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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


MUHAMMAD MUSLIM NASUTION Registration Number: 8146111038







Muhammad Muslim Nasution. Prosedure Terjemahan dari Ungkapan Phrasal Verbs dalam Novel Breaking Dawn. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan.2016.



MUHAMMAD MUSLIM NASUTION . Translation Procedures of Phrasal Verbs in Breaking Dawn Novel. English Applied Linguistics Study Program , Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2016.




Alhamdulillah, in the name of Almighty ALLAH, the most Gracious and

the most Merciful, first of all, the writer would like to thank God for His Blessing

in the completion of this thesis. Praises are also addressed to our prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the better life of today.

In the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge his

deepest gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to

his by a lot of people.

The highest appreciation goes to his two advisors, Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum

as his first advisor and Dr. Anni Holilla Pulungan, M.Hum. as his second advisor

for their all guidance through the completion of this thesis.

Then, his appreciation also goes to. Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. as the

Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Prof. Dr. Sri Minda

Murni, M.S. as the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program who

have assisted his in processing the administration requirements during the process

of hih studies in the Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan.

The writer’s great thanks also goes to his reviewers and examiners, Prof. Amrin Saragih M.A.,Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Prof. Dr. Sri

Minda Murni, M.S. They had given valuable inputs, suggestions, criticisms, and

improvements for this thesis. He also would like to express his thankfulness for all



Finally, his special gratitude is dedicated to his beloved sister and brother

in law, Khairani Nasution S.Pd.I and Irianto who give his pray, motivation,

support, and also endless praying. And also special thank for Dr. Hj. Tien Rafida

M.Hum and H. Rusdi Ananda M.Pd, sister, brother, and the whole families who

always support him and no suitable word that can fully describe their everlasting

love and express how much he loves them.

Then, last but not least, his gratitude goes to his friends of LTBI A2 who

have supported him to conduct this thesis, especially for Julisah Izar, Kiky

Wardhani, Rizky Vita Losi, Yoni Rahayu, Dian Heriani and Budi Rizka, for their

friendship and cooperation.

Medan, Mei 2016 The writer,










Pages Appendix I ... 62 Appendix II ... 79




1.1The Background of the Study

Translation is likened to a bridge across language and culture barriers.

Translation activities are to transfer source language (SL) into the target language

(TL) to get the meaning in one language. Three notions are source language –

message – target language. Therefore, the translator should master the linguistics

and non-linguistics knowledge of both source language and target language.

Translator should not only master in linguistics, such as word, phrase, clause,

sentence, grammatical, syntactic and semantic that relation of source language and

target language but also non – linguistic knowledge such as a translator‟s

comprehension of the text, whether s/he knows and reads it previously. So

translation became a phenomenon that has a huge effect on everyday life. In

Indonesia, many books that are written in English are sold. They are not only

reference books but also novel. Harpercollins (2012: 29) says that novel is a story

with the prose form in long shape, this long shape means the story including the

complex plot, many characters and various setting. Novel is a form of literature

that has a theme, setting, point of view, plot, character, and style in which there

are cultural values, morals, and education. A novel is a long essay pose, which

contains a series of stories of one‟s life with those around him by accentuating the

character and nature of the offender. Literary works can not be separated by the

process of translating, because the novel is outside the country and sold in

Indonesia will be translated into Indonesian. For suitability meaning of the source



language (SL) and the target language (TL) sometimes forces the language so that

the meaning is acceptable.

Translation is a target text written as a result of the translator‟s

comprehension of source text. However, Venuti (2000:126) states that since no two

languages are identical, either in the meanings given to corresponding symbols or in

the ways in which such symbols are arranged in phrases and sentences, it stands to reason that there can be no absolute correspondence between languages. Besides,

Barnwell (1984) also states that a good translation should be accurate, clear and

natural so it does not sound foreign. In translating the novel is not easy task. Translation as a result should look nice and coherent for reading. Therefore, to get a

good translation, translator should master in both source and target language. There

are competencies should be possessed by translator, they are language competence, textual competence, subject competence, cultural competence, and transfer


So, translation is the core of activities pertaining to the relationship

between two or more languages which then transfers the meaning of the source

language (SL) to the target language (TL) with accuracy the message, the

messages, ideas, concepts of source language (SL) correctly and get closest meaning so as to obtain a good translation.

Larson (1984:3) states that translation is studying the lexicon, grammatical

structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language

text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this



the receptor language and its cultural context. Base on this statement it can be

clear that meaning of a source language text must be substituted by the closest

natural equivalent in the target language.

In Study by Ebrahim Davoudi Sharifabad, Mojdeyaqubi and Tengku

Sepora Tengku mahadi about “The Application of Domestication and

Foreignization Translation Strategies in English – Persian Translation of News

Phrasal Verbs”, The authors of this study have applied these strategies of

translation to English-Persian phrasal verbs in news texts to investigate whether

English-Persian translators tend to domesticate the news headlines or foreignize

them. The news containing phrasal verbs was analyzed based on the ones from

different news agencies and websites. First, some news containing phrasal verbs is

analyzed, then the English translations were compared and contrasted. As the

results of the study showed, English to Persian translators tend to apply the

domestication strategy more frequently. It was concluded that since

culture-specific terms and words are difficult to be understood in the target language, the

translators mostly tend to localize or domesticate them. But unfortunately this

study did not describe the process of translation and describe type of phrasal verbs


Therefore, Breaking Dawn Novel is a great novel written by Stephenie

Meyer In 2005 that has four series and the box office film directed by Bill Condon

that makes this novel translated more that 20 languages and 50 million copies in

the world including Indonesia language with translator Monica Dwi Chresnayani.



Cullen- Hands (2000) states that a phrasal verb is a short two-word (or

sometimes three word) phrase made up of a verb, such as get, give, make and see,

and an adverb (an adverbial particle) or a preposition, such as in, off, out and up.

Because a phrasal verb is a form of idiom it has a meaning which „is different

from the sum of its parts.

Phrasal verbs possess a number of semantic, syntactic, structural, stylistic,

and pragmatic characteristics that may make their translation a difficult task.

Although there are many dictionaries which the translator can consult when

translating English phrasal verbs, the profound comprehension of the phrasal

verbs and the way they are translated remains undetected.

Based on the definition above, it is clear that in translating a text means

that to transfer source language to target language. Translation is to constitute of

material text changing from source language to the target language. Likewise, it is

also contained in Breaking Dawn novel. It is not only phrasal verbs in meaning

but also phrasal verbs in the level of grammar. Because it more talks about the

Novel that mostly the word terms come from western country, so that it is used

frequently maintained, for instance taken from original and the translation novel.

They are:



faced problems in rendering phrasal verbs in Breaking Dawn novel into


In the preliminary data above that the both of sentences point 1.a use

phrasal verb “smile at” which translated “tersenyum mendengar” joined by object.

In point 1.a which use one verb refers to phrasal verb which translated into

Indonesia that has two verb “tersenyum and mendengar” and the other case that is

point 1.b use phrasal verb “smile at” which translated only one verb “tersenyum”

and also joined by object. From explanation and data sample above, the

dissimilarity in the form and structure of the two languages (different grammatical

structures in the SL and TL) may cause remarkable changes in the way

information is carried across. Indonesian compound verbs (point 1.a tersenyum

and mendengar) , which bear the same sense as that of English phrasal verbs

(smile at) and are their translation meaning making it difficult for the translator to

find an meaning in Indonesian while preserving dynamic meaning. It is difficult to

preserve the formal correspondence between the two texts. It is obvious that in

this situation the discrepancies between the two languages lead to a great loss in

the process of translation.

Translation is not a simple thing that we are thinking about but translation

is a complex way and needed wide knowledge and accurate source to transfer that

translation product can be understood and accepted. A phrasal verbs which is a

combination of a verb and proposition or adverb, creates a meaning different from

its constituent verb. It should not be translated by considering its constituent verb

alone. So the particle here is a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning



find same word in other language. The translator use the phrasal verb to enrich the

language and to absorb new concept needed to express linguistically and also to

maintain the meaning in SL and acceptable in TL.

It useful to look at the procedures they have used while translating so that

will be able to determine the most adequate procedures used for translating

phrasal verb into Indonesian and to measure the extent to which the translator

have been successful in translating of phrasal verb. A procedure is that can handle

phrasal verbs which can increase the accuracy of English into Indonesia


Based on explanation above, the researcher interest to explore deeply how

phrasal verbs which enrich meaning translated from SL into TL in Breaking Dawn

novel to find the closest meaning.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the description of the background of the study state above, the

problems of the study are formulated as in the following.

1. What types of phrasal verbs do occur in translating Breaking Dawn


2. What procedures are used in translating Breaking Dawn Novel?

3. What the most dominant phrasal verbs and its procedures are used in



1.3The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to answer the three research questions, as

formulated above. To be more specific, the objectives of the study are.

1. To describe types of phrasal verbs occur in translating Breaking Dawn


2. To describe procedures are used in translating Breaking Dawn Novel

3. To find out the most dominant phrasal verbs and procedures are used

in translating Breaking Dawn Novel.

1.4 The Scope and Limitation of the Study

Research limitation is needed to give a focus to this research. This study

was focused on the translation of phrasal verbs in Breaking Dawn Novel into

Bahasa Indonesia by Monica Dwi Chresnayani of the SL into the TL after they are


1.5The Significances of the Study

Finding of the study are expected taken significant theoretical and

practical. Theoretically, the findings of the present study are expected to be useful

for those who are interested in translation work especially for the translation of

phrasal verb.

Practically, it is also hoped that it will be useful for translator who is

concerned with translating and the researcher hopes that this research will provide





5.1 Conclusions

From the overall anlysis of the phrasal verbs type and translation

procedures in Breaking Dawn, it was concluded that:

1. There were four types of phrasal verb used in Breaking Dawn novel into that

translated Indonesia namely type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4.

2. From seven techniques based on theory of Venuti, used in the translation of

Breaking Dawn novel namely: calque (8 data), literal translation (35

data), transposition (107 data), modulation (82 data), equivalence (11 data) and

adaptation (3 data).

3. The dominant of phrasal verbs used in Breaking Dawn novel was type 3. Type

3 is verb + preposition + object. The preposition cannot be separated from the

verb and in the sentence should be accompanied by object. Whereas, the dominant

procedure were used in Breaking Dawn novel was transposition procedure. It was

used because there were many phrasal verbs when it was translated where

involves replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of

the message and also applied within a single language.



5.2 Suggestions

From the data analysis and conlusion above, the researcher purpose some

sugestions as follows:

1. To teacher

Teacher need to inform students that phrasal verbs is very important and

based on the meaning, phrasal verbs should be recognized as the important

element because the meaning of phrasal verbs itself is predictable.

2. To language learner

This study can be used by the learners or university students to improve

their ability to translate phrasal verbs in sentence.

3. To other researcher

To explore a more detailed analysis of translating phrasal verbs in sentences in

complex clause. This will be able to help the strengthen the significance of this

kind of translation which is to provide a critical tool for the analysis of translating





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Table 3.1 Types of Phrasal Verbs by Acklam ...................................................
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework .....................................................................


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