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A Social Analysis Of Anti-Racism In John Lee Hancock’s The Blind Side


Academic year: 2016

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3.1 Research Design..………...20

3.2 Data Collecting....………...21

3.3 Data Analysis...………...22


4.1 Anti-Racism Actions...23

4.2 Impact of Anti-Racism Actions...35


5.1 Conclusion………...41

5.2 Suggestion....………...42



i. Autho’s Biography and works



Skripsi ini berjudul “A Social Analysis Of Anti-Racism In John Lee Hancock’s The Blind Side”. Skripsi ini membahas tentang tindakan anti-rasis seorang wanita kulit putih yang bernama Leigh Anne kepada seorang anak kulit hitam bernama Michael Oher. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan intrinsik dan ekstrinsik sekaligus dengan mengutamakan analisis unsur tokoh dan juga unsur kondisi sosial yang terjadi. Hasil temuan berupa gambaran anti-rasisme Leigh Anne dalam kehidupan dan lingkungannya serta dampaknya melalui gambar dan dialog di Film "The Blind Side". Penulis juga menulis riwayat pengarang dan karya-karyanya serta dilengkapi dengan ringkasan cerita. Dari hasil analisa tokoh dan unsur kondisi sosial yang terjadi dibuktikan bahwa tindakan anti-rasis memiliki dampak positif yang sangat besar, tidak hanya bagi perorangan tapi juga bagi lingkungan sosial. Ini juga menyoroti fakta bahwa apa pun bantuan yang kita berikan, tidak peduli seberapa besar atau kecil, dapat membuat perbedaan dalam kehidupan orang lain.



This thesis entitled "A Social Analysis Of Anti-Racism In John Lee Hancock's The Blind Side". This thesis discusses the actions of an anti-racist white woman named Leigh Anne to a black child named Michael Oher. In the writing of this thesis, the author uses the intrinsic and extrinsic approach, with emphasis on the analysis of elements of the character, and also elements of social conditions that occurred. The results of the findings in the form of an overview of anti-racism Leigh Anne's life and the environment as well as the impact through images and dialogue in the movie "The Blind Side". The author also wrote a history of the author and his works as well as equipped with a summary of the story. From the results of the analysis of social conditions and elements that occurred proved that anti-racist actions have a huge positive impact, not only for individuals but also for the social environment. It also highlights the fact that whatever help we provide, no matter how large or small, can make a difference in the lives of others.




1.1 Background of Study

Literature comes from the word littera (Latin) which is the smallest element of alphabetical writing (Klarer, 2004:1). This definition looks simple in describing what literature is all about, because not all written works can be considered as literature. In Additional, Klarer (2004:1) states:

“The definitions, therefore, usually include additional such as ‘aesthetic’ or ‘artistic’ to distinguish literary works from text of everyday use such as newspaper, legal documents or even scholarly writing.”

Based on the brief description above, being a form of written works of recognized artistic value is known as one of literature characteristic. Wellek and Warren (1956: 94-95) states that literature represents life. Life is, in large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of the literary imitation. Literature is an expression of society. It means that in literary works, we can find phenomena of life in the society because literary work is the reflection of life.


result of thought and a reflection of a culture, therefore in many literary work narrate about the human interaction with human beings and their environment. Basically, the kind of literature are only prose fiction, poetry, and novel but recently in the 21th century the film is accepted as one of literature. According to Klarer (2004:53) states:

“At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it impossible to neglect film as a semitextual genre both influenced by and exerting influence on literature and literary criticism.”

Film, like literature, can employ the dimension of time in a variety of way. The terms plot, time, character, setting, narrative perspective, and style emerge not only in the definitions and characterizations of the genre of novel, but also function as the most important areas of inquiring in film (Klarer, 2004:14). Literary works in the form of a film genre of fiction was eventually revealed as a category of literary works based on the resulting effect for the audience. A literary work has an elements of entertaining. When the movie was produced to meet the needs of community in the filed of entertainment, literature has undergone a similar development. In the life media, a merge between two distinct creativity even considered new shades in the field of entertainment. It can be seen with the advent of films based on the story in a literary work. Review of the research literature on it is own in the film can be discussed through film or text scenarios, which can be focused on the analysis of the character figures, character, plot elements and setting the time and place, and that the issue of who wants to be appointed by an author through the film.


true stories. It only offers entertainment but also gives message to the watchers. Most films concern much with the ordinary people and their problems in society. Film also concern much with characters. Besides that, watching a film very influential, because we can understand as well as realize the real condition and life of the society described in the film. This is what makes the author using the film as an object of research. The film used is a film by John Lee Hancock titled “The Blind Side”. According in Film Art by Bordwell and Thopson (2012: 57) states:

“Many meaning of films are ultimately ideological; that is, the spring from systems of culturally specific beliefs about the world. Religious beliefs, political opinions, conceptions of race or sex or social class, even our most deeply seated nations of life-all these constitute our ideological frame of reference.”

From the explanation above it can be summarized that the film portrayed a systems of culturally specific beliefs. This beliefs is embodied in anti-racism in social life as expressed in John Lee Hancock "The Blind Side". The term anti-racism is commonly defined as the policy of challenging racism and promoting racial tolerance.

Racial discrimination is one of the worst social problems that still exist up to this very moment in every part of the world. It can be defined as the mistreatment of a group of people on the basic of race, color, and religion. Racial discrimination is also the belief that race accounts for differences in human character and that a particular race is superior to other. This problem is very serious because it always leads to destruction, not only to certain human being but also to the society. According to Schaefer (2012:269) states:


the United State. While race does turn on physical differences, it is the culture of particular society that constructs and attaches social significance to these differences.”

Racism in the past was really bad. Especially in southern parts of the US like Mississippi and Georgia. Blacks were discriminated and enslaved in the early 20th century. Some were brutally beaten by their master or over seers for not working hard enough, for disobedience, or for insubordination. They were, however, almost never imprisoned for any length of time or hanged ( the lynching came later) (Persell,1987:238). During this time the underlying economic, legal, and political contexts of race relations were changing, resulting in a different moral and ideological climate. The tension between equal rights and segregation grew intolerable. In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, lead the March on Washington, where he proclaimed to more than 200,000 blacks and white assembled at the Lincoln Memorial,”I have a dream….of an America where blacks and white can walk together as equals” (Persell,1987:239).


teen with no future to having a new home, family, and education. All because of Leigh Anne breaking all racial barriers.

In The Blind Side there are many scenes to hint at the concept of racism. From "The Blind Side" I learned that helping one another is an important part of life.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on background of the analysis above, the problem of analysis are:

1. How is anti-racism portrayed through the character of Leigh Anne?

2. What are the impacts of Leigh Anne’s anti-racism on her social life and the community around her?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of analysis is statements about activities and objects that are going to be found based on the problem of analysis.

1. To get an overview of the anti-racism portrayed through the character of Leigh Anne.


1.4 Scope of the Study

The scope of the analysis limited to Leigh Anne as the main character in “The Blind Side” and the focus of this thesis. In my analysis in this character I limited her describe anti-racism perspective and the impact of her actions on her social life and the community around her, so that the analysis is not going too far from the topic of the discussion.

1.5 Significance of the Study




2.1 Social Inequality

Structured inequality, and stratification, is a fundamental aspect of social world. Social inequalities may be rooted in ethnic differences or in the distribution of property or power (Persell,1987:181). Social inequalities refer to the enequal opportunities or rewards for people in different social position.

Social inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society. It contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards, and punishments. Racism, for example, is understood to be a phenomenon whereby access to rights and resources is unfairly distributed across racial lines. Conversely, "white privilege" is a concept developed by social scientist Peggy McIntosh to refer to the myriad ways in which white people benefit from racial inequality, in particular.


where some are poor, unstable, and plagued by violence, while others are invested in by business and government such that they thrive and provide safe, secure, and happy conditions for their inhabitants.

Inequality of opportunities refers to the unequal distribution of "life chances" across individuals. This is reflected in measures such as level of education, health status, and treatment by the criminal justice system. For example, studies have shown that college and university professors are more likely to ignore emails from women and people of color than they are to ignore those from white men, which privileges the educational outcomes of white men by channeling a biased amount of mentoring resources to them.


2.2 The Definition and The Effects of Racial Discrimination

Human being display a wide variety of colors, shapes, and cultures. The concept of race has been used to classify Homo Sapiens into several subdivision based on distinguishable physical characteristic. Recent genetic knowledge suggests that all people have the ability to reason, that they are born equal, and that there is no hierarchy of superior and inferior race (Dubinin, 1975:87). Hence, it is obvious that all people in the world should possess equal capability for attaining the highest level in intellectual, technical, social, economic, cultural and political development. However, in the real world there are differences among race in making progress of such development. In additional Persell (1987:235) states:

“The term geographic race refers to the large human groupings that correspond to major geographic regions such as continents. Geographic divisions such as oceans separated grouping to such an extent that they were not likely to mix. As a result, group tended to develop genetic differences. They may also have development genetic mutations, such as darker skin color or the capacity to store fat effectively, which were useful adaptive traits and thus tended to be preserved.”


Race are distinguished from one another by such characteristics as hair color, and texture, skin color, eye color, and shape, size of body parts, and facial organs. According to Persell (1987:235) states:

Traditionally, physical features such as hair type (straight, curry, or woolly), skin color, and the shape of nose, lips, eyelids, or body were widely used to classify human

In addition Schaefer (2012:270) states:

“The term racial group refers to those minorities (and the corresponding domination groups) set apart from others by “obvious” physical difference.”

From statements above, it is clear that race simply a theory that concern only with physical character. However, humans are outwardly different in appearances. In a positive manner, one may embrace the differences of people across the face of the earth and marvel at the uniqueness of individuals who live on different part of the globe or across the street. People occur if there are claims that these physical appearances are closely related with moral, intellectual, and other non physical attributes or abilities. Thus, race becomes a justification for prejudiced beliefs and discrimination attitude to other that have different physical characteristic.


and equal right to individuals and groups based on some type of arbitrary bias. (Schaefer, 2012:275).

Racial discrimination or racism is most likely to occur when there are physical or cultural differences between groups, when there is competition over scarce resources, and when one group has considerably greater power than the other. Racism is invariably accompanied by an ideology attempting to justify the superior position of one race and the inferior position of the other race. As a result, mistreatment of a group people on the basic of race, color, and religion are often found in the name of race superiority. Because people with racist will hate certain groups that is different from his own.

The statement above also supported by Schaefer (2012:273) states:

“Racism, the belief that one race is supreme and all others are inferior. When racism prevails in a society, members of subordinate groups generally experience prejudice, discrimination, and exploitation.”

In addition to the characteristic of racial discrimination, E.U.Essien-Udom (1975:236) gives more explanation, he describe that:

“...therefore that racism exist only if three conditions are simultaneous presents, namely, (1) the physical criteria; (2) beliefs about the inevitable correspondence between the physical and curtural, moral, or intellectual difference among racial groups; and (3) social actions based on those beliefs.”


certain perception or believe. Thus, this definition also gives us a clear picture that people with racist tend to use their own set of thinking for someone who possesses certain characteristic must own certain attitude that they need to be aware off.

2.3 Anti-Racism

Anti-racism includes beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose racism. In general, anti-racism is intended to promote an egalitarian society in which people do not face discrimination on the basis of their race, however defined. By its nature, anti-racism tends to promote the view that racism in a particular society is both pernicious and socially pervasive, and that particular changes in political, economic, and/or social life are required to eliminate it.


"Civil rights" are the rights of individuals to receive equal treatment (and to be free from unfair treatment or "discrimination") in a number of settings -- including education, employment, housing, and more -- and based on certain legally-protected characteristics. Historically, the "Civil Rights Movement" referred to efforts toward achieving true equality for African-Americans in all facets of society, but today the term "civil rights" is also used to describe the advancement of equality for all people regardless of race, sex, age, disability, national origin, religion, or certain other characteristics.

Related to this thesis, in America, The civil rights movement began in the 1950s when, degrading despite the abolition of slavery, black people still lived in poverty, under a system of racial segregation, known as "Jim Crow". Many southern states denied blacks the right to vote, organise or meet together. Transport, public toilets and schools were segregated, with the worst conditions reserved for black people. Beganning in 1955, when Mrs. Rosa Parks refused to move to the Negro section of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, a series of nonviolent civil rights demonstrations and protests galvanized public opinion, the mass media, and the world community. Diplomatic representative from independent African nations had already encountered segregated facilities in United States, creating considerable international embarrassment.


the March on Washington, where he proclaimed to more than 200,000 blacks and white assembled at the Lincoln Memorial,”I have a dream….of an America where blacks and white can walk together as equals” (Persell,1987:239).

The civil rights movement spanned over 25 years, with many anti-racist groups and organisations growing out of it. Not only was the movement about fighting racism, it was also about fighting the poverty that many black families were forced to live in. Even in America today, such movements against racism and poverty are just as important as ever.

2.4 Literary Review

2.4.1 Sociology of Literature

We can find many phenomena of life in society. Those phenomena can be found in a literary work such as short story, plays, poem, novel, nursery rhymes and etc. It happens because literary works are reflection of life phenomena.


reason or justification for the existence of a thing) is to investigate the implications of Aristotle’s proposition that man is a social animal.

Some conceptualizations of the relationship between literature and society are rather straightforward: literature is a reflection of society, a force in society, or simply a separate part of social life. Others argue that the enterprise of literature is more complex, potentially capturing diverse forms of interaction between various parts of and players in society. Thus, the roles of literature in society and of society in literature remain open to debate. That literature is best understood only as aesthetic creation silences the debate yet leaves many questions unanswered.

In creating a literary work, the work is not only influenced by the society, but also its writer. As stated by Wellek and Warren (1956: 102), a writer is not only influenced by society but also he or she influences it and art does not merely reproduce life but also shapes it. It means that both the writer and society influence the literary work. Thus, there are three points in sociological approach that should be noticed. They are social content of the work, the sociology of writer as a background of his creative process, and the influence of literature society (1956: 96).


2.4.2 Film as a form of Literature

Klarer (2004:53) states that “film is made by literary techniques, conversely, literary practice, developed particular features under the impact of film”. Drama or film is a piece of work consisting of literary aspect and aspect of performed. Literary aspect of drama in the form of script and the literary aspect of film is a scenario. As the movie is developed based on the novel so the writer analyzes the movie based on the same way of analyzing the novel, it means that how to analyze the movie is the same as the way how to analyze the literary works because movie is derived from literary works.

Film’s idiosyncratic modes of presentation such as camera angle, editing, montage, slow and fast motion often parallel features of literary texts or can be explained within a textual framework. Although film has its own specific characteristic and terminology, it is possible to analyze film by drawing on methods of literary criticism, as film criticism is closely related to the traditional approaches of textual studies. There are for example, approaches similar text-oriented literary criticism which deal with material aspects of film, such as film stock, montage, editing, and sound. Methodologies which are informed by reception aesthetics focus on the effect on the spectator, and approaches such as psychoanalytical theory or feminist theory regard film within a larger contextual framework. The major developments of literary theory have therefore also been borrowed or adapted by film studies.


experimental structuring of the plot, foreshadowing and flashback, the change of setting and time structure are commonly used in film. Films, and particularly video tapes, are like novels, which in theory can be repeatedly read, or viewed.

In film, as in other genres, various levels contribute to the overall artistic impression. This medium, which strongly relies on technical aspects, has several important, uniquely cinematic features with their own terminology. The most essential elements of film can be subsumed under the dimensions of space, time, and sound.

a. Spatial dimension. The deliberate choice of film stock, including black and white or color, high-contrast or low-contrast, sensitive or less sensitive material, produces effects which directly influence the contents of a film. Lighting is indirectly connected to film stock for certain light conditions have to be fulfilled according to the sensitivity of the film. An important consideration is the camera angel from which a certain scane is to be filmed. It is possible to distinguish between high angle, straight-on angle, or low angle shots depending on the position of the camera. Camera movement is


The early Russian film developed montage as a filmic technique which creates effects similar to the use of the rhetorical figures of metaphora and simile in literature.

b. Temporal dimension. Film, like literature, can employ the dimension of time in a variety of ways. Aspects of plot which have already been mentioned, such as foreshadowing and flashback, or interwoven levels of action and time, can be translated into film. The specific qualities of the medium enable the treatment of time in ways that do not exist in other genres. Simple examples of these techniques are fast motion and slow motion, which defamiliarize the action. The use of clocks, calendars, newspapers, signs of aging, or fashion are only some of the many ways to indicate the passage of time in film.


dimension acts as an integral element of film, intricately interwoven with features of the spatial and temporal dimensions.




3.1 Research Design

This research is a qualitative research. It uses qualitative and descriptive data. Moleong (1995: 2) states that descriptive qualitative research is defined as the qualitative research, a type of research which does not include any calculation or enumerating. Qualitative data is usually in the form of words rather than numbers. They are a source of well-grounded, rich descriptions and explanations of processes in identifiable contexts. With qualitative research one can preserve chronological flow and see precisely which events led to consequences and derive faithful explanation (Miles & Huberman, 1994: 10).


The main source of this analysis is taken from the movie script, “The Blind Side”, written by John Lee Hancock. The datas are in form of quotations which are selected from the script. The selection is oriented on the text which has connection with anti-racism context as expressed in the movie.

The quotation are analyzed through interpretations. The interpretation is needed because the text is mostly stated implicitly rather than explicity. In other words, literary work, such as movie, is much more concentrated on connotative meaning than denotative one. That is why interpretation is used on this analysis.

3.2 Data Collection


3.4 Data Analysis




4.1 Anti-Racism Actions

In America, social differences are still exists among each group of society, especially in Southern America. Racism is one of the most disturbing phenomena of the great revolution of the modern world. In 1967 Statement on Race and Racial Prejudice states that all men are born free and equal both in dignity and in rights. This universally proclaimed democratic principle stands in jeopardy wherever political, economic, social and cultural inequalities affect human group relations. A particularly striking obstacle to the recognition of equal dignity for all is racism (Kuper, 1975:183). All people have right to reason that they are born equal because there is no hierarchy of superior and inferior race.


The Blind Side movie appears to promote anti-racism and offer solutions to persistent social problems. From the words on the archway at the entrance to the Christian school says:

Picture 1

“With Men This Is Possible, With God All Things Are Possible.”

From the picture and quotation above, from Matthew 19:26, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". “The Blind Side” demonstrate that

simple sacrifices, like opening our homes and caring for an orphan can result in unexpected rewards and blessings, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, bird or other status (Kuper, 1975:176).


or indulge in refined emotions. Such conditions can continue to influence generations of people. Genealogical research indicates that criminal tendencies, prostitution, alcoholism, and so on, can continue from generation to generation (Kuper, 1975:85-86). Because of this phenomenon, the government takes over raising of Michael Oher.

Leigh Anne represents white people in America. She comes from high class, living in luxurious life. She is a career woman who works as designer. She is married to Sean Tuohy, someone who once a basketball player All-Star. She has a harmonious family with two children (Collins and SJ) and good husband who always supports her. Tuohy’s family share the same hobby: sport. Leigh Anne and Sean were graduate from Ole Miss University. Anne was a cheerleader, her husband, Sean was a basketball star. Collins, their daughter is a volleyball player at school. Leigh Anne’s family comes from white upper class living in Wingate, a southern town of America, an area with black people as the majority in the suburb and white majority in the downtown.


house. In the film Leigh Anne will be a helper and official foster parents for Michael Oher.

As noted previously, “The Blind Side” shows something different about the relationship between black and white people. In the US South, where the community is divided into Negroes and whites, the two type of system are likely to display very different patterns of social conflict (Kuper, 1975:222). In this movie, the writer finds some anti-racism actions presented by Leigh Anne to Michael Oher character.

The anti-racism actions is show when Leigh Anne treats Michael Oher, a stranger well. When Leigh Anne sees Michael Oher walks alone in the evening in winter, she invites him to stay in her house.

Picture 2 Picture 3

Leigh Anne : What is he wearing? It’s below freezing.

What’s his name again?

Sean and SJ : Big Mike.

Leigh Anne : Where’s he going?

Sean : Hey, Big Mike! Where you headin’?

Michael : Gym....

Leigh Anne : Big Mike, my name is Leigh Anne Tuohy. My

kids go to Wingate. You school gym’s closed. Why were you going to the gym? (again no answer) Big Mike?! Why were you going to the gym?

Michael : Because... it’s warm.

Leigh Anne : Do you have anywhere to stay to night?


From the picture and dialogue above, it is the first time Leigh Anne invites Michael. She founds him in alongside of road and asks him right away to stay at her house. Leigh Anne has sympathy to Michael Oher that was freezing without any cloth or sweater. For the NAACP's Mr.Bond, this is a legacy of slavery, where "black skin still acts as a mark of difference - for many white Americans, a negative difference". However, In contrast to Leigh Anne, she does not know about Michael Oher before but she keeps in her decision to invite Michael to stay at her home without considering the risk of inviting black stranger to stay in one roof.

Another way of Leigh Anne treats Michael Oher as a stranger well when she invites Michael to have Thanksgiving breakfast together with the Tuohy family.

Picture 4

Leigh Anne : Big Mike! Where are you going?

Michael Oher : I don’t know.

Leigh Anne : Are you spending Thanksgiving with your



government did in his childhood. Michael tell that he lives nomadic life. He lives from one family to other family.

A Center for Study of Social Policy study found that African American families do not receive the necessary support, the system does not fairly assess or appreciate their unique strengths and weaknesses, African American families and youth are negatively characterized or labeled by workers, there is insufficient advocacy for families and children and there are no mechanisms to hold agencies accountable. Finally, the center concluded, people think that African American children are better off away from their families and communities.


Picture 5

Leigh Anne : Heavenly Father. We thank you for all your

many blessings on this family. We thank you for bringing us a new friend. And we ask that you look after us in this holiday season and never let us forget just how very fortunate we are. Amin.


The next way of Leigh Anne treats Michael Oher as a well when she decides to invite Michael Oher to stay in her house forever.

Picture 6 Picture 7

Leigh Anne : Do you want to stay here, Michael? Because

if you want to... stay... for a while... longer... I’ll try and find some time to figure out a bedroom for you. I mean, look at this, you’ve practically ruined a ten thousand dollar couch. Do you want to stay here, Michael?

Michael Oher : I don’t want to go anyplace else.

Leigh Anne : Well,... alright then.

From the picture and dialogue above, Leigh Anne tries to invite Michael Oher to stay in her house forever, and Michael accepts for Anne’s offering. Leigh Anne feels happy that Michael Oher decides to stay. Leigh Anne gives without being asked and without any expectation of getting something in return. He does not ask for it, but Leigh Anne wants to help him.


Michael feels for others and protects them. At the end, Sean and Leigh Anne decide to adopt Michael Oher to become their child.

Picture 8

Sean : Michael, we have something to ask you.

Michael : What?

Sean : Leigh Anne and I would like to become your

legal guardian.

Michael : What’s that mean?

Leigh Anne : Well, what it means is, we want to know if

you’d like to be a part of this family?

Michael : I kinda though I already was.

From the picture and dialogue above, Sean and Leigh Anne tries to offer Michael to be part of the Tuohys family, they want to become an official foster parent. Leigh Anne also asks Michael to call ‘Mama’ (I look Mrs. Touhy I look over my shoulder for my mother in law call Leigh Anne or Mama or almost anything

else). Michael receives a good facility in Tuohys family, for example he has private

teacher to increase his school grades in order to receive scholarship at Ole Miss.


(Kuper, 1975:183). Although, racial discrimination is not consciously significant with society, it is still appeared unconsciously throught their interaction.

In this movie, the writer finds some conflict in Leigh Anne anti-racism actions which come from Leigh Anne’s friend-knowing that she raised a black child, they were shocked by her behavior and confused about her reason on raising a black man, not the same color as they have. They do not agree of Leigh Anne decision to invite Michael as black people to stay at her house and adopt him.

Picture 9 Picture 10

Leigh Anne : He’ll be eighteen in a few months. So, I

mean it wouldn’t make much sense to legally adopthim, right?

Woman 1 : Is this some kind of white guilt thing, Leigh

Anne? I mean charity’s the Lord’s work but...

Woman 2 : What will your daddy say?

Woman 1 : I mean he is a boy, a large, black boy,

Sleeping under the same roof.

Leigh Anne : I’ve got this. Shame on you.


to them, “Shame on you”, she struggles to cope with their racist comments and then she leaves her friend.

Another conflict come form the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). NCAA determine if the Tuohys are in violation of NCAA recruitment rules due to their relationship with Michael and their status as Ole Miss boosters.

“I’m not saying I believe it and I’m not saying I don’t, but there are many people involved with this case who would argue that the Touhys took you in, feed you, clothed you, paid for your private education, bought you car and paid for a tutor all as part of a plan to insure that you played football for the University of Mississippi.”

From the quotation above, NCAA worries that the Tuohys might be unethically pushing Michael toward attending their alma mater. Michael understands what they mean by saying it. He also wonder if all of the rich white people helping him, it would be so helpful if he were not such a promising athlete. The movie does not make the conflicts become complicated, Michael goes back to the NCAA investigator, and explains that he wants to go to Ole Miss because that is where his family goes to school. Michael believes that not all white people will like that and he believes in Touhy family. What is done by Touhy family was the best for him because Michael had considered them as his own family.


the United States (Pinkney,1975). When Leigh Anne did not discriminate Michael Oher as black people, some of white people still dispute about racial discrimination.

Another way of the anti-racism actions when Tuohy family watch Michael Oher at his first football game.

Picture 11 Picture 12

Man : Damn, that ain’t fair! They got a big

ole’black bear playing for ‘em! What is this, a circus?! There’s the lions and her come the Christians.

Leigh Anne : SJ, eyes forward! Stick and stones.

Man : That’s my boy Jimmy, number 66. He is

kicking that blue gum’s ass!

Leigh Anne : Hey crotch mouth! Yeah, you! Zip it or I’ll

come zip it for ya! See number seventy four? Well, that’s My son!


4.3 Impacts Of Anti-Racism Actions

The Blind Side is a remarkable film that explores not only how the Tuohys helped Michael Oher, but also examines the impact he had on each of their lives. It is a story that sheds light on the fact that whatever people have to give, no matter how large or small, it can make a difference in someone else’s life. When the Tuohys first invited Michael into their home, they privately had second though about trusting him. But they always treated Michael with respect and trust. Love is caring deeply about those you care, Leigh Anne shows that she really cares for Michael’s best interests. By encouraging him to do what he wants, she shows him that she truly supports him and Leigh Anne gives without being asked and without any expectation of getting something in return. That is generosity. Michael Oher did not ask for it, but Leigh Anne wants to help him.

The impact of actions Leigh Anne is clearly shown when Michael Oher is received in a white neighborhood and her family. They lived together, support each other and become more harmonious family.

Picture 13

Woman : I mean, what you’re doing is so great. To

open your home to him. You’re changing his life.


From the picture and dialogue above, Leigh Anne has lunch with a group of wealthy white friends, Leigh Anne expresses how much Michael has changed her life;

“He was just this big ol’ kid who could have been mean and scary and thuggy, but everything about him was soft and gentle and sweet-natured. With him [Leigh Anne] felt completely safe; even if he wasn’t saying anything, she sensed he was watching out for her” (Lewis, 2007:72).

It shows that not only Michael's life changing, Leigh Anne 's is also changing for the better. If Michael does not come into her lives it would have been extremely different. Before she met Michael Oher, she noticed that everyone is different. But after she met Michael Oher, Leigh Anne realizes that there is still a lot of people out there who still need help no matter what color he or she had. Leigh Anne also says: “There are thousands of them out here, you are wasting your time because you cannot possibly save them all, well I saved that one.”

Picture 14 Picture 15


their lives. There is no more fear when living in one house with a black person. Like sitting together during Thanksgiving Day, holding hands and give thanks to the Lord.

From the anti-racism actions which Leigh Anne do to Michael Oher, it is clearly showed that both Leigh Anne and Michael Oher, love and respect each other. This film displays good relationship between white and black. Through Michael Oher and Leigh Anne relationship, the issue of racial discrimination seems disapper. They have harmonious relationshop. Leigh Anne and Michael Oher charactres come from different social background. Michael Oher described as black lower class, and Leigh Anne described as white uppper class.

Leigh Anne and Michael Oher create harmonious relationship. Leigh Anne Touhy treats Michael Oher as her own child, she invites Michael Oher that she finds him in alongside of road to stay in her house, and she also invites Michael Oher to have Thanksgiving breakfast together with Touhy family. Moreover, Leigh Anne adopts Michael Oher as her own child until she gives him a good education and facilities. When Leigh Anne family takes picture for christmas card, she invites Michael Oher to join them for takes the family picture.


At the first picture only contains Leigh Anne, her husband and her two children. Leigh Anne calls Michael Oher and tells him to join them to takes picture from Christmas card. From the picture above shows harmonious family relationship, without any physical differences. Tuohy family accept Michael as one of their family members. They do not care about what people think about black children in their Christmas cards. Their friend say: “Collins looked teeny tiny next to him. Like Jessica Lange in King Kong,” and Leigh Anne’s cousin ask about a black child that there in

their Christmas card (Listen, I’ve had about five cold ones so I’m just gonna go ahead and ask... who’s the colored boy in you all’s Christmas Card?). Tuohy family

just smiled and did not think about it.

It is clear that Leigh Anne cares about Michael. She has acted with generosity and has helped Michael to be the best. In addition to giving Michael a place to sleep, he gets new clothes, a bed, and a room to himself which he never had.

Michael : It’s mine ?

Leigh Anne : Yeah.

Michael : Never had one before.

Leigh Anne : A room to yourself?

Michael : A bed

From the dialogue above, Leigh Anne show Michael’s bedroom. She shows him the desk, dresser and new bed. He says he is never had one, and she assumes he means he is never had his own room, but Michael softly says, he never had his own bed.


on the football field. Leigh Anne hires a private tutor to help Michael in school and his grades gets enough improvement for him to be eligible to play.

“So here’s the plan, E-mail me all assignments and let me know what Michael has to do to make an “A”. Oke, fine, a B plus. And if anyone know of a good tutor I’d love to hear about ‘em.”

She helped Michael a lot not only his studies but also his psychological symptom. She helped Michael turn to be more confident and more optimistic so that Michael had more courage to stay along with others and have good relationship .

“This team is your family Michael. You have to protect them from those guys. Tony here, the quarter back, you have to protect his blind side. When you look at him, you think of me and how you had my back, you have his. And Ompaloompa here, he’s your tail back and when you look at him think of SJ and how you’d never let anyone hurt him.”

Leigh Anne explains American Football to Michael in a way he can understand. Leigh Anne tells him that he needs to protect his quarterback’s blind side and view his teammates as his family, protected them when they were being attack.

Leigh Anne does not want Michael to be like most young black, involve in violance, being drug addict and die tragically.

I read the other day about a boy from the projects. No daddy, in and out of foster care. He’s been killed in a gang fight at Hurt Village. In the last paragraph they talked about his superb athletic skills and how different his life might have been if he hadn’t fallen behind and dropped out of school. He was 21 years old the day he died. It was his birthday. That could have been anyone. It could have been my son, Michael. But it wasn’t. And I suppose I have God to thank for that. (Anne narration)


not care about what her friend thought about she adopting a Negroes, she just did what she think that was right. She thought that love is no different to person from person, she told us a lesson that we should help people who were in need, no matter what color he or she had.





After analyzing “The Blind Side”, I found that the relationship between the white and the black people is not always formed in negative way. In this movie, they have a really good relationship. Laigh Anne, the white, treats Michael Oher, the black, as her own son without any racism thought and action. She believes that every human were born equally and everyone has right and freedom without any discrimination in racial, skin color, gender, religion or cultural things.


The impact of anti-racism actions is very meaningful for someone who was excommunicated from the environment because of the difference in skin color, physical, cultural, moral, or intellectual distinction between racial groups. The impact was not only felt in the life of Michael Oher but also in the life of Leigh Anne. She feels this world there are still many people in need, no matter the physical and race. A successful life is meaningless without the help of someone who needs help.

5.2 Suggestion

Racial Discrimination is one of the worst social problem that still exist up to this very moment in every part of the world. But in “The Blind Side”, John Lee Hancock describes black people as presented particular images had a good treatment from white people in film. They can create a good relationship between black and white.

There are several suggestion that this thesis could offer to readers, which are: • Racial discrimination happened with the basic of physical

appearances, which is the skin color. People should not be judge based on their performance but based on type of person and how they contribute to the community.



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i. Autho’s Biography and works

John Lee Hancock, Jr. was born December 15, 1956 in Longview, Texas. He is an American screenwriter, film director and producer. He is best known for directing the sports drama films The Rookie and The Blind Side, and also Snow White and the Huntsman. He also directed the 2013 biography film based on the making of Mary

Poppins, Saving Mr. Banks and wrote the 2014 film, Maleficent.

Jhon Lee Hancock's career path took an abrupt turn when he decided to work in the film industry after years of practicing the law. A native of Longview, Texas, Hancock obtained his B.A. in English from Baylor University and his J.D. from Baylor University Law School. He served four years as an attorney with Houston-based Sowell & Ogg, working as a production coordinator, location scout, and assistant director for numerous productions.

Hancock was inspired towards the silver screen through his work on stage, where he had once been a member of the Fountainhead Theatre Company in L.A., and Legal Aliens Theatre, which he had co-founded. While working at his theatre, he wrote and directed a number of plays, including Riff For Emily and Ten to Midnight.

Hancock's debut as a screenwriter and director came in 1991 with Hard Time Romance. He worked on two more films as a screenwriter with A Perfect World and

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil before making his first directing effort since


unsuccessful at the box office, and would become the second-highest box office bomb in movie history.

Five years later, he made the Academy Award-winning The Blind Side, which was extremely successful and received an Academy Award for Best Picture nomination. The Blind Side is a 2009 American semi-biographical sports drama film and based on the 2006 book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis. The storyline features Michael Oher, an offensive lineman who played for the Baltimore Ravens and the Tennessee Titans, and currently is signed with the Carolina Panthers in the NFL. The film follows Oher from his impoverished upbringing, through his years at Wingate Christian School (a fictional representation of Briarcrest Christian School in Memphis, Tennessee), his adoption by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, to his position as one of the most highly coveted prospects in college football, then finally becoming a first-round pick of the Ravens.

Sandra Bullock stars as Leigh Anne Tuohy, alongside Quinton Aaron as Michael Oher, Tim McGraw as Sean Tuohy, and Kathy Bates as Miss Sue. The movie also features appearances by several current and former NCAA coaches, including SEC coaches Houston Nutt and Ed Orgeron (Oher's coaches in college, though Nutt represented Arkansas at the time and therefore does so in the film) and Nick Saban (who was at LSU at the time and represents it in the film), former coaches Lou Holtz, Tommy Tuberville, Phillip Fulmer, as well as recruiting analyst Tom Lemming.

The Blind Side was produced by Alcon Entertainment and released by Warner


premiered on November 17 in New York City and New Orleans and opened in theaters on November 20 in the rest of the United States and in Canada.

The Blind Side was a box-office success, grossing over $300 million. The film

was well received by critics, who praised Sandra Bullock's performance. Bullock went on to win the Academy Award for Best Actress, as well as the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress and the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role. The film also received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture.

The nomination of The Blind Side for Best Picture was considered a surprise, even to its producers. In an attempt to revitalize interest surrounding the awards, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences had upped the number of Best Picture nominees from a mandatory number of 5 to a mandatory 10 in time for the 82nd Academy Awards, the year The Blind Side was nominated. In 2011 the Academy changed the policy: stating the Best Picture category would feature between five and ten nominees depending on voting results, as opposed to a set number of nominees. The change was interpreted as a response to films like The Blind Side being nominated for Best Picture to fill up the set number of spots

The Blind Side has also become the highest grossing football movie and sports



• Hard Time Romance,1991 (director and writer) • A Perfect World, 1993 (writer)

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, 1997 (writer)

My Dog Skip, 2000 (producer)

The Rookie, 2002 (director)

The Alamo, 2004 (director and writer) The Blind Side,2009 (director and writer)

Snow White and the Huntsman, 2012 (writer)

Saving Mr. Banks, 2013(director)

Maleficent, 2014(writer)

The Founder, 2016 (director)

ii. Summary of the film


enroll his son and Michael. Impressed by the boy's size and athleticism, Cotton gets him admitted despite a poor academic record. Michael is befriended by a young boy named Sean Jr. "S.J." Tuohy (Jae Head), who is unintimidated by his appearance. S.J.'s mother Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock), a strong-minded interior designer, begins to take notice of Michael as a troubled and lonely boy.

One night, Leigh Anne notices Michael walking on the road, shivering in the cold, when she learns he intends to spend the night huddled outside the school gym. Despite her husband Sean's (Tim McGraw) misgivings, she invites him to stay the night at their house. The next morning, Leigh Anne catches Michael attempting to leave the house quietly. She asks him to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her family. Slowly Michael becomes a member of the Tuohy family, as Leigh Anne buys him clothes, S.J. raises his confidence, and teenage Collins (Lily Collins) helps him make friends at school. When Leigh Anne seeks to become Michael's legal guardian, she learns he was separated from his drug-addict mother when he was seven and that no one knows her whereabouts. She is also told that, although he has scored low in a career aptitude test, he is in the 98th percentile in "protective instincts." Leigh Anne uses this to drastically improve his performance on the football field.


Tuohys and Miss Sue the benefit their alma mater. Michael walks out of the room before the interview is over.

After confronting Leigh Anne about her motives for influencing him, Michael goes to find his birth mother in his old neighbourhood. A number of young men who know Michael welcome him back to the projects and offer him beer. When the gang leader makes sexually suggestive comments regarding Leigh Anne and Collins, Michael assaults the boys and leaves. After thinking and questioning Leigh Anne on the matter, Michael realizes that the Tuohys are now his family, and tells the investigator in another interview that attending his family's school is the reason he has chosen Ole Miss.

The film ends with real-life footage of Oher being drafted in the first round by the Baltimore Ravens in the 2009 NFL Draft. S.J. is seen leading the players onto the field with Michael before a game.


• Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy • Tim McGraw as Sean Tuohy

• Quinton Aaron as Michael "Big Mike" Oher • Jae Head as Sean "S.J." Tuohy, Jr.

• Lily Collins as Collins Tuohy

• Ray McKinnon as Coach Burt Cotton • Kim Dickens as Mrs. Boswell

• Adriane Lenox as Denise Oher • Kathy Bates as Miss Sue • Eaddy Mays as Elaine

• Robert "IronE" Singleton as Alton Coaches playing themselves

• Tommy Tuberville, then coach of Auburn • Nick Saban, then coach of LSU


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