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Academic year: 2017



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Speaking is one of the central forms of communication. Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measurement of knowing a language. Therefore, a good method in teaching speaking is needed to encourage students in practicing speaking. The aims of this research were to investigate the implementation of contextual teaching and learning in teaching speaking skills and what were the strengths and the weaknesses of CTL in teaching speaking at SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung. This research was qualitative descriptive research.

The population of this research was the second grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung. There were ten classes of the second grade and each class consisted about 38 students. The researcher took class XI IPA 1 as the pre observation class and XI IPA 5 as the sample where the research would be conducted. This research lasted from 18th of January to 1st of February 2013. In collecting the data, the researcher observed the implementation of seven components of CTL to see student’s involvement during teaching learning activities and distributed questionnaires to the students. The result of observation shows that almost all components of CTL were well implemented. Students’ involvement can be seen during the process of speaking class. From pre activities, while activities, and post activities, there were more than 65% of students who were involved actively and enthusiastically enough. While from the questionnaires, there were also more than 65% of students who agreed that they were involved in learning process. Furthermore, the teacher faced some problems such as the big size of the class and also the question that are difficult to be answered by the students.






A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty










Student’s Name : Ferayani Ulrica Student’s Number : 0913042086

Department : Language and Arts Education Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education


Advisory Committee

Advisor 1 Co-Advisor

Prof. Dr. Patuan Raja, M.Pd. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd.

NIP 19620804 198905 1 001 NIP 19550712 198603 1 003

The Chairperson of

Language and Arts Education Department



1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Prof. Dr. Patuan Raja, M.Pd. ………

Examiner : Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A. ……….

Secretary : Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. ……….

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. BujangRahman, M.Si.

NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thank to the Most Gracious and

the Most Merciful, ALLAH SWT. Shalawat and salaam are addressed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family. This research report, entitled “The Implementation

of Contextual Teaching and Learning in Teaching Speaking at The Second Grade of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung”, is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements in

accomplishing the S-1 Degree Program at the Department of Language and Arts

Education of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of Lampung.

There are many individuals who have generously contributed to complete this

research report. First of all the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude and

respect to the first advisor, Prof. Dr. Patuan Raja, M.Pd., and the second advisor,

Sudirman, M.Pd., who have contributed and given their invaluable evaluations,

comments, and suggestions during the completion of this research report. The writer

also would like to express the deepest gratitude and respect to Dr. Muhammad

Sukirlan, M.A., as her examiner who has given suggestions and critics to the research

report. It will be hard for the writer to make the research report better without his


Most importantly, the writter dedicates her deepest gratitude to her beloved parents,

Drs. Fauzan, S.H. and Dra. Maryani, her sister, Fenny Andriani, S.H. her brother,

Ferdy Andrian, S.H. and her big family, for their biggest support and prayers for her


The writer wants to extend her appreciation to her friends, Yusni Triana, Bassma

Baligrna, Jessy Yunita Fadmadi, Resta Putri Yan Asmoro, Siti Mardeliza Dea,

Fatimah Mulya Sari, Desi Setianingrum, Dwi Fitrianingsih, Ayuning Palupi, Tri

Lestari, Desi Pertiwi, Chairunnisa, Ni Wayan Drestiani, Siska Novita Sari, and Clara

Inka Mayang.

Last but not least, her appreciation also goes to her friends at the English Education

Study Program Department 2009, for their supports and friendship.

Hopefully, this script would give a positive contribution to the educational

development of those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, March 2013



The writer’s name is Ferayani Ulrica. She was born in Bandar Lampung on January

17th, 1991. She is the youngest daughter of Drs. Fauzan, S.H., and Dra. Maryani. She has one elder sister, Fenny Andriani, S.H., and one elder brother, Ferdy Andrian, S.H.

She joined Kartika II-6 Kindergarten in 1996. Then she entered Elementary School

SD Kartika II-5 in 1997 and graduated in 2003. She continued her study in SMPN 25

Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2006. After that, she was registered at Senior High

School in SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2009. She joined the S1

program at the English Education Study Program of the Teacher Training and

Education Faculty (FKIP) at Lampung University in 2009. From July to September

2012 she did the Teaching Practice Program (PPL) at SMPN 3 Jati Agung, Lampung



“Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's

called the present."



This script is fully dedicated to:

My beloved parents: Drs. Fauzan, S.H., and Dra. Maryani

My Sister and Brother: Fenny Andriani, S.H. and Ferdy Andrian, S.H.

Students of English Department ‘09



Table Pages

1. Specification of the observation sheet for students……… 24

2. Specification of the observation sheet for teacher.……… 25

3. Specification of the questionnaire ………. 26

4. Observation sheet for students in the first meeting……….... 37

5. Observation sheet for students in the second meeting……… 40

6. Observation sheet for teacher……….. 41



Appendix Page

1. Research Schedule……….. 55

2. Lesson Plan 1 ………. 56

3. Lesson Plan 2………... 63

4. Observation sheet 1………. 71

5. Observation sheet 2………. 76

6. Transcription………... 81




This chapter mainly discusses several points, i.e. introduction that deals with

background of the problem, research problem, objective of the research, uses of the

research, scope of the research, and definition of term.

1.1 Background of the Problem

Language is a tool that human use to communicate with other people in the world.

Language can be used in oral and written communication. There are a lot of

languages in the world because every country has different mother tongue. So, as a

media of communication, human being has to use the language that can be

understood in every country. Language will make people easier to have relation with

other people from different place. Moreover, English nowadays is acknowledged as

an international language because many people from different countries used it as a

means of communication. As an International language, English becomes very

important for our life not only as a communication but also as a way to transfer

knowledge and technology, economic affairs and culture. Therefore, English is taught



English has two basic majors, i.e. skill and component. The basic skills are listening,

reading, speaking, and writing while the basic components are vocabulary, structure,

pronunciation, and spelling. Byrne (1984) says that our concern as language teacher

is not to inform our students about the language, but to develop their ability to use

language. Based on the statement above, we can get a point that the important of

language is how to use and apply it.

According to Richards (1990), “Learners consequently often evaluate their success in

language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how well they feel they have improved in their spoken proficiency”. From the

statement, it can be said that most language learners study English in order to develop

proficiency in speaking. Besides, many language learners regard speaking ability as

the indication that learner are able to use the language. They regard speaking as the

most important skill that they can acquire, and they assess their progress in terms of

their accomplishments in spoken communication.

Bygate (1987:3) states that the basic problem in foreign-language teaching is to

prepare the students to use the language. How the preparation is done successfully

depends very much on how we as teachers understand the aim of teaching. It means

that a good method in teaching speaking will encourage students to practice speaking.

One of the methods that is suitable for teaching English especially speaking skill is



According to Johnson as quoted by Alwasilah (2009: 19), CTL is an educational

process that aims to help student see meaning in the academic subject with the

context of their daily lives, that is, with the context of their personal, social, and

cultural circumstances. To achieve this aim, the system encompasses the following

eight components: making meaningful connections, doing significant work,

self-regulated learning, collaborating, critical and creative thinking, nurturing the

individual, reaching high standards, and using authentic assessments. CLT relates to

subject matter content to real world situation that is needed during the teaching

learning process so the students know the benefit of learning.

To make the students speak in the classroom is not easy. The difficulties of students

to speak may be caused by some backgrounds such as students’ reluctance, lack of

motivation, uninteresting teaching technique, fault method in teaching speaking, etc.

For this, the teachers are supposed to be creative in developing their teaching learning

process and being appropriate in using method to create good atmosphere and good

students’ speaking skill.

Some researchers such as Sister (2004), and Hidayah (2009) in their research found

that it is possible to apply CTL in teaching of speaking. Moreover, students are

actively involved during teaching and learning process since the teacher performed throughout aspects of CTL in teaching speaking so that the students’ speaking



Based on the background above, the writer tried to conduct research in which CTL

was used as the foundation to support modification and using of teaching-learning

process. The writer conducted the research in order to know the procedure of CTL in

teaching speaking. Therefore this research is entitled The Implementation of

Contextual Teaching and Learning in Teaching Speaking Skills at the Second Grade

of SMA N 5 Bandar Lampung.

1.2 Research Problem

The problem of this research isformulated as follow:

1. How is the implementation of teaching speaking by using CTL at second

grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung?

2. What are the stengths and weaknesses of teaching speaking by using CTL at

second grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung?

1.3 Objective of the Research

In relation of the problems above, the objectives of the research are:

1. To find out the implementation of teaching speaking by using CTL at the

second grade of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung.

2. To find out the stengths and weaknesses of teaching speaking by using CTL



1.4 Uses of the Research

The uses of the research are:

1. Theoretically

The result of this research is expected to support the previous theories dealing

with the theories of Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) in teaching

speaking. Moreover, this research also to be used as a reference for the next

researcher who will concentrate on the similar scope of research.

2. Practically

This research was hoped useful for English teacher to implement CTL in

teaching speaking. This research may also contribute some information about

understanding language learning. Furthermore, this research can be used as

logical consideration for the next research.

1.5 Scope of the Research

This research was conducted at SMAN 5 Bandar Lampung. The subject of this

research was second grade students of the school. The sample was randomly chosen,

since the researcher decided that second grade classes have the same appropriate

materials related to the issue of this research. The chosen class was XI IPA 5 which

consisted of 38 students. The researcher tried to analyse and describe the

implementation of CTL in teaching speaking at the second grade of SMAN 5 Bandar

Lampung. The researcher conducted classroom observation and distributed

questionnaire to students to get the data needed. The researcher also analyzed the



The researcher wanted to know students’ response with the teacher’s questions by

giving the possible answer depended on the real situation of the matter.

1.6 Definition of Terms


It is a two-way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and

receptive skill of understanding (Byrne, 1984:81). It means speaking is a way for

communication to send our messege or idea to other people.

Contextual Teaching and Learning

CTL is a concept of teaching and learning which helps teacher to relate the material

to the students’ real world situations and motivates students to be more active in

connecting their knowledge and its application to their real lives (Depdiknas, 2002).


It is showing and helping someone to learn how to do something by giving

instruction, guiding in the study of something with knowledge causing to know or




This chapter discusses several points, i.e. literature review that deals with definition

of speaking, aspects of speaking, function and purpose of speaking, type of classroom

speaking performance, delivery and assessment method of speaking, concept of

contextual teaching and learning, seven components of CTL, teaching speaking

through CTL, and procedure of teaching speaking through CTL. They are explained

in the subtopics a follows.

2.1 Speaking

Speaking is one of the central forms of communication. It is a skill that needs special

attention and interaction. Speaking is productive skill in which the speaker produces

and uses language by expressing a sequence of ideas and at the same time she/he

tries to get the ideas or the message across. In this case, there is a process of giving

message, which is called the encoding process. At the same time, there is a process of

understanding the message of the first speaker.

According to Webster (1841), speaking has a variety of meanings:

a. To tell, to say, to make known or as by speaking, to declare; to announce



c. To use or be able to use (a given language) in speaking

d. To address

As one of the language skills, speaking has a tight connection to life and human

activities because it is one of the main element of communication. According to Lado

(1961: 35) speaking is a productive skill in which the speaker produce and uses the

language by expressing a sequence of ideas and at the time she/he tries to get ideas or

the message accross. Meanwhile, Bryne (1984) states that, oral communication (or

speaking) is a two way process between speaker and listener and involves the

productive skill of speaking and the receptive skill of understanding.

In addition, Scott in Johnson and Morrow (1981) typifies speaking as an activity

involving two (or more) people, in which the participants are both hearers and

speakers having to react to what they hear and make the contributions at high speed.

In other words, each participant must have an intention or set of intentions she/he

wants to achieve in the interaction. Each participant has to be able to interpret what is

said to him, and reply with the language he/she has which reflects his own intention.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that speaking is the process of sharing with other person, one’s knowledge, interests, attitudes, opinions or ideas.

Delivery of ideas, opinions, or feelings are some important aspects of the process of



2.2Aspects of Speaking

Harris (1974: 45) says that speaking has some aspects as described below. All of

which must be learned intensively to improve students’ ability in speaking English.

1. Fluency

Richards, Platt, and Weber (1985: 108) define fluency as follows: "the features

which give speech the qualities of being natural and normal, including native-like

use of pausing, rhythm, intonation, stress, rate of speaking, and use of

interjections and interruptions." Fluency is the smoothness or flow with which

sounds, syllables, words and phrases are joined together when speaking. It means

that, fluency is needed to produce speech in the language and be understood by

the speakers.

2. Grammar

Heaton (1978) defines grammar as a students’ ability to manipulate stucture and

to distinguish appropriate grammatical from in approriate ones. Meanwhile,

Coghill and Magendanz (2003) define grammar of a language as the set of rules

that govern its structure. Grammar determines how words are arranged to form

meaningful units.

3. Vocabulary

Hornby (2005: 1707), gives definition that vocabulary is as a collection or list of

words with brief explanations of their meanings. If we have learned and known

the meaning of word, the sentences is easy to understand but when we never



4. Pronunciation

Pronunciation refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation

(Syakur:1987). Meanwhile Harris (1974:81) defines pronunciation as the

intonation patterns.

5. Comprehension

Syakur (1987) defines comprehension for oral communication that require a

subject to respon to speech as well as initiate it. It means that if the person can

answer or express well and correctly, it shows that he/she comprehends or

understand well.

So, the researcher tried to analyze whether the teacher considers these aspects or not

such as grammar. The researcher analyzed how the teacher made the students aware

in grammar during learning speaking.

2.3 Function and Purpose of Speaking

a. Speaking as a Language Skill

Language skill is human ability to produce, receive and use a language properly

through five senses which is processed in human brain. It can only be achieved

through training and practice. Human speaking skill is influenced by many

factors, such as the development of vocabulary acquired, listening activity, and

reading activity. According to Tarigan (1981) speaking ability is acquired

naturally after infants have listening ability then people commonly acquired



b. Speaking as Communication Tool

To be realized or not, people in the world are living in scope of language.

Everything in the world is defined and communicated by language. Imagine if

there is no language, we can not buy rice in market, we can not call a thing or say

a name, we can not build relationship or get a help. As social member, human

need each other to survive. One of tools for people to survive is maintaining a

relationship, in which they need language there.

As one of communication tools, speaking is happened when people in contact.

The communication is success when someone who has intention decides to

express or share his/her feeling orally then it is received or understood by listener.

Basically the main purpose of speaking is for comunication. To encourage and to

achieve the speaking purposes. It is needed for speaker to understand what they

want to speak. On the other hand, hearers also have to understand what they have

listened. So the speakers and the hearers should at least know the principal of

speaking genarally or personally.

2.4 Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

In speaking there are some types of speaking performance, Brown ( 2001) provides



1. Imitative

Teachers usually ask students to drill word, phrase or sentence when teaching

speaking. For example, students practice an intonation form or try to pinpoint

a certain vowel sound which aimed at focusing some particular elements of

language forms.

2. Intensive

It is one step beyond imitative. It is designed to practice some phonological or

grammatical aspects of language. It can be conducted by self-initiated or pair

work activity.

3. Responsive

A good deal of student speech in the classroom is responsive short replies to

teacher-or-students-initiated questions or commans. These replies are usually

sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. For example:

T: “How are you today?” S: “I’m fine, thanks.”

T: “What is the title of the short story?” S: “the cracked pots”

4. Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional dialogue, which is carried out for the purposes of conveying or

exchanging specific information is an extended form of responsive language.

Conversation, for example, may have more of a negotiate nature to them then

does responsive speech e.g.:



T: “I see. As in our city, there are many state universities like Unila, UBL, Teknokrat, Darmajaya and other reliable one.

5. Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue is aimed at maintaining social relationships than for the

transmission of facts and informations. These exchanges are little tricker for

students because it includes the following factor: a casual register, colloquial

language, emotionally charged language, slang, ellipsis and sarcasm. For


Ami : “Hi Bob what’s going on?” Bob : “Oh nothing”

Ami : “Not a great weekend, huh?”

Bob : “Well, far be it for me to critics, but I am pretty miffed about last week.” Ami : “What are you talking about?

Bob : “I think you know perfectly well what I am talking about.”

Ami : “Oh, that…how come you get so bent out of shape over something like that?”

Bob : “Well, whose fault was it, huh?”

Ami : “Oh wow, this is great, wonderful. Back to square one. For crying out loud, Bob, I thought we’d settled this before. Well, what more can I say?”

6. Extensive Monologue

Finally, students at intermediate to advanced level are called on to give

extended monologues in the forms of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps

short story or speech. Here, the register is more formal and deliberative. These

monologue can be planned or impromptu.

The six types of the classroom speaking performance help the teacher to analyze the students’ performance in speaking, i.e. responsive. When someone asked a question

to his/her friend, the other directly responds by giving possible answer depended on



2.5 Contextual Teaching and Learning

According to Zahorik (1995), knowledge is constructed by the humans. Kowledge is

not a set of facts, concepts, or laws waiting to be discovered, it is not something that

exsist independently of a knower. Human create a construct knowleged as they

attempt to bring meaning to their experience But the majority of students in Indonesia

have difficulty to make connection between what they are learning and how the

knowledge to be used.

Contextual teaching and learning involves making learning meaningful to students by connecting to the real world. It draws upon students’ diverse skills, interests,

experiences, and cultures and integrates these into what and how students learn and

how they are assessed. In other words, contextual teaching situates learning and

learning activities in real-life and vocational contexts to which students can relate, incorporating not only content, the “what” of learning but the reasons why that

learning is important.

According to contextual teaching theory, learning occurs only when students process

new information or knowledge in such away that it makes sense to them in their own

frames of reference (their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and response).

This method to learning and and teaching assumes that the mind naturally seeks

meaning in context by searching for relationships that make sense and appear useful.

Contextual teaching and learning is considered as a convincing alternatives in English



According to Johnson (2002) on her book “Contextual Teaching and Learning” states

that CTL as a learning system is working as nature does, it is appropriate to human

inner which always try to find meaning. CTL also can satify brain needs in

connecting new information with an available knowledge with stimulates the physical

brain improvement in order to respond environment.

Contextual teaching and learning is a concept of learning which help teachers relate

the materials being taught to the students real world and encouraging the student

relate their knowledge in their daily life by implementing seven main elements in the

teaching learning proccess (Depdiknas, 2002: 34). There are constructivism, inquiry,

questioning, learning community, modelling, reflection, authentic assessment.

2.6 Seven Components of CTL

Depdiknas (2002) defines each element of contextual teaching and learning as


a. Constructivism

Constructivism is building a knowledge known by the student. Education is

student-centered; students have to construct knowledge themselves.

Constructivism is a theory, a tool, a lens for examining educational practices.

The characteristic of constructivism learning is active students, they involve

in learning process depend on their ability, knowledge and style of learning.

They are guided by teachers as a fasilitator; teacher will help them if they get



b. Inquiry

Inquiry is the core in contextual teaching learning activities. It is a cycling

process of observing, questioning, investigating, analyzing and concluding. In

other words, it can be said the students find out something by themselves. In

this process the students have chance to observe the phenomenon. They try to

explain and describe the phenomenon being observed. Then, based on their

observation, they try to test what they have observed and finally make


c. Questioning

In contextual teaching and learning, the questioning should not be dominated

by the teacher. In teaching and learning process, questioning is seen as teacher’s activity to motivate, provide and asses thinking ability. The teacher

should provide or create situation that makes the students to have curiosity.

Curiosity leads automatically to have a live teaching learning atmosphere

because students are supposed to ask questions either to their teacher or

friends. The process of questioning can be created between the teacher to the

students, students to the teacher, and students to students.

d. Learning Community

The concept of learning community is that learning in group will give better

result than learning alone. The result of teaching and learning is gained in



friends. Students will interact with one another in sharing the

information/ideas that they get from the text, or the students who do not know

will ask the students who know. Cooperative is encouraged here.

e. Modeling

Modeling is one of the components of CTL method in learning skill or

specific knowledge. Modeling is offering behaviour for imitation. In any

certain lessons there is a model to be imitated by students. For example, in

English speaking lesson, teacher is not the only one source or model. Students

can imitate or learn speaking from other students or source in or out of class.

f. Reflection

Self assessment (self reflection) can be introspective where the students are

asked to reflect back on their foreign language experience and rate themselves

against some kind of scale. Reflection is a way of thinking about what

students have learnt. Teacher and students review and respond the activities

and experiences they have done. They also record what they have learnt, how

they feel, and appeared new ideas.

g. Authentic Assessment

In this process the teacher collect the data to get information about the students’ development in learning. It is used to describe students’ real



provide valid information about the students’ progress and evaluate the students’ activities in a real world context. Authentic assessment can be

described as the result of students learning and motivation. It motivates

students to be able to use their knowledge achievement in a real life.

Assessment places the need of students at the center of teacher’s planning.

These seven components make CTL different from other methods. It is also clearly

seen that these seven components asks the students for actively involving in

classroom activity. Collaborating, nurturing the individual, being creative and critical

thinking, asking the students to be responsible for their own learning. The role of

teacher in CTL is to facilitate student to find the fact or the meaning, concept or

principles for theirselves. Once these components applied in classroom, it will help

both student and teachers in creating a good atmosphere where the learners have a

great responsibility in achieving their success in leaning.

2.7 Teaching Speaking Through CTL

Teaching means giving the instruction to a person or giving a person knowledge skill,

etc. While, Speaking means use the words in ordinary voice. So, teaching speaking is

giving instruction to a person in order to communicate.

Tarigan (1990: 3-4) states that speaking is a language skill that is developed in child



means that speaking is the basic language. The process of speaking skill has

happened for speaking ability.

Dougill and Jones (1987) agree that CTL is “mirror real life” and “reality of function in a simulated and stuctured environment”. Which means that CTL is not a real life; it

is only a type of simulating real life in a simulated environment.

Before applying CTL, the teacher should prepare Lesson Plans. According to Rusman

(2008), there are some steps to develop each components of CTL: First, developing students’ thinking to make learning more meaningful. Second, doing inquiry

activities for all topics taught, developing students' curiosity through questions,

creating a learning community, such as through group discussion and presenting

model as an example of learning. Third, doing reflection of learning activity that has

been performed and doing authentic assessment to measure students’ ability.

From the statements above, it can be concluded that teaching speaking through CTL

is the way of the teacher teaches the students how to communicate by using simulated

situation and environment through the elements of CTL itself. When teaching the

students, the teacher connects the material given with the students daily life by

dealing the students with it through constructivism, and then the teacher let the

students to do the learning community in order to make them easy in mastering

material. Here, the teacher also give model to the students. But the model is not only



inquiry, the students have chance to find out something related to the material by them. In learning process to CTL there is questioning that is seen as a teacher’s

activity to motivate, provide and assess thinking ability. Then the teacher and the

students can reflect what they have learnt in reflection. This activity usually occur in

post activity. The last the teacher can describe the real competence of students

through authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is not only done at the end of

period but also integrated together with teaching learning activities.

2.8 Procedure of Teaching Speaking Through CTL

According to Johnson (2002), there are several procedures that should be done to

implement CTL in teaching speaking by the teacher. Each step contains some

elements,which is relating each other. Below are the procedures how to apply CTL,

including speaking class activity, in the classroom teaching learning process.


Pre activity

a. Teacher greets the students.

b. Teacher checks the attendents list.

c. Teacher gives some question about the topic that will be learnt.

(Constructivism, Questioning)

While activity

a. Teacher asks the students to read the book and write down the information



b. Teacher gives sheet of dialogue and read the dialogue that related with the

topic. (Modeling)

c. Teacher asks the students to read the dialogue with their friends. (Learning


d. Teacher invites students to correct their friends’ wrong pronunciation if it

happends. (Learning community, Modeling).

e. Teacher asks the students to do the tasks by the teacher already give the

example for them. (Modeling)

f. Teacher asks the students to practice the tasks given with their friends.

(Learning community)

g. Teacher asks the students to tell their own information and their friends’

information about the topic being learnt today. (Authentic assessment)

h. Teacher asks students to make their own dialogue with their friend.

(Learning Community, Auhentic Assessment)

Post activity

a. Teacher asks the students’ difficulties during the learning process.

b. Teacher gives comment and conclude the material (reflection).




This chapter discusses several points, i.e. research method deals with research design,

subjects of the research, data collecting technique, validity of the data, reliability of

the data, research procedure and data analysis. They are explained in the subtopics as


3.1 Research Design

In this research, the researcher used the qualitative approach. It was carried out to see

and find out the result of implementing CTL in improving students’ speaking skills.

Bogdan and Taylor (1998) state the qualitative approach is a research procedure that

produces a descriptive data such as written and oral words of people or direct object.

Descriptive data were aimed to describe, find out, analyze and interpret the

phenomena that occurred in the teaching learning process through Contextual

Teaching Learning in teaching speaking skills.

The researcher focused on the process of teaching learning process. The researcher

observed the implementation of CTL components and explored the information about



Therefore, the researcher used the descriptive method to describe a condition

character that occurred when the research was going on and checking current aspects,

the research type used was a field research that oriented to the empiric data collection

in the field based on the object study including social research that form education

research. The researcher did the observation and gave the questionnaire to find out

the implementation of CTL in teaching speaking and explore the problem that found

by the teacher and students during teaching and learning activities.

3.2 Subject of the Research

The subjects of the research were the second grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar

Lampung consisting of ten classes. The researcher used one class, XI IPA 5

consisting of 38 students as the sample where the research would be conducted. This

research was focused on the process of teaching learning activities. The teacher and the students, as well as the students’ responses toward any teaching stage, became the

source of data. Besides, it had been explored about the problems and obstacles found

in the implementation of CTL in teaching speaking class from the teacher. The

researcher conducted classroom observation and distributed questionnaire to students

to get the data needed.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique



a. Observation

Observation was investigated and noticed systematically to indication that appeared

in the research object. By using observation technique, directly the writer knew a real

description about teaching and learning method in presenting English speaking

material at Senior High School of SMA Negeri 5 Bandar Lampung. This observation

was done as pre research, and after it had been decided or rendomize, the researcher

focused the observation to gain information about the process of teaching learning


based on the seven components of CTL in improving English speaking skill.

Table 1. Sample of observation sheet of students’ involvement during teaching

learning process

No Students’ Activity Researcher Rater

Total of students involved % of students involved Total of students involved % of students involved 1 Pre Activities

Interested in the opening of the class. (Constructivism) Responding to topic

enthusiastically. (Constructivism) 2 While Activity

Following the teacher’s instruction (work in group). (Inquiry), (Learning Community)

Paying attention to the teacher’s explanation. (Inquiry)

Responding to the teacher’s questions (Questioning) Following teacher’s modeling enthusiastically. (model)

Actively presenting the results of group discussion in front of the class. (Learning community) 3 Post Activity

Actively involved in doing what have been learned. (Reflection) Doing the speaking task. (Authentic Assessment)



The criteria of successful teaching learning process: 40% - 59% : Poor

60% - 69% : Enough 70% - 79% : Good 80% - 100% : Very Good

Table 2. Observation sheet of implementation of CTL components during the teaching learning process

No Components


Yes No

1 Constructivism

Ask previous experiences related to the material. Review the previous topic.

2 Inquiry

Ask to find and choose the topic of conversation. Ask to create simple dialogue.

Ask to present the dialogue in front of the class. 3 Questioning

Invite questions during the learning process. Give chance to ask anything about conversation. 4 Learning Community

Give a chance to sharing ideas. Give time for discussion.

Ask to find problem based learning. 5 Modeling

Teacher as a model or source. Ask the student to be a model.

Ask the students to imitate or learn from the source or model.

6 Reflection

Review the lesson. Motivate the students. 7 Authentic Assessment

Monitor the students’ activity.

Follow up by giving direction or task as a remedy

b. Questionnaire

The researcher gave a set of of questionnaire to the students after the teaching

learning process. In this qualitative descriptive research, the researcher used



the students in answering the question. Close-ended questions as a questionnaire that

can be used to help the researcher in selecting the data in order for the researcher not

to get irrelevant data (Setiyadi, 2006). The questionnaire would be done in order to

get valid data and to find out the students’ perception about the learning process.

These questionnaires were aimed in getting an accurate data about students’ speaking



Table 3. Specification of questionnaire

No Components Topics Questions

1 Constructivism Greeting

Ask the students’s previous experiences


2 Inquiry Conclude the topic of


Create simple dialogs


3 Questioning Give chance to the students to ask anything about


Invite questions during teaching learning process


4 Learning Community Give time for discussion in a group

Present the dialog in a group


5 Modeling Give the example about the expression

Give the example about the intonations, utterances, etc


6 Reflection Review the lesson

Motivate the students


7 Authentic Assessment Monitor the students’ activity Give assessment at the end of the study session


3.4 Validity of the Data

In qualitative research, the researcher employed tringulation method. Trigulation is a



more accurate conditions. (Setiyadi, 2006: 11). In this research, the writter used time

trigulation. Time tringulation is used to collect the same data which is the teaching

learning process occur in the implementation of CTL in teaching speaking skills at

different time but in the same class. The researcher involved another rater to validate

the data collected. The rater was Jessy Yunita Fadmadi who also conducted a

research about CTL. She made sure whether the teaching learning process used CTL

and its seven components or not by using observation sheet. From the observation,

the researcher and the rater had same assumptions about the situation of the class. It

could be concluded that the data collected was valid. The researcher also used

questionnaire to complete the triangulation.

3.5 Research Procedure

The procedures of the research are such following:

1. Formulating the research question and determining the focus of the research.

The formulating of the reseacher question is the first step of the research.

2. Determining the case, the way of collecting and analyzing the data as well as

the way of reaching the conclusion.

3. Referring the instruments of collecting the data. The researcher has to able to

select the instruments which are appropriate to gather the data. The reseacher

uses observation, questionnaires and interview in collecting the data.

4. Determining the class which became the subject of the research.

5. Discussing with the teacher about the materials. the materials should be



6. Observing the teaching learning process conducted by the teacher. The

researcher observed the implementation of seven components of CTL in

teaching speaking.

7. Distributing questionnaires to the students after the instruction to get the

accurate data. After the process of teaching and learning, the researcher

distributes questionnaires to the subject of the research. The aim is to get more

valid data.

8. Collecting the data.

9. Analyzing the data to get the fix result of the research.

10.Reporting the result of the data analysis to induce the research finding.

3.6 Data Analysis

This data analysis was done to create understanding of the data and to enable the

researcher to present the result of the study to the readers. As with the nature of the

research, data analysis was done using the procedure suggested by Miles and

Huberman (1984: 43). The procedure consists of three stages, there are, data

reduction, data display, and conclusion. This analysis procedure actually took place

interactively and was done simultaneously with the data collection or after the data

was already collected. This means that data analysis took place at the same time

during the three procedures beginning from data collection until the writing up of the



The researcher used the observation sheets and questionnaire. The result was

analyzed after teaching learning activities was conducted. The observation and questionnaire was done to observe the students’ activities and also teacher’s

performance (in Appendix 4, 5, and 7). In analyzing the data that was gotten from students’ activities, the steps were as follows:

a. Counting the number of activities done by the students

b. Calculating the percentage of the students’ activities, the following formula is





In line with the result of the research, the conclusions and suggestions are formulated

as follows.

5.1 Conclusions

Referring to the discussions of the research findings, the researcher comes to the

following conclusions:

1. The seven components underlying Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

were implemented well enough by the teacher. Based on the observation that

had been done by the researcher, the components of CTL had reached

gratifying result but in term of questioning, the teacher had been less

successful. The teacher managed the whole process of teaching learning based

on the lesson plan run effectively by providing a sheet of grid and a dialogue

as a trigger to students.

2. The strength of the implementation of CTL in the classroom is learning

community. In this stage, the students worked actively and cooperatively.

Every student had his/her own awareness to get involved in the activity. There

were several weaknesses from this study. First, in term of questioning. It was



understood and answered. Second, in the teaching learning process by using

CTL, the teacher also had difficulty to monitor each student because of the

large class that consisted of 38 students while time allocation was so limited.

It caused some students to have less attention from the teacher.


Apart of those conclusions, the writer would like to propose some considerable


1. English teacher are recommended to use CTL in teaching their students since

CTL can make the students involve in teaching learning process, enable the

students to be active in the aclassroom activities.

2. In relation to the teacher’s questioning technique, it is suggested that the

teacher should have given a clear question from the very beginning of the lesson to eliminate the students’ hindrance in answering the questions. She

should consider using guided questions to help students to tell their ideas,

since guided questions will help them construct ideas about the materials

being asked. Then English teacher should be controlling the class during

teaching learning process. For example, when the teacher asks a question to

the students, she asks the students to raise their hands first before answering

the question. So, they do not answer the question together. It is done in order


Table 1. Sample of observation sheet of students’ involvement during teaching learning process
Table 2. Observation sheet of implementation of CTL components during the teaching learning process
Table 3. Specification of questionnaire


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