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The Effectiveness of Guessing Game Technique in Teaching Vocabulary at MTs Darussalam (An Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTs Darussalam Academic Year 2013/2014)


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“A skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) In English Language Education










The examination committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

certifies that the “A skripsi” scientific paper entitled, “The Effectiveness of Guessing Game Technique in Teaching Vocabulary at MTs Darussalam (An Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTs Darussalam Jakarta)” written by Hari Supriyatna, student’s registration number: 109014000179, was examined by committee on August 2014, and was declared to have passed and

have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in

English language Education at the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, 18th August2014


Chairman : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd (………..)

Nip. 19641212 199103 1 002

Secretary : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum (………..)

Nip. 19761007 2007101 002

Examiner I :Drs. Nasifudin Jalil, M.Ag (………..) Nip. 19560560 199003 1 002

Examiner II :Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd (………..)

Nip.19790811 200912 2 001

Acknowledged by

The Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training




The Effectiveness of Guessing Game Technique in Teaching Vocabulary at MTs Darussalam (An Experimental Study in the Second Grade of MTs Darussalam). Skripsi,

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas

Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Pembimbing: Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl.Ed Ertin, MA TESOL

Vocabulary adalah elemen yang paling penting dalam suatu bahasa.

Vocabulary sangat penting untuk dipelajari. Semakin baik tingkat pengajaran

vocabulary maka akan semakin baiklah pengajaran suatu bahasa tersebut.

Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat tingkat keefektifitasan teknik mengajarkan

vocabulary menggunakan permainan menebak kata pada siswa di sekolah MTs

Darussalam Jakarta Selatan pada tingkat kelas delapan. Penelitian ini mencakup

seberapa cepat siswa dapat menghafal suatu kosa kata yang baru saja diajarkan

oleh guru dan juga bagaimana cara siswa memahami kosakata baru tersebut di

dalam kalimat.

Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat suatu pengajaran

vocabulary yang efektif pada siswa kelas delapan MTs Darussalam menggunakan

tekhnik permainan menebak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif.

Tekhnik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data pada penilitian ini adalah tes,

yang terdiri dari dua buah tes yaitu: Pre-test dan Post-test

Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa adanya

peningkatan yang signifikan pada hasil nilai test vocabulary siswa yang belajar

menggunakan tekhnik permainan menebak. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari hasil to

(tobservation) yaitu 5.48 dan hasil ttable sebesar 1.67 dengan derajat kebebasan 64. Itu

berarti to>tt.



1. Para siswa harus menyadari bahwa pembelajaran vocabulary tidak dapat

hanya mengandalkan kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas tetapi harus dilakukan

juga di luar kelas secara mandiri;

2. Guru bahasa inggris harus mempunyai variasi tekhnik dalam mengajar bahasa

inggris khususnya dalam mengajarkan vocabulary agar siswa tidak merasa

bosan dalam mengikuti pelajaran;

3. Perlunya melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan mengajarkan vocabulary di dalam

kelas untuk lebih menambah pemahaman siswa dalam menyerap dan

mengingat vocabulary baru yang diajarkan.




The Effectiveness of Guessing Game Technique in Teaching Vocabulary at MTs Darussalam (An Experimental Study in the Second Grade of MTs Darussalam). A

skripsi, English Department, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2014.

Advisors : Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl.Ed Ertin, MA TESOL

Vocabulary is an important element in a language. Vocabulary is

important to be learnt. Better level of teaching vocabulary means better teaching

of a language. This research is conducted in order to make an effective teaching

and learning vocabulary at second grade students of MTs Darussalam South

Jakarta. This research included memorizing vocabulary and how to applied the

new vocabulary in it’s context.

The aim of this research is to make an effective teaching vocabulary to

second grade students of MTs Darussalam by using guessing game. This research

was using quantitative approach. The technique of collecting data in this research

was test. The test was consisted of two test; Pre-test and Post-test.

The findings of this research states that there was a significance in the students’ score learning vocabulary using guessing game. It could be seen from the result of to

(tobservation) is 5.48 and the result of ttable is 1.67 with the degree of freedom is 64. It means


Based on the findings previously, it can be suggested that:

1. Students must realize that learning vocabulary cannot only depend on the

learning in the class but also must be done outside of the class by their own;

2. English teacher must have variation of technique in teaching English,

especially in teaching English vocabulary in case to avoid the students from



3. It is important to include the students in activity of teaching vocabulary in the

class to gain more understanding of the students in adopt and memorize new





In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praised is due to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer

love and blessing to finish his last assignment in his study, “Skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion,

and his adherence.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions to all of

lecturers, institution, family and friends who have contributed in the different

ways hence this “Skripsi” is processed until it becomes a complete writing which

will be presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English

Language Education.

The first, he would like to give his sincere thanks to his advisors Mr.

Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl.E dan Mrs. Ertin, M.A.TESOL who have given the

writer precious help, the guidance, and the advices patiently during the completion

and the development of the study.

Secondly, the writer also would like to express his thanks and gratitude to

his beloved parents, Mr. Muhammad Yunus and Mrs. Nani Kurniasih who never

stop to motivate him and always pray for him everytime; his lovely brother Yoga

Supriyatna who always be a mood booster for him during writing this research;

and Mr. Suherman Mihardja and Mrs. Lisa Mihardja who always support him and

encourage him to keep study in his university; also Bunda Ade who always

remind him to study. A thousand thanks for their precious time.

Thirdly, the writer also realized that he never finish this skripsi without

help from some people around him. Therefore, the writer would like to give him

gratitude and appreciations to:



2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Education


4. All lecturers in English Education Department who always give

motivation and valuable knowledge during his study.

5. Saprudin, S.Pd. MM, as the principal of MTs Darussalam.

6. Mufti Hidayat, S.Pd, as the teacher of second grade of MTs


7. All of his friends in English Education Department 2009 academic

year, especially E class and his best friends ( Dessy Iryanti, Zaki

Habibillah, Sari Anjani, Zen Zarkasih, Reni Septiani, Arif Prasojo,

Bayyini Rosyada Elka, Trianti Kumala, Hayyin Azizah, Cangak, and

Anita Latifah Adrianti)

The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help

and contribution in this skripsi. May Allah, the Almighty bless them

all. Moreover, the writer also realized that this skripsi is far from

perfect. It is a pleasure for him to get critiques and suggestions to make

this paper better.

Ciputat, 18thAugust, 2014






ABSTRAK ...iii







A. Background of the Study ...1

B. Problem Identification ...3

C. Limitation of the Problem ...4

D. Formulation of Problem ...4

E. Scope of the Study ...4

F. Purpose of the Study ...4

G. Significance of the Study ...5


A. Definition of Game ...6

B. Principles of Game Selection ...6

C. Guessing Game ...8

D. Vocabulary ...9

E. Kinds of Vocabulary ...10

F. Principles in Teaching Vocabulary ...11




A. Research Design ...17

B. Place Time and Study ...17

C. Population and Sample ...18

D. Technique of Collecting Data ...18

E. Instrument ...18

F. Technique of Analyzing Data ...18

G. Hypothesis of the Study ...20


A. Data Description ...21

B. Test of Hypothesis ...27

C. Data Interpretation ...28


A. Conclusions ...29

B. Suggestions ...30





Table 4.1 The Result of Experiment Class... 21

Table 4.2 The Result of Control Class ... 23




APPENDIX 1 Pre Test of English Vocabulary... 34

APPENDIX 2 Post Test of English Vocabulary ... 36

APPENDIX 3 Result of Validity Test using anates ... 38

APPENDIX 4 Result of Reliability Test using anates ... 42

APPENDIX 5 Result of Difficulties’ Level ... 43

APPENDIX 5 T-Test Table ... 44

APPENDIX 6 Syllabus of Control Class ... 50

APPENDIX 7 Syllabus of Experiment Class ... 53

APPENDIX 8 Letter ... 56





A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one of the most important element in a language. It is one

element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing all

together. Vocabulary is a bridge which can express ideas from the speaker to

listener, from the writer to reader. Without vocabulary, the communication will be

difficult and almost possible to do. Because of that, vocabulary is very important

to learn by the students who want to master a language.

In learning English in Indonesia, vocabulary is an important element that

should be learnt by students. Based on the explanation above, it is known that

vocabulary is needed in order to express an idea of someone. Without a good and

accurate vocabulary, the speaker or writer will be difficult to send his or her

message to listener or reader and tend to miscommunication. Moreover, the

amount of vocabulary that mastered by someone is one of some indicators that can

influence students to master a language. It is because the fluency of someone in a

language can be seen from how much vocabulary they have and how they can use

them effectively. Because of that vocabulary is very important to learn by the


When I was observing at MTs Darussalam junior high school Ulujami, I

found that teaching vocabulary was done explicitly. In syllabus and lesson



teaching were fully depend on the teacher. In the observation in some classes, the

main problems in teaching vocabulary were the technique and the method which

were used monotone and less of variation. From that main problem then rose

another problem that is the students felt bored with monotone teaching technique

and would lost their focus in learning vocabulary. Beside that the students will get

difficulties to improve their vocabulary.

The main problem in teaching and learning vocabulary is technique in

teaching vocabulary that less of variation and tend to be monotone. In the class

that I observed, teacher taught vocabulary by listing new vocabulary, then

translated the meaning one by one into native language. After that the teacher

showed the students how to read each vocabulary. Teacher asked the students to

take a note and give 5 until 10 minutes to memorize those vocabulary. After that

the teacher asked several students the meaning of those vocabulary randomly.

This technique has been done so many times by the teacher and the teacher did

variation of technique teaching vocabulary hardly.

Few variation of technique made the students got another problem, the

students felt bored with that technique. The students did not interest and pay

attention what the teacher explained. When the teacher asked to memorize the

new vocabulary, the students did not memorize it and the effect is the students’ vocabulary did not develop. The other effect of that is the students have

difficulties to follow the next material which contain the new vocabulary.

The condition of students in Darussalam Junior High School is limited

English vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is very needed for the students but the

less of technique variation which applied by the teacher and feeling bored that

came from that technique made the students difficult to develop their vocabulary.

The students said that so difficult to memorize English vocabulary because they

did not pay attention and rarely to use that vocabulary in daily life or in the class.

Based on the explanation above I conclude that the solution of the problem

of teaching vocabulary is by making an activity that students can involved to use

the new vocabulary in the class, and efficient because it relates to the learning


To handle that problem can be used Guessing game as an alternative

activity to solve the problem. As it is an activity that can be applied in the

classroom in the limited time. With the game, the students can join to the activity

and use the vocabulary in that activity. Teacher only needs a box that contain of

some words that relate to the material, and then the teacher makes several groups

of the students. After that the leader of each group take the word and describe it to

his or her group, and let the members of group guess the words.

This activity is designed to build up the students’ interest and more focus to the material. Besides that, guessing game can be played by all of the students in

the class. Topic and material of vocabulary that be used can be varied to the

material such as animal, sport, movies, and others. In this research, the writer limit

vocabulary that be played in the class only to active vocabulary. Active

vocabulary is vocabulary that mostly used by the students in their daily activities.

This research will be conducted in 2nd grade of MTs Darussalam. I choose

MTs Darussalam because the location is not far from my house. MTs Darussalam

has big classes and the character and level of the students are same with Islamiyah

Junior high school which is the place I had observed previously. The method that

the teachers used in MTs Darussalam also same that is using translating and

memorizing method.

To sum up, the writer interest is to know how the guessing game can be

applied in teaching vocabulary in the classroom, and how effective the guessing

game method would improve the students’ vocabulary. The title of this research is “The Effectiveness of Using Guessing Game in Teaching Vocabulary at MTs Darussalam”.

B. Problem Identification

The writer finds some problems in this research.

1. Students are lazy to memorize vocabulary because the activity of teaching

and learning vocabulary is so boring.

2. The teacher just asked the students memorize the new vocabulary that the



3. There are no interesting methods or activity to make the students more

interested in learning vocabulary.

4. The student often lost their focus when the teacher explained the material

in the class even it was the important material that students should be


5. The effect of that is the students have difficult to improve their vocabulary

because the material that teacher gave to the students could not deliver to

the students well.

C. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the descriptive above the writer formulates the problem of the

research as follow:

1. “Is guessing game technique effective for teaching vocabulary at MTs


D. Scope of the Study

The writer limits the study to the effectiveness of guessing game in

teaching vocabulary at first grade of MTs Darussalam. The writer limit the

vocabulary to the verb.

E. Purpose of the Study

This research is conducted in order to make an effective teaching and

learning vocabulary at first grade students of MTs Darussalam through guessing

game. By conducting an experiment research, the writer tries to know whether

guessing game activity is effective in improving the students at MTs Darussalam.

the teacher knows what activity that is effective to make the students higher

motivation to learn vocabulary. Later, students will not only able to know about


F. Significances of Study

The result of this research is expected to be useful for:

1. The Students of MTs Darussalam, so they will know how much their

vocabulary level, how big vocabulary they have, and develop their

vocabulary with fun and enjoyable.

2. The English teacher especially English teacher in MTs Darussalam. Thus

they can use this activity and develop this activity according to situation

they have in the class.

3. The researcher himself, so they can apply the theory and know whether





A. Definition of Game

“Game is mean an activity which is entertaining and engaging, often challenging, and an activity in which the learners play and usually interact with

others.”1 Beside that according to Webster dictionary, “game is activity engaged in for diversion or amusement.”2“

Game is any form of play or way of playing,

amusement, recreation, sport, frolic, play.”3 In conclusion, game is an activity that has fun and enjoyment value inside of that. Game can motivate the students learn

the new vocabulary, because only use the new vocabulary they can win the game.4

B. Principles of Game Selection

In determining the role of games in developing student’s vocabulary, the

teacher needs to have their purpose clearly in mind if the major purpose is to make

learning English vocabulary effectively and successfully.According to Andrew

Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby, it is important to make sure that

the games which are want to played is familiar with the students to reduce the


Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby, Games for Language Learning,

(United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 1


Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Eleventh Edition.

3Webster’s new world college dictionary fourth edition USA. 2002 4


difficulties in conducting the games.5In using games in the class, the English

teacher not only responsible inselecting game that want to use in the class but also

in creating conditions in the class, in term conditioning students and the material.

Like Allen’s said that “language teachers are responsible for creating conditions which encourage vocabulary expansion, and a well-chosen game can help the

students acquire English words”.

According to Houston, there are some principles of using games in the


1. Specify your purpose.

The teacher should know what the purpose of the games that he or she

plays in the class.

2. Explain the rules clearly before you begin

It is important to make sure the students understand how to play the

games. The purpose of the game cannot be reached if the students do not

understand how to play the game. It is fine if the teacher explain the rule in

native’s language.

3. Be prepared for the “extra student”

The teacher has to make sure all of the students join to the games.

4. Avoid drifting off during the game

When the games is playing, watch for potential problems that can be

remained. If you feel that is a student who is not understands the rules,

stop the game and go for the rules again.

5. Look for signs that students are getting tired

If the students look tired, the teacher should stop the game before the

students lost their attention.

6. Choose games carefully to save money and time.

Try to use a game that can be prepared easily.

7. Find new sources

Try to use a new game that never be used before.

8. Recycle




If there is an old game that success applied in the class before. It is ok to

use it again in another class.

9. Make a file

Make a file that consists of games. It can make you easy if you want to use

games in another time.


If you have a favorite game that you use to play with your best friend. You

can use that game to your class.

11.Don’t do overdo it

Game is joyful and interesting play in the class, but if you do it too much,

it can waste the time and make another important thing do not have time to

teach in the class.6

C. Guessing Game

Guessing game is a simply game that can be applied in the class. This

game is played by several group in the class. Allen’s said that Guessing game can

be applied in the class in intermediate school.7 There are some rules in Guessing

game. We can choose and adjust depend on the material and situation in the class.

One such game is conducted as follows:

1. Four students are asked to come to the front of the classroom.

One of them is selected to draw a slip from a box which contains words

related to many different categories.

2. The student who has drawn a slip from a box which contains words related

to many different categories.

3. The other members of the class try to guess the word on the slip which has

been drawn from the box. They take turns asking first about the category,

“is it a word for food? For furniture? For transportation?” The four students who have seen the slip take turns answering “No, it isn’t” until

the right category has been guessed.

6Hall Houston, „Playing Games’

Modern English Teacher, Vol 18 no. 1, p. 33



4. After the correct category has been discovered (transportation, for

instance) members of the class continue to ask Yes/No questions: “Is the word bus? Is it taxi? Is it train?”

5. The one whose guess is correct may draw a slip from the box the next time

the game is played.

D. Vocabulary

In Hornby dictionary, vocabulary can be defined as the total number of

words that (with ruler for combining them) make up a language.8

Vocabulary also

can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language. The words

also can be made up of two or three words or more but express a single idea.9In

turn, word is defined as a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken

sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of

meaning.10In Webster’s Dictionary, vocabulary is defined as follows:

1. A list or collection of words and phrases usually alphabetically arranged

and explained or defined.

2. A sum or stock of word employed by a language group individual or work

or in relation to a subject: Scope of language.

3. A list of a foreign language textbook of the word and phrases taught or


While Hatch and Brown define vocabulary as a list or set of words for

particular language or a list or set of words that individual speakers of language

might use.12


A. S Hornby, (1985). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.Oxford University Press. P. 956


Penny Ur, A course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory. (Cambridge: University Press, 2003). P. 60

10P. David Pearson, Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Michael L. Kamil, „Vocabulary Assessment:

What We Know and What We need to Learn’, Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. 42 no. 2 p. 284


Philip Babvock Gove (1966). Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. USA: Massachusetts. G & C. Meriam Company, 1966. P. 2560.




E. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are several kinds of vocabulary according to several expertises:

According to the basis of frequency, vocabulary can be divided into two

kinds; there are high frequency vocabulary and low frequency vocabulary.

1. High frequency vocabulary consists of words that are used very often in

normal language, use in all four skills and across the full range of situation

of use. High frequency vocabulary consists of 2000 word families, which

are about 87% of the running words in formal written text and more than

95% of the words in informal spoken texts.

2. The low frequency vocabulary on the other hand, covers only small

proportion of the running words of a continuous text, it means that low

frequency vocabulary is rarely, used in common activity of English

language. This group includes well over 100.000 word families. 13

Furthermore, Evelyn Hatch and Charly Brown classify the vocabulary into

active and passive.14

1. Active Vocabulary (Productive Vocabulary)

Active vocabulary is word which the students understand, can

pronounce correctly, and uses constructively in speaking and writing.

It refers to put item which the learner can use appropriately in

speaking or writing, and it is also called as productive vocabulary,

although in fact it is more difficult to put into practice, its means that to

use the productive vocabulary, the students must know how to pronounce

it well, they must familiar with collocation and understand the connotation

meaning of the word. This type is often used in speaking and writing skill.

2. Passive Vocabulary (Receptive Vocabulary)

Passive Vocabulary is words that recognize and understand when

they occur in a context, but which the students cannot produce correctly by



Paul Nation, New Ways of Teaching Vocabulary (New York: Teacher of English to Speaker ofAnother Language/TESOL Inc, 1994), p.3



It refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in

the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive vocabulary.

Fries said vocabulary consists of two, namely; function and content word.

1. The function words are a closed class, we cannot add to the preposition or

auxiliaries or modals or any structure word of language.

2. The content words, on the other hand, can be added to any times as new

scientific advances make new words and communication about new

inventions necessary.15

F. Principles in Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of important language element, since vocabulary exists

even at skill fourth language which is reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

We cannot share what we have observed unless we can put it into words.16 Jordan

also said, although vocabulary development, as such, is not a specific study skill,

but relates to all language learning, it is given separate attention here.17Vocabulary

likes a bridge that can bring as to develop another skill like reading, writing,

speaking and listening. Lightbrown and Spada said that acquiring a basic

vocabulary is a significant accomplishment for a second learner.18Without large

size of vocabulary, it is difficult to acquire the other skills. Spears said that

learning more vocabulary words is a crucial step to helping you become a better

reader.19The importance of extending our vocabulary admitted by Milton that said

a learner who knows 2000 words in a foreign language can be said to have twice

the knowledge of a learner who knows only 1000 words.20 In the other words,


Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as A Foreign Language, (New York: The University of Michigan, 1985), p.47


Hans P. Guth, Words and Ideas, A Handbook for College Writing, (California: WadsworthPublishing Company Inc, 1969). P. 75


R.R Jordan, English for Academic Purposes a guide and resource book for teachers,

(United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 149


Datsy M. Lightbrown and Nina Spada, How Language Learned, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006). P. 97


Deanne Spears and David Spears, In Tandem, Reading and Writing for College Students. (New York: McGraw-Hill Company, 2008). P. 95




with more size of vocabulary students can learn more rather than students with

less vocabulary.

Instead the importance of vocabulary, as we know that, there is no special

time allotment to teach vocabulary in syllabus. Furthermore vocabulary is

important, so the teacher should make his own time to teach vocabulary in the

class. In the middle class when the teacher is explaining the lesson or in the last

time before the class end commonly used by the teacher to teach vocabulary

related to the material at that time.

Therefore in teaching vocabulary in a foreign language in this case English

language should be serious. There are many teachers who argue that vocabulary

will acquire equal with their experience. It is wrong because vocabulary should be

studied. According to Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby, it

may be necessary to draw attention to the form of a word as well as its

meaning.21Vocabulary also need a steady work over a long period of time to

learn.22Of course, the students have to learn the vocabulary outside in the class to

keep it steady because the time in the class is not enough. The students cannot

depend all of the learning vocabulary on their teacher. As Snow said that the

teacher only facilitate and providing the students material.23Moreover, Nation said

that Learners need to take responsibility for their own learning, that is, they need

to become autonomous learners. Becoming an autonomous learner involves

deciding what words to learn, making decisions about how to learn them and

revise them, seeking out opportunities to use the language, and keeping motivated

to keep on with leaving and using the language.24It means they have to be

independent to learn vocabulary.

Students needs to take some responsibilities for their own vocabulary

learning, making it necessary to introduce them to vocabulary learning strategies


Wright, BetteridgeBuckby,op. cit., p. 94


Don Snow, More Than a Native Speaker. An introduction to Teaching English Abroad, (Virginia: TESOL Inc, 2006). P. 186


Ibid., p. 177



so that they can do this more effectively.25Experience of using words perhaps

make the students know about how to use the words in daily conversation, but

without study that word the students may not know about the words itself deeply

like the form of the words, and another function of that words.

In teaching vocabulary in the class, the teacher cannot teach all of the

vocabulary, thus the teacher should select carefully the material of vocabulary that

needed to learn by the students. According to Gairns and Redman, there are four

main sources vocabulary that can be used by the teacher in the class;

1. Through the course book. This will include the written and spoken texts,

activities for the presentation and practice of grammatical structures,

testing exercises, and so on.

2. Through supplementary materials (not designed specifically for

vocabulary development) provided by the educational institution or

selected by the teacher himself.

3. Through the students. A wide range of unanticipated and unpredictable

items will inevitably surface from students enquiries, queries, and errors.

4. Through specific vocabulary activities designed by the teacher for his

particular group of students.26

Learning vocabulary not only focuses on memorizing a word, but also

focuses on the usage of the word. It is similar with the expertise that extending the

learner’s vocabulary is important, right from the earlier stages. Learning

vocabulary must be based on attaching meaning to the word, rather than just

remembering the form of the word.27 Furthermore, in some classes for beginners,

teachers use all three ways to show the meanings of vocabulary words28:

1. Pictures

2. Explanation in the students’ own language


Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). P. 138


Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman, Working with Words, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003). P. 54


Wright, Betteridge, and Buckby, op. cit., p. 94




3. Definitions in simple English, using vocabulary that the students already


Learning vocabulary is not only must with memorizing the new words that

students find in the textbook, but there are many ways to learn vocabulary instead.

Like Schmitt said that the aim of learning vocabulary is to transfer the lexical

information from the short-term memory into the long term memory.29 There are

some principles to ensure the vocabulary to the long-term memory:30

1. Repetition

2. Retrieval

3. Spacing

4. Pacing

5. Use

6. Cognitive Depth

7. Personal Organizing

8. Imaging

9. Mnemonics


11.Attention/ arousal

12.Affective Depth

One of alternative activity that we can use is games. Games can make the

students use the new vocabulary and motivate the students. It can transfer the new

vocabulary from the short-term memory to the long-term memory. We can also

use games as an alternative to develop the students’ vocabulary unconsciously. According to Read, one distinction that has been influential in vocabulary is that

between incidental and intentional learning where vocabulary learning is more

incidental to classroom activity.31 The other expertise, Snow also said that one

way for students to stay alert as they work is to use memorization methods that


Schmitt, op. cit., P. 131


Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Edinburgh: Peason Education Limited, 2002). P.24

31John Read. “Research in Teaching Vocabulary”, annual review of applied linguistics,


involve physical activity. The combination of mental and physical activity appears

to enhance memory and as long as students are moving their minds are less likely

to switch off.32It means that vocabulary is easier to remember if we often use it in

our physical activity that is game. Moreover, games can get the students’ attention rather than the teacher only gives the new vocabulary with oral presentation in the

class. Like Read’s explanation in his article that only a few words that students get from the teachers’ explanation in the class.

From the definition above, therefore the best thing in learning vocabulary

is emphasize on meaning and also its purpose was rather than by that word form

itself. It is similar to Sarah Philips, vocabulary is best learned when the meaning

of the word(s) is illustrated, for example by a picture, an action, or a real object.

The children should then meet and use the word(s) in relevant contexts, in order to

„fix’ them in their minds. This helps establish their relationship to other words, so

that a vocabulary network is built up.33

G. The Effectiveness of Using Guessing Games in teaching Vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of important language element, since vocabulary exists

even at skill fourth language which is reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It

is being said by Jordan, although vocabulary development, as such, is not a

specific study skill, but relates to all language learning, it is given separate

attention here.34Moreover, Schmitt said that vocabulary has strong relationship

with the language skills.35It is also said that words are magical in the way they

affect the minds of those who use them.36 Without accurate and good vocabulary,

we cannot express our idea. Because of that, mastering vocabulary of the students

is important.


Snow, op. cit., P. 199


Sarah Phillips, Young Learners, (United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 68


Jordan, op. cit., p. 149


Norbert Schmitt, Researching Vocabulary: a Vocabulary Research Manual, (London: PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, 2010). P. 4




Schmitt said that in using language to communicate, naturally one most

important key is how much vocabulary is necessary to enable this

communication.37Instead of the size of vocabulary, the accurate and the level of

fluent are important too, in conducting the communication in second language.

We do not need to remember all of the English vocabulary. Schmitt said that

second language learners do not need to achieve native-like vocabulary sizes in

order to use English well. A more reasonable vocabulary goal for these learners is

the amount of lexis necessary to enable the various forms of communication in

English.38McCarthy and O’dell also said that the students just need to learn the words that actually need to use in their daily conversation.39

According to John Langan, studies have shown that students with a strong

vocabulary, and students who work to improve a limited vocabulary, are more

successful in school, and one research study found that a good vocabulary, more

than any other factor, was common to people enjoying successful careers.40


mostly student gets their material by memorize each word that they finds. It can

cause student feel bored and impressed that vocabulary's learning is not

interesting, eventually the ideal learning shall be done with enjoyful way but still

follow the rules and the purpose of the study.

Because of that explanation, in this research, to reduce the students’ difficulties in studying vocabulary, the researcher use one of games which is

guessing game to reduce that problem. The writer explains how to play the game

and gives it in the end session of the class before the class finish and then the

writer see whether the guessing game is effective or not in teaching and learning



Schmitt, op. cit., P. 6


Ibid., p. 7

39Michale McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell,

English Vocabulary in Use, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). P. 2






A. Research Design

The writer use quantitative research in this study. According to Muijs,

quantitative research is about explaining phenomena by collecting quantitative

data which are analyzed using mathematically based methods.1 The writer use

quasi-experimental study and use Pre-test and post-test design. In this research,

the writer does two observations, before experiment and after experiment2. The

observation before experiment is called Pre-test (O1), and the observation after

experiment is called Post-test (O2). In the middle of Pre–test and Post-test, the

writer gives the treatment to the class that is use guessing game activity in the

class. Then, at the end of the treatment the writer administered the result of

pre-test and post pre-test score to find out whether the guessing game activity effective or

not in teaching vocabulary.

B. Place Time and Study

This research took place at MTs Darussalam Bintaro that is located on Jl.

Ulujami Bintaro, South Jakarta.


Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education, (London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2004). P. 11




C. Population and Sample

The subject of this research is second grade students of MTs Darussalam.

D. The Technique of Collecting Data

The techniques of collecting data used in this research are:

1. Pre-test

The writer will give a pre-test to the class. There are 15 items of multiple

choices that consist of 5 question of synonym, 5 questions of antonym, and

5 questions of describing of words.

2. Treatment

The writer will teach vocabulary in the rest 15 minutes in every English

meeting. He will deliver guessing game activity to the class in teaching


3. Post-test

The last step is giving post-test. It will give after the treatment will finish.

The post-test is purposed to know the result of students’ achievement after the students’ have been given teaching/ treatment.

E. Instrument

The instrument that the writer used for collecting data was test. The test

divided into two tests, pre-test and post-test. The pre-test would give to the

students before the treatment and the post-test after the treatment.

There were 15 items of multiple choices in each of the test. The score per

item was 20 for correct answer. Students would get 100 point if they could answer

correctly to all of the questions. Both of the classes, experiment group and control

group would give the same test.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

To find out the differences of students’ score in using guessing game, the


post-test, they analyzed and processed by using statistic calculation of the t-test

formula with the significance degree 5%. The formula is:3


] [


The procedure of calculation as formula:

1. Determining mean Variable Xi with formula:

2. Determining mean Variable X2 with formula:

3. Determining deviations Variable X1 with formula:

4. Determining deviations Variable X2 with formula:

5. Determining to with the formula:


] [


6. Determining t-table in significance level 5% with df:


M1 : Mean of Post-test of the experimental class

M2 : Mean of Post-test of control class

: Sum of square deviation score in the experiment class

: Sum of square deviation score in the control class

N1 : Number of students of the Experimental class

N2 : Number of students of the control class




: Degree of Freedom G. Hypothesis of the Study

This study is to answer such a question “is there any significant difference between the students’ vocabulary achievement through guessing game activity and without guessing game activity?’ To get the answer the writer proposes Null

Hypothesis (Ho) and Alternative hypothesis (Ha) as below:

1. Null hypothesis (Ho): there is no significant difference between the

students’ vocabulary achievement through guessing game activity and

without guessing game activity to the second grade students of MTs

Darussalam South Jakarta.

2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): there is significant difference between

students’ vocabulary achievement through guessing game activity and

without guessing game activity to the second grade students of MTs




A. Data Description

The data of students’ achievement divided into two kinds, namely the data

in experiment class and the data in control class, which were gained from pre-test

and post-test that were applied in both of class.

The test was arranged in a blank paper for pre-test and post-test. To know


the result of the test, it will be presented on the table below:

Table 4.1 The Test Result of Experiment Class

Students Pre-Test Score Post-Test Score Gained Score

1. 33 80 47

2. 60 87 27

3. 40 60 20

4. 27 93 66

5. 47 80 33

6. 67 93 26

7. 47 80 33

8. 40 47 7

9. 33 80 43

10. 67 87 20



12. 47 87 40

13. 47 93 46

14. 47 60 13

15. 47 80 33

16. 40 87 47

17. 67 80 13

18. 33 73 40

19. 40 67 27

20. 27 80 53

21. 40 73 33

22. 13 80 67

23. 47 80 33

24. 67 93 26

25. 60 87 27

26. 33 87 54

27. 47 60 13

28. 67 73 6

29. 67 80 13

30. 57 87 30

31. 60 80 20

32. 60 87 27

33. 47 60 13

1574 2608 1030

M 47.7 79

As mentioned in the table, it can be clarified that, the mean score of

pre-test in experiment class was 47.7, while the mean score of post-pre-test was 79. The

total gained score in this class was 1030. It can be concluded there was significant


Table 4.2 The Result of Control Class

Students Pre-Test Post-Test Gained Score

1. 33 33 0

2. 53 47 -6

3. 47 53 6

4. 73 60 -13

5. 53 47 -6

6. 47 33 -14

7. 27 60 33

8. 67 73 6

9. 27 47 20

10. 67 47 -20

11. 13 47 34

12. 40 40 0

13. 47 47 0

14. 20 60 40

15. 60 40 -20

16. 40 40 0

17. 27 47 20

18. 27 53 26

19. 40 47 7

20. 40 53 13

21. 40 67 27

22. 33 40 7

23. 47 53 6

24. 27 53 26

25. 27 47 20

26. 27 47 20

27. 33 53 20



29. 40 33 -7

30. 33 60 27

31. 40 33 -7

32. 47 53 6

33. 33 53 20

∑ 1308 1626 318

M 39.6 49.3

The table II above informs that the mean score of pre-test in control class

was 39.6, while the mean score of post-test here is 49.3. There is still

improvement score between pre-test and post-test but not as significance as in the

experiment class. The total gained score 318.

From the tables presented above, the writer can conclude the experiment

class (learning vocabulary using guessing game) got the higher score than in the

control class (learning vocabulary without using guessing game).

As mentioned before, in analyzing the data from the result of pre-test and

post-test, the writer used statistic calculation of the t-test formula with the degree


of significance 5%.

Table 4.3 Standard Deviation Table

Students X1






X1 X2 X12 X22

1. 47 0 15.8 -9.6 249.64 92.16

2. 27 -6 -4.2 -15.6 17.64 243.36

3. 20 6 -11.2 -3.6 125.44 12.96

4. 66 -13 34.8 -22.6 1211.04 510.76

5. 33 -6 1.8 -15.6 3.24 243.36

6. 26 -14 -5.2 -23.6 27.04 556.96

7. 33 33 1.8 23.4 3.24 547.56


9. 43 20 11.8 10.4 139.24 108.16

10. 20 -20 -11.2 -29.6 125.44 876.16

11. 34 34 2.8 24.4 7.84 595.36

12. 40 0 8.8 -9.6 77.44 92.16

13. 46 0 14.8 -9.6 219.04 92.16

14. 13 40 -18.2 30.4 331.24 924.16

15. 33 -20 1.8 -29.6 3.24 876.16

16. 47 0 15.8 -9.6 249.64 92.16

17. 13 20 -18.2 10.4 331.24 108.16

18. 40 26 8.8 16.4 77.44 268.96

19. 27 7 -4.2 -2.6 17.64 6.76

20. 53 13 21.8 3.4 475.24 11.56

21. 33 27 1.8 17.4 3.24 302.76

22. 67 7 35.8 -2.6 1281.64 6.76

23. 33 6 1.8 -3.6 3.24 12.96

24. 26 26 -5.2 16.4 27.04 268.96

25. 27 20 -4.2 10.4 17.64 108.16

26. 54 20 22.8 10.4 519.84 108.16

27. 13 20 -18.2 10.4 331.24 108.16

28. 6 27 -25.2 17.4 635.04 302.76

29. 13 -7 -18.2 -16.6 331.24 275.56

30. 30 27 -1.2 17.4 1.44 302.76

31. 20 -7 -11.2 -16.6 125.44 275.56

32. 27 6 -4.2 -3.6 17.64 12.96

33. 13 20 -18.2 10.4 331.24 108.16

N= 33 ∑X1=1030 ∑X2=318 ∑X1= 0.4 ∑X1= 1.2 ∑X12= 7903.52 ∑X22= 8465.68

Based on the data presented in the table, it shows that the lowest gained

score was 0 and the highest was 67. Furthermore, after decided the calculation of



Sudijono, to find out the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary by using guessing




M2 =



= 31.2

= 9.6










{ } { }{ } { }




{ { } { } { }}














= 5.48

Determining t-table in significance level 5% with df:

d = N1 + N2 – 2

= 33 + 33 – 2 = 64

The value of ttableis 1.67. From the result of the statistic calculation, it can

be seen that the value of to is 5.48 and the degree of freedom in the table of

significance that on the d = 64

The comparison between tobservation (to) is higher than tt (ttable)

B. Test of Hypothesis

As mentioned in chapter one that this field research was conducted in

order to know whether teaching vocabulary using guessing game at second grade

at MTs Darussalam Ulujami more effective than memorizing method.

To answer those questions above, the writer hypothesis that:

1. The experiment hypothesis (Ha) is: there is significant influence on the

vocabulary scores of students by using guessing game.

2. The null hypothesis (Ho) is: there is no significant influence on the

vocabulary scores of students by using guessing game.

According to Anas Sudijono stated, if to>tt, the null hypothesis (Ho) is

rejected, on the contrary the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that

between variable x and y is significance. While if to<tt, the null hypothesis (Ho) is

accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that between

variable x and y is not significance2

By comparing the value of to = 5.48 and ttable on the degree of significance

5% = 1.67, the writer made conclusion of the hypothesis that to was higher than

ttable, 5.48 > 1.67. it means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and

the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, so teaching vocabulary using guessing game




was more effective than teaching vocabulary only with memorizing to the second

grade MTs Darussalam Ulujami, South Jakarta.

C. Data Interpretation

The test of hypothesis shows that there is significance in students’ score between before and after they are taught by guessing game. The score of students

using guessing game is higher that memorizing method.

There were some facts that were found during the observation in the class

related to the teaching and learning vocabulary in the class for junior high school

level especially for second grade MTs Darussalam Ulujami such as:

1. Situation in the class should be the first concerned of the teachers before

they want to start the class. We can make a good situation with using ice

breaking in the beginning of the class.

2. Enjoyable and cheerful situation can motivate students to learn better.

3. The students will more easy to remember and to adopt new vocabulary if

they have a chance to use the new vocabulary, whatever they use it, in the

class or outside the class.

4. Variation of the technique in teaching vocabulary is absolutely needed in

teaching vocabulary.

Based on the data analysis and the discussion above, the writer can

interpret that teaching vocabulary by using guessing game is more effective and




A. Conclusion

After carrying experiment and according to the result of students’ pre-test and post-test in the second grade of MTs Darussalam Ulujami, South Jakarta, the

writer found that the students who were taught vocabulary through guessing game

technique got higher result than the students who were not taught vocabulary

through guessing game. It can be proven that in the gained score from the

experimental class is higher than gained score from the control class.

The writer concludes that teaching vocabulary using guessing game is

more effective than only using memorizing method. It is because game is more

interesting. According to the data, the result of statistic calculation above where

the value of to is higher than tt. From the explanation above, it means that there is

effectiveness between the results of teaching vocabulary using guessing game.

Based on the result of the data analysis, it shows that the value of to

(tobservation) is 5.48 and the value of tt (ttable) from the (64) on degree of

significance of 5% is 1.67. It means that the value of to is higher than the value of

tt, so the alternative hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the null (Ho) is rejected, or it

can be said that there is significance in the students’ score learning vocabulary

using guessing game.

In this case, teacher needs to develop their ways in teaching English



atmosphere in the classroom varies. It is possible, by using certain methods or

activity in teaching English, the students will get the new experiences so they will

not get bored. Variation of activity in teaching vocabulary is needed to make the

students motivate to use their new vocabulary that can retain their mind to

memorize it.

B. Suggestion

After involving with education environment, the writer gives some

suggestion for:

1. Students

Every student should realize that learning English is their need.

They cannot only depend on the teacher to learn it. They have a

responsibility to learn it by themselves. Especially in learning vocabulary,

it is impossible to learn all of the new vocabulary from the teacher. The

students should learn it from the other sources like magazine, internet, etc.

It is hoped that the students can use the guessing game technique in their

learning process. The students also have a responsibility to apply the new

vocabulary in their daily life in order to retain their memory of the new


2. English Teacher

Teacher is one of the most important factors in teaching English.

Teacher is the facilitator and become the key of the successful of teaching

and learning English. The teachers have to be more creative in design and

make a lesson plan. Guessing game can be one of many alternative

techniques that teachers can use in teaching vocabulary. there are several

advantages from guessing game. The first is because guessing game is a

simple game that can be used in the class easily. Second, with guessing

game, teachers can give a chance to the students to use the new

vocabulary. as we know we memorize the new word faster if we often use

it in our daily life. From the good lesson plan, the teachers can make a


activity of learning in the class. Without bored, teaching and learning

vocabulary will more easy to conduct in the class, and the students will

more easy to adopt it.

3. Principal

It is necessary to the school’s principal to send the English teacher

join any activities to improve the quality of teaching and the profession by




Arikunto, Suharsimi, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2006)

Arikunto, Suharsimi, Suhardjono & Supardi, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009).

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Allen, Virginia French, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983)

Fries, Charles C., Teaching and Learning English as A Foreign Language, (New York: The University of Michigan, 1985)

Gairns, Ruth and Redman, Stuart, Working with Words, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)

Guth, Hans P, Words and Ideas, a Handbook for College Writing, Third Edition, (California: Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc, 1969).

Hatch, Evelyn and Brown, Cherryl. Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995)

Hall Houston, „Playing Games’ Modern English Teacher, Vol 18 no. 1,

Jordan, R. R English for Academic Purposes a guide and resource book for teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997)

Langan, John, English Skills, (New York: McGRaw-Hill, 2003)

Lightbrown, Datsy M and Spada Nina, How Language Learned, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006)

Kakonis, Tom E and Evans, David Allan, From Language to Idea: an Integrated Rhetoric, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, 1971).

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Milton, James, Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, (Bristol: Short Run Press Ltd, 2009).


Nation, I.S.P, Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques, (Boston: Cengage Learning Products, 2008)

Nation, Paul. New Ways of Teaching Vocabulary (New York: Teacher of English to Speaker of Another Language/TESOL Inc, 1994)

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Schmitt, Norbert, Researching Vocabulary: a Vocabulary Research Manual, (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).

Spears, Deanne and Spears, David, In Tandem. Reading and Writing for College Students, (New York: McGraw-Hill Company Inc, 2008).

Snow, Don, More Than a Native Speaker, an Introduction to Teaching English Abroad, (Virginia: TESOL Inc, 2006).

Sudijono, Anas, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2010).

Thornburry, Scott, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited, 2002).

Ur, Penny, a Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).



English Vocabulary Test

Name :

Class :

Answer these questions by crossing A, B, C, or D!

I. Choose the correct meaning of the underline word!

1 Do you need something?

A. Something wanted

B. Something refused

C. Something rejected

D. Something afraid

2 I move your bike near the tree.

A. Keep quiet

B. Keep drinking

C. Want to see

D. Change the place

3 Do you know about the news?

A. Lie about something

B. Understand about something

C. Fall about something

D. Cry about something

4 Chris John has a good body.

A. Own something

B. Confuse

C. Think

D. Listen something

5 The remote can control the machine.

A. To say

B. To command

C. To tell

D. To build

II. Choose the synonym of the underline word!

1 What do you think about the class?

A. Realize

B. Misunderstand

C. Reject

D. Fail

2 When do you finish the class?

A. Start

B. End

C. Try

D. Repeat

3 She watches the movie every Saturday.

A. Smell


D. See

4 Meghan brings four books from the library

A. Give

B. Share

C. Carry

D. Leave

5 They start the final exam at 7.30 am

A. Run

B. Begin

C. Continue

D. Connect

III. Choose the antonym of the underline word!

1 Can you give send me this letter to the teacher?

A. Share

B. Take

C. Release

2 Please close me to open the door !

A. Touch

B. Dig

C. Break

D. Open

3 Did you sleep enough last night?

A. Awake

B. Stand up

C. Lie down

D. Conscious

4 Could you please remember these new vocabularies?

A. Learn

B. Think

C. Forget

D. Write

5 I want to inform your score.

A. Tell

B. Keep Secret

C. Instruct



English Vocabulary Test

Name :

Class :

Answer these questions by crossing A, B, C, or D! I. Choose the correct meaning of the

underline word!

1 Edward meets the receptionist to call the bellboy.

A. To ask to order to come

B. To give something

C. To meet someone

D. To greet him

2 Sangkuriang hunt in the deep forest..

A. To visit

B. To see and enjoy

C. To seek out and find food.

D. To build a house

3 I find my cat in the park?

A. To play with

B. To get or discover

C. To bring

D. To feed

4 Teachers discuss about the result of the final examination.

A. Meet and greet

B. Write or make

C. Give something

D. Consider about something

5 The students arrive at school at 6.30 am

A. Join to activity

B. Stay at the place

C. Depart from somewhere

D. Reach the place

II. Choose the synonym of the underline word!

1 Mrs. Adam looks at their students?

A. See

B. Talk

C. Play

D. Ask

2 My father builds tree house in my garage.

A. Destroy

B. Paint

C. Draw

D. Construct

3 He makes steam engine model.


C. Sing

D. Paint

4 Sangkuriang fail to build a lake and a boat.

A. End

B. Start

C. Abort

D. Delay

5 Deny surprise his teacher with his talent.

A. Talk

B. Meet

C. Make

D. Shock

III. Choose the antonym of the underline word!

1 Indah answers the test correctly.

A. Value

B. Question

C. Think

D. Discuss

A. Take

B. Dig

C. Reject

D. Open

3 Sangkuriang capture the deer in the jungle.

A. Release

B. Take

C. Kill

D. Trap

4 Could you please push the red button?

A. Run

B. Walk

C. Climb

D. Pull

5 The students listen to the teacher’s explanation.

A. Read

B. Watch

C. Stay




Jumlah Subyek= 21

Jumlah Butir Soal= 15

Jumlah Pilihan Jawaban= 4


Nomor Nomor No. Butir Baru ---> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Urut Subyek No. Butir Asli ---> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Nama Subyek | Kunci -> A D B A B A B D C

1 1 Achmad Nurdin A D B A D A B D C

2 2 Andri Saputra C D B A A C C B

3 3 Apriliani B C C A C C A D

4 4 Armaya A D C A B B D B

5 5 Desna Tiara A D B A B A B D C



Table 4.1 The Result of Experiment Class...........................................................
Table 4.1 The Test Result of Experiment Class
Table 4.3 Standard Deviation Table


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