communication takes

place, where there is speech. Without speech people cannot communicate with

one another. The importance of speaking skills hence is enormous for the learners

of any language. Without speech, a language is reduced to a mere script. The use

of language is an activity which takes place within the confines of our community.

Speaking is the skill that is used to express ideas at the same time people try to get

the ideas from others.

Speaking is one of the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and

speaking). It is the means through which learners can communicate with others to



viewpoints. In addition, people who know a language are referred to as „speakers’

of that language. Furthermore, in almost any setting, speaking is the most

frequently used language skill. As Rivers (1981: 162) argues, speaking is used

twice as much as reading and writing in our communication.However, according

to Grognet A.G (1997: 136), Speaking is one of the skills that have to be mastered

by students in learning English.

Speaking is an essential tool for communicating. Hornby (1995: 37) defines that

speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life

situations. It is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first

impression of a person is based on his/her ability to speak fluently and

comprehensively. Therefore, as teachers, we have a responsibility to prepare the

students as much as possible to be able to speak in English in the real world

outside the classroom. On the other hand, Byrne (1984: 8) says that speaking is an

activity involving two or more participants as hearers and speakers who react to

what they hear and their contributions. Each participant has an attention or a set of

intention goal that he wants to achieve in the interaction.

From the statements, it could be stated that in speaking there is a goal or a purpose

to be achieved by the speaker. Speaking involves at least two participants. It

means that people cannot do it individually. They need a partner to communicate

in the same language. Speaking aspect is very important in the classroom because

it should be used for scoring speaking students’ ability. Haris (1974: 75) says that




Fluency refers to the one whose expresses quickly and easily. This is also stated

by Ekbatani (2011: 34) that fluent speaer is someone who is able to express

oneself readily and effortlessly.


Grammar is the study of rules language in inflection. This dea has the same

opinion with Lado (1969: 221) who says that it is a system of units and patterns of



Vocabulary refers to the words used in language. Phrase and clauses are built up

by vocabulary. Wilkins (1983: 111) also states the same idea that in short,

vocabulary is very important because without words we cannot spea at all.


Refers to be the person’s way of pronouncing words. Brown (2004: 157) also

states that pronunciation is the language learner has to know how to pronounce

and understand the words that are produced by the speaker.


Comprehension is the ability of understanding the speakers’ intention and general

meaning. Heaton (1991: 35) also says so, it means that if a person can answer or

express well and correctly, it shows that he comprehends or understands well.

In brief, speaking is the ability to produce articulation or words to express ideas. It

means that people try to communicate with each other and use the language to



2.2 Types of Speaking

Brown (2001: 250) says that much of or language-teaching energy is devoted to

instruction in mastering English conversation. He classifies the type of oral

language in two parts, monologue and dialogue. Monologue is divided in two

parts planned and unplanned. Dialogue is divided in two parts interpersonal and

transactional. The first is monologue. It is situation when one speaker uses spoken

language, as in speeches, lectures’ reading, news broadcast etc. The listener has to

process long stretches of speech without interrupting the stream of speech will go

on whether or not the listener comprehends. The second is dialogue, dialogue

involves two or more speakers and can be subdivided into those exchanges that

promote social relationship (interpersonal) and those for which the purpose is to

convey propotional or factual information (transactional). Transactional

dialogues, which is carried out for purpose of conveying or exchanging specific

information is an extended form of responsive language.

Based on the explanation above, Role Play belongs to transactional dialogue

because this technique will be two-way process and two roles. They are as speaker

and listener and involve productive and receptive skill of understanding to make

the people can communicate each other. Brown (2001) also provides type of



1. Imitative

A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legitimately be spent

generating “human tape-recorder” speech, for example learner practices an

intonation contour or tries to pinpoint a certain vowel sound. Imitation of kind is

carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction but for focus on some

particular element of language.

2. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes to step beyond imitative to include any speaking

performance that is design to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of

language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated or it can even form part of some

pair work activity, where learners are “going over” certain forms of language.

3. Responsive

A good dealt of student speech in the classroom is responsive short applies to

teacher or students initiated question or comment. These replies are usually

sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. Such speech can be meaningful and


4. Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional dialogue, which is carried out for the purpose of conveying or



Conversation, for example, may have more of a negotiate nature to them then

does responsive speech.

5. Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue carried out more of maintaining social relationship than for

the transmission of facts and information. The conversation is a little tracker for

learners because they can involve some or all the following factors:

- A casual register

- Colloquial language

- Emotionally charge language

- Slang

- Ellipsis

- Sarcasm

- A convert “agenda”

6. Extensive (monologue)

Finally, students at intermediate to advance level are called on to give extended

monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. In

this register is more formal and deliberative.

From the explanation above, there are many types of speaking mentioned. In this

case, the researcher used transactional (dialogue) as one of types of speaking



who can share their feeling and opinion in order to get information and they can

improve their creativity in scenario of dialogue.

2.3 Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking is teaching the way to use the language for communication or

transferring ideas etc. The role of the teacher in learning process is as director and

facilitator. Teacher also should motivate the students to do the activity. Speaking

is one of language skills considered difficult. Generally, the students can read

English better than they speak it. That is why speaking is the important aspect in

learning a language.

Usually, it is hard for English teacher to make their students talk in the classroom.

However, Byrne (1978: 80) stated that one of the English teacher’s main tasks is

to get the students to talk, to express themselves freely, but within of the language

they have learned. Furthermore according to Rivers (1987: 160) teaching of

speaking skill is more demanding of the teacher than teaching of any language

skills. Based on the statement above, it can be said that it is important for the

teacher to prepare their material and the technique in order to avoid a boring class.

As it has been known that the purpose of speaking itself is to get the message or

the information from the other. In order to make them understand each other, then



2.4 Role Play Technique

Role Play is a type of drama activities where the students can play dramatization

of real life situation and the researcher used this technique because it is very

enjoyable for the students’. Harmer stated that (1998: 92), offers this definition,

“Role-play activities are those where students are asked to imagine that they are in

different situations and act accordingly. Role Play as a vehicle by which students

can more easily learn the fundamentals of English conversation in a specific

situation, requiring the use of key words which act as signifiers for that particular

situation, Stocker (2006: 1).

Role-play has been notoriously difficult to define. The introduction in one

manuscript on the topic cites the fable of the blind man and the elephant,

explaining that role-play “takes on different meanings for different people”,

Ladousse (1987: 7). Imaginary situation is that student can become anyone they

like to be for a short time. Moreover, they love acting and playing. For example,

students can be a teacher, actor or animals. Students can also use a script if only



listening and understanding will be improved. It aims at the students to encourage

thinking and creative, lets students develop and practice new language and

behavioral skill in more realistic and more practical way using Role Play.

2.5 Role Play in Teaching Speaking

The use of English in speaking is not simple. The speaker should master the

element of speaking, such as: grammar, vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, and

comprehension. In this case, English teacher have responbilities to improve

students’ speaking ability, so the teachers are demanded to have teaching methode

in order to solve the problem faced by the students in learning English. The

teacher also needs the appropiate technique in order to improve the students’

speaking ability. To improve students’ speaking ability many techniques can be

implemeted, one of them is Role Play. Role Play is considered as a way to

develop interactional uses of English. According to Oberle (2004: 199), Role

Playing activities help introduce students to “real-world” situation. Role Play is

also a technique that can make the students work in pairs or group, support one

another and make the class more interesting. It is supported by Wilkins’ theory in

Liu and Ding (2009) that Role Play is an affective technique to animate the

teaching and learning athmosphere, arouse the interest of learners, and make the

language acquisition impressive. Moreover, Role Play can be used to train



2.6 Procedure of Using Role Play in Teaching Speaking Unscripted Role Play

The procedures for inscripted role play adapted from Doff (1998). The procedures

explained by Doff:


1. The students work in pairs

2. One as a tour guide, one as a tourist.

3. The tourist guide (expert) is given text about an interesting place in


4. The tourist asing about an interesting place in Indonesia.

5. They perform in front of class.

There are the types and procedures of role play explained by experts but it does

mean that the procedures are a must. English teacher may develop their own

procedures based on condistion in the class.

2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages from Role Play

Role Play has both advantages and disadvantages that the teacher should pay

attention to, in order to achieve more affective during teaching learning process.

1. The advantages of Role Play

There are several advantagesin teaching Role Play technique. They are:



Role-playing provides a safe environment to encounter these scenarios for

the first time, which builds confidence in team members that can help

them in their day-to-day roles.

2. Develop listening skills

Good role-playing requires good listening skills. In addition to

understanding the words the other person is saying, it’s important to pay

attention to body language and non-verbal clues. Better to have your team

develop these skills while role-playing than when they’re trying to perform

in the real world.

3. Creative problem-solving

No matter how outlandish a situation you create in a controlled

environment, generally, something even more bizarre is bound to happen

on the job. Role-playing will at least give your team the chance to get

some experience in handling difficult situations and in developing creative

problem-solving skills.

2. The disadvantages of Role Play

The researcher finds that there have advantages in Role Play, but we have to look

at the disadvantages of Role Play also. They are:

1. It takes much of time during the teaching learning process.

2. The purpose can be fail if students fail to imitate the correct role.

3. It may create a threat to classroom atmosphere which can lead to the



Consequently, usig role play as a technique in teaching speaking can give a lot of

advantages in spite of the disadvantages of role play itself.

2.8 Theoretical Assumption

The researcher assumes that there is possibility that Role Play can improve

students speaking ability because Role Play is a technique that may be used to

teach speaking. Besides that, it is an activity which helps students to use the target

language and allow them to say what they want to say. This activity is cognitively

challenging. In addition, a Role Play activity builds students self-confidence.

Therefore, Role Play may be an effective technique for the student to improve

their speaking ability.

2.9 Hypothesis

In this research, the researcher would find out the answer of the hypothesis below:

1. There is improvement in students’ speaking ability after being taught

through Role Play Technique.



This research intended to find out whether Role Play technique can be used to

improve students’ speaking ability or not. This chapter includes the research

design, the population and sample, data collecting technique step in collecting

data, validity of the test, reliability of the test and hypotheses testing.

3.1 Research Design

This quantitative research which used one group pretest-posttest design (Hatch

and Farhady, 1982:20). Hatch and Farhady stated that this design was an

improvement over the one-shot case study because you have measured the gains

that the subjects have made rather than just looking at how well everyone did at

the end. The researcher chose this design to find out whether if there is the

improvement of students’ speaking ability after being taught through role play

technique at the first grade of SMPN 9 Bandar Lampung. There was one class as

the sample of the research. The research design is as follows:


Notes: T1 : Pre-test

T2 : Post-test



(Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 24)

3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research was the first grade of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung.

There were 10 classes of first grade in this school. Those classes were classified

into MIA class and Social class. There were 6 MIA classes and 4 Sosial classes.

Their ages range from 16-17 years old.

From the population above, there would be one class as the experimental class

that would get treatments (teaching speaking through Role Play Technique) and it

was MIA 3. This class consisted of 36 students. In determining that sample, the

researcher used Random Sampling Technique.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher used:

1. Pre-test

The researcher administered pre-test before treatment. It was aimed at

knowing the students’ speaking ability before being given the treatment

using Role Play Technique. In administering the pre-test, the researcher

chose the topic for the students. Then, the students had a discussion group

consisting of 2 students. They had to prepare a dialogue. There are five

aspects that were scored, namely: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,

fluency, and comprehension. Pre-test was similar to the posttest. The



2. Treatment

This was done after pre-test to teach the students through Role Play

Technique. There were three times of treatments.

3. Posttest

The researcher administered posttest after the treatments. It was aimed at

seeing the difference of students’ speaking skill after they have taught by

using Role Play Technique in speaking class. Posttest was similar to

pre-test. In administering posttest, the researcher chose one topic for the

students. Then, the students had a discussion group consisting of 2

students. They had to prepare a dialogue before the researcher started

scoring their performance. During the test, researcher recorded by using

voice recording.

4. Recording

The researcher recorded the students’ speaking ability during pre-test and

posttest by using audio recorder as recording tool.

3.4 Validity of the Test

Validity helps to ensure that a test is in accordance with certain professional

standards to measure what it is supposed to measure. In other words, it tells us

how much a test measures what it is supposed to be measured. There are kinds of



Construct validity is the degree to which a test measures what it claims, or purports, to be measuring Brown, J. D. (1996).

Content validity is a non-statistical type of validity that involves "the systematic examination of the test content to determine whether it covers a representative

sample of the behavior domain to be measured" (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997: 14).

Face validity is the extent to which a test is subjectively viewed as covering the concept it purports to measure. It refers to the transparency or relevance of a test

as it appears to test participants (Holden, 2010: 637).

In this research the researcher used content validity and construct validity.

Content validity was concerned with whether or not the content of the test was

sufficiently representative and comprehensive for the test to be valid measure it

was supposed to measure. In content validity, the materials gave by the

curriculum used. In this case, the researcher gave role card that supposed to

comprehend by the second year students of senior high school. To get the content

validity of speaking test, the researcher tried to arrange the materials based on the

objective of teaching in syllabus for second grade of senior high school.

Construct validity focuses on the kind of the test that is used to measure the

students’ ability.

This research was valid, because it measure what it has to measure.

3.5 Reliability of the Test

Reliability of the test is consistency which a test yields the same result in

measuring whatever it does measure. So, a test cannot measure anything well



examined by using statistical measurement proposed by Shohamy (1988: 213) in

Hayanti (2010: 39)

The statistical formula is:

R= 1- 6.(∑d2) N.(N2-1) Notes:

R : Reliability

N : Number of the students

d : The difference of the rank correlation

1-6 : Constant number

After finding the coefficient between raters, researcher then analyzed the criteria.

There are five criteria according to Hatch and Farhady (1982: 247). They are:

A very low reliability ranges from 0.00 to 0.19

A low reliability ranges from 0.20 to 0.39

An average reliability ranges from 0.40 to 0.59

A high reliability ranges from 0.60 to 0.79

A very high reliability ranges from 0.80 to 1.00



In evaluating the students’ speaking scores, the researcher used the Oral English

Rating sheet proposed by Harris (1974: 84). Based on the Oral English Rating

sheet, there are five components, namely: pronunciation, fluency, grammar,



Here is the sample of the Oral rating sheet:


- 5 Easy to understand and has a native speaker accents

- 4 Easy to understand though with a certain accent

- 3 there are problems that make the listener must full attention and sometimes

there is a misunderstanding

- 2 Difficult to understand because there is a problem in pronunciation, often

asked to repeat

- 1 having serious pronunciation problems that cannot be understood


- 5 making few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order

- 4 occasionally makes grammatical and word order errors which do not, however,

obscure meaning.

- 3 making frequent errors of grammar and word order which obscure meaning.

- 2 grammar and word orders make comprehension difficult. Must often rephrase

sentences and/ or restrict him basic pattern.

- 1 errors in grammar and word order so severe as to make speech virtually



- 5 the uses of vocabulary and idioms are virtually that of a native speaker.

- 4 sometimes use inappropriate terms and or/ must rephrase ideas because of



- 3 frequently use the wrong word: conversation somewhat limited because of

inadequate vocabulary.

- 2 misuses of word and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite


- 1 vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible.


- 5 speeches as fluent and effortless as that of a native speaker.

- 4 speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems.

- 3 speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems.

- 2 usually hesitant, often forced into silence by language problems.

- 1 speech as so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually



- 5 appear to understand everything without difficulty.

- 4 understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasional repetition

may be necessary.

- 3 understand most of what they said at lower than normal speed with repetitions.

- 2 having a great difficulty following what they said. Only comprehend “social

conversation” spoken with frequent repetition.



In this case, the researcher made an equation of making students’ oral tests. Each

score was multiplied by four, so the total score is 100. Here is the identification

score of students’ speaking ability:

It means he/ she gets 60 in speaking.



After conducting pretest and posttest, the researcher analyzed the data. It was used

to know whether there was an increase of the student’s speaking ability by using

Role Play technique. The manual formula is as follows:

Data of Pretest and Posttest from the Two Rater





3.8 Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis testing was used to prove whether the hypothesis proposed in this

research was accepted or not. The hypothesis was analyzed by using Repeated

Measures T-test of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) windows

version 15. The writer used the level of significance 0.05 in which the hypothesis

is approved if sign <p. It means that the probability of error in the hypothesis is

only 5%.

H0: There is no improvement in students’ speaking ability after being taught

through Role Play Technique.

H1: There is an improvement in students’ speaking ability after being taught

through Role Play Technique.

The criteria for accepting the hypothesis are as follows:

If P< 0,05 H1 is accepted

If P>0,05 H0 is accepted

The researcher used SPSS to calculate the result whether it was significant or not



This chapter is the final chapter of this research report. This chapter presents the

conclusion of the research findings and suggestion for English teacher who wants

to try to use peer correction as the alternative technique to teach writing and for

those who want to conduct similar research using Role Play as the technique.

5.1 Conclusion

Having conducted the research at the first grade of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung and

analyzed the data, the researcher would like to give the conclusion as follows:

Role Play Technique is applicable to encourage the students to improve their

speaking skill, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

It could be proven from the improvement of the students’ mean scores in the

pretest and the posttest. The result of the posttest was higher than the result of the

pretest. The mean score in the pretest was 59.1, and then, it increased in the

posttest up to 67.8. Learning process using Role Play Technique makes the

students can build self confident and solve their problem by themselves, because

they practiced to speak and have self correction. By practicing a lot, there will be



5.2 Suggestions

Referring to the conclusion above, the researcher’s suggestion can be listed as


Suggestion for English Teachers

 For the English teacher who wants to use Role Play Technique is

suggested to be able to make some variation of topics in teaching so that

the students will be interested in learning English.

 In implementing this technique, the teacher should give more attention to

students awareness in comprehension since the result of this research the

lowest improvement was comprehension.

 The English teacher is suggested to use Role Play Technique in teaching

speaking because the researcher found in the field that most of students

were interested to study speaking through Role Play Technique.

Suggestion for Further Researcher

 The researcher implemented Role Play technique to improve students’

speaking ability and found out that the most improvement aspect of

speaking is vocabulary. Further researcher should pay attention more to

the lowest aspect by developing the technique to make a significant

improvement of the lowest aspect.

 In this research, the researcher used Role Play technique to improve

speaking skill. Further researcher should try to use this technique to



 Besides, the researcher used this technique to improve students’ speaking

ability of Senior High School. Further reseacher should conduct this




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Table of Rating Sheet Score


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