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The Ability of the First Grade Students at Senior High School 2 Batu in Finding the Generic Structure of Narrative Text


Academic year: 2017

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The Ability of the First Grade Students at Senior

High School 2 Batu in Finding the Generic

Structure of Narrative Text



Citra Wulandari






The Ability of the First Grade Students at Senior

High School 2 Batu in Finding the Generic

Structure of Narrative Text


This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements

to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education


Citra Wulandari






This thesis written by Citra Wulandari was approved on January 24, 2011

Advisor I Advisor II


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of Faculty of Teacher Training of Education of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

on January 24, 2011

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang,


(Drs. Fauzan, M.Pd)

Examiners: Signatures:

1. Drs. Sudiran, M.Hum 1. ………...

2. Riza Elfana, M.A 2. ………...

3. Drs. Jarum, M.Ed. 3. ………



The time for action is now.

It is never too late to do something.


Thi s Thesi s was dedi cated to:

My beloved parents,

Alm.Mudawari and Emy Rukayah S.Pd

My soulmate Muchlis Samfrudin H.

My Beloved sister,Niken Yuliansari



First of all, I would like to praise Allah the Almighty for the blessing and mercy given to me during my study and in completing this final project. I would like to thank to the people who contributed their ideas and time given to me in completing my final project. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Drs. Jarum, M.Ed as the first advisor for giving me guidance and help to finish the final project. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Drs. Soeparto, M.Pd as my second advisor for his patience in improving my final project for its finalization.

My thanks also go to Drs. Suprayitno, M.Pd as the headmaster of SMAN 2 Batu and Titik Sriani, S.pd as an English teacher in SMAN 2 Batu for allowing me to carry out the investigation in their school and for giving the contribution while I was conducting the research there.

I would like to dedicate my deepest gratitude to my family especially to my mother Emy Rukayah S.Pd and my father (Alm.) Mudawari who have supported finance, spirit and prayers for my success. I am also grateful to my soul mate Habib for his support during my study and all my friends who might not be mentioned individually here.




1.2 Statement of Problem………... 5

1.3Purpose of Study.………... 5

1.4Significance of Study……… 5

1.5Scope and Limitation ……… 6

1.6Definition of Key Terms.……….. 6


2.2 Narrative Text……….... 9

2.3 Kinds of Narrative Text………12

2.3.1 Fable.………...….12

2.3.2 Folktales………..……….14

2.3.3 Myth……….16

2.4 Generic Structure of Narrative Text.………..……..19

2.4.1 Kinds of Generic structure in Narrative Text………..19

2.4.2 Finding the Generic Structure of Narrative Text…...25

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design………...………28

3.2 Population and Sample……….29


3.2.2 Sample………..………... 29

3.3 Instrument of Data Collection………. 30

3.4 Data Collection……… 33

3.5 Data Analysis ………. 33

CHAPTER IV : FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Research Findings ………... 36

4.2 Discussion ………... 38


5.2 Suggestion……… 43



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Chapter 1 of this thesis presents such topic as: background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and

definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1Background of Study

English is important to be learned by the students and people who want to be successful. English is international language which makes the people able to

communicate each other in this world. It is spoken by many people all over the world, either as a first or second language. Although, the people have the original language of their country, they sometimes have to have English skill if they want to go abroad and understand what the people are talking about. English is also the key which opens doors to scientific and technical knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of many countries in the world. In addition, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants who master either active or passive English are more favorable than those who do not. This is also the essential skill if the people want to get better job.



Education has curriculum which arranges the education system which have been built by the government. The curriculum that is used in Indonesia now is School Based Curriculum. The teachers and the students have some duties that are more difficult. The teachers have to guide the students to reach the standard competence that has been decided by the government. Whereas, in teaching English subject, the teachers must teach the students to achieve the four skills that are very important for them. Those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. The Senior High School students have to reach informational level which the purpose is the student can access their ability or skill to speak English.



it. According to Sudarwati (2006 :112), the organization from narrative text consists of orientation, complication, resolution and reorientation. These all help the students to read, write and learn the narrative text deeply. Whereas, all of the generic

structures also have several parts, such as in orientation, there is an introduction of the text. The students will find the actors, the settings, and any others that the students can find in it. Someone who can hold everyone’s attention when he relates a personal experience such as persons use gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice to make their stories vivid and interesting, but they are also careful to organize their stories. They make sure that their stories lead somewhere and end with definite point, and that they say is clear to their listeners. They are skilled in the art of narration.



was the students’ ability in using simple present tense in writing descriptive paragraph was fair (17 students) and the students had several problems.

The second previous research entitled “A Study on Students’ Ability in Translating an Argumentative Text” that was written by Maryatul Hasanah had an aim to know the students’ ability in translating an argumentative text. The population that was taken by Maryatul was the students at UMM. For sample, she took 20 students from class A and 20 students from class B and she used a test as the main instrument to do the research. The result of her study was the ability of the students in translating an argumentative text it found that from sample there were no students who got score 90. It means that there were no students who have closely perfect translation ability in translating an argumentative text. In general, the students’ ability in translating an argumentative text was moderate because the result of the average score computation was equal to 58.

The third previous research that was written by Mutmainah which entitled “The Ability of the Students in Comprehending Recount Text at SMPN 3 Batu” stated that the result of her research was fair. The population was taken by



In this study, the researcher chooses one of the texts that is narrative text which is one of monolog passage that has been taught by teacher since Junior High School. The process of learning about narrative text continues until students study at Senior High School. It will make them easier to learn about narrative text deeply.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will do a research about the ability of the first grade students at Senior High School 2 Batu in finding the generic structure of narrative text.

1.2Statement of Problem

This thesis has one statement problem:

“How is the abilityof the first grade students at Senior High School 2 Batu in finding the generic structure of narrative text?”

1.3Purpose of Study

This study has an aim:

“To know the ability of the first grade students at Senior High School 2 Batu in finding the generics structure of narrative text.”

1.4Significance of Study



reference for students and lecturers of English Department who are interested in doing a research next.

1.5Scope and Limitation

Like every research which has a scope and limitation, this thesis is also limited in its scope.

Actually, there are many kinds of texts which are taught in senior high school, such as recount, descriptive, news item and narrative text. In this study the writer limits her research only in narrative text and the writer only focuses in generic structure of narrative text which consists of orientation, complication, resolution and reorientation.

1.6Definition of Key Term 1. Ability

Ability is general trait or capacity of an individual that is a determinant of a person’s achievement potential for the performance of specific skill (Richard, 2001: 109).

2. Generic structure

Generic structure in a narrative text is the text which consists of orientation, complication, resolution and reorientation (Hadiri, 2006: 23).

3. Narrative text




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