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Training Evaluation For Sme: A Case Of Logam Timur Business Group In Cepogo Timur, Boyolali.


Academic year: 2017

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A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements to Obtain

Bachelor Degree of Management Double Degree

Written by:







Nurul Bekti Pramudhita

Management Double Degree, Economics and Business Faculty, Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta

Email: nb_pramudhita@live.com


Desa Cepogo telah lama dikenal sebagai desa yang memiliki banyak pengrajin tembaga. Namun, usaha yang telah dilakukan justru belum berkembang. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh para pengrajin adalah kurangnyanya pengetahuan tentang menajemen bisnis dan kurangnya akses informasi kepada para konsumen. Dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka terhadap manajemen bisnis dan akses informasi, mereka diminta untuk mengikuti pelatihan. Pelatihan dilaksanakan di laboratorium manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan program pelatihan kepada UMKM, untuk menganalisis evaluasi pelatihan yang telah dilaksanakan, dan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan bagi para pengrajin UMKM. Ada 17 pengrajin yang hadir mengikuti pelatihan dan seluruhnya adalah anggota dari KUB Logam Timur dari Desa Cepogo, Boyolali. Pelatihan menggunakan metode in class training dan dibagi menjadi dua sesi. Sesi pertama adalah pelatihan tentang harga pokok penjualan dan sesi kedua adalah pelatihan internet markteting. Tiap sesi dilaksanakan selama dua jam. Data primer diambil dari kuesioner yang dibagikan setelah pelaksanaan pelatihan selesai. Ada dua jenis kuesioner yang diberikan, pertama adalah kuesioner dengan pertanyaan tertutup yang menggunakan skala Likert dan yang kedua adalah kuesioner dengan pertanyaan terbuka. Kuesioner pertama bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan dari pelatihan dan kuesioner dengan pertanyaan terbuka bertujuan untuk menggali informasi lebih dalam tentang hal-hal apa saja yang mereka butuhkan dalam menjalankan bisnis mereka kedepannya. Penelitian deskriptif ini akan menampilkan evaluasi dari pelatihan yang berdasarkan analisis hasil dari kuesioner, disajikan dalambentuk tabel dan pie-chart. Hasil dari kuesioner ditampilkan dalam empat aspek; implementasi pelatihan, materi pelatihan, penunjang pelatihan, dan pelatih. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan telah berjalan efektif dalam keempat aspeknya. Nilai evaluasi pelatihan secara umum adalah 3,93. Nilai untuk evaluasi materi pelatihan adalah 3,98. Penunjang pelatihan mendapat nilai 4,00. Kualitas pelatih mendapat nilai 3,97 untuk pemateri Harga Pokok Penjualan dan 3,88 untuk pemateri internet marketing. Partisipan membutuhkan investasi dan pelatihan lebih lanjut untuk menjalankan usaha mereka ke depannya. Untuk materi pelatihan 41,18% peserta menjawab butuh materi harga pokok penjualan dan materi pemasaran. Akhir dari artikel ilmiah ini, ada beberapa identifikasi mengenai kebutuhan para pengrajin. Saran diberikan kepada aparat desa dan kondisi umum pengrajin juga ditampilkan di bagian kesimpulan.


2 Abstract

Cepogo County has been known as a village that has a lot of copper artisans. However, the businesses is still not well-develop yet. Problems faced by artisans are lack of knowledge of business management and lack of information access to consumers. To increase their knowledge of business management and to access internet information, they were asked to join a training session. Training was conducted in management laboratory, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This study aims to describe of training program for SME, to analyse the evaluation of the training program that was conducted in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, and to identify training‟s need for SME. There are 17 artisans who attended the training; all of them have joined in Logam Timur business group in Cepogo County. Training method used in class training and divided into two section; cost of goods sold and internet marketing. Each section of the training program was held for two hours. Primary data were collected by distributed the questionnaires after the training session done. There were two types of questionnaires involved, the first one is closed ended-questionnaire which used Likert scale and the second is open ended-ended-questionnaire. The first type of the-questionnaire aims to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the training and open ended-questionnaire aims to get deeper information on what they need in the future while running their business and what kind of material that they need in the next training. This descriptive research will present an evaluation of the training based on the analysis of the questionnaires were collected in table and pie-chart. The result of this study is displayed in four aspects. They are the evaluation of the implementation of the training evaluation, materials evaluation, supporting training evaluation, and the trainers. The training was conducted effectively for all of the aspects. The result score for general aspect is 3,93. Material evaluation aspect‟s score is 3,98. The aspect of training support is 4,00. For the quality of trainer of cost of goods sold is 3,97 and for trainer of internet marketing is 3,88. To run their business, the participants need investment to increase their business and more training to enhance their knowledge. For the next training, the trainees need material of financial and marketing (41,18 percent of trainees). At the end of this article, there are some identification of needs and wants of metal craftsman to drive their business. A suggestion for Cepogo County and a brief general condition of metal craftsman also are presented in the conclusion part of this article.



Global competition is unavoidable in this global era. Each company (manufacturer or

services) competes intensely. This forces companies to meet customers‟ want and need.

Especially in Indonesia, people mostly need good quality products, but still in reasonable

price. Every company can survive and develop into a better company if they can transform customers‟ needs and wants and upgrade systems within the company. Since 2015, Indonesia has entered the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which means the

global competition within ASEAN countries begin. This involves exchanges of goods,

information, or employee. The table below presents the facts about Indonesia readiness to

face global economic competition.

Table 1. Readiness Facts to compete in global

No. Notes Readiness Facts

Every business must be prepared to deal with global economy. Globalization is unlimited

to any certain sector of economy, product market, or company size (Noe, 2013: 14). To

face the global business and economic environment, or in ASEAN as we know as AEC



must be several preparations. One of the several preparations is preparing human resource.

Human resource is the part of human capital in business or organizations. Human resource

development holds a crucial role for every business performance (Ugoji and Mordi, 2014).

In business, finance, equipment, information and people must be manage. Because of the

dynamic human nature, while managing people or known as human resource management

is the most difficult one (Ugoji and Mordi, 2014).

Metal crafts are a popular business in Cepogo County, Boyolali. Cepogo has been known

as a place that has many metal crafts artisans. Metal crafts businesses in Cepogo county

are mostly family businesses that have been operating for decades since established by

their grandparents. All metal craft businessmen who have joined Logam Timur business

group, did not have any job experience in another metal craft firm, they only run the

established family business. Although they have run their business for decades, not all

metal craftsmen have the ability to manage their business, especially the SMEs. Some of

them only know how to manufacture products, but not to manage them. In short, they only

have the ability to create products, but not to develop business. The ability to manufacture

products without supported by the ability to manage businesses can diminish the likelihood

of growth. However, The ability of business management is an important key to manage

the business, and if the management mishandled. It will affect its organization (Kaswan,

2013: 7).

Indarti and Langenberg (2004) mentioned three variables that determine business success

in Indonesia. They are technology, capital access, and marketing. Those three are the

deficiency identified happened in Indonesia SMEs. Setyawan et. Al., (2015) argue that

SME in the selected clusters have a similar assumption that the only capital is working

capital. The SME in this study (Logam Timur business group) has the similar problems as

Indarti and Langenberg and Setyawan mentioned above. They only count working capital

as the amount of money required for manufacturing in certain period.

In the case of metal craftsman in Cepogo, there are several previous studies. Soemarjati et.

al (2013) and Setyawan et. al. (2013) gave training program to certain metal crafts

business group. Nevertheless, their studies focus on managing website to market the metal

crafts products.Nevertheless, there is no evaluation of their program. In brief, the materials



the training program on cost of goods sold had never been established. Thus, cost of goods

sold need to be given for metal crafts in Cepogo Timur.

The goal of this study consist of three points, 1) to describe the training program; 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program; 3) to identify of training‟s need for SME. The training program itself aims to increase knowledge of metal craftsmen of the

cost of goods sold and also give a material about how to rule business in cyber era. As

Yahya et. Al. (2012) stated that SMEs profitability and productivity effective if facilitated

by training.

To enhance employee productivity, training is the one method (Arthur et al, 2003). As the

third point of the study‟s goal, this study is important to analyse what they will need in the

future while running their business. This training actually aims to enhance knowledge of

small business in the county. All people have a chance to know how to manage the

business better. As a student university, this training is the part of becoming useful in real

life. At the end of this article, there are some identification of needs and wants of metal

craftsman to drive their business. A suggestion for Cepogo County stated in the part of

conclusion in this article.

Training and development have a significant aspect to involve knowledge, to improve

skills, and to change behaviour and attitude in the organization (Ahmed and Din, 2009). In

line with Kaswan (2013: 2), training should be a continuous activity in every organization

as a daily business need. Training means a way to give new or level up skills of new or

current employees in an organization to perform their jobs (Dessler, 2013). In this case, the

training session was given to metal craftsmen who joined Logam Timur business group in

Cepogo County. Dessler (2013) stated that training can influence the performance of the employee‟s record and give an impressive result. According to Dhliwayo and Nyanumba (2014) stated if a training transferred effectively it will give benefits not only to the

employee but also to the organization.

Santos and Stuart (2003) have suggested that training and development in training will

give impact greatly both on organizational and personal performance. Due to the main aim

of training and development is learning (Noe, 2013: 7) staff can learn more to organize



employees with required and appropriate knowledge and skills for daily company activities

(Hamburg, 2014). Organizations should develop integrated learning in their company and

business environment (Hamburg, 2014).

There are two types of training program, the first is on-the-job training program and the

second one is an off-the-job training program. Managers can choose which one is better to

be implemented based on the objectives set, budget, and also the designed program

(Dessler, 2013). This research used on-the-job training method. On-the-job-training means

a person applying what they learn about their job (Dessler, 2013). Dessler in his book

Human Resource Management 13th Ed. (2013) classified several types in on-the-job

training program such as apprenticeship training, informal learning, job instruction

training, lectures, programmed learning, audio-visual based learning, vestibule training,

electronic performance support system (EPSS), videoconferencing, computer-based

training (CBT), and simulated learning. The most familiar one in types of on-the-job

training is the coaching or lectures. A lecture is a simple way to transfer knowledge for big

groups of trainees. This program appropriates when we want to do quickly and spend low

budget. The efficient training could reduce or remove the business failure potency in

SMEs, and this is one of important factor in SME organizational success (Hamburg, 2014).

Siengthai et. al (2014) stated that the training content, the trainer, the training method, and the participant‟ skills are the factors that can influenced the effectiveness of training. The first two are depend on the interaction and collaboration between the organization and the

instructors/trainers. The training activity plans should be based on needs analysis

conducted prior to the actual organization of training activities.

The main purpose of the training is to increase Logam Timur business groups‟ members, a skill to organize their business. A few weeks before the training started, the first thing to

do was to internalize the importance of training. Internalization was given by persons who

have the authority to persuade in Cepogo county and in Logam Timur business group. As

Ahmad and Bakar (2003) suggest if the employee who gives a comprehensible about the

benefits of training, participants will become more committed and more enthusiastic to

participate in training activities. Rahman and Rahman (2013) stated that the earlier




This study is an exploratory research. Exploratory research is a research which has goal to

elaborate new science or assumption to give suggestion for the next research (Kuncoro:

2013). The descriptive analysis method was used to explain the results of this study.

Frequency distribution was used to explain what kind of help they needed to enhance their

business and what kind of material will help them while running their business. The

frequency distribution is a method to display the number of cases, percentage, or both corresponding for each variable‟s value.

The design of this study is quantitative. The population of this article is the small business

group in Cepogo, Boyolali. This business group is the only one business group in East

Cepogo. The sample of this article is all of the members of Logam Timur business group or

seventeen persons. Primary data were collected by distributed the questionnaire to all

participants after the training program done. The questionnaires were divided into two

types. The first questionnaire is closed ended-question and the second one is an open

ended-question. The closed ended-question used Likert scale. Likert scale is used to

measure behaviour, opinion, and perception of the person or group of social condition or

phenomenon (Sugiyono, 2009). Likert scale is given in five options, on a scles of one to

five, from very poor to very good.

The first part of the questionnaire is designed to clarify metal craftsmen‟s perception on the

training session and the second one is designed to know what they need to run their

business afterwards. There are four components asked in the questionnaire, about the materials, supporting training, overall training, and the trainers‟ evaluation. The respondents of this study are all metal craftsmen who become members of Logam Timur

Business Group in Cepogo County and also who followed the training. The total of the

questionnaires that was distributed are 17 and 100% of questionnaire were collected.

In this study, there are two types of data presents. Nominal data show demographic

characteristic of the trainees. Nominal data present age and gender of trainees. Ordinal data



to determine the effectiveness indicator each aspect. Range of scales was used to calculate

the score of each aspect (Sugiyono, 2005).

��= ( − )

Which means, Rs = range of scales; m = the highest score; n = the lowest score that

probably happened; b = amount of scale. By this formula, it will give result as the


��= 5−1

5 = 0,8

From the result of the formula above, the range of scale is 0,8. The classifications of scales

range summarize in the table below;

Table 2. Classification of Scales Range

Rating Scale

Very ineffective 1,00 < x ≤ 1,80 Ineffective 1,81 < x ≤ 2,60 Moderate 2,61 < x ≤ 3,40 Effective 3,41 < x ≤ 4,20 Very Effective 4,21 < x ≤ 5,00

To compute the mean value of the data from the questionnaire, it used calculation as


�= �

Which means, X = mean; ∑x = sum of value of cases; N= number of cases

The questionnaires were adopted from the research by Ugoji and Mordi (2014). ). They

arranged the questionnaires into two sections. The questionnaire was designed to clarify reactions of the firm‟s employees on the training evaluation initiative of the organization. In this study, the questionnaire‟s structure highlighted as the following:

1. Section 1 contains the background information of the participants, such as name,



2. Section 2 questioned of the training evaluation in terms of the general aspect of

training, training material, training supports and quality of the trainers.

3. Section 3 focus on supporting need by the participants for the next training


Metal crafts are a popular business in Cepogo County, Boyolali. Cepogo has been known

as a place that has many metal crafts artisans. This training is a one way to identify small

metal crafts businesses which unite in one business group. At the end of the evaluation,

there are suggestions for the next trainers, and Cepogo apparatus. Training evaluation

means the process of collecting the result needed to consider whether training is effective

(Noe, 2013: 234). Noe (2013) explains that there are two ways to evaluate training,

formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The part of discussion and analysis in this

article shows the formative evaluation. Formative evaluation is the training evaluation

takes place while development and program design (Noe, 2013: 235). The formative could

help to ensure two things. First, the program of training is well organized, and second,

trainees are satisfied and learn the program (Noe, 2013: 235).

A number of small businesses in Cepogo united and formed a business group named

Logam Timur. Logam Timur business group consists of 17 members. Most of them have

the same problems to organize their business. The training is conducted in the

Management laboratory of Economics and Business Faculty, Muhammadiyah University

of Surakarta. The main reason why it is conducted in the computer room, because in this

room there are a number of computers available and connected to the internet. It makes

learning about internet marketing easier. Hamburg mentioned (2014) that technology is

usually a problem in training; it should be a support for learning. Laugesen et. Al. In

Hamburg (2014) underlined that most of training offerings are not appropriate in the

business need in the organization.

As mentioned before, the questionnaires are divided into two types, closed ended-question

and open ended-question. The first section (closed ended-question) gives an ordinal data as


10 Table 2. Gender Frequency

Gender Frequency Percentages

Male 17 100%

Female - -

Total 17 100%

Source : Processed by the author

By the table above, shows that all business owners are man. As mentioned in the previous

part, most of metal crafts business in Cepogo are the family businesses, from the table

above indicates that only the man who work as a metal craftsman. The research by Indarti

and Langenberg (2004) found that there is no difference between male and female in the

terms of success in business.

Table 3. Age Frequency

Age Frequency Percentages

17-21 1 6%

22-26 8 47%

27-31 3 18%

32-36 4 24%

37-41 1 6%

Total 17 100%

Source: Processed by the author

By the table above, shows that most of the trainees or the members of Logam Timur

business group are in their youth. It will impact to the result of the training evaluation since

the training used computers to support trainers delivered the materials.

The table below is the data of training evaluation result per question and will elaborate



Table 4. The Effectiveness Result of Training Evaluation

General Aspect Score Indicator

Materials 4,00 Effective

Punctuality 3,24 Moderate

Training room 4,00 Effective

Quality of the material 4,13 Effective

Organizers‟ attitude (students) 4,18 Effective

Supporting tools 3,80 Effective

Congruence between materials of training and the

expectation 3,82 Effective

The highest score from the table above is 4,18 from Organizers‟ attitude or students‟ attitude. In terms of timeliness, the data shows „moderate‟. It is because on that day it was raining and the distance from Cepogo (their county)

to Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta is a one hour-drive. Although they

used a car to go to Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, they departed from

their home late.

Table 5. The Evaluation of Materials

Materials Evaluation Score Indicator

Increasing the understanding of the cost management 4,06 Effective

Increasing the understanding of the effective way of

marketing the product 4,00 Effective

Increasing the understanding of business

management 4,00 Effective

Increased enthusiasm to learn about online marketing 3,87 Effective

From the data above, three points have a close score. It means that their

knowledge increased because of the training. The only point on online

marketing which get a low score. It indicates that material on online marketing

is not interested in them. From the observation of the author (the organizer),

half of them did not have a clear picture of the benefits of study internet



told us that ordinarily the customers and the broker called them to order

products. After they were called, they start to manufacture the products.

Tabel 6. The Evaluation of Training Supports

Training Supports Score Indicator

Foods 4,00 Effective

Internet connection 4,00 Effective

Computers 3,88 Effective

Relationships between participants and organizer 4,00 Effective

Three questions got the same score, which is get 4,00 for mean value. The

facility that scored low is computers. It is normal, because they rarely use

computer to manage their business. For them, computer is not vital while

running their business, even though most of them are in their youth.

Table 7. The Evaluation of Trainers

Evaluation of Trainer of Cost of Goods Sold Score Indicator

Capability to explain the material 3,81 Effective

Presentation methods 4,12 Effective

Communication skills (Interaction with trainee) 4,29 Very Effective

Used supporting tools 3,82 Effective

Easy to understand 3,76 Effective

Participant understanding of the material 3,76 Effective

Time effectiveness 3,88 Effective

Evaluation of Trainer of Online Marketing

Capability to explain the material 3,82 Effective

Presentation methods 3,82 Effective

Communication skills (Interaction with trainee) 4,12 Effective

Used supporting tools 4,00 Effective

Easy to understand 3,82 Effective

Participant understanding of the material 3,82 Effective



In terms of trainers‟ quality, the cost of goods sold trainer get the highest score in the aspect of communication skills (interaction with trainee) compare to the online marketing

trainer. However, in the aspect of easy to understand, the online marketing trainer get the

highest score compare to cost of goods sold trainer. From the table above, trainer of online

marketing better than trainer of cost of goods sold in four aspects; 1) capability to explain

the material; 2) used supporting tools; 3) easy to understand; and 4) participant

understanding of the material.

This study presents a data about trainee‟s perception about the overall training. Davidof in

Walgito (1994) define perception as a process to choose, organize, and analyse

information or data to create a meaningful world. In summary, the effectiveness of the

training program shows in the table belows;

Table 8. The Effectiveness Result Per Aspect

Rating Scale Result

1 2 3 4 5


ineffective 1,00 < x ≤ 1,80 Ineffective 1,80 < x ≤ 2,60 Moderate 2,60 < x ≤ 3,40

Effective 3,40 < x ≤ 4,20 3,93 3,98 4,00 3,97 3,88 Very Effective 4,20 < x ≤ 5,00

From the table 8 above, shows that the training to metal craftsmen overall was run

effectively. The only aspect which achieves a low score is material on internet marketing.

This is normal, since while the training, most of them still did not know the function of online marketplace. The highest one is the aspect about „training supporting‟.

The picture below, will explain about supporting needed by the metal craftsmen to run their

business. Data was collected by open-ended question in the second part of the


14 Picture 1. Supports Needed

A frequency distribution from the questionnaires “supports needed” is shown in picture 1 above. The pie-chart shows the data that 35% of all members did not answer what is needed

by their business. This is not because they already feel satisfied with their business, but they

did not know anything that can develop their business. The picture shows that 24%

participants asked to join another training on enhancing business and on entrepreneurship.

The remaining, 18% answer others, such as need a coaching from the expert, working

capital, working tools, and fix the route access to their county.

Picture 2. Material of Training Needed

This article shows a brief review of what materials that needed by metal craftsmen to

develop their business (picture 2). From picture 2 above, we can learn that they need

materials on how to manage their business finance (41% need more finance material).



family business, they do not separate family finance from their business finance. This is in

same way hampers their business. For instance, they retrieve money from the firm for the owners‟ personal need and use personal money for the firms‟ need.


The training method used in class training. The trainer or instructor is a facilitator for the

trainee in the class. In this training all trainees are asked to be more active during the

materials session. There are some supporting facilities in the class, such as LCD projector,

computers, and internet connection. The training session was divided into two sections.

The first section was a session on how to calculate cost of goods sold and the second one

was a session on internet marketing. Each section of the training was held for two hours.

The trainers of the training program both are the lecturer in Muhammadiyah University of

Surakarta who competent towrds the materials. The trainers are a lecturer who ordinarily

as aninstructure for SME training program. Trainers provided brief theories, and then gave

an example of case study so that the trainees would understand easily. At the end of the

material session, the instructor asked them to directly practice of what has just been

delivered. The training session started at 10 am at management laboratory Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta. It finished at 4 pm in the same day.

Training in business management is exactly what is needed by small business owner.

However, the evaluation afterwards has stressed point. For training organizers, there

should be a deeper understanding of the training. As the impact, the training organizers can

decide the right measures after the training evaluation. This study shows that almost half of

the metal craftsmen need an understanding of how to manage their business especially for

the financial aspect.

Briefly, there are two important aspects that they need to improve. The first is financial

management. Since they started their business, they did not know how to manage their

business. Most of them have been aware that there is a different calculation in business

from the one they did. They did not know that the wrong calculation can halt their

business. It means they need another financial management training to organize their



government or other associated agencies must target SMEs manager to be convinced and

exist in global competition. They also stated that government or other authorities should

concern to develop SMEs that have limitation in the terms of lack of budget, expertise, etc,

then, the related training can be planned (to give training for SMEs in certain sectors,

regions, life stages etc.).

The second one is marketing. Their business depends on brokers. They do not have a clear

picture of how to market their products. This condition will make them enter the market

unclearly. They have limited knowledge on how big their market share and how consumers‟ value. However, Jingga and Limantara (2015) in their article show a data about prospective SME customer in cyber era. They described that 53% of buyer for SMEs

are the Social Media user and usually buy from online shop once a month; 35% of Social

Media users have a problem with the SME online shop; 74% of internet users are

interested to give Rating and Review in online SMEs store.

For Cepogo apparatus, this evaluation of training program can be a reference to develop

small metal craft business in that county. This training was held only for Logam Timur

business group, which is only one of few business clusters in Cepogo. The County

apparatus needs to increase their knowledge on business organizing, including in how to

organize their finance and how to penetrate the market.

There are two limitations in this study. First, there is still unclear definition of capital

measurement in this SME. We failed to convince our respondents to answer complete

capital which includes fixed assets and tools of production during the training. Second,

material of internet markting not focuses on one online marketplace. However, they knew

the benefits of using online marketplace.

Concerning future investigation, the researcher should consider taking a few points; 1)

business finance training should be joined by all the members of metal craftsmen.

Therefore, each metal crafts should to know and have a clear understanding of business

finance material. Particularly, the material of fixed cost, variable cost, and calculate Break

Even Point. Those three is needed to the members of Logam Timur business group. 2) The

training program on online marketing should be joined for two or three persons only.



to maximize the material. 3) Focus on one online marketplace that probably easy to

understand and to use for the metal craftsmen. The trainer organizer should compare a few

online marketplaces in Indonesia before start the training program.


My great gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Anton Agus Setyawan who gave me new

knowledge and perspective to finish this project and the one who gave advices while

training, Farid Wajdi, Ph. D. Many thanks to my friends who supporting my final project,

Dhori Pridana Kusuma, SE., Atok Riwanto, SE., Wahyu Sulistianto, SE., and Huda K.

Maulana, SE., without them it might be not accomplished.


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X2-21 Numbe

r of Respo ndents

Cost of Goods Sold Trainer Online Marketing Trainer



Computer 29.4% 52.9% 17.6%

Relationships between participants and

organizer 23.5% 58.8% 17.6%

Cost of Goods Sold Trainer Evaluation

Capability to explain the material 35.3% 52.9% 11.8%

Presentation methods 11.8% 64.7% 23.5%

Communication skills (Interaction with

trainee) 70.6% 29.4%

Used supporting tools 41.2% 35.3% 23.5%

Easy to understand 41.2% 41.2% 17.6%

My understanding with this material 41.2% 41.2% 17.6%

Time effectiveness 5.9% 23.5% 52.9% 17.6%

Online Marketing Trainer Evaluation

Capability to explain the material 35.3% 47.1% 17.6%

Presentation methods 5.9% 11.8% 76.5% 5.9%

Communication skills (Interaction with

trainee) 5.9% 76.5% 17.6%

Used supporting tools 29.4% 41.2% 29.4%

Easy to understand 41.2% 35.3% 23.5%

My understanding with this material 35.3% 47.1% 17.6%


Table 1. Readiness Facts to compete in global
Table 2.  Classification of Scales Range
Table 2. Gender Frequency Gender Frequency Percentages
Table 5. The Evaluation of Materials


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