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A TRANSLATION ANALYSIS ON DEIXIS IN THE TWILIGHT SAGA: A Translation Analysis On Deixis In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Book One) By Stephenie Meyer And Its Indonesian Translation (Pragmatics Perspective).


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Nama : Dr. Anam Sutopo, S.Pd, M.Hum. (Pembimbing I) NIP/NIK : 849

Nama : Mauly Halwat H., Ph D (Pembimbing II) NIP/NIK : 727

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Surakarta, 04 Maret 2014

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Anam Sutopo, S.Pd, M.Hum. Mauly Halwat H., Ph D.





Ria Tri Okta Prasanti

Department of English Education, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, A320100088 ocstaria@gmail.com


This research focuses on analyzing the deixis word found The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Book One) and its Indonesian translation. The objectives are to describe the type and the function of deixis in the novel Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn written by Stephenie Meyer and its Indonesian translation Awal yang Baru and to describe equivalence of deixis in the novel Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn written by Stephenie Meyer and its Indonesian translation Awal yang Baru. This research applies descriptive qualitative method. The data are the deixis word found The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Book One) and its Indonesian translation. The data source are the novel entitled Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Book One) and its translation “Awal yang Baru”. The way to collect data is using docummentation method. The results of the research show that, firstly, there are five types of deixis words found in the novel Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Book One) namely, person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. From 77 data, there are 32 or 41,56% data belong to personal deixis, 12 or 15,58% data belong to time deixis, 12 or 15,58% data belong to place deixis, 14 or 18,18% data belong to discourse deixis, and 5 or 6,49% data belong to social deixis. It shows the most dominant of acccurance is personal deixis. Secondly, the equivalence of the data into equivalent translation and non-equivalent translation. From 77 analyzed data, there are 64 or 83,12% data belong to equivalent translation and 13 or 16,88% data belong to non-equivalent translation. So, the translation of deixis word found in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (book one) novel is B which is very good.

Keywords: translation ,deixis, equivalence.


Hatim and Munday (2004: 3) said that “translation is a phenomenon

that has a huge effect on everyday life.” The first of these two senses relates

to translation as a process, the second to the product. The first sense focuses

on the role of the translator in taking the original or source text (ST) and

turning it into a text in another language (the target text, TT). The second

sense centers on the concrete translation the product produced by the


Machali (2000: 60) noted that “translation as an operation performed on

languages: a process of substituting a text in one language for a text in

another”. Larson (1998:. 3) stated that “translation is basically a change of

form. In translation, the form of the source language is replaced by the form

of receptor (target) language”. It can be concluded that translation is a process

of transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language.

In conclusion, translation is a process of transferring thought , idea and

message from the source language to the target language. In the process of

transferring the translator ha to consider the message priority and then the

style and the structure.

This research deals with some previous researches. The first research

was conducted by Linda Eskawati (Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta,

2010). Her research is entitled An Analysis on the Deictic Word in JK

Rowling’s Novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The problems of

this research are (1) what is the type of deictic Word in JK Rowling’s Novel

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban? (2) what is the kinds of referent

in deixis?. The objectives of this research are to the type of deictic Word in

JK Rowling’s Novel Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and to

describe the kinds of referent in deixis. The result of the research shows that

1) there are five types of deixis, namely, personal deixis, place deixis, time

deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. 2) There are five kinds of the

referents in deixis namely, the referent of personal deixis which refers to all

the participants, the referent of place deixis which refers to Uncle Vernon’s


time when the utterance occurred. While, the referent of discourse deixis

which refers to the referent that being made, and the referent of social deixis

which refers to the social relationship between the speaker and addresses.

Another research was conducted by Juliari (Muhammadiyah University

of Surakarta, 2007), he analyzes Personal Deixis and Reference of Deixis

used in English Translation at Al-Quran. The problems of the research are (1)

what is the type of personal deixis in English Translation at Al-Quran?. (2)

what is the reference of deixis in English Translation at Al-Quran?. The

objectives of this research are to identify the type of personal deixis in

English Translation at Al-Quran, and to identify the reference of deixis in

English Translation at Al-Quran. She finds that the type of deixis are

singular first person, singular second person, it is also distinguished based on

its function in the sentence, as subjunctive pronoun.

This research is focusing on the type and function of deixis on Twilight

Saga: Breaking Dawn (book one) written by Stephenie Meyer.

The analysis of the data uses the theory of translation by Ginory and

Scimone (1995: 11) which state that translation is the process of transferring

a text from a language into another in written form. The origin language is

called source language (SL) while the language a text to be transferred is

called target language (TL). While, the theory of equivalence uses the theory

by Baker (1992: 5) which defined four kinds of equivalence, firstly,

equivalence that can appear at word level and above word level, when

translating from one language into another. Secondly, Grammatical

equivalence, when referring to the diversity of grammatical categories across

languages. Thirdly, Textual equivalence when referring to the equivalence

between a SL text and a TL text in terms of information and cohesion.

Fourthly, Pragmatic equivalence, when referring to imprimaturs and

strategies of avoidance during the translation process. Besides those theories,

theory of Levinson is used to analize the type of Deixis. Levinson (1983: 63)

identified five major types of deictic makers: person deixis, place deixis, time


The researcher conducts the objectives of the research, first, to describe

the type and the function of deixis in the novel Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn

written by Stephenie Meyer and its Indonesian translation Awal yang Baru,

and second, to to describe equivalence of deixis in the novel Twlight Saga:

Breaking Dawn written by Stephenie Meyer and its Indonesian translation

Awal yang Baru.


In conducting this research, the researcher implies descriptive

qualitative method. Jacob (in Seiger, HW & Shonamy E, 1989) states that

qualitative research is a methods attempted to present the data from the

perspective of the subjects or observed groups, so that the cultural and

intelectual biases of the researcher did not distort the collection,

interpretatoin, or presentation of the data.

The data of this research are interrogative sentences in the novel

function of deixis in the novel Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn written by

Stephenie Meyer and its Indonesian translation. In collecting the data, the

researcher uses documentation method with the following steps: first reading

both the original and the translation of the novel Twlight Saga: Breaking

Dawn into Awal yang Baru. Second, finding deixis word and underlying

them. Third, coding the data,for example 001/BD/5/AYB/14. The last is

analyzing the data. In analyzing the data, there searcher uses comparative

method with the following procedure; first, analizing the types of deixis found

in Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn novel. Second, describing the types of

deixis found in Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn novel. Third, analizing the

equivalence of deixis found in Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn novel with its

Indonesian translation. Fourth, describing the equivalence of deixis found in

Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn novel with its translation. The last, drawing

conclusion based on the data analysis of the deixis found in Twlight Saga:

Breaking Dawn novel and its translation.


The researcher describes the types of deixis found in Twlight Saga:

Breaking Dawn novel and the equivalence of deixis found in Twlight Saga:

Breaking Dawn novel and its translation. The analysis is conducted by

comparing the data of the deixis word and their indonesian translation.

1. The Types of Interrogative Sentences Found in Born Under A million Shadows novel

From the data source, the researcher finds the classifications of the

type of deixis, namely; person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse

deixis and social deixis.

a. Person Deixis

Personal deixis here refer to the use of first person referring

to he speaker itself, second person refer to the addressee (s), and

third person refer to the other who is neither the speaker nor the


From 77 data, the writer finds 32 or 41,56 % data belong to

this category.

No : 04/BD/06/AYD/14

SL : “Yes,” the man said politely while his shorter friend rolled his eyes at my answer. “I know. But I was wondering, is that …. Are you driving a Mercedes Guardian?” The man said the name with reverence

TL : Ya," kata pria itu dengan sopan, sementara temannya yang lebih pendek melihat saya dan berkata. "Aku tahu. Tapi aku bertanya-tanya, adalah bahwa .... Apakah Anda yang memiliki mobil ini?"Pria itu mengatakan nama dengan hormat.

Context : The datum tells Bella met with two men are not known.

Two men are interested in the car used by Bella. Both men

were asked about ownership Bella Mercedes. Actually both

these men knew that the luxury car belonging to Bella. To

secure the information of the car, the two men asked directly


The deictic word in the datum above are the word “my”, ”I”

and the word “you”. The words “I” and “my” are identified as the

first person deixis. The word “I” is translated into “aku”. It has

function as subjective personal pronoun. It refers to Bella as the first

speaker. And the word “my” is translated into “saya”, it has function

as possessive adjective pronoun, it refers to Bella too.

The word “I” is also translated into “aku”. It refers to the man

who meets Bella as the second person. The word “you” is identified

as second person deixis. It is translated into “anda”. It refers to Bella

as second person from the man who meets Bella. It has function as

subjective personal pronoun.

b. Place Deixis

Place deixis gives form to the location of the event by

participants in language, for example name of a place and

somewhere. From 77 data, the writer finds 12 or 15,58% data belong

to this category.

No: 03/BD/06/AYD/14

SL : “Somewhere in northern Canada. I can’t tell you which province. He doesn’t pay much attention to state lines.”

TL : "Di suatu tempat di utara Kanada. Saya tidak bisa memberitahu Anda yang provinsi. Dia tidak terlalu memperhatikan batas negara. "

Context : The datum above tells two friends who were talking about

Edward existence. One friend stated that now Edward is in

Northern Canada.

The deictic word in the datum above is the word

“somewhere”, it is translated into “suatu tempat” which refers to the

place in northern Canadian. It is distal deixis, which has function as

relative adverb of place.


Time deixis gives form on timescales as intended in the event

of language speakers. In many languages, deixis (reference) time is

expressed in the form of "when". Time deixis refers to the time of

disclosure perceived distance of time or when an expression made by

the speaker as it is now, at the time, yesterday, tomorrow and so

forth. All of these expressions depend on an understanding of the

speaker’s knowledge about relevant time. Time deixis consists of

seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years. This study shows

the time deixis.

From 77 data, the writer finds 12 or 15,58% data belong to

this category.

No : 20/BD/15/AYD/28

SL : "Wait a minute, mom." I held my breath. "Do you mean mom, only now say it like that?

TL : “Tunggu sebentar, mom.” Aku menahan nafas. “Apakah maksud mom, baru sekarang mengatakanya?

Context : Bella said to her mother (Renee) to wait a minute, Bella

asked that her mother means, only now (the time when

Bella said to her mother).

The word “now” is an adverb of time. It refers to the time

when talking about learning the truth. It is translated into “sekarang”

which is followed by a period in which the author reveals the

message. It has function as the relative adverb of time.

d. Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis concerns the use of expressions within some

utterances referring to some portions of the discourse contents in that

utterance (including the use of the utterance itself).

Instances of discourse deixis are the use of demonstrative

”this” and “that”. Demonstrative “this” and “that” place deixis forms


From 77 data, the writer finds 12 or 15,58% data belong to

this category.

No : 31/DB/25/AYD/42

SL : "That's not true! I do not want you to sacrifice for me. I want to give you more things, not just take it from you. I will not steal your future. If I'm human .... "

TL : “dia tidak benar! Aku tak mau kau berkorban untukku.

The deictic word in the utterances above is the word “that”, it

is translated into “dia”. It refers to the “Jacob” which has function as

objective pronoun.

e. Social Deixis

Hatch (1992: 220) states that deixis is code to know social

relationship between speaker and addressee or audience. The

categories are honorifies, title of address, vocative and pronoun. She

also states that there are two lends of social deixis, they are absolute

deixis and relational deixis.

From 77 data, the writer finds 5 or 6,49% data belong to this


No : 21/BD/15/AYD/28

SL : I mean no disrespect, but since Bella has already said yes and I don’t want to diminish her choice in the matter, instead of asking you for her hand, I’m asking you for your blessing. We’re getting married, Charlie. I love her more than anything in the world, more than my own life, and – by some miracle – she loves me that way, too.


jadi alih-alih meminta ijin kepadamu untuk melamarnya, aku memintamu merestui kami. Kami akan menikah, Charlie. Aku mencintai Bella lebih daripada apapun di dunia ini, lebih daripada hidupku sendiri, dan – ajaibnya – dia juga mencintaiku.

Context :Edward said that he mean no disrespect, but Bella has

already said yes and he (Edward) did not want to diminish

her (Bella) choice. In the matter, instead of asking you

(Charlie) for her (Bella) hand, and he was asking you

(Charlie) for your (Charlie) blessing. They (Edward and

Bella) was getting married. He love Bella so much.

The deictic word in the datum above is the word “her”. The

first word “her” is translated into “nya”, it refers to “Bella”. The

second word “her” is translated into “Bella”. Both of the words

“her” belong to absolute social deixis because the speaker has

respect to the object.

2. The Equivalence of the Interrogative Sentence Found in Born Under A Million Shadows Novel and its Translation

The equivalence of translation requires the appropriate meaning

or message which is transferred from the source language into the target

language. In this section, the writer analizes the equivalent and

non-equivalent translation between deixis in the novel Twlight Saga:

Breaking Dawn and its Indonesian translation Awal yang Baru.

a. Equivalent translation

Equivalent translation is showed by the source language and the

target language which have the same meaning or message. From 77

data, the writer finds 62 data or 83,12% data belong to equivalent


No: 52/DB/40/AYD/59


TL : “Jangan sampai dia masuk ke sini!”

Context : Jacob said to Bella not to let him (volturi) here (in the


The datum above belongs to equivalent translation. It is

because the information from the source language into the target

language is transferred correctly. The word “him” is translated into

“dia”, it refers to volturi as the third speaker, and the word “here” is

translated into “kesini”. The form and the meaning are accurate. So,

the translation above is included into equivalent translation.

b. Non-equivalent Translation

Non-equivalent Translation is indicated when the message or

meaning of the source language which is transferred into the target

language is inappropriate. From 77 data, the writer finds 13 data or

16,88% data belong to non-equivalent translation.

No : 01/BD/5/AYD/14

SL : “I’m sorry to bother you, but could you tell me what kind of car you’re driving?” the tall one asked

TL : "Maaf mengganggu Anda, tapi bisa Anda ceritakan jenis mobil apa yang Anda kemudikan?" Yang tinggi bertanya

Context : The datum above is uttered by the men who met Bella,

they asked because they only wanted to know about the

Bella’s car.

The datum above belongs to non-equivalent translation

because of an omission in this translation. The personal pronoun “I”

is not translated into the target language. It does not have an

equivalent meaning of SL. The translation should be “maaf saya

mengganggu anda”. The datum above belongs to non-equivalent



Based on the analized data, the researcher finds 77 data of the deixis

word. Related to the theory by Levinson (1983), The researcher categorizes

three types of deixis found in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (book one)

novel namely, person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis and

social deixis. From 77 data, there are 32 or 41,56% data belong to personal

deixis, 12 or 15,58% data belong to time deixis, 12 or 15,58% data belong to

place deixis, 14 or 18,18% data belong to discourse deixis, and 5 or 6,49%

data belong to social deixis. It shows the most dominant of acccurance is

personal deixis.

The writer categorizes the equivalence of the data into equivalent

translation and non-equivalent translation. From 77 analyzed data, there are

64 or 83,12% data belong to equivalent translation and 13 or 16,88% data

belong to non-equivalent translation. The writer uses the grading scale by

machali (2000:119) score A is excellent (86-90), B is very good (76-85), C is

good (61-75), D is sufficient (46-60), and E is bad (20-46). It means that the

translation of deixis word found in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (book one)

novel is B which is good.


There are five types of deixis word found in the Twilight Saga:

Breaking Dawn (book one) novel namely, person deixis, place deixis, time

deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. From 77 data, there are 32 or

41,56% data belong to personal deixis, 12 or 15,58% data belong to time

deixis, 12 or 15,58% data belong to place deixis, 14 or 18,18% data belong

to discourse deixis, and 5 or 6,49% data belong to social deixis. It shows the

most dominant of acccurance is personal deixis. It also shows the characters

in the novel want to get a lot of information.

The equivalence of the data is categorized into equivalent translation

and non-equivalent translation. From 77 analyzed data, there are 64 or

83,12% data belong to equivalent translation and 13 or 16,88% data belong to


Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (book one) novel is very good translation

based on grading scale by Machali.


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Bell, Roger T. 1991. Translation and Translating Theory and Practice. Singapore: Longman Singapore Publisher.

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Hatch, Evelyn. 1992. Discourse and language Education. Cambridge: Cambridge university press

Juliari. 2007. Personal Deixis and Reference of Deixis used in English Translation at Al-Quran. UMS

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Machali, Rochayah. 2000. Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah. Jakarta: Penerbit PT Grasindo

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