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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S.)

in English Language

By: Dini Arifiani Achmad Basari






Dini Arifiani

English Department, Dian Nuswantoro University ABSTRACT

Translating an English novel is difficult, it would be more difficult when translating multi-word verbs, for it has a various meaning. The translation method concerned with the decision of translator in translating a multi-word verbs. The appropriate choice of meaning for multi-word verbs is the key of natural translation work result. The thesis aims at finding out kinds of multi-word verbs and the translation methods are used in the novel and also finding out the translation method used in translating the most dominant multi-word verbs found in the novel. The mostly multi-word verbs used is phrasal verbs. Faithful translation method is mostly used to translate phrasal verbs. The faithful translation method is mostly used because the translator wants to hold tight to the original meaning of the source language and she also makes the same construction of the translation in target language as the construction of the source language.

Key words: multi-word verbs, translation method, faithful translation method

Menerjemahkan sebuah novel berbahasa Inggris bukanlah suatu pekerjaan yang mudah, apalagi ketika menerjemahkan kata kerja majemuk, hal ini dikarenakan kata kerja majemuk memiliki makna yang bervariasi. Metode penerjemahan terkait dengan keputusan seorang penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan sebuah kata kerja majemuk. Pilihan makna yang sesuai untuk sebuah kata kerja majemuk merupakan kunci untuk hasil karya penerjemahan yang natural. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis-jenis kata kerja majemuk dan menemukan metode penerjemahan yang terdapat dalam novel serta menemukan metode penerjemahan yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata kerja majemuk yang paling sering digunakan dalam novel. Phrasal verbs merupakan kata kerja majemuk yang paling sering digunakan dalam novel. Metode penerjemahan faithful paling banyak digunakan untuk menerjemahkan phrasal verbs karena penerjemah ingin mempertahankan makna asli di bahasa sumber serta menyamakan susunan kata-kata di bahasa sasaran seperti susunan kata-kata di bahasa sumber.



A human being who is as a social creature cannot live alone and it is a character of human being itself. Every human being needs to have a social relationship with others so that he or she can help each other in order to fulfill his or her needs. It cannot be denied that for having a social relationship, he or she has to communicate with others. A communication between human being can be done using signs or using language either it is spoken or written.

Butt et.al. (2000:10) says that "people use the language as a equals of communication with other people, as a tool to express their ideas and wishes. Without language it is hard to imagine how people can cooperate and get along with one another".

It equals that if there is no language, people will be difficult to express the things in their mind, to say their wishes and definitely it will be more difficult to understand each other without language. That is why every human being need language in order to have a successful communication.

A successful communication equals that when a person communicates with others, they have a good communication and a good understanding each other. Those conditions can happen if they understand the language are used in communication.

In accordance with the understanding, languages are used in communication and mastering English is one of the necessary ways to have a successful communication with people all over the world. Since it is an international language, English is used as language for communicating either spoken or written by people in many countries. Unfortunately, not everyone can understand English and learn English quickly, while the need of understanding English is unavoidable. The difficulties of mastering English can be solved by providing a translation work using the mother language.

By translating a source work, for instance a novel, many people can read the book in the first language so that they can understand the content of the book. They will more appreciate a popular novel or a best-seller novel which is translated in many languages and published all over the world.

However, translating a source book, for instance an English book is not an easy work. In transferring a meaning from source language into target language, a translator has to consider who the target readers are and decide the most appropriate meaning for the target language.

Since words sometimes can be translated in more than one meaning, it becomes one of problems in translating a word. A translation result really depends on the context of the words and the knowledge of a translator. A translator can translate a word into the most appropriate selection of word by considering the translation methods. For example the verb watch can be translated into Indonesian Language as memperhatikan, menjaga, mengamati, or menonton.



the sentence. Besides that, multi-word verbs also fall into four subclasses and it has to get more attention from translator before deciding to classify a multi-word verbs into a subclass of multi word verb. It is also important that in translating a multi-word verbs, a translator has to decide the most appropriate type of translation to have a natural translation work result.

The translation methods used in translating multi-word verbs are also interesting to be investigated because the translation methods concerned with the decision of translator in translating source language to target language. By considering the translation methods, a translator can translate a source word into the most appropriate selection target word. The appropriate choice of meaning for multi-word verbs is the key of natural translation work result. The translator’s decision of choosing the translation methods can be seen from the translation result.

In accordance with the two things above, the researcher chose the title The Translation Methods of Multi-Word Verbs in Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani.


Research Design

The type used for carrying out this study is qualitative descriptive. “Purposive Sampling is done by taking a subject based upon particular purpose” (Arikunto, 2002:7). This technique is performed for a variety of consideration, such as reason for the limitations of time, effort, and money. Although this way is allowed, the researcher could determine the sample based on specific goals.

On choosing the data, the researcher adapted Arikunto's way of counting the sentences to be collected. The researcher only discussed the third section of both novels because those section are written from Bella's perspective and it is the final section of the Twilight Saga. The third section consists of 29 chapters from preface till chapter 39. The third section tells how Bella Swan is breaking dawn, when Bella who is as a new vampire born has to fight in the final battle to save her beloved people.

On judging multi-word verbs, the reasearcher used English-Indonesian dictionary by John M. Echols and Hasan Shadily. The dictionary was published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2001. It is the reproduction dictionary with the special right printed from Cornell University Press, its original publisher.

Unit Analysis

The analysis unit of this research is the sentences that have multi word verbs in Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani.

Source of Data



American author Stephenie Meyer. It was released on August 2, 2008 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, a division of Hachette Book Group USA at midnight release parties in over 4,000 bookstores throughout the US. The number of pages of Breaking Dawn is 481 pages while the number of pages of Breaking Dawn Awal yang Baru is 864 pages.

Technique of Data Collection

In this research, documentation method is used to get the data.. According to Arikunto (2002:158), Documentation method is a method to collect data in written source like books, magazine, documents, etc.

The researcher wrote and coded the multi-word verbs found in English version (Breaking Dawn) and their translation in Indonesian version (Awal yang Baru).

Coding the data based on the title of novel, the number of data, and the page on which the data are taken, example: 01/BD/-1/5. The number of datum is 01; BD (The Twilight Saga-Breaking Dawn), the chapter is -1 and the page on which the datum is taken 5.

Technique of Data Analysis

The steps in the data analysis are as follows:

1.Finding out all multi-word verbs in Stephanie Meyer's The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.

2.Classifying all data into each kind of multi-word verbs. 3.Analyzing the data found by the kinds of multi word verbs

4.Finding out the meaning of each multi-word verbs based on the Indonesian translation version Awal yang Baru.

5.Classifying all data into each kind of the translation methods. 6.Analyzing the data found by the translation methods.

7.Classifying each kinds of multi-word verbs by the transaltion method used 8.Displaying the data in a table

9.Drawing conclusion


The Finding

There are four kinds of multi-word verbs, containing 110 units of data analysis in the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn novel as the source language and the target language of Awal yang Baru. They are showed in the table as below:



No. Multi-Word Verbs Quantity Percentage (%)

1. Phrasal Verbs 64 58,18%

2. Prepositional Verbs 16 14,54%

3. Phrasal Prepositional Verbs 28 25,45%

4. Phrasal+Noun+Preposition Idiom 2 1,81%

Total 110 100%

From table 1. above, it can be seen that the highest percentage of multi-word verbs used is phrasal verbs. This is the mostly multi-word verbs used in Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani. Phrasal verbs is a using of a verb and an adverb simultanously. The lowest percentage is phrasal+noun+preposition idioms. It is the least multi-word verbs used in the novel.

There are 4 kinds out of 8 translation methods containing 110 units of data analysis found in the two novels. They are constructed as below:

Table 2. Translation Methods used the Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" which is translated into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani

No. Translation Method Quantity Percentage (%)

1. Free Translation 31 28,18%

2. Literal Translation 17 15,45%

3. Faithful Translation 58 52,72%

4. Semantic Translation 4 3,63%

Total 110 100%

From table 2. above, it can be seen that the translation method used in Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani are free translation, literal translation, faithful translation, and semantic translation. The highest percentage of translation method used is faithful translation. This is the translation method mostly used in the novel. The translator keeps to be completely faithful to the literal meaning and the structure of the source language. The lowest percentage is semantic translation. It is the least translation method used in the novel.



Table 3. Translation Methods of Multi-Word Verbs the Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" which is translated into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani

No. Multi-Word Verbs

Translation Methods

Total Free

Translation Method

Literal Translation


Faithful Translation


Semantic Translation


1. Phrasal

Verbs 17 9 36 2 64

2. Prepositional

Verbs 4 0 11 1 16




10 8 9 1 28

4. Phrasal+Noun+

Preposition Idiom 0 0 2 0 2

Total 31 17 58 4 110

From table 3. above, There are 31 data (28,18%) for free translation method consisting of 17 phrasal verbs, 4 phrasal prepositional verbs and 10 prepositional verbs. 17 data (15,45%) for literal translation method and it consists of 9 phrasal verbs and 18 phrasal prepositional verbs, 58 data (52,72%) for faithful translation method consisting of 36 phrasal verbs, 11 phrasal prepositional verbs, 9 prepositional verbs, and 2 verb+noun+preposition idioms. The last is 4 data (3,63%) for semantic translation consisting of 2 phrasal verbs, 1 phrasal prepositional verb and 1 prepositional verb.

From table 4.3 above, it also can be seen that the highest using of multi-word verbs which is found in the two novels phrasal verbs. The number of phrasal verbs which is found in thw two novel is 64 data. The percentage of the using of phrasal verbs is 58,18% (table 4.1). There are 36 data out of 64 phrasal verbs which is translated by using faithful translation method. The translator translated each data of 36 phrasal verbs by using its literal meaning in the target language. The translator did not change, add, or omit meaning in the target language of the word in the source language.She puts the translation in the target language as same as the meaning of the word in the source language.

Free Translation


8 Excerpt 1

SL : My heart took off (9/BD/19/250) TL : Jantungku meloncat (9/AYB/19/325)

Took off is combination of a verb (took) and an adverb (off) which forms a new meaning. The combination of a verb and an adverb is classified into phrasal verbs in multi-word verbs. The phrasal verbs above uses intransitive verbs. It is a verb that does not require an object as the complement.

Took off is translated by using free translation because its translation in the target language is different literally from the source language. Literally, took equals mengambil while off equals lagi. Since took off is phrasal verbs, it forms new meaning that is membuka, mengambil, berangkat, pergi literally. (Echols and Shadily, 2001:577). It is impossible to put the literal meaning in the target language because it would be difficult for the reader to understand.

The translator translated took off in the source language completely different into meloncat in the target language in order to make the result of translation sounds natural. She chose the word meloncat as the translation of took off because in the context of the story in the novel telling that Bella, who was in the process of changing to be a vampire felt that her heart was beating so hard for the last time. It was like her heartbeat jumped and went. The translator makes the same description from her translation as the context of the story in the novel.

Excerpt 2

SL : I trailed off (27/BD/20/256)

TL : Aku tidak menyelesaikan kata-kataku (27/AYB/20/334)

Trailed off is an inseparable phrasal verbs since it is formed from a verb (trailed) and an adverb (off). If a verb and an adverb are used together, it is called phrasal verbs in the multi-word verbs. Since the phrasal verb trailed off does not require an object as the complement, it uses intransitive verbs.

The text above is translated by using free translation method. It is hard to find the equivalent meaning of trailed off in target language so that the translator translated trailed off in the source language by translating into tidak menyelesaikan kata-kataku in the target language in order to get the natural result of translation.


9 Excerpt 3

SL : I focused on my poker face (29/BD/20/256) TL : Aku memasang wajah datar (29/AYB/20/334)

Focused on is included in verb and preposition used together to make a new meaning where focused is a verb and on is a preposition and it is known as prepositional verbs in multi-word verbs. My poker face functions as direct object.

On in the sentence is kind of preposition of position that has meaning the point itself. In the sentence I focused on my poker face, the point itself is Bella's face because I in the source language refers to Bella.

The translator translated the prepositional verbs above by using free translation method because she does not use the literal meaning of the source language. In (Echols and Shadily, 2001:251). Focused on in the source language which equals memusatkan pada is translated into memasang in the target language. There is a difference of meaning from the source language and the target language literally. The translator chose to put the word memasang in the target language as the translation of focused on in the source language because it sounds more natural rather than memusatkan pada.

The translator also did not preserve the structure of the source language in the target language. It can be seen that in the target language there is an omission of possessive pronoun my- which exists in the source language. Although the possessive pronoun my- in the word my poker face is not translated into wajah datarku in the target language, it does not change the meaning. Since the pronoun I refers to Bella, the reader knows who the poker face is, that is Bella.

Literal Translation

In this translation method, the meaning in the target language are resulted by converting the source language structure into the nearest equivalent structure in the target language but the lexical words in the source language are translated singly out of context. There are 17 data including this translation method that are found in the novel. Some of them are:

Excerpt 4

SL : Edward’s hands balled up into fists (81/BD/25/316) TL : Kedua tangan Edward mengepal (81/BD/25/414)

Balled up into is included into the phrasal-prepositional verbs in the multi-word verbs. It is combination of a verb (balled), an adverb (up) and a preposition (into). If a verb, an adverb and a preposition are combined, it is called phrasal-prepositional verbs in multi-word verbs.



the predicator complement is fists. A predicator complement can not constitute subject because the sentence can not be formed into passive sentence.

Into in the sentence is kind of preposition of direction that has meaning enter to the point. In the sentence Edward’s hands balled up into fists, the point is fists.

Balled up into fistsis translated by using literal translation because it is translated singly out of context. It is not translated into membulat ke atas ke dalam kepalan (Echols and Shadily, 2001:251).

as same as when it is translated indivually, but it is translated into mengepal.

In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), the definition of mengepal is membentuk genggaman atau tinju kepalan tangan. By using literal translation method, this definition is the same as the individual translation of balled up into fists in the source language.

Faithful Translation

Faithful translation attempts to rendering the literal meaning of the source language into the target language and preserves the structure in the target language as same as the source language. There are 58 data including this translation method that are found in the novel. Some of them are:

Excerpt 5

SL : Give her back to me! (02/BD/19/242) TL : Kembalikan dia padaku! (02/BD/19/315)

Give back is phrasal verbs in the multi-word verbs. It is combination of a verb (give) and an adverb (back) which forms a new meaning. The combination of a verb and an adverb is classified into the phrasal verbs in multi-word verb. It uses complement verbs because it needs an object following it as the complement. Me is the object of the sentence. It is an indirect object with the direct object is her. Me is pronoun to whom the action is done while her is pronoun which receives the action.

Give back which is formed from the word give equals memberi and back equals lagi is translated by using faithful translation method for the translator used the literal meaning of the phrasal verbs that is mengembalikan (Echols and Shadily, 2001:270).

It is translated completely faithful to the literal meaning of the source language. Give her back to me is completely translated into kembalikan dia padaku without any subtraction or increment.


11 Excerpt 6

SL : I knew it would be so much easier to give in (03/BD/19/242)

TL : Aku tahu akan jauh lebih mudah untuk menyerah saja (03/AYB/19/315)

In this translation, give in is combination of verb and adverb used together idiomatically that cause a new meaning that is surrender. In the multi-word verbs, the use of verb and adverb simultanously called phrasal verbs. Since it does not require an object as its complement, it uses intransitive verbs.. The translator used faithful translation method in translating text because she renders the meaning of the source language by using the meaning of surrender that is menyerah in the target language.

Give in the source language is an idiom because it is a group of words with a meaning that is different from the meaning of all the individual words. Literally, give means memberi and in means masuk. Its idiomatic meaning that is menyerah (Echols and Shadily, 2001:270)in the target language does not have any connection with the individual meaning of both individual words in the source language.

Semantic Translation

Semantic translation must take more account of the aesthetic value (that is, the beautiful and natural sound) of the source text (Newmark, 1988:46). There are 4 data including this translation method that are found in the novel. Some of them are:

Excerpt 7

SL : I would not be able to live through that (06/BD/19/242) TL : Aku takkan sanggup hidup tanpa dia (06/AYB/19/315)

In the multi-word verbs live through is classified as prepositional phrase. It happened when a verb and a preposition used together. Live through is combination of a verb (live) and a preposition (through), it makes the phrase included into the prepositional phrase. That receives the action of verb because it is as the constituent that follows live and it functions as direct object.

Through in the sentence is kind of preposition of direction that has meaning penetrate to the point. In the sentence above, the point is that. According to the sentence, it tells about Bella who loves Edward so much and she was saying that she could not live if Edward dies. It is the reason why the point that is translated into dia in the target language because that refers to Edward.



through equals terus hidup (Echols and Shadily, 2001:362). The result of translation in the target language sounds beautiful. It describes a hyperbole feeling. A feeling of Bella who loves Edward deeply and it states that Bella can not live without Edward. It is also more flexible and easier to be understood by the reader rather than its individual words which is aku tidak akan dapat untuk hidup di luar itu.


The conclusion is based on the data analysis in finding and discussion. From the analysis, it can be concluded that there are 110 units of data analysis in the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn novel as the source language and the target language of Awal yang Baru which have been analyzed based on Newmark's translation methods.

The mostly multi-word verbs used in Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani. is phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs is a using of a verb and an adverb simultanously. The lowest percentage is phrasal+noun+preposition idioms.

There are 4 kinds out of 8 translation methods used by the translator in translating the The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn into Awal yang Baru. They are free translation, literal translation, faithful translation and semantic translation where each of them has its own percentage of usage. The researcher found that the novel translation is dominated by faithful translation method and free translation method according to the percentage in table 2.

Faithful translation is used because the translator completely preserves the literal meaning and the structure of the source language. She wants to hold tight to the original meaning of the source language and she also makes the same construction of the translation in the target language as the construction of the source language.

Free translation method is the second highest frequency after faithful translation method. The method is used because it is probably the easiest way for the translator to translate the multi-word verbs in the sentence in order to get the natural translation so that the reader can comprehend the meaning easily. She realized that it is impossible to put the indivual meaning or literal meaning of each word of the phrase in multi-word verbs since sometimes they do not make sense when they are tranlated literally into a sentence. It makes the translator has to render the source language freely without considering the literal meaning and preserving the structure of the source language only to make the natural translation easily understood by the reader.



From table 3. above, it also can be seen that the highest using of multi-word verbs which is found in the two novels phrasal verbs. The number of phrasal verbs which is found in thw two novel is 64 data. The percentage of the using of phrasal verbs is 58,18% (table 4.1). There are 36 data out of 64 phrasal verbs which is translated by using faithful translation method. The translator translated each data of 36 phrasal verbs by using its literal meaning in the target language. The translator did not change, add, or omit meaning in the target language of the word in the source language.She puts the translation in the target language as same as the meaning of the word in the source language.


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http://www.tuchemnitz.de/phil/english/chairs/linguist/independent/kursmaterialien /gws/Multi-word%20verbs.pdf


Table 2. Translation Methods used the Stephanie Meyer's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" which is translated into "Awal Yang Baru" by Monica Dwi Chresnayani
Table 3. Translation Methods of Multi-Word Verbs the Stephanie Meyer's


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