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Medan, Maret 2010



I. Introduction 1

A. Background 1

B. Objective of the Paper 2

II. Biomagnification: Definition and History 2

A. Biomanification, Bioaccumulation, and Bioconcentration 2

B. History of Biomagnification 7

III. Biomagnification Occurrence 8

A. Process of Biomagnification 8

B. Chemical can be Occurred biomagnification 10

C. Properties of Biomagnification Chemicals 12

D. Case Examples of Biomagnification 13

1. Biomagnification caused by DDT 13

2. Biomagnification caused by Mercury 15

IV. Prevent of Biomagnification 15

A. Pesticide-Producing Establishments 16

B. FDA Monitoring Program 17


BY: Rahmawaty

I. Introduction A. Background

Ecology is the study of the interaction between organisms and their

environment (Odum, 1971). Ecology is derived from the Greek root “oikos”

meaning “house” combined with the root “logy” meaning “the science of” or “the

study of”. Hence, ecology is the study of the earth’s households including plants,

animal, microorganisms, and people that live together as interdependent

components. The German biologist Ernst Haeckel first defined the word

oekologie in 1866 in the context that we use it today. According to Miller (2006),

the science of ecology is also concerned with the study of the interaction

between organisms. It is also concerned with large environmental chemical

processes like oxygen, nitrogen, and water cycles. Ecology is a new science

which seeks to document and answer questions about connections in the natural

world. Its concepts and ideas can explain the mess that we are now in.

With the knowledge of a small number of ecological concepts one can

explain the causes of the major environmental issues we face today. What

follows are the ecological explanations for six severe environmental problems: 1)

Global Warming, 2) Pollution Poisoning, 3) Extinction, 4) Harmful Non-Indigenous

Species, 5) Habitat Destruction, and 6) Overpopulation. Based on the six

environmental problems above, the main focus of this paper is about pollution

poisoning, especially about biomagnification. It is the one of the environmental

problems/international issue that happened all over the world.

Biomagnification is an important concept in ecology, environmental

science, and ecotoxicology. It says that the solution to certain types of pollution

is not dilution, because food chains will concentrate the pollutant

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk). Because of important to know and understand

about environmental problem, especially biomagnification, this paper will try to

explain about definition, history, process, Chemical can be occurred

biomagnification, properties of biomagnification chemicals, cases of


paper can increase our knowledge and give us the information about


B. Objectives of the Paper

The aims of this paper is giving information about definition, history,

process, chemical can be occurred biomagnification, properties of

biomagnification chemicals, cases of Biomagnification and how to reduce

biomagnification occurrence.

II. Biomagnification: Definition and History

A. Biomagnification, Bioaccumulation, and Bioconsentration

To understanding about the biomagnification, there were two matters that

also related, namely: bioconsentration and bioaccumulation. Therefore, in this

paper also explained the different between biomagnification with bioconcentration

and bioaccumulation.

1. Biomagnification

There are some definitions about biomagnification. One of the definitions

in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) glossary (2006), namely:

biomagnification is the increase of tissue accumulation in species higher in the

natural food chain as contaminated food species are eaten. The term

biomagnification refers to the progressive build up of persistent substances by

successive trophic levels, meaning that it relates to the concentration ratio in a

tissue of a predator organism as compared to that in its prey (GreenFacts

Scientific Board, 2006). Wikipedia dictionary also mention about definition of

biomagnification, namely: biomagnification or biological magnification is the

increase in concentration of an element or compound, such as

dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT, a type of pesticide) that occurs in a food

chain as a consequence of food chain energetic and lack of or very slow,

excretion or degradation of the substance. Biomagnification describes a process

that results in the accumulation of a chemical in an organism at higher levels than

are found in its food. It occurs when a chemical becomes more and more


single-celled plants and increasingly larger animal species (Extension Toxicology


Biomagnification is the tendency of pollutants to become concentrated in

successive trophic levels. Often, this is to the detriment of the organisms in which

these materials concentrate, since the pollutants are often toxic. Biomagnification

refers to the tendency of pollutants to concentrate as they move from one tropic

level to the next. Increase in concentration of a pollutant from one link in a food

chain to another. This is a general term applied to the sequence of processes in

an ecosystem by which higher concentrations are attained in organisms of higher

trophic level in the food chain. The process by which xenobiotics increase in body

concentration in organisms through a series of prey-predator relationships from

primary producers to ultimate predators, often human beings. Biomagnification

along a food chain will result in the highest concentrations of a substance being

found at the top of the food chain (Maritta College, 2006).

Biomagnification is the bioaccumulation of a substance up the food chain by

transfer of residues of the substance in smaller organisms that are food for larger

organisms in the chain. It generally refers to the sequence of processes that result in

higher concentrations in organisms at higher levels in the food chain (at higher tropic

levels) (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). These processes result in an organism having higher

concentrations of a substance than is present in the organism’s food. Biomagnification

can result in higher concentrations of the substance than would be expected if water were

the only exposure mechanism. Accumulation of a substance only through contact with

water is known as bioconcentration.


Source: Is Mercury the Achilles Heel of the Restoration Effort?, South Florida Restoration Science Forum


Fig 1. A hypothetical example of the biomagnification of mercury in water up through the food chain and into a wading bird's eggs.

Source: Ecological and Environmental Learning Services (2006) (http://www.eelsinc.org/id62.html)


B. Bioaccumulation

An important process through which chemicals can affect living organisms

is bioaccumulation. Bioaccumulation means an increase in the concentration of a

chemical in a biological organism over time, compared to the chemical's

concentration in the environment. Compounds accumulate in living things any

time they are taken up and stored faster than they are broken down

(metabolized) or excreted. Understanding the dynamic process of

bioaccumulation is very important in protecting human beings and other

organisms from the adverse effects of chemical exposure, and it has become a

critical consideration in the regulation of chemicals (Extension Toxicology

Network, 1993). Bioaccumulation is a process where chemicals are retained in

fatty body tissue and increase in concentration over time.


Bioaccumulation refers to how pollutants enter a food chain; is increase in concentration of a pollutant from the

environment to the first organism in a food chain. The accumulation of a

chemical in tissues of an organism to levels greater than in the surrounding

medium. Accumulation may take place by breathing, swallowing or dermal

contact (Marietta College, 2006).

Bioaccumulation is a general term for the accumulation of substances,

such as pesticides (DDT is an example), methylmercury, or other organic

chemicals in an organism or part of an organism. The accumulation process

involves the biological sequestering of substances that enter the organism

through respiration, food intake, epidermal (skin) contact with the substance,

and/or other means. The sequestering results in the organism having a higher

concentration of the substance than the concentration in the organism’s

surrounding environment. The level at which a given substance is

bioaccumulated depends on the rate of uptake, the mode of uptake (through the

gills of a fish, ingested along with food, contact with epidermis (skin)), how

quickly the substance is eliminated from the organism, transformation of the

substance by metabolic processes, the lipid (fat) content of the organism, the

hydrophobicity of the substance, environmental factors, and other biological and

physical factors. As a general rule the more hydrophobic a substance is the more

likely it is to bioaccumulate in organisms, such as fish.


Bioaccumulation is the term bioaccumulation refers to the net

accumulation over time of metals [or other persistent substances] within an

organism from both biotic (other organisms) and abiotic (soil, air, and water)

sources (Fig. 3). (


Source: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources ( http://www.greenfacts.org/glossary/abc/bioaccumulation-bioaccumulate.htm)

Fig. 3. An example of the Bioaccumulation

C. Bioconcentration

Bioconcentration is the specific bioaccumulation process by which the

concentration of a chemical in an organism becomes higher than its

concentration in the air or water around the organism. Although the process is

the same for both natural and manmade chemicals, the term bio-concentration

usually refers to chemicals foreign to the organism. For fish and other aquatic

animals, bioconcentration after uptake through the gills (or sometimes the skin) is

usually the most important bioaccumulation process (Extension Toxicology

Network, 1993).

Bioconcentration differs from bioaccumulation because it refers only to the

uptake of substances into the organism from water alone. Bioaccumulation is the

more general term because it includes all means of uptake into the organism.

Though sometimes used interchangeably with 'bioaccumulation,' an important

distinction is drawn between the two. Bioaccumulation occurs within a tropic

level, and is the increase in concentration of a substance in an individual's


Bioconcentration is defined as occurring when uptake from the water is greater

than excretion (Landrum and Fisher, 1999). Thus bioconcentration and

bioaccumulation occur within an organism, and biomagnification occurs across

tropic (food chain) levels (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk).

B. History of Biomagnification

According to the ISI Science Citation Index, the first use of the term in the

title of a peer-reviewed article was in Johnson & Kennedy (1973). However, the

concept traces back to Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, published in 1962. In

Chapter 3 of Silent Spring, he describes the process but does not name it as

biological magnification. Interestingly, she focuses on terrestrial systems, but

most research has been done in aquatic systems. Carson drew attention to the

issue, and other ecologists and toxicologists examined its occurrence in many

systems. As DDT, PCBs, mercury, and other substances were found through the

1970s to occur at strikingly high concentrations in the upper reaches of food

chains, the concept of biomagnification of lipophilic substances became firmly

established. It is presented in most introductory ecology and environmental

science texts.

However, by the 1990s, some researchers began to question the roles of

bioaccumulation versus biomagnification. For one thing, tissue concentrations of

substances did not always increase uniformly with the tropic level (Landrum and

Fisher, 1999). LeBlanc (1995) proposed that what is really bioaccumulation to

different degrees is mistaken as biomagnification, because:

• Lipid contents of organisms increase with the tropic level

• Elimination efficiency of the substances decreases with tropic level

(because the larger organisms have relatively less surface area to

process and excrete substances, for their body size).

Thus the pattern of increased tissue concentration with higher tropic levels could

be due to these differences in bioaccumulation. However, this proposal was

based on rather limited data.

In 1990, Rasmussen et al. compared PCB levels in lake trout sampled

from lakes with different numbers of tropic levels. Inputs to these lakes were

small and relatively constant. The shorter the food chain in the lake, the lower the

concentration of PCBs in the tissue of trout, which feed at the top of the chain (at


occurs. Additionally, they noted that the amount of PCB in tissues increased 3.5

times per tropic level, but the amount of lipids as a proportion of tissues

increases much less, only 1.5 times per tropic level (Rasmussen et al., 1990).

III. Biomagnification Occurrence


Process of Biomagnification

According to Miller (2006), the chemicals that enter the biosphere of living

systems as a result of industrial processes are not all beneficial or natural.

Plants for instance, need carbon and nitrogen, but there are many things that we

have introduced into the world through industrial processes that are harmful to

ourselves and other living creatures. We have produced dangerous chemicals

that enter living systems and accumulate through the process of

biomagnification, an increase in concentrations in living tissue as one travels up

the food chain. Plants (organisms that can photosynthesize, thereby gaining

energy from sunlight) are consumed higher up the food chain by animals that

cannot photosynthesize, and animals higher up the chain then eat these animals.

At the top of the chain is the apex predator that serves as an indicator species for

the whole ecosystem: an interactive collection of numerous creatures. Food webs

are more complicated than food chains in that the relationships are not linear, but

rather a collection of many interconnections of food chains. The creatures that

eat photosynthesizing bacteria may be eaten by many creatures, but these

critters may also help in the digestion of larger animals which are connected in

webs of relationships rather than a linear chain upwards.

Pollution enters these webs and chains at all levels and the

concentrations increase up the many chains, until it could pose a threat to the

animals at the top of the chain. Human society is often at the top of the food

chain. The animals we eat can potentially pollute us. We have learned that what

we have polluted the environment with can wind up on our dinner plate due to

biomagnification. These pollutants can cause problems and cancer in human

beings as well as creatures in the wild. For example, DDT had a deleterious

effect on brown pelicans by interfering with the production of their eggs, which

were too thin to incubate their young. When the use of DDT was diminished the

brown pelicans made a recovery.

Pollution is also one of the factors that lead to the demise of wildlife


dangerous chemicals. We need to wash the fruit we find at the supermarket

because of pesticides that are used to deter insects that would eat what we grow.

Birds eat these poisoned insects and are poisoned. Excess pesticides wind up in

oceanic and riparian (river system) ecosystems, flowing downstream. Pollutants

have also been dumped into bodies of water resulting in a poisonous harvest. We

as well as the other organisms depend upon these complicated cycles. When

they are disturbed things disappear.

According to Marietta College (2006), the first step in biomagnification; the

pollutant is at a higher concentration inside the producer than it is in the

environment. biomagnification occurs when organisms at the bottom of the food

chain concentrate the material above its concentration in the surrounding soil or

water. Producers, as we saw earlier, take in inorganic nutrients from their

surroundings. Since a lack of these nutrients can limit the growth of the producer,

producers will go to great lengths to obtain the nutrients. They will spend

considerable energy to pump them into their bodies. They will even take up more

than they need immediately and store it, since they can't be "sure" of when the

nutrient will be available again (of course, plants don't think about such things,

but, as it turns out, those plants, which, for whatever reason, tended to

concentrate inorganic nutrients have done better over the years). The problem

comes up when a pollutant, such as DDT or mercury, is present in the

environment. Chemically, these pollutants resemble essential inorganic nutrients

and are brought into the producer's body and stored "by mistake".

The second stage of biomagnification occurs when the producer is eaten.

Remember from our discussion of a pyramid of biomass that relatively little

energy is available from one tropic level to the next. This means that a consumer

(of any level) has to consume a lot of biomass from the lower tropic level. If that

biomass contains the pollutant, the pollutant will be taken up in large quantities

by the consumer. Pollutants that biomagnified have another characteristic. Not

only are they taken up by the producers, but they are absorbed and stored in the

bodies of the consumers. This often occurs with pollutants soluble in fat such as

DDT or PCB's. These materials are digested from the producer and move into

the fat of the consumer. If the consumer is caught and eaten, its fat is digested

and the pollutant moves to the fat of the new consumer. In this way, the pollutant

builds up in the fatty tissues of the consumers. Water-soluble pollutants usually


of the consumer. Since every organism loses water to the environment, as the

water is lost the pollutant would leave as well. Alas, fat simply does not leave the

body (Marietta College, 2006).

B. Chemical can be Occurred Biomagnification

In a review of a large number of studies, Suedel et al (1994) concluded

that although biomagnification is probably more limited in occurrence than

previously thought, there is good evidence that DDT, DDE, PCBs, toxaphene,

and the organic forms of mercury and arsenic do biomagnify in nature. For other

contaminants, bioconcentration and bioaccumulation account for their high

concentrations in organism tissues. More recently, Gray (2002) reached a similar

conclusion. However, even this study was criticized by Fisk et al., (2003) for

ignoring many relevant studies. Such criticisms are spurring researchers to study

carefully all pathways, and Croteau et al. (2005) recently added Cadmium to the

list of biomagnifying metals.



There are two main groups of substances that biomagnify. Both are

lipophilic and not easily degraded. Novel organic substances are not easily

degraded because organisms lack previous exposure and have thus not evolved

specific detoxification and excretion mechanisms, as there has been no selection

pressure from them. These substances are consequently known as Persistent

Organic Pollutants' or POPs. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are those

chemicals that are not materially broken down over a reasonable period of time,

usually measured in decades or more. The POPs of most concern are those that

build up in the environment or are bioaccumulated and/or biomagnified in the

food chain. The realization and importance of persistent environmental chemicals

was first identified in the early 1960s with the publication of Rachel Carson's

seminal work, Silent Spring. Carson wrote of the buildup of pesticides in birds

and hypothesized that this came from direct and indirect (food chain) exposure.

The magnitude of effect from Carson's work can be appreciated when one

considers the breadth of environmental health sciences today and the

international environmental regulations that have been promulgated.

The chemical characteristics of POPs are relatively similar. Many are

polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs), or other polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs) that are very slowly metabolized or otherwise degraded.


animals, and they build up in the food chain. Some classic examples of POPs are

the pesticides DDT, Dieldrin, Aldrin, Heptachlor, Mirex, and Kepone. Another

group of POPs are the chlorodibenzodioxins, dibenzofurans, and some PCBs.

The pesticides were widely used for several years but eventually discontinued for

toxicological and ecological reasons. Because of their lipid solubility, the

chlorinated compounds are retained and accumulated in the lipids of insects and

other invertebrates that are part of the food chain of higher-order predators, and

they can eventually end up in the diets of humans and feed animals. Several of

these compounds can be sequestered in soil and sediment, such as the PCBs in

the Hudson River bottom sediment, where they can exist for decades.

The health effects of these chemicals, as neat compounds, have been

very well studied. However, low-dose, lifetime exposure studies are lacking.

Many of the organochlorine pesticides cited above are carcinogenic, teratogenic,

and neurotoxic. The dioxins and benzofurans are highly toxic and are extremely

persistent in the human body as well as the environment. Several of the POPs,

including DDT and its metabolites, PCBs, dioxins, and some chlorobenzene, can

be detected in human body fat and serum years after any known exposures.

Lindane (hexachlorocyclohexane), which was used for the treatment of body lice

and as a broad-spectrum insecticide, resulted in very high tissue levels, and in

many cases caused acute deaths when used improperly. Lindane and some of

its isomers have been identified in market-basket surveys and in human fat


Novel organic substances are DDT, PCBs, and Toxaphene and Inorganic

substances are Mercury, Arsenic, and Cadmium. DDT is a colorless contact

insecticide, C14H9Cl5, toxic to humans and animals when swallowed or absorbed

through the skin. It has been banned in the United States for most uses since

1972.A colorless insecticide that kills on contact. It is poisonous to humans and

animals when swallowed or absorbed through the skin. DDT is an abbreviation

for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. Although DDT, when it was first invented,

was considered a great advance in protecting crops from insect damage and in

combating diseases spread by insects, recent discoveries have led to its ban in

many countries. Residue from DDT has been shown to remain in the ecosystem

and the food chain long after its original use, causing harm and even death to

animals considered harmless or useful to man


According to Marietta College (2006), not only DDT is toxin to biomagnify,

but also all of the following have the potential to biomagnify (Table 1).

Table 1. List of Chemical which has Potential to Biomagnify.

Substance Use and Problems Links


polychlorinated biphenyls

• insulators in transformers

• plasticizer

• fire retardant

• biomagnifies

• impairs reproduction

• widespread in aquatic systems

• as airborne contaminants

• mercury from gold mining

• many from metal processing

• may affect nervous system

• may affect reproduction

• from an interesting student project

• heavy metals in the

Mississippi River - great source!

C. Properties of Biomagnification Chemicals

In order for biomagnification to occur, the pollutant must be: 1) long-lived,

2) mobile, 3) soluble in fats, and 4) biologically active. If a pollutant is short-lived,

it will be broken down before it can become dangerous. If it is not mobile, it will

stay in one place and is unlikely to be taken up by organisms. If the pollutant is

soluble in water it will be excreted by the organism. Pollutants that dissolve in

fats, however, may be retained for a long time. It is traditional to measure the

amount of pollutants in fatty tissues of organisms such as fish. In mammals, we

often test the milk produced by females, since the milk has a lot of fat in it and


(poisons). If a pollutant is not active biologically, it may biomagnify, but we really

don't worry about it much, since it probably won't cause any problems (Marietta

College, 2006).

D. Case Examples of Biomagnification

1. Biomagnification was caused by DDT

The best example of biomagnification comes from DDT. DDT stands for

dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane. It is a chlorinated hydrocarbon, a class of

chemicals which often fit the characteristics necessary for biomagnification. This

long-lived pesticide (insecticide) has improved human health in many countries

by killing insects such as mosquitoes that spread disease. On the other hand,

DDT is effective in part because it does not break down in the environment. It is

picked up by organisms in the environment and incorporated into fat. Even here,

it does no real damage in many organisms (including humans). In others,

however, DDT is deadly or may have more insidious, long-term effects. In birds,

for instance, DDT interferes with the deposition of calcium in the shells of the

bird's eggs. The eggs laid are very soft and easily broken; birds so afflicted are

rarely able to raise young and this causes a decline in their numbers.

This was so apparent in the early 1960's that it led the scientist Rachel

Carson to postulate a "silent spring" without the sound of bird calls. Her book

"Silent Spring" led to the banning of DDT, the search for pesticides that would not

biomagnify, and the birth of the "modern" environmental movement in the 1960's.

Birds such as the bald eagle have made comebacks in response to the banning

of DDT in the US. Ironically, many of the pesticides which replaced DDT are

more dangerous to humans, and, without DDT, disease (primarily in the tropics)

claims more human lives.

The above studies refer to aquatic systems. In terrestrial systems, direct

uptake by higher trophic levels must be much less, occurring via the lungs. This

critique of the biomagnification concept does not mean that we need not be

concerned about synthetic organic contaminants and metal elements because

they will become diluted. Bioaccumulation and bioconcentration result in these

substances remaining in the organisms and not being diluted to non-threatening

concentrations. The success of top predatory-bird recovery (bald eagles,

peregrine falcons) in North America following the ban on DDT use in agriculture


DDT has a half-life of 15 years, which means if you use 100 kg of DDT, it

will break down as follows (Table 2):

Table 2. A half-life of 15 years using 100 kg of DDT

Year Amount Remaining

0 100 kg

15 50 kg

30 25 kg

45 12.5 kg

60 6.25 kg

75 3.13 kg

90 1.56 kg

105 0.78 kg

120 0.39 kg

This means that after 100 years, there will still be over a pound of DDT in

the environment. If it does bioaccumulate and biomagnify, much of the DDT will

be in the bodies of organisms. DDT actually has rather low toxicity to humans

(but high toxicity to insects, hence its use as an insecticide). Because it could be

safely handled by humans, it was extensively used shortly after its discovery just

before WW II. During the war, it was used to reduce mosquito populations and

thus control malaria in areas where US troops were fighting (particularly in the

tropics). It was also used on civilian populations in Europe, to prevent the spread

of lice and the diseases they carried. Refugee populations and those living in

destroyed cities would have otherwise faced epidemics of louse-born diseases.

After the war, DDT became popular not only to protect humans from

insect-borne diseases, but to protect crops as well. As the first of the modern

pesticides, it was overused, and soon led to the discovery of the phenomena of

insect resistance to pesticides, bioaccumulation, and biomagnification (Marietta

College, 2006).

By the 1960's, global problems with DDT and other pesticides were

becoming so pervasive that they began to attract much attention. Credit for

sounding the warning about DDT and biomagnification usually goes to the

scientist Rachel Carson, who wrote the influential book Silent Spring (1962). The

silent spring alluded to in the title describes a world in which all the songbirds

have been poisoned. Her book of course was attacked by many with vested


B. Biomagnification was caused by Mercury

Another example of biomagnification comes from mercury. Chan, et al

(2003) reporting about impacts of mercury on freshwater fish-eating wildlife and

humans. This following is the abstract from their report:

“This paper reviews the current state of knowledge of the toxic effects of mercury on fish-eating birds, mammals, and humans associated with freshwater ecosystems, including new information on the relative risk of elevated methyl Hg exposure for fish-eating birds inhabiting aquatic ecosystems impacted by mining/smelting activities and areas characterized by high geological sources of Hg. The influence of various environmental conditions such as lake pH, DOC, and chemical speciation of Hg, on fish-Hg concentrations and Hg exposure in fish-eating wildlife, are discussed. Although a continuing global effort to decrease the release of this non-essential metal into the environment is warranted, Hg rnethylation and biomagnification may be limited in some environments due to chemical speciation of mercury in soils and sediments (e.g., HgS) and water quality conditions (e.g., high alkalinity and pH) that do not facilitate high methylation rates. We have shown such limitations for a lake where historic Hg mining greatly increased sediment-Hg loadings, yet Hg increases in small fish of various species are currently lower than expected, and top predators (bald eagles), despite having elevated concentrations of Hg in their blood compared with individuals from nearby lakes, exhibit no Hg-related reproductive impairment or other signs of MeHg intoxication. Recent epidemiological studies have shown that fish-eating human populations may be exposed to Hg sufficient to cause significant developmental effects. However, for humans, we conclude that the current USEPA reference dose for MeHg may be too restrictive, particularly for the less sensitive adult. The health status of indigenous peoples relying on the subsistence harvest of wild foods may be negatively affected by such restrictions”.

V. Prevent of Biomagnification

International efforts to minimize exposure to these compounds include the

banning of their use except in emergency situations where it has been determined that no

other chemical is efficacious. With the exception of DDT, few, if any, of these

compounds have been authorized for use. PCBs, which were widely used in capacitors,

transformers, and lubricating oils, have not been manufactured for several decades but

linger in the environment. Chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans were never

products per se, but are byproducts of products made from chlorophenols. The processes

by which these final products are manufactured have been altered to minimize the

unwanted dioxins. The other source of dioxins is the chlorine bleaching of paper pulp.

This bleaching process has been altered to eliminate chlorine, and thereby to eliminate the

possibility of dioxins. Several combustion processes also result in the formation of

dioxins and benzofurans. Municipal and chemical waste incinerators can be sources of

these unwanted by-products. Engineering controls have been put in place in modern

facilities to minimize production. However, older and less controlled processes may


A. Pesticide-Producing Establishments

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) require

that production of pesticides and pesticidal devices be conducted in a registered

Pesticide-Producing Establishment. ("Production" includes formulation,

packaging, repackaging, and relabeling.) Production in an unregistered

establishment is a violation of the law. EPA issues Pesticide-Producing

Establishment numbers for facilities where pesticides or pesticide devices are

produced. These facilities include foreign establishments that import pesticides

and/or devices to the United States.

The use and regulation of pesticides has a significant international

component. The goals and benefits of International Pesticide Activities (EPA)

range from protecting the U.S. food supply to assisting developing countries to

develop appropriate pesticide regulatory programs. International agreement;

Environmental Protection Agency EPA works closely with U.S. agencies, foreign

countries, and international organizations to develop or strengthen international

standards and legal mechanisms related to the sound management of chemicals.

Quite a few international agreements have been developed on different aspects

of pesticides (Environmental Protection Agency, 2006), including: ¾ Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

¾ Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollutants (LRTAP), Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

¾ Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade ¾ Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for Classification and Labelling of


¾ North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) ¾ North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Technical Working

Group on Pesticides

¾ Canada-United States Strategy for the Virtual Elimination of Persistent Toxic Substances in the Great Lakes

¾ International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships


The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer & the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Three federal government agencies share responsibility for the regulation

of pesticides. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registers (i.e.,

approves) the use of pesticides and sets tolerances (the maximum amounts of

residues that are permitted in or on a food) if use of a particular pesticide may

result in residues in or on food (1). Except for meat, poultry, and certain egg


Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible, FDA is charged with enforcing

tolerances in imported foods and in domestic foods shipped in interstate

commerce. FDA also acquires incidence/level data on particular

commodity/pesticide combinations and carries out its market basket survey, the

Total Diet Study. Since 1991, USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS),

through contracts with participating states, has carried out a residue testing

program directed at raw agricultural products and various processed foods. FSIS

and AMS report their pesticide residue data independently.

B. FDA Monitoring Program

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) participates in several international

agreements in an effort to minimize incidents of violative residues and to remove

trade barriers. A standing request for information from foreign governments on

pesticides used on their food exported to the U.S. exists, a provision of the

Pesticide Monitoring Improvements Act.

FDA samples individual lots of domestically produced and imported foods

and analyzes them for pesticide residues to enforce the tolerances set by EPA.

Domestic samples are collected as close as possible to the point of production in

the distribution system; import samples are collected at the point of entry into

U.S. commerce. Emphasis is on the raw agricultural product, which is analyzed

as the unwashed, whole (unpeeled), raw commodity. Processed foods are also

included. If illegal residues (above EPA tolerance or no tolerance for a given

food/pesticide combination) are found in domestic samples, FDA can invoke

various sanctions, such as a seizure or injunction. For imports, shipments may be

stopped at the port of entry when illegal residues are found. "Detention without

physical examination” (previously called automatic detention) may be invoked for

imports based on the finding of one violative shipment if there is reason to

believe that the same situation will exist in future lots during the same shipping



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Ecological & Environmental Learning Services Services (EELSS) (2006). A Food Chain Environmental Problem – Biomagnification.


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Extension Toxicology Network. (1993). Toxicology Information Briefs


Fisk AT, Hoekstra PF, Borga K,and DCG Muir, 2003. Biomagnification. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 46 (4): 522-524

Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2005. . Pesticide Program Residue Monitoring 2003. USA. CFSAN/Office of Plant and Dairy Foods May 2005. http://www.fda.gov/

Gray, J.S., 2002. Biomagnification in marine systems: the perspective of an ecologist. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 45: 46?52.

GreenFacts. 2006. ( http://www.greenfacts.org/glossary/abc/biomagnification-biomagnify.htm).


Landrum, PF and SW Fisher, 1999. Influence of lipids on the bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of organic contaminants in aquatic organisms. Chapter 9 in MT Arts and BC Wainman. Lipids in fresh water ecosystems. Springer Verlag, New York.

LeBlanc, GA 1995. Trophic level differences in the bioconcentration of chemicals: Implication in assessing environmental biomagnification. Env. Sci. Tech. 29:154-160.

Marietta College. 2006. Environmental Biology – Ecosystems.

http://www.marietta.edu/~biol/102/ecosystem.html#Biologicalmagnificatio n6

Miller, R.W. 2006. On my mind: The Ecological Explanation for the Environmental Crisis. Electronic Green Journal, San Francisco, USA, http://egj.lib.uidaho.edu/egj23/miller5.html

Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamental of Ecology. Third Edition. W.B. Saunders company. Philadelphia.

Rasmussen, J.B., Rowan, D.J., Lean, D.R.S. and Carey, J.H., 1990. Food chain structure in Ontario lakes determines PCB levels in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and other pelagic fish. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 47, pp. 2030?2038

Steingraber, Sandra. 1998. Living Downstream. Vintage Books.


Fig 2.  An example of the biomagnification of aquatic food chain
Fig. 3.  An example of the Bioaccumulation
Table 1.  List of Chemical which has Potential to Biomagnify.
Table 2.  A half-life of 15 years using 100 kg of DDT


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