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An analysis of the main character Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns through feminism approach


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A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

The Degree of Letters Scholars

Nurul hamzah kusnadi NIM. 203026002104

Approved By:

ELVE OKTAFIYANI,M,Hum NIP. 150 317 725






I herby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no materials previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, January 2009

Nurul Hamzah Kusnadi


This thesis entitle “an analysis of main character on Khaled Hosseini’s a thousand splendid suns through feminism approach” has been defended before the letters and humanities faculty’s examination committee on December 3, 2008. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of strata I

Jakarta, January 2009

Examination Committee

Chair person Secretary

Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan,M,Pd Drs. Asep Saefudin,M,Pd

Nip. 150 299 480 Nip 150 261 902




Nurul Hamzah Kusnadi. An analysis the main character on Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns through feminism approach, Thesis, Jakarta: State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta 2008.

Research methodology that the writer tried to describe and analyze the main character on a Thousand Splendid Suns, there are several evidence from the statement of the main character according feminism approach



In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

All praises be to Allah SWT, lord of universe, with his amazing guidance the writer can accomplish the process of making this paper. Salutation and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad saw, his family and all his family and his companions.

The writer likes to express his greatest honor to his beloved family especially his father Drs.E. Kusnadi, his mother Nena Syahida for their affection, patience, motivation, spiritual and material support during the writer’s study and process this thesis.

The writer would like to address his gratitude to his advisors Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani,M,Hum and Mrs. Rosida for their patience, valuable helps, corrections during accomplishment this thesis.

The writer also would like to express the deepest gratitude to those who have helped him finishing this thesis, they are:

1. Dr. Abdul Choir, Ma, the Dean of Letters and Humanities Department. 2. Dr. M, Farkhan, M Pd, the Chief of English Letters Department.

3. All Lecture of English Letters Department and all Staff of Letters and Humanities Faculty

4. His sisters. Sonya, Sarah, Ajeng.


7. His classmate, thanks for being a good friend.

May Allah SWT always bless and protect them. The writer hopes this thesis can be guidance for some literary interpretation.

Jakarta, December 2008





ABST RACT ………iii

ACK N OWLEDGEM EN T ………I V T ABLE OF CON T EN T ………..V CH APT ER I I N T RODU CT I ON A. Background of the Study……….1

B. Focus of the Study………5

C. Research Question………...5

D. The Significance of the Study……….5

E. Research Methodology………6

1. The Objective of the Research………6

2. The Method of Research……….6

3. The Technique of Data Analysis………6

4. Instrument………6

5. Unit Analysis………7

6. Place and Time……….7

CH APT ER I I T H EORET I CAL FRAM EWORK A. Character and Characterization………8

B. Feminism………..9

C. History of Feminism………...11

1. The First Wave………12


D. Kind of Feminism……….. 15

1. Liberal Feminism………16

2. Social Feminism………16

3. Marxist Feminism……….17

4. Radical Feminism……….17

E. Feminism as the Research Theory……….18

CH APT ER I I I RESEACH FI N DI N GS A. Data Descriptive………21

B. Characteristic of Laila………..22

C. Laila, Viewed From Feminism Theory………...26





A. Background of the Study

A thousand splendid sunsis the second novel written by Khaled Hosseini, first published in Great Britain 2007, his first novel, the kite runner, was an international bestseller. Khaled hossaeini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1965; he moved to the united state of America with his family, he is graduated from the Santa Clara University and also graduated from San Diego school of medicine, since 1996 until now he becomes a doctor. In 2006 he was named a U.S goodwill envoy to the United Nations refugee agency. He lives in northern California. A thousand splendid suns is about war in Afghanistan for almost three decades, the Afghanistan crisis has been one of the most severe around the globe, war, hunger, anarchy, oppression, and also discrimination forced millions people.


find consolation in each other, their friendship to grow as deep as the bond between sisters, as strong as the ties between mother and daughter.

With the passing of time comes Taliban rule over Afghanistan, the street of Kabul loud with the sound of gunfire and bombs, life a desperate struggle against starvation, brutality and fear, the women's endure tested beyond their worst imaginings. Yet love can move a person to act in unexpected ways, lead them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with startling heroism. In the end it is love that triumphs over death and destruction.

The situation encountered by Laila are called as gender1inequalities that appear because of the existence of the deference of gender, actually the difference of gender is not to be a problem insofar as that is not bringing about gender inequalities, gender inequalities are manifested in forms in violence and burden which felt by women, as we know that women in the world always encountered inequalities and violence, marital tape, domestic violence, genital mutilation or prostitution are done by men, but women are more often endure the domestic violence.

Domestic violence2, occurs in all culture, peoples, and all races, ethniquities, and religions can be perpetrators of domestic violence, Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence such as beating and torture, emotional abuse,


.Gender is a term for the socially imposed division between the sexes. It refers to the

emotional and psychological attributes which a given culture expect to coincide with physical maleness or femaleness (see;Pengantar Kajian Genderby Euis amalia)



intimidation, economic deprivation of treat violence, and sexual abuse such as raping and something that it often called marital tape it occurs either in an individual, a family, or society scale.

Those problem are often called as a crusine problem encountered by women in the world and caused by the difference of gender, so far, many people have not understood the definition of gender yet, therefore, the writer would like to explain the definition of gender and the system became the factor of gender inequalities.

Generally, gender is the differences of the character between men and women that are the character of masculine and feminine, which socially constructed3, for example ; man have some character such as strong, macho, brave, rational and courageous which are always called masculine, while women, they have some character such as weak, irrational, emotional which are called feminine.


Form of gender inequalities, domestic violence and division of labor made most walks of life have sympathized, then this big sympathy changes into a consciousness to struggle for women’s fate with a certain ways. The consciousness movement as known as feminism , there are many forms of feminism, which are liberal feminism, socialist feminism, radical feminism and Marxist feminism, those form of feminism were called as second wave’s feminism movement and feminism which appeared when women oppression occurred was radical feminism.

Feminismtheory state that sexuality became a main problem occur of women ‘s oppression and the difference of sex make them easier to be dominated by men and they were used as a violation object, all of women’s problem never stop up to now, feminism struggle to destroy the patriarchal system that believed as root of women’s oppression.

The oppression, domestic violence, raping4, gender inequalities and feminism movement that felt by Laila in Khaled Hosseini novel A Thousand splendid suns, and felt by women in everywhere, with all those Laila experiences the writer interested to analyze it more deeply. The writer will use feminism theory to analyze Laila experienced violation and how survive. By using feminism theory, the writer want to see Laila characterization, how she experience the violence, by the feminism aspect that presented by Laila and how she survive trough the violation in A Thousand splendid suns novel, through those consideration, the writer decided to write a paper



entitled “An Analysis Character On A thousand splendid suns Novel By Khaled Hosseini Through Feminism Approach

B. Focus of the Study

The topics are limited within discussion on the Laila characterization and her violence experienced in A thousand splendid sunsnovel by Khaleed Hosseini viewed by feminism theory.

C. Research Question

In addition, the main problem of this research could be specified into clear formulated statement as below.

1. How is Laila Characterized in A thousand splendid suns by Khaled Hosseini?

2. How does the character overcome the violation seen from feminism theory?

D. The Significance of the Study

The writer hopes the result of the study can be used;


2. For other researcher who want to do the study and get more knowledge about feminism, especially about feminism theory, on A thousand Splendid Sunsby Khaled Hosseini or another literary work.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objective Research

The study is held in purpose of knowing Laila characterization described by Khaled Hosseini, the Oppression and gender inequalities presented by Laila and also described how she survived through the violation onA thousand splendid suns novel.

2. The Method Research

The researcher will uses the descriptive qualitative method to analyze A thousand splendid suns novel by finding some evidence from women character and its relation using theory of feminism.

3. Data Analysis

The data gathered from the novel are analyzed qualitatively using the theory of feminism.

4. Instruments


5. The Unit of Analysis

The writer makes use of The text of a thousand splendid suns novel (2007) written by Khalred Hosseini, published in 2007 by Harper and Row, New York as the unit of analysis.

6. Place and Time




A. Character and Characterization

The people in a fictional text are known as character in a story. Character is an important element that will develop the story, because character is person who carries out the events of fiction story and those events become a story5.The term of the character refers to the person or player of a story, character and characterization refers to the player's characteristic and attitude, more refers to the personal quality of the character.6

Characters are divided into two types; there are main/major characters and minor character, the major character is a character that always appears and dominated in every part of the story. That is character that is often told in the story, either as a conflict maker or those experiences a conflict to influence the plot development, the involvement intensity of the character in the events the develop the story is a criterion that is used to determine major character7.


Adip Sofia Sugihastuti, Feminism Dan Sastra, “Menguak citra perempuan dalam layar terkembang”(Bandung: Penerbit Katarsih, 2003).p.69


Departement Of English, university of Victoria, Character And Characterization, from http;//web.uvic.ca/wguide/pages/LTcharacter.html. retrieved, January 2, 2008



Minor character is character that only appears in one event. Appearance of minor character in the entire story is less not significant and it appears only when there is connection with major character, either directly or indirectly8.

The kind of character are dynamic and static, dynamic is character goes through some development. Undergoes permanent change in some aspect of character, personality or outlook, the alteration in out of self and the human correlation with affected, are able to touch the psychological and make the change and development attitude, while static is the character remains relatively in change. It is the figure, which not changes in essential of characterization because of phenomenon.

B. History of Feminism

The word of “feminism” appeared first in France in the 1880’s, and great Britain in the 1890’s, the united state in the 1910’s, the oxford English dictionary lists 1894 for“feminism”,and 1895 for “feminist”, prior to that time“women right’s “was probably the term used most commonly, in the 1792, Marry Wollstonecraft made an essay themevindication of the right of women.

Feminism became an organized movement in 19th century as people creasing come to believe that women were treated unfairly. The organized movement was dated from the first women right convention at Seneca Falls, New York in the 1884.


the concept of “women” and provide specific analyses and critique of gender inequality and most feminist social movement promote women’s right interest and issues, some of subtypes of feminist ideology have developed over the years, early feminist movement are also often called the first wave feminist, and feminist after 1960 called them selves as second feminist, and younger feminist have identified them selves as third wave while second feminist still active9

1. First Wave Feminism.

First wave feminism refers to a period of feminist activity during 19th century and early 20th in the United Kingdom and the United States. It focused on gaining the right of women’s suffrage. The term “first wave” was coined retrospectively after the second wave feminism began to be used to describe a newer feminist movement focused on fighting social and cultural inequalities as further political inequalities.

In Britain the suffragettes campaigned for the women’s vote, eventually granted to some women in the 1918 and to all in 1928 as much because of the part played by British wove during the first world war, in the united states leaders of the movement Elizabeth caddy Stanton and Suzan b. Anthony, who each campaign for the abolition of the slavery prior to championing women’s right to vote. Other important feminist include Lucy Stone, Olympia Brown, and Hale Pitts. American first wave feminism involved a wide range of women, others resembling the diversity and radicalism of much of second feminism, such as Mantilda Jostlyin Gage, Stanton and Anthony. In



the United States first wave feminism is considered to have ended with the passage of the 19th amendment to the United States constitution in 1919, granting women’s to right to vote10.

2. Second Wave Feminism

Second wave feminism refers to period of feminist activity beginning in the early 1960s and through the late 1980s. Second wave feminism has existed since then, and continues to exist with what some people call third wave feminism, the second wave feminism saw that the cultural and political inequalities as inextricably linked, the movement women to understand aspects of their own personals lives as deeply polarized, and reflective of a sexist structure of power. The first wave feminism focused upon absolute right such s suffrage, second wave feminism was more largely concerned with other issues of equality, such as the end of discrimination11.

3.Third Wave Feminism

The third wave feminism began in the early 1990s. The movement arises as response to perceived failures of the second wave. It was also a response against initiatives and movement created by the second waves. Third wave feminism seeks to challenge what it’s seem the second wave’s essentialist definitions of femininity according to them over emphasized the experiences of upper middle class white



women. Third wave feminism also focused on “micro politics”, and challenge the second wave’s paradigm as to what is, or is not, good for females.

The history of third wave feminism predates this and begins in the middle 1980s. Feminist leaders rooted in the second wave like Gloria Anzaldua, Bell Hooks, Chela Sandoval, Cherrie Moraga and Maxine Hong Kingston, and many others feminist of color, called for a new subjectivity in feminist voice. They sought to negotiate prominent space feminist thought for consideration of race related subjectivities. This focus in the intersection between race and gender thought the hill-Thomas hearings, but began to shift freedom ride in 1992. This to registers voters in poor minority communities was surrounded with rhetoric that focused on rallying young feminist, the rallying of the young is the emphasis that has stuck within third wave feminism12.

C. Feminism

The word "feminism" it self originated from word feminism in the 19th century, either as a medical term to described the feminization of a male body, or to described women's with masculine traits. When it was used in the United States in the early part of the 20th century it was only used to refer to one group of women namely that group which asserted the uniqueness of women, the mystical experience of motherhood and women special purity (Jaggar 1983; 5)



According to Macionis, feminism is the advocacy of social equality for the sexes, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism feminism views the lives of women and men through the lens of gender.13The term of “feminism” has many different uses and it is meaning are often contested, for example, some writer used the term or feminism to refer historically specific political government in US and Europe; other writers used to refer to the belief that there are in justice against women, through there is no consensus on the exact list of these injustice, although the term “feminism” has a story in English linked with women activism from the late 19th century to the present. It is useful to distinguish feminist ideas or beliefs from feminism political movement, for even in periods where there has been no significant political activism around women’s subordination, individual have been concerned with and theorized about justice for women.14

Since the 1980's it has become common to use the plural form when talking about feminism in order to signify that although all feminist may share a basic commitment to ending female oppression, we can say that all feminist agree that women suffer social and material inequalities simply because of their biological identity and are committed to challenging this.15

Feminism theory is also the way who gave the important contribute and original to the contemporarily though, the unique from this theory are explanations about


John J Macionis, Sociology ; New Jersey ; Practice Hall, 1995 p.378



connected between theory and practice and also between public and private, theory and experiences have specials connected in feminism onslogan “personal ispolitical“16

The important way of the feminism theory is under standing oppression, rage, gender, class, and sexual choices, and how to change it. Feminism theory expressed the important women individual and also their experience that their have been trough and struggle they had been done17. Analysis how sexual differences built in every social world and intellectual and also to make clear about this theory and trying to describe conceptual equipment that needed to using discrimination, economic, politic, and sexual also Analyzing model useful for the feminism politic, for example the higher step of the body aggression against women. It is appeared and growing bigger for sexual Psychological theories.

Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and political movement that seeks justice for women and the end of sexism in all forms; however, there are many different kind of feminism. Feminism disagree about what sexism consist in and what exactly ought to be done about it, they disagree about what it means to be a women or a man and what social and political implication gender has or should have, motivated by the quest of social justice, feminist inquiry provided a wide range of perspective on social, cultural, and political phenomena. Important topics for feminist theory and


Maggie,humm, Ensiklopedia Feminisme, Jakarta, Mundi Rahayu, 2002 p. 5



politic include ; the body, class, and work, this ability, the family, globalization human right, popular culture, race and racism, reproduction, science, sex and sexuality.18

D. Kinds of Feminism

According to Martha E Jimenez, it was possible in the heady days of women's liberation movement, to identify four main current within feminist thought; liberal concern with attaining economic and political equality within the context of capitalism, radical focused on men and patriarchy as the main cause oppression of women, socialist critical of capitalism and Marxism, so much to avoidance of Marxism alleged reductionism resulted in dual systems theories postulating various form of interaction between capitalism and patriarchy, and Marxism feminist a theoretical position held by relatively few feminist in the U.S which sough to develop the potential of Marxist theory to understanding the capitalist sources of the operation of women.19

1.Liberal Feminism


Americans liberal feminism endure the equal right amendment and opposed prejudice and discrimination that have historical limited women's achievement.20

And key to sexual equality is reproduce freedom for women, only if women can choose whether to bear children, and if only parent share the responsibilities of child rearing, can women and men have equal opportunity in their working lives, for the same reason, liberal feminism advocates the right women to maternity leave and child care.21

2. Social Feminism

The movement socialist focuses on removing the self-awareness of women about their underdeveloped position in society, it is very important because most women who lived in patriarchal society especially, do not aware that they are opposed by patriarchy, this theory assumes that living in the capital society is not the only casual factor of women's underdevelopment .

Women can be liberated from this operation if the capital economic system changed into an egalitarian society, it must begin in family as the main institution in society, in which has a freedom to own herself, not to be her husband's.22




Liberal Feminism. http;//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/liberal feminism,retrieved,January, 28,2008.



3. Marxist Feminism

In Marxist feminism, women's underdevelopment is not caused by the deliberately of individual movement but by social, political, and economical fabric of a society. It is possible for women to get their freedom in life if they still live in patriarchal society.

One of the Marxist feminist, Friedrich Engels, in the origin family, private property and the state(1972), said that there is a relationship between the operation to women in patriarchal society and the operation done by the bourgeois to the proletarian, within the family he is the bourgeois and the wife represents the Proletarian .23

4. Radical Feminism


social change. The best history of this movement is a book called daring to be bad, by Echols, another’s excellent book is simply titled radical feminism and known as radical feminist.24

E. Feminism as the Research Theory

Three of the most important theories in which patriarchy is a central concept are those commonly labeled as 'radical feminism', 'Marxist feminism', and 'dual systems theory'; in radical feminism analyses, patriarchy is regarded as the primary and fundamental social division in society, in some radical feminist analyses, the institution of the family is identified as a key means trough which men's domination is achieved. (Millet, 1977).

In other feminism analyses, it is masculine control over women's bodies' trough sexuality or male violence in the form of rape that is regarded as being of central importance (Rich 1980; Brown miller 1976).

Feminism is a feminism that views women's operation as basic system of power upon which human relationship in society is arranged.25That why feminism movement focused on the root's problem of women's oppression. Feminism saw that, reformation system trough law's way has effort by liberal feminism; a woman's still oppressed.26


Jane Jonhson Lewis, Radical Feminism, From hhtp;//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical Feminism.Retrieved, January 6, 2008.


Mansoeur Fakih,Analisis Gender dan Trnformasi total, (Jakarta; Pustaka Pelajar,1996),p.84


Jane jonhson lewis, radical feminisme,from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/radical


Feminism stated that the women's oppression derived from placement of women into an inferior class compared with men class by using basic of gender.

Feminism theory focuses on raping and difference of sexual and the important focuses on the violation as problems that felt by women, that’s why the radical feminist take big issues, that are accuses family institution and patriarchal system which are considered can make women harm.

It is men's violence against women that has especially been the concern of feminist researcher conceptualized as abroad range of men's harmful behavior toward women, including rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment, violence has identified as a key mechanism in the subordination of women by men.27


Violence against women occurs not only physically but also sexual and physiologically within family, there are four types of physical violence, physical assault, trafficking, infanticide of female's baby, and harmful traditional practices.29

The sexual aggression also happens to children or young girl, they are forgotten through the process known as" infantile amnesia". The human memory has a natural capacity to forget what it whishes to forgets, especially if related to painful incident or accompanied by a feeling of guilt or regret, this is particularly true of certain happenings that have occurred in childhood, in which have not been discovered by anyone. But this amnesia is never complete in most cases since something of it remains buried in the subconscious, and may come to the surface for one reason or another, or during a mental of moral crisis.30

The changing of women's condition and position has to start from the individual herself. As has been done by many authors concerning about women's inferiority. They try to help and change women condition through their work. They write the story related to the story of women that occur in the certain era. Then they will insert the moral massage and also they will give the way how to struggle against men.


Nawal, al Saadawi, Perempuan dalam Budaya Patriarki, Yogya, Pustaka Pelajar, 2001,p.29




Re se a rc h Findings

A. Data Description

In this chapter, the writer discusses the character of Laila as the major character in the novel a thousand splendid suns, and then the writer analyzes the character of Laila viewed from feminism theory.

Here are the expressions and notes from the novel that support in describing Laila’s characteristic.

As the writer explained before in theoretical framework that character is an important element that will develop the story that carries out the events of fiction story events become a story31. The character refers to the person or player of the story, character are divided into two types there are main/major character and minor character. Major character is a character that always appears and dominated every part of the story. That is character often told in a story. Minor character is character that only appears in one event. Appearance of minor character in the entire story is not significant and it appears only when there is connection with major character, either directly or indirectly32.



Characteristic are the qualities or features of people that belong to them and make them recognizable which someone sees in them and seem typical to them.33

The writer tried to analyze Laila characteristic in A thousand splendid suns

written by Khaled Hosseini. Laila is the main character in the novel A thousand splendid suns. The writer tried to analyze in every aspect and through the events that felt by Laila as the main character.

This chapter focuses on the development of Laila’s characteristic into a feminist character. Laila shows that woman also has a self confidence to face public sphere, also struggles for self fulfill, and she is much more braved to decide to leave her husband after she experienced several oppression from her husband. Through various conflict and experienced that she face Laila becomes a struggler, courageous, self confidence mature and decisive woman.

Here are the expressions and notes from the novel that support in describing Laila’s characteristic.




1 I Her beauty was the talk


said." Rasheed you can't do this."

10 III "Go back to the room."

Mariam backpedaled

11 III “As a matter of policy,

we do not interfere the

12 III “They can notmake half

of the population stay


Laila was a young girl, beautiful, and also smart. Revolutionary girl was her nickname, because she had been born the night of the April coup of 1978 and she lived with her family in Kabul. Her mother always that she had inherited her hair color as well as her thick-lashed, green ayes, her dimpled cheeks, her cheek bones, and the pout of hr lower lip. Mammy said to her.

“Her beauty was the talk of the valley. It skipped two generations of women in our

family, but it sure didn’t by pass you”, Laila (Hosseini 2007, 98)

Laila’s grandmother and her mother had beautiful faces and their beauty was very famous in the valley. The valley referred to the Pansjar one hundred kilometers northeast of Kabul.

Laila’s friend also admitted that she had a beautiful face. One time a boy had tapped her on her shoulder and said to Laila.

“You’re so very pretty, yellow hair. I want to marry you”. (Hosseini 2007,


Because of her pretty face, many boys disturbed her and wanted to be her boyfriend. Laila already had a boyfriend. Tariq was her boyfriend. Laila knew that Tariq would always protect hr.

She also was a smart girl in school; it was described by her when her teacher asked her about countries.

“Bucharest, Havana”Laila managed.

“And are those countries our friend or not?” teacher asked.


Her father also described that his little girl was a smart girl, her father always made it clear to Laila from a young age that the most important thing in his life, after her safety, was her education. Laila understood it.

Her father said, I know you’re still young, but I want you to understand and learn this know, married can wait, education cannot. You’re very, very bright girl. Truly, you are. You can b anything you want, Laila. I know this about you. And, I also know that when the war is over, Afghanistan is going to need you as much as its men, maybe even more. Because society has no change of success if it women are uneducated, Laila. No change. (Hosseini 2007, 103)

She had received the Awal Numra certificate, given yearly to the top ranked student in each grade for the last two years. Laila made her father very proud with her.

Laila was also a good girl. Her kindness had been seen since she was a child. It could be seen when she helped her mother when her mother invited neighborhood women over tea and pastries. She got to lick the bowls clean, set the table with cups and napkins and the good plats.

“You’re a good daughter,” mammy said after a deep sigh.” And haven’t been much of a mother to you” (Hosseini 2007, 129)

Her mother could not give Laila enough attention. Laila knew that her mother was very shocked when she heard her sons did in war against Soviet. Laila also know that hr mother loved them very much. Laila had two brothers who died in war. Laila always listened carefully when her mother talked about her brothers.


“I can’t.” Laila said.

“Don’t say that. I love you.” “I’m sorry”

“I love you”

It’s my father I can’t leave.” Laila said.” I’m all he has left. His heart couldn’t take

it either.”(Hosseini 2007, 166)

Even she realized that she loved Tariq very much but she decided to stay in Kabul with her father. She could not wipe away the obligations of hr life any more that he could his. But it went on, his pleadings and her rebuttals, and his tears and hers. In the end, she had to make him leave.

Laila was also a good listener. She always listened when her mother told her a story about hr brothers and sometimes she felt that her mother more cares to her brothers but she still loves her mother very much.

“Ahmad going to be a leader, He had the charisma for it. People three time s his

ag listened to him with respect. Laila. And Noor, Oh my Noor. He always makes sketches of buildings and bridges. He was going to be an architect, you know. He

was going to transform Kabul with his designs. And now they’re shaheed, my boy, and my martyrs.” (Hosseini 200, 128)

One day when Laila listened carefully when her mother told her a story about how her brothers died as shaheed in war, Laila knew that her mother very proud with them.

Laila was alsofriendlytoo. She had a good friends and also her classmates like Giti and Hasina. It was described when Laila and her friend went home from school.

“I thinkLaila has a crush on Tariq. I knew it!Isn’t heLaila?”Giti said earnestly.


They were taking care each other; Hasina was twelve, three years older than Laila and Giti. They were talking about everything, they’re laugh together.

Laila also has Courageous.it was described by her when. It was happen when Laila tried to help Mariam. Mariam is a Rasheed first wife. Rasheed start to yelled and beating Mariam and Laila tried to help hr against Rasheed.

"I should have known that you'd corrupt her,"Rasheed spat at Mariam. He swung the belt, testing it against his own thigh.

"stop it bas!" the girl said." Rasheed you can't do this." "Go back to the room." Mariam backpedaled again. "No, don't do this!"


Rasheed raise the belt again and this time came at Mariam.

Then an astonishing thing happened: the girl lunged at him. She grabbed his arm with both hands and tried to drag him down, but she could do no more than dangled from it. She did succeed in slowing rasheed's progress toward Mariam. "Let go!" Rasheed said.

"You win. You win. Don’t do this. Please, Rasheed, no beating! Please don’t do


In the end Mariam knew that there would be no beating, not that night. He stayed that way a few moments longer. He threw Mariam one last, murderous stare, and gave the girl a shove in the back on the way out. When she heard their door close, Mariam climbed back into the bed, buried her head beneath the pillow, and waited for the shaking to stop. (Hosseini 2007, 216-217)

After a terrible accident, Mariam realized that Laila tried to help her against Rasheed. After what Laila did to her that night there was no reason to hate her again. She tried to be friendly to Laila. They became a friend, like sister or mother and daughter.


big decision for them. Thy started something big in their lives. They wanted to live independently.

“We're leaving this spring; Aziza and I. come with us Mariam” (Hosseini 2007,


The journey that they had been trough did not work well; they got caught by the Taliban officer, and sent them back to their husband. Laila believed that there was a hope among those problems. Laila fight for their lives, they knew how to survive. They did not car bout Rasheed. They had to survive for their future, for the children.

Laila had experienced the worst moment in her live. Laila had lost her parent when rockets slammed into her house. She also has to struggle against starvation, brutality and fear.

C. Laila, Viewed From Feminism Theory


“We're leaving this spring; Aziza and I. come with us Mariam” (Hosseini 2007,


Laila’s idea to escape from Rasheed is not without any risk. She also thought what Rasheed would do if he had known her. There was opinion in Afghanist that women who tried to escape from their husband assumed as a criminal and the Taliban regulation had made all society must obey it. Laila wanted a new life to live independently; she had a future orientation for hr and her children. She wanted all women in Afghanistan have the same opportunity with man and she also wanted they can develop their potential.

According to a book a Vindication of the Right of woman by Marry Wollstonecraft, one of the feminist argues that equality of right and opportunities should b extended women in all areas of live.1 Women should have opportunities in all sectors for example in politic, economy, education and social life.

Laila’s character who refuses the oppression, violence and also discrimination against woman struggles against the oppression. It was described when she was caught by the officers who want to send her back to her husband. Laila criticizes about the right inequality between man and woman. The statement was proof by quotation below.

“As a matter of policy, we do not interfere the private family matter, hamshira.”

Officer said.

“Of course you don’t, when it benefit of man, isn’t this a private family matter, as

you say? Isn’t it?”(Hossseini 2007, 238)


can not interfere private problems. This policy is commonly issued by the nation which uses a patriarchal system in society.

Laila criticizes the officers that assumed that the oppression or violence which Rasheed treated to Laila is a household problem. Meanwhile, Laila thought if it was a household problem why the officers insist to sending her back to Rasheed. It is because the officers want to maintain their dignity as man and to oppress woman’s right.

The writer analyzes through feminist approach, by using concept of feminism, all of woman’s problem never stop up to now, woman have been struggling for equal right over the past 150 years. This struggle is meant to show their right and their identity as independent women. Feminist critics struggle to destroy the patriarchal system that they believe as a roof of woman’s oppression. Patriarchal systems which are considered can make women harmed.

Patriarchal system is “rule of the father” where a father gets a highest position in the family, making important decision in the family and dominating economic sources in the family.


thy use Islamic rules. Refuses communist policy bout woman’s right and issues several rules for women in Afghanistan.

Attention women;

You will stay inside your home at all times

It is not proper for woman to wander aimlessly about the street. If you outside, you must be companied by a Muhrim, a male relative. If you are caught lone on the street, you will be beaten and sent home.

You will not, under any circumstance, show your face. You will cover with Burqa when outside. If you do not, you will b severally beaten.

Cosmetic are forbidden.

You will not wear charming clothes. Jewelry is forbidden.

You will not make eye contact with men. You will not paint you are nail. If you do, you will lose a finger.

Girls are forbidden attending to school. All school for girls will be closed immediately. Women are forbidden for working.

Listen, Listen, and Obey. (Hosseini 2007, 248)

Laila does concern about the rules, she realize that the rules can only increase the oppression and the violation obviously against woman. Woman’s right will be disappear and kill woman potential. It was described by Laila to Mariam and Rasheed.

“They can not make half of the population stay home and do nothing,” Laila said. “Why not?” Rasheed said. For once. Mariam agreed with him.

“This is not some villages. This is Kabul. Women here used to practice law and

medicine; they held office in the government” (Hosseini 2007, 249)


only focus on what is pleasurable to think or “at the distance”; women are being sub-ordinate position from men.

Another statement of Laila, criticizing about the rul issued by Taliban for woman in Afghanistan can b seen when Laila talked to Mariam.

“But they’d enforce them on us more; if they weren’t so busy killing each other. And us.” Laila had said to Mariam.(Hosseini 2007, 232)

Killing” women dialogue means hat kill women in mentally in public sphere and private sphere kill women potential to develop their selves, to build their ability.

It is clearly the Laila’s character wants changes. She does not want Afghanistan women continuously experience the oppression and violation, she is also convince that they are opportunity for women in Afghanistan to work and live better and they have a potential. Meanwhile, the government regulation has killed the potential, her struggle toward woman re also proofed by hr when Rasheed want their daughter to be a beggar in Kabul.

“I’ll keep my eyes on her,” Rasheed said.” It’s a save corner.”

“I won’t let you turn my daughter into a street beggar!” Laila snapped. (Hossini

2007, 266)


strive against man’s oppression as a patriarchal system considered as “bread winner”.




A. Conclusions

After the writer analyzing a thousand splendid suns written by Khaled Hosseini who wrote his first famousa kite runnernovel sold over eight million copies in world on world. The writer also tried to analyzing the main character viewed feminism theory.

Through feminism concept, the writer focuses in Laila’s characteristic that implies a feminist concept, courageous, decisive, mature, an independent. Laila have to facing the unfair treatment by her husband, from those explorations of a strong female characters consciousness of Laila.

The writer analyzes that it has made Laila as a feminist character, who lived in the environment that dominated by men and she tried to against it. She struggles to against what she thought that was not right and contradicts with her mind and principles.

Laila fighting against her husband and the patriarchal system, Laila’s courage to make decision by leaving her husband can be said as her success to be free from the patriarchal system and the reflection of the concept of feminism.


woman's problems become the main theme on this novel, the character who represented those woman problem is Laila, the main character on this novel

As we know the violence, operation, discrimination, and also gender inequalities are often to called ad a crucial problems encountered woman's in the world and caused by the different gender.

This different gender brings about the division of labor, which is a man in public sphere and woman in the domestic sphere. The factor that divided labor sphere is called patriarchal system, which is men power some field like politic, religion, law, economic, education and even domestic sphere.

B. Suggestion

A thousand splendid suns is an unforgettable portrait of a wounded country and deeply moving story of family and friendship. The kite runner is his first novel that sold over eight million copies in the world, A thousand splendid suns published in 2007. It contain about violence, domination of men, discrimination and also oppressions.


The researcher suggest for those who want to study about literature, especially on A thousand splendid suns novel by Khaled Hosseini, they can used several of feminism approaches such as liberal feminism, Marxist feminism, social feminism and also radical feminism to help any comprehending and enchaining the understanding about the image of woman. This novel is very interesting and the other researcher could also use this novel as an object with other approaches.



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